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OOC Fort Ready Discussion Thread

And so we find our heroes dispersed by a waterfall, half of them scrambling down the rocks. The others going on ahead with their special abilities. Will the ones of limited capacity make it in time? Or will they be thrown under the bus by their comrades who seek to make the objective?

Tune in next month for the next exciting episode of Fort Ready VI!
Sorry guys, there was a bit of confusion between the three "GM's" over who would be handling the next section, followed by an unfortunate intervention from Life.

Apparently I'm still in charge until either Kai or Aendri step in to relieve me, which I thought was meant to happen last week but oh well. Post in the works as this is written.
Shall I rail-road us straight to the next torture cham-I mean, challenge then?
Biggles! Fetch... the cushions!

I see you're made of hardier stuff!

Cardinal Fang! Fetch ... the comfy chair!
Sorry about the delay guys. Been out and about for the better part of the last 3 weeks, and what time I've been home has mostly been sleep time. I'll get a post up tomorrow night, most likely.
Alright, Jimmy. Back in the hot seat.

Still got no plan, no clue, and no brains.

This FR class shall go down as Fort Ready: HALF-BAKED.
Sorry about such a short post after so long, but I just want to get us moving again. I'm hoping things will begin to move a lot faster shortly.
Sorry if anyone takes offense at any autoage, I AM trying to get us moving. I need to start getting around and cajouling people some more.
Mak'in GM post tomorrow, those who fall behind are liable to be used as stun fodder. >:3

Rules of the game will be simple:
Mode: Drug Lord
Teams: Drug Cartel vs Border Control

One member of the Cartel team is designated as the Drug Runner.
For the Cartel to win their Drug Runner must penetrate the Border Control base
For Border Control to win they must assassinate the Drug Runner
As far as ammo and weapons go, you loot it, you keep it.
Which team is which. And who is on which team? I made Makoto Red Team but I didn't see anyone else choose a team.
You're all team Red, I wanted to keep you guys together so I wouldn't have to write up adversarial for this one. That'll be next exercise.

Basically you guys get to choose if you want to be Drug Cartel or Border Control, you can put votes down, or I can just default it. If you vote Drug Runner, I wouldn't mind a volunteer for Drug Runner.
I think it would be fun being the Drug Cartel. That's my vote, but I'm not sure if I want to volunteer for Runner. I suppose I could always be voluntold...
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