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RP: Lorath Fortunate Daughter Return To The Stars.


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RP Date
RP Location
Hici'Emi System, Lorath Settlement
Llamnel Settlement Ceremony Plaza.

Nall'Tis sat among her people people, smiling and sipping at her drink a little as a celebration played out before her. It was a farewell celebration, traditional in all the right senses as she watched actors play out old folk lore stories from her people's past. Stories of warning against being too prideful, at seeking knowledge at the cost of wisdom, and at remembering where they came from. It was stories she had read for years through her schooling as many of her Llamnel family had, always remembering those stories to pass on to others. It was the duty of her caste, of her people, to remember these lessons and be the ones to remind their other family in the New Tur'Listans and the Fyunnen, so there would never be a repeat of the past. Though oddly it seemed as if she was going to repeat the past regardless as she considered just what she was looking to do...

She had told her parents her plans, her want to explore the stars and go about, studying as much as she could to help further the Matriarchy and their science division through means that they might not be able to by sending out massive ships. She had been saving her money doing odd jobs here and there, used some of her graduation money she had gotten after she finally finished her schooling, and even took out a loan in order to put together a ship and some supplies in an effort to make her way through the stars. The Results was a Ge-L5-1A - Issoku-Class Cargo Runner outfitted rather nicely with a few amenities like weapons as she was so dense to think that the galaxy at large was peaceful, though the ship itself was a little older, a used model she had gotten a good price on. It had been delivered to the star port about half a day's travel from her home and was awaiting her arrival, stocked with food and supplies and everything she would need for her long trip. She had requested a bit of modification done to the ship by the shipyard itself and was excited to see the ship itself as she leaned back.

Clapping aloud as the performance came to an end, Nall'Tis sipped a little again at her drink as people milled about talking and chatting, enjoying the celebration though they knew they would be losing a close friend. The Llamnel had long had a sense of community closeness, one daughter was everyone's daughter in the settlements. When she had returned the party had been amazing. No work was done for days after Nall'Tis had been released from her observation and allowed to return to her parents and siblings. For some time she had been given leave of anything resembling responsibility as the others within the community had bombarded her daily with questions. Nall'Tis for her part had happily obliged the curious community and explained in detail to any that had asked and would sit long enough, embellishing stories every so often for the children and giving some of the gorier details to the older kids and parents who seemed to revel in the accomplishments of the one many had taken to calling "The Fortunate Daughter". Nall'Tis never felt that way, but smiled regardless for those that had bestowed such a title on her, and thankfully after a few weeks, things seemed to go back to normal.

Working odd end jobs in between her schooling and a more stable full time job, Nall'Tis had made sure to save every penny she could. Her results, waiting at the nearby star port, seemed to be the thing most on the mind of the Llamnel girl. She was excited, yet at the same time scared to head back into the stars. After all it was the stars that had driven her to that planet, it was the stars that brought the threats, it was the stars that seemed to be an endless black void of danger awaiting. But her sense of excitement and adventure seemed to override her fear. She had a blast on the planet she had been stranded on, Nall'Tis knowing that even though there had been danger and loss, she had grown from such an experience. Another sip from her cup had her eyes roaming the crowd, settling on two New Tur'Listans that seemed to approach her with a woman in tow behind the two. They were both dressed in formal robes of the Matriarchy's research division, the one she now was a part of. She stood as they made their way closer, bowing in respect to the two just as they returned the bow. The woman behind the two seemingly ignored the going ons, and peered around.

"Greetings Nall'Tis, we pray the night finds you well? We know that tomorrow you leave, and in the interest of your mission, well we've decided to provide you with some additional help." Spoke the male on the left, a New'Turlistan with ear length deep blue hair. He was about the same height as Nall'Tis, looking eye to eye with the Llamnel girl.

The other spoke up, motioning back to the girl behind them. "As you are going to be a solo researcher, we are assigning you a ARIA unit to aid you. Look at her as a research aid and companion. We understand the stress that is present with solo space travel for extended periods of time. She has been loaded with and taught various mental exercises, scientific knowledge, and star ship operations and repairs, as well as domestic chores to aid you. She will not be your personal maid, but she will be there to aid you."

Nall'Tis looked past the two to take the girl in, who for all intensive purposes, looked rather plain. Like a Lorath with no wings, she sported the tufted ears with three tips to them, much like the Llamnel, and yellow eyes that were framed by a cute face, resting over what looked to be a button nose, she was about half a foot shorter then Nall'Tis, and when pushed forward, the Llamnel girl could see her hair that rested just past her shoulder blades, much like her own hair. It was died in a soft green color with white at the roots. It seemed as if the New Tur'Listans had tried to model the girl to at least look to be around Nall'Tis' age. The girl finally looked to Nall'Tis, scanning her up and down for a moment before she spoke.

"User Registered. Nall'Tis Harmony Hulut Llamnel, no designation registered in the Matriarchy." A few moments and a few blinks found the girl trying to force a smile. It was there, but it was evident it wasn't to practiced just yet. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I will be accompanying you during your exploration."

Nall'Tis for her part smiled a little at the attempt, a little shocked frankly she was getting such treatment, but assumed it wouldn't be good to send such a public figure as she was now into space with no one to look after her.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Do you have a name yet?" Nall'Tis asked of the ARIA unit, tilting her head a little as she spotted her parents approaching from the side of her vision.

"That is up to you to give me my name." The girl replied. Nall'Tis thought on it for a moment, looking to her parents for help. Her father smiled a little as her mother spoke up.

"It's the duty of the mother to name the child." The bewildered look on Nall'Tis face got a chuckle from those around that had heard the comment, even the two new Tur'Listans, though the ARIA just blinked confused.

"Not easy is it? I remember naming you we had so much tro-"

"Tranquility." Nall'Tis said aloud, looking at the ARIA. "Your name is Tranquility." She said with a smile, watching as the ARIA again blinked a few times before nodding.

"My name is Tranquility... Fitting." She responded, eyeing the girl that was to be her new owner.

"Well Tranquility, lets introduce you around!" Nall'Tis said with a grin, grabbing the girl and dragging her off to introduce her to her friends that had begun to gather, watching the going ons. They seemed excited to see the new companion of their friend. The New Tur'Listans allowed the girl to show off her new ARIA while speaking it seemed with Nall'Tis' parents. A few animated moments, a few nods and a deep sigh from the father could be seen by any that watched even as Nall'Tis ignored them. For the rest of the night the celebration would go on before eventually the ceremony would teeter off until the last part.

Called up to the stage, Nall'Tis stood in the center, facing a line of about fifteen people. While some had gifts, others stood with empty hands, but not hearts. Each came forward, her eight siblings each giving her a memento of home like favored toys and dolls, maybe something they had made out of wood, before a few of the elders came forward. Before them, Nall'Tis went to her knees and bowed her head, three elders spread out before her, each a hand on her head.

"Fortunate daughter of the Goddess, we ask to know if you will continue to follow her teachings to strive forward in life, to know that without wisdom, knowledge leads to failure." She asked of the girl, to which Nall'Tis answered quickly enough.

"I Swear to the Goddess, I will."

"We ask to know if you realize, that even with wisdom, it must be tempered with knowledge. Knowledge of the past that will allow you to know how to avoid mistakes, to avoid errors and failures." This time, the second elder spoke, a man that seemed fairly old from his stooped posture.

"I swear to the God, I will."

"Fortunate daughter of the Goddess, drawn to the stars, will you forget your home, your family, and your ancestors? Will you forget the wisdom and knowledge they have given you through their own hardships and struggles?" The third elder, another man, asked in a harsh tone. He was the leader of the settlement, a burly Llamnel that could give any Fyunnen a run for their money in a fight.

"To forget my people, to forget my ancestors, is the gravest sin. In all my time among the stars, I will never forget where I came from. I will never forget home." She offered, head still down though seemingly tearing up a little at the idea that she was really leaving.

As she offered her answer, the three elders spoke as one. "Then with the blessing of the Goddess, the God, and your ancestors, we would see you safely travel among the stars to help our people move forward."

With their blessings conferred upon Nall'Tis, they bowed their heads and shuffled off as the girl stood again. As she did, a few others her age came up. One girl that had been a close friend since their youth stepped forward, handing her a necklace made from teeth of various animals. Putting it around Nall'Tis' neck she smiled and the two shared a brief conversation and another hug before she moved off. Next was a boy, another life long friend, who walked forward. He seemed slightly shy as he did, studying first his own feet then Nall'Tis as the two spoke about stupid little things. Once ago Nall'Tis had a crush on the boy, and thinking on it a blush spread across her sun kissed cheeks, which lit like a fire as the boy leaned in and gave her a kiss. Soft and sweet, like a first kiss snuck from the front porch of the house after a date, it was cute.

A collective gasp went up from those assembled as they all started to hoot and holler, seemingly happy for the two. The girl behind the boy shot daggers into his back with her eyes though. Even as they broke the kiss, both seemed bashful of one another. The boy stuttered out a goodbye and shot off the stage as hands clapped him on the back in congratulations. The girl that was up next was a friend of Nall'Tis' from school. Both had gone through the applied biological sciences division, and in doing so they had spent many a long night studying and doing their best to get through school.

They girl oddly was bashful, and Nall'Tis noticed, sporting shorter hair. Tilting her head a little she soon saw why. A small bit of hair, tied into a figure eight with a green ribbon was handed off to the fairly shocked Nall'Tis. Looking down first at the gift then to her friend, her eyes went wide as she felt hands gently clasping her jaw, pulling her in to another kiss. Much more passionate then the other kiss, she couldn't help but return this one. It felt different, like anxious lovers that had seen each other for the first time again after years apart. The hoots and hollers for this pairing matched the first, many of those around the boy elbowing him and teasing him that he had rival now. He seemingly glared daggers at the girl kissing Nall'Tis as she broke the embrace and walked off the stage, head held high to stare down the boy.

Nall'Tis for her part, was red from her chin to the tips of her ears as her parents came forward last. Her father just smirking at the display, her mother chuckling behind her hand, her father spoke first.

"Well, fortunate daughter, continue your fortune in the stars and be safe..." Nall'Tis could tell how hard he was struggling to keep his composure.

"We just got you back... and you are going back out. It's not fair sweetheart. Can't you wait a few more days?" Her mother pleaded, making her smile a little sadly.

"They offered me the chance, and Mom, I need to go. This is a huge chance! And... And it was so much fun out there! It was so exciting..." Nall'Tis replied to her mom, pulling her into a hug.

"She will call us whenever she can, right sweetheart?" Her father asked as if to assuage her mother's fears, to which Nall'Tis nodded.

"Of course! I'll call all the time, whenever I'm free, and I'll return home too! It's not like I'm never coming back." She offered, rubbing her mother's shoulders. It seemed to help somewhat as she nodded.

"As long as you call. You know your brothers and sisters will miss you dearly..." She said, sniffing and rubbing a hand into a eye to clear up the tears. Nall'Tis could only smile and kiss her mother on the cheek.

"Yes, just the little ones huh?" She said playfully. After a bit more conversation, the party seemingly dispersed, even the two that had kissed the girl going their separate ways after making sure the other wasn't staying. Eventually, it was Nall'Tis and Tranquility in a transport, headed toward the spaceport. The trip found Nall'Tis falling asleep in the back while Tranquility did her best to get a handle on the knowledge she needed on the ship. Nall'Tis would awaken about an hour before they reached the star port, giving her a chance to awaken fully. She was excited to see her ship, clawed fingers digging into the leather of the seats as she spotted the ship.

Never would one think the ship was going for anything resembling stealth. Three jagged cuts over the hull done in paint, each the color of the houses of the Lorath, Nall'Tis had made sure that her people were well remembered among the stars wherever she went. She had done a few more modifications, setting up what resembled a scientific console and station within one of the cargo holds, she had even knocked down one of the walls for the bedrooms to give her one large room and one small room. A nicer kitchen was done also to give her a chance to make more then just nasty reheated food and basic dishes. Most everything else was the same, save for a large cylinder placed down in the cargo hold next to her science station. It seemed the ARIA's tube was going to be there, installed by the New Tur'Listans after the ship had arrived.

Walking her way to the bridge of the ship, Nall'Tis let her hand play over the back of the seat before she sat down. She had taken some courses in piloting the ship, and new how to fly as a beginner, but was glad for the fact that Tranquility was there to help her out now. Speaking of the ARIA, Nall'Tis looked over her shoulder to the staring girl, giving her a smile.

"Something wrong Tranquility?" She asked, before Tranquility nodded.

"We need a name for the ship, to register it to the Matriarchy fleet." She offered.

"Hm..." Nall'Tis pondered on the question for a moment or two as she sat in the seat and started the engines. Checking to make sure they hummed smoothly to life, she spoke to Tranquility who she pointed to take a seat in the co-pilot seat.

"The Nirvana." Nall'Tis said aloud after a moment. Blinking again for the ARIA unit as she registered the ship before she opened a communications channel to the tower.

"Matriarchy tower, the Nirvana is requesting clearance to take off." A moment or two of searching before an ok was given.

With shaking hands, Nall'Tis pushed the ships engines forward, driving her ship up and out of the atmosphere, feeling the ship rumble a little through the sky before the light died away save for what was present in the cockpit. She let a breath out as she stared out at the expanse of black before her, realizing her new adventure was starting just then, and soon enough she had her ship moving towards her first destination and her first real adventure.

The Fortunate Daughter had found her way to return to the stars...
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