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Banned Member
Hello all! I'm Josh from the US, been lurking for several months and am 19. Also am an avid watcher of anime.

Anyhoo, so.......I know that this the wrong forum and there exists a page on the wiki for this, but what are the open Yamataian plots (and what crew positions are available)?
(Apologies for asking, it's just that I'm trying to build my char's backstory around the position he'll be in).

Lastly, I'm using my phone for this (and will be doing so for te foreseeable furure) so if there's any minor typos I apologize in advance.
Hi Josh, Welcome to SARP. I have provided you with a link to the Active plots. The crew positions vary with each.

If you have any questions feel free to post them here and we'll help you out.

Active Plots
Welcome to SARP. Be sure that if you have any questions to ask them. I am fairly new as well but I have found almost everyone to be easily approachable and friendly.
Also, just for the record, there are NO wrong questions in an intro thread. We more than understand if you might not know where to ask, or even the right way to ask about things yet, so feel free to just throw questions out there.
Just checking in to make sure things are going smoothly for you. Are you in an RP yet?
Not yet, though I plan on joining the YSS Sakishima and YSS Ryujo plotships soon.

Question: Is it possible to make a Kodian character?
Yes, it's fine to make a Kodian dude.
I know that feeling! Glad to see you're still around.
No, they were all made by a particular artist (we paid him) but I don't think he's available anymore.
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