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Hanami Festival of YE 40

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OOC: Crossover time! This thread is open to all Star Army of Yamatai characters and other characters visiting Yamatai.

Kyoto, Yamatai
Spring YE 40
Around lunchtime

A newly-arrived spring season greeted Yamatai's northern continents with warmer weather, marked by the prolific pink petals of the sakura (cherry blossoms). To Yamataians, the sakura are symbolic of a fresh start for the year, new life, and the transience of things. In other words, they were a symbol for enjoying things while they last. This includes the company of others!

Following tradition, Yamataians and other visitors flocked to the city's many luxurious green spaces to congregate, frolic, and celebrate among the sakura trees and also to fire up their barbeque grills and pinic. There were performances, food trucks, and music through the day and into the night, set against the backdrop of the megacity of Kyoto.

The crowds consisted of Minkan, Nekovalkyrja, and dozens of other species, many dressed in silk kimonos, and some in their Star Army uniforms with their blue sailor caps.

The air smelled of cherry blossoms, teriyaki, funnel cakes, and booze and it was full of chatter and traditional drum music.


Hanako, dressed in a bright teal kimono with an ocean and cherry-blossom pattern on it, ventured out with a few of her long-term crew members and set up under the trees with several folding tables and folding chairs, setting up a dining area and a sort of "autograph booth" for Hanako because she tended to get swarmed when she went out in public like this by fans and Star Army soldiers looking to transfer to a famous starship like the Eucharis. She hoped to meet some of the captains and crews from other ships as well.
Ren took a deep breath upon arriving, taking in the fragrance of flowers and the hint of delicious barbeque. She looked down at her pink flowery kimono, adjusting the belt and pulling the two sides closer for at least the fifth time. This wasn't her first time at a flower viewing festival, having gone with her family in the past. However, this was the first time she's ever worn a women's kimono to one instead of a men's one. She felt amazing but self conscious in her vibrant clothing, wondering if people were staring at her or if it was her imagination. Chances are it was more so that she didn't ask for any help putting it on and kind of ran off excitedly ahead of everyone else. This made her robe a bit unaligned and kept her hair ornament from correctly holding all her hair in a long ponytail behind her.

Her first order of business was to find a yakitori stall. On her quest, she briefly say Hanako sitting under a tree before Ren instinctively ducked out of view in a panic. She would love to talk to her, but... not by herself. Ren could not work up the courage to to approach someone of that level without help of some kind. For now though, she convinced herself that yakitori was the more important objective and sought it out. After that, she planned on walking around and seeing if she bumped into anyone she knew.
OOC: This character isn't officially created just yet.

Amongst the trees was an odd looking figure. His, or rather, its arms were clearly mechanical. A tattered combination of a parka and a cape, primarily in a deep crimson hung from this individual. It managed to hide the more intristic designs its upper body possessed. A straw hat was perched atop its head. Though the way he was looking up at the trees, what could substitute as a face was visible. A pristine white metal sheet, folded in the length, from the top down to its chin. The fold indicating he middle of a face. And the sheet of metal ended just before the back of its head. Ending in a sleek, curved and crested design. From which heavily insulated wires sprouted from. Some braided together, others sprawled loosely, reaching down to its shoulders. Obviously trying to imitate some kind of hair.

The legs were bent in a different angle from traditional humans and Nekovalkyrja, folding backwards, cylinders sticking out of the back. The android also seemed to be heavily armed. A large Nodachi was strapped to his back. Two crossed Wakizashi sheathes on his left hip and a katana sheathed on his right hip. Though there was no sign of a firearm on its frame anywhere.

It held out its hands, several of the cherry leaves landing in his palms. Before attention was ripped away from the blossom leaves in his hand, towards Hanako and her crew as well as followers. Its head tilted and the droid turned on his feet, moving towards Hanako. "Apologies," Its voice was deep, modular. It was rather obviously an oversight on the design. Its voice was everything but natural. "Was I... Interrupting something?"
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Kyoto, Yamatai

A rather tall couple was meandering relaxedly through the crowd, wearing their standard-issue, white-paneled duty uniforms. Kaede and Araena Sutoikku had arrived earlier in the day from their estate, and despite the somewhat stoic attitude of the former, both of them were enjoying themselves. From time to time, the ash-winged woman tugged her betrothed to a stall, ogling over the bits and bobs found inside. They didn't actually seem to buy very often, though.

As the Sutoikkus explored the festival, they did pass by the "autograph booth" that Hanako was setting up; bowing in sync respectively from a small distance away, the two of them seemed to enjoy her presence, but did not bother her for now - no doubt on account of knowing, at least a little bit, what she must go through at a time like this.

Some time later...

Approaching Hanako's little establishment in the large line that had unsurprisingly formed leading to it was a child-sized Elysian girl, looking around with bright golden eyes. Her silver hair cascaded downward to her waist in a massive braid, creating a stark streak across her navy blue formal kimono. Each step she took created mesmerizing ripples in the dense-looking, greyed sea of feathers attached to her back.

"Good day to you, Hanako-Shosho!" Her voice was clear over the din of the festivities when it finally was her turn to meet the most famous starship captain in all of Yamatai. She was trembling a bit, but only part of a moment passed in hesitation before Smith continued, "I-I would like to join you - on the YSS Eucharis, as, a starship opterator! Please!" Only a couple inches shorter than the rear admiral, Arria would have been perhaps a relaxing break from the need to look up at people. Though the way she stammered nervously made her seem like a somewhat bubbly child, Arria's feet and legs were firmly planted and solid like stone. Her golden eyes wavered some more before finally settling down, looking into Hanako's with a sense of curiosity and anticipation. I know they went through a lot I hope they're taking applications, please say yes please say yes pleasesayyes! Internally, thoughts such as that were racing through the young woman's mind faster than couriers between planets.
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Clad in his white-paneled uniform, Yaichiro attended the flower-viewing ceremony and had made sure the event was open to his crew as well. They'd yet to leave Yamatai, and this was a nice event to precede their redeployment. He wasn't as comfortable in civilian attire as others present were, only wearing it in certain specific instances in which he didn't want to mix his civilian ventures and military authority. The YSS Sakura II ship patch was again on his uniform after nearly four years, even though he'd not expected to command a ship again. Sometimes he felt like a yo-yo, fate pushing him back into the Captain's seat or toward Hanako. His mind went to comrades living, dead, and defected...before seeing one with his own eyes.

It had been seven years since he'd last seen Hanako in person, and there she was in a kimono greeting people and giving autographs. The eleven years since he first served under her had only contributed to her appearance, he noted. Yaichiro perceived that some were asking to be assigned to the Eucharis, which was hardly a surprise. Though his ship was named for the Sakura; the Eucharis was the one that truly carried the Sakura's CO, MEGAMI, and overall legacy. Of course, this meant that Hanako was essentially married to the vessel both in public perception and in practice.

He wasn't sure what to say to the unrequited object of respect and affection, and always remembered what happened to Miles when he attempted to become more than a friend to Hanako. The lesson taken from these interactions was 'One doesn't approach a Ketsurui for romance. If they want you, they'll tell you.' Besides, Yaichiro wasn't sure if she could truly reciprocate such feelings. Her rather distant last meeting with Midori Jo intruded into his thoughts. Shaking these thoughts from his mind, he simply elected to wait under a tree nearby. If she had time to chat during a break or something, he would approach or let her elect to do so. In the meantime, he tried to pick out other familiar faces from the sea of people and petals...
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As expected, a small queue formed for people wanting to talk to Hanako and Hanako began to speak with them one at a time. First was some sort of robot. She also saw a small Elysian waiting behind the robot."

"I am Hanako. What is your name?"

Meanwhile, Ren was easily able to find someone selling yakitori.
"Name?" The android questioned as its head tilted slowly. "My... The one who purchased me... Refers to me as Android. Or.. Drakon?" The droid came across as confused. And also blissfully unaware people were starting to queue up behind his rather imposing frame. "I apologize. It is nice too meet you," that was common courtesy, wasn't it?
"I am pleased to me meet you as well. What brings you here today?" Hanako asked. She looked over the nameless robot, noting that she had never seen this model before. Strange. Perhaps it was about to take her drink order or something.
As Ren savored the lingering flavor of her yakitori, she realized she had actually seen Hanako once before. On the bridge of the YSS Sakura II, 2 years ago, she came by and invited them to the hanami festival of that year. Ren couldn't say anything then, only listening to Nausicca and Hanako talk while she gripped her clothes nervously. That year, she hadn't been able to go shopping alone, let alone go to an event like this. Thinking back, her attendance here felt like she had made social progress.

While walking around, Ren recognized Yaichiro standing under a tree. He seemed stiff in his white-paneled uniform compared to the casual clothing of those around him, though he wasn't the only one in uniform. She realized that although they were just on the same mission, she hadn't spoken to him directly and didn't know much about him. His name sounded familiar from military lectures and battle summaries she had read in the past, but she couldn't recall what battles he had taken a part in. She made a note to re-read about those later. For now, she decided to fix the lack of communication, especially since he was now her superior officer. Ren threw away her yakitori skewer, walked over to him, and gave a short bow.

"Good afternoon, Kage-san," she said with a smile. "Congrats on taking command of the Sakura II once again. I hear the refit has completed, I'm looking forward to seeing if it changes how the ship handles."
It seemed to think for a moment, obviously at a loss of words. "My owner, master? No, boss? His transport." It answered, but clearly uncertain whilst doing so. And completely missing the actual question.

It started to look around, only now becoming aware, or at least acknowledging the people behind him.

"Am I an obstacle?" It asked Hanako, before looking back at the cherry blossom tree. "Am I allowed to stay, my lady Hanako?" A soft breeze pulled through, gently pulling on the cloths that hung from its frame. His attention still captivated by the cherry blossoms. "I... Think I enjoy the trees here."
Hanami Festival

The little elysian was close enough to at least hear the words spoken by the android ahead of her clearly; she politely responded, briefly, to their question: "It is alright, take your time..." Underneath the fairly well-composed exterior, Arria was bubbling like a shaken-up soda at her proximity to the Ketsuiri woman, only managing to keep herself from acting like a child by distracting herself - perceiving patters in the trees above, taking deep breaths, tapping her fingers against each other inside the obscuring sleeve of her outfit...

Okay maybe she wasn't that good at hiding her excitement. This is freaking Hanako after all, and being able to speak to such a powerful, influential woman at all was... Amazing, to put it lightly.
Yaichiro noted the approach of one of the Sakura II's bridge crew. Itto Hei Hikawa Ren, as he recalled. It was still a bit strange to him that enlisted could serve on the bridge, to be honest. While not something he found distasteful or anything, it was something that simply hadn't been done by the previous generation in his experience. He gave a nod of recognition to the lower-ranked crew member. "Arigatou, Hikawa-Hei. Or perhaps Hikawa-san is more appropriate given the attire and function. I must confess that I've long forgotten how civilian interactions are supposed to go. As for the ship's handling, the new thrust-vectoring and reverse thrust capabilities should make a notable difference. I'll be counting on you to convey your opinions though. She is the prototype for her variant."

He seemed to gravitate more easily to topics of technology, but took note of the scenery, and Hanako. "...If we do well, her ship might need the refit sooner than later. The Shosho needs extra out of her ships due to the missions she finds herself taking." Of course, he didn't say 'that Shosho', but 'the Shosho'. Apparently, Yaichiro considered Hanako the definitive article. Granted, it had taken him years to get out of the habit of thinking of her as 'the Taisa'.

"So, are you enjoying yourself here? The festival certainly seems interesting. I'll be loading as much data as I can from this into the ship to try and replicate this environment and the air should someone want to experience a simulation later, but the nuances may still be imperfect compared to this. Technology can't always replace the real thing. I hope some of the others indulge in this as well while they have the opportunity."
Hanako replied to the robot. "I am not sure what you are attempting to communicate, and there are some other people waiting to speak with me. there something you wanted to ask me?" She ran a hand through her soft teal hair.
Something seemed to click, after several brief moments of silence. It seemed to once again think deeply. Coming across more as demented rather than any impression it may've initially given. "I... I... Apologize for my unsatisfactory answers." It stated, glancing upwards, before back down at Hanako, then inclining its head in apology.

"I will remove myself now." At that remark, the nameless robot's head turned away. Only a few seconds later, its body turned accordingly.

And off he went. Particularly smooth and graceful in its movements. A grim contrast to the broken and jumbled attempt at communication.
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Hanami Festival

Ellie could hardly contain herself, bouncing rhythmically up and down on the balls of her lithe feet. The young woman hummed an oldey-timey tune to herself nervously, her key slightly too high from the anticipation of meeting one of her heroes. The soldier's glimmering orbs reflected the festival's lighting in a unearthly manner, dark purple hair adding an even more arcane feel to her image. A homemade, cyan-tinted dress wafted lightly in the breeze and her anxious motions. Gradually, as the line slipped ever forwards, her childlike excitement grew, humming progressing and morphing into a soft, melodical song from long-ago memories.
"Good day to you, Hanako-Shosho!" Her voice was clear over the din of the festivities when it finally was her turn to meet the most famous starship captain in all of Yamatai. She was trembling a bit, but only part of a moment passed in hesitation before Smith continued, "I-I would like to join you - on the YSS Eucharis, as, a starship operator! Please!" Only a couple inches shorter than the rear admiral, Arria would have been perhaps a relaxing break from the need to look up at people. Though the way she stammered nervously made her seem like a somewhat bubbly child, Arria's feet and legs were firmly planted and solid like stone. Her golden eyes wavered some more before finally settling down, looking into Hanako's with a sense of curiosity and anticipation. I know they went through a lot I hope they're taking applications, please say yes please say yes pleasesayyes! Internally, thoughts such as that were racing through the young woman's mind faster than couriers between planets.
As the strange robot left her, Hanako tilted her head for a moment and then looked to Arria. "Hello!" she greeted the small Elysian. "I do need a starship operator. What makes you want to serve on the Eucharis?"
Kyoto, Yamatai

"Well-" The winged girl inhaled potently, her abdomen swelling visibly even through the intricate arrangement of cloth draped upon her. "I would like to - no, I would love to be a part of a crew that has proven time and again they are willing to sacrifice anything and everything for their homeland, the people who go well beyond what a normal soldier is to do. Stationed here, in the heart of our space... While it is a noble duty, I feel the need to assist the push; to be at the front, to personally defend the peaceful and wonderful life of this planet." She was just a little bit blue in the face, the whole speech said without a breath to break it, and yet it wasn't a rushed entanglement of words.

Softly panting just a little bit to recover, thoughts are reassembling inside of her mind. Okay, she's interested. We might get somewhere. Hopefully. I don't want to be put on patrol for another year no matter how safe it is, dammit! Her golden eyes, fixated intensely upon the celebrity neko, were smoldering passionately, like the coals of a fire that needed another log before it would leap into the sky once more.
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Ren chuckled a little at Yaichiro's stumble with civilian dialogue. Something about a very decorated high ranking officer being out of his element seemed to make him more of an actual person in her eyes.

"Hikawa-san would be more appropriate since I'm out of uniform, but now you have me wondering if I'm in the wrong since you're in uniform. Either way, those sound like some serious improvements! I'll definitely need to run some simulations to get used to them before we head out next. Reverse thrusters should prove useful to avoid being stuck in arcs when trying to navigate around fast enemies or obstacles. Sadly the Sakura II is the first ship I've flown, so I can only give you design feedback based on that, but I'll be sure to let you know how it feels."

Ren glanced over at Hanako at the mention of her name, seeing a decent line forming in front of her with an interesting robot walking away. "Now that you mention it, I'm surprise our ship got the major overhaul and not Hanako's. I figured the more influential and famous ship would get the cool gadgets first. Then again, as I understand it, it was your work. Which means you get to reap the benefits and, uh, work out any kinks first. Not to imply the work is bad! Just, it's hard to get everything perfect on the first pass."

"As for the festival, I haven't been to one in several years so it's pretty nostalgic. This is the first time wearing a kimono like this though, so I doubt I'm wearing it right. Though that doesn't matter as much as long as it's enjoyable. In the past, I would always track down a yakitori stand, so I'm glad I was able to find one this time as well. The only thing left for me would be fireworks. A simulation of this would be good to teach people what the festival is about or to help out crew that are homesick. Sounds like we should look at some stalls and walk around together to gather data, what do you say?"
Setsuya Itatski joined the line, having arrived to the park area in a red and white patterned kimono. She was outwardly in appearance excited, but inwardly she was rather calm, speculative of why such an event was important. She waited in the line calmly and patiently. Her goal was not to meet a celebrity, but to acquire a position aboard a vessel of prestige, hence meeting the captain of the famous YSS-Eucharis.

Setsuya quietly hummed to herself a Melody she had heard in transit ride over.
Kyoto, Yamatai

An elysian couple was walking together through the festival, dressed in the traditional teighas of their stature. Folded and worn properly, almost meticulousy, the clothing itself seemed to create a presence of formality and beauty in the air around the senators Arvillael and Antonious Castor. The woman, being nearly half the height of her husband - some people have even approximated her height to be equal to Hanako's, though the reasoning to these comparisons have been unclear, held his hand softly as they both treaded carefully through the astoundingly busy streets.

It was her plan to go. Not his. Although for strategic diplomacy reasons, this was something Antoni would have had to participate in anyways.

So he looked around the place. It was as Yamataian as a festival could get, crowded streets and all. Luckily he towered over most of the shorter folk, most of them Nekovalkyria who had probably never even seen one Patrician before, let alone two.

"What's the plan?" he asked his wife as she forded her way through the streets.

"Surprisingly, I don't have one. I figured it would probably help us look more interested in society if we didn't follow a set patrol route or... Whatever. And besides, I know you're worried." She squeezed the man's hand tightly, directing his attention to her amazingly blue eyes. A mental message, clearer than crystal, echoed into his thoughts: "The strategist in you is worried about assassins again, aren't you? You told me that being predictable made it easier for them to do their job. So relax a little, my light, and just let me know if you'd like to look at something, mkay?" She smiled brightly, the auburn-haired angel stepping in to press herself against Antoni's chest in a hug.

"The only assassins that could feasibly attack us are Yamataian, Arvilla." Antoni replied mentally as he returned her hug. "Though diplomatically that's absolutely stupid given that we're some of the few Senators that actually respect Yamatai. And I doubt we've angered enough people to send Elysian assassins after us. The strategist is only worried that Hanako or someone else of importance shows up and we get caught in an hour long conversation."

Then, what attractions were there to purview? He looked around, trying to find things that were decent.
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