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[IC] YSS Hokorimasu

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Inactive Member
Interviews and Preparation (pt I)
  • A Hokorimasu JP

  • Valentine System: Akarui Star Fortress - YSS Hokorimasu
It would be spring on Yamatai now, sakura flowers in full bloom and the warm sun's rays warming the surface of the center of the Empire. Peaceful laughter of children, the hustle and bustle of the citizenry trying to make an honest living and find some little piece of their peace in this turbulent time. There was something there, in the middle of all this life and new chances for a life unlike before that was worth saving, worth fighting for. Or at least that's how the Taisho of the Empire's Eight Standard Fleet thought. Shizuka Endo was a simple sort on the outside, her ideals firm and her hopes and dreams pure for her homeland. There was much more to the Yamataian Empire's Red Lion, but that is for another time.

In the Samurai Sector, floating above the Valentino planet, the prime planet in the Valentine system was the gleaming new starbase; NK-S8-07; the Akarui Star Fortress. It was a modern marvel of Yamataian technology, with all the newest conveniences and features the Star Army could give it. But most captivating of all was not the station, but the magnificent ship docked to it. A long vessel which stretched out for the length of a small city, took up the view as the shuttles approached. This was the first of the new line of Glorious Chiharu Flagships, a remodel done by the 8th SF admiral herself. It was as if a goddess was stretched out across the stars before them, a ship so large and daunting that it brought back that glorious feeling that the old ships of the SAoY would bring. In the next few days, she would be ready--- and this would be their new home. Her name was Hokorimasu, a word which summed up all what she was meant to stand for; “to be proud.”

On the dock for the YSS Hokorimasu, there was more commotion then any other ship had had in many years, there was just so much to load into the ship that the process took many days and a special crew to add to the ones already on station. It was easy to get lost here, but KAMI's guiding voice was always handy waiting to relay the new recruits to their meetings and keep them from getting too lost.

Youko sat quietly on a box in the dock, watching the technicians going about their work. She was biding her time, and worriedly chewed on her bottom lip. It wasn't that she was afraid of the Hokorimasu -- No. In fact, she was eager to be aboard. Just not quite... yet.

She double-checked her communicator, reviewing again the time for her supposed interview. Soon, now. In fact, she should have left already if she had wanted to be where she needed to be on time. Chiharu-class ships of any sort were behemoths, and the smaller Glorious-type was no exception. But she couldn't leave. Not yet.

Her ears flattened out in distress. Why couldn't she make up her mind?

Kumiko walked up, a duffle over her shoulder, checking a note she had in her hand as she approached Youko. She was really hoping that her stuff had made it here like it was supposed to have, but she wasn't sure, so she figured she would ask someone since she had a bit of time left before she was supposed to be onboard.

She glanced up ahead of her, saw a blond Neko ahead, and figured she looked both bored and available, and therefore probably a good target for her questions. "Hei? I have a quick question for you."

Youko noticed the Heisho a moment before she asked the question, and practically jumped out of her skin. "H-Hai!" She jumped down so she could bow properly to her superior.

"I had a crate that was supposed to be meeting me here, or at least beating me here, and I was wondering if you'd seen it go by. Here, it's..." Kumiko showed the Hei the slip of paper. "That number should've been pretty obvious on the side."

Youko's jaw dropped a little as she accepted the paper. How was she supposed to know where the Chief's box was? Youko noticed that the Heisho was also a Yamataian.

That explains it. She thought with a grimace.

Youko turned, looking at the box she had been resting her rump on. The number wasn't there, but... She looked around. She knew that ship cargo being loaded up into the Hokorimasu had its own zone, and that personal luggage was also separated. So if the round-ear was a crewman...

"Are you a Heisho aboard the Hokorimasu, Ma'am?" She asked.

"Yes, just transferring over today. I had a crate that was coming separately though, has a bunch of parts in it and I want to make sure I know where they're putting it." Kumiko glanced around, still not seeing her box anywhere out there. "Are you a member of the crew as well, Hei?"

"Yes. I am." Youko said with a flick of her ear. "Your parts should be over there with the other personal cargo, Heisho."

Kumiko blinked, and rubbed her forehead slightly, sighing as she ducked her head. "That's what they told me over there, too. Said that my box should be over here, since it's oversized." She glanced back the way she'd come, shaking her head. "I guess I'll just have to have the AI find it later, I don't have enough time before my interview to sort this out right now."

A few more crates were loaded onto a truck as it drove off towards one of the entry ramps, the sticker in question was facing outwards at the group as it made its way into the colossal Glorious Chiharu. The driver of the truck was obviously not paying much attention, earphones in his ear as he drummed out the beat to his jam onto the steering wheel.

My instructor was right. People are idiots. Youko thought when the driver passed by.

Box found, she was no longer needed by the Yamataian woman. She made a small bow and turned to finally head into the ship. Between the anxieties she held for entering her new home and the fools outside of it, she chose the former.

Just at this point both Youko and Kumiko were ping'd with a new digital telepathic message from the Hokorimasu's KAMI, instructing them to meet at the Officer's Wardroom on the 22nd deck, it was a simple and short message text only from the system, no other details included. As they would start to make their way inside, they could hear some sort of other commotion on the dock, someone yelling at someone else over what seemed to be a small mix up with the food supplies, which left the ship with nothing but green-tea flavored ice cream until they could get something else. It looked like one of the ones who was going to have to be on the ship was not going to settle for just that.

Youko winced when the message from KAMI came, but said little and merely continued on her way, and while the mix-up would have been humorous the Neko barely even noticed the shouting. She thought out what the deck plans for the Glorious Chiharu were, and figured out the fastest route to the Officer's Wardroom.

Kumiko followed along after Youko, taking a quick note on the driver of the truck before she went, so she could try and find him later if anything was wrong with her package. She wasn't a vindictive person, but some of that stuff had been expensive to get her hands on. Regardless, her mind was all over the place as she tried to follow Youko, trying to keep track of where she was going, and everything going on around her all at once.

As they passed through one of the open airlocks which opened up to the massive main hallways of the Hokorimasu, they were able to see all the commotion and bustle first hand. There were plenty of different faces, countless different colored uniforms and all the different types. The ship was a city in its own right, very alive and full as if a busy day in Kyoto. The trip though wasn't as long as it sounded, after a jaunt down some of the main corridors they came to one of the central lift systems, where they could board and take a quick trip to their destination. As they got to the cluster of elevators, people were crowding around the doors, shuffling in and out as traffic allowed, it was hard enough to catch one let alone squeeze in with all the rest of them. They would have to be quick, cause it looked like it was going to be their magic chance as a lift landed and looked as if it was already tasked with going up in floors.

Youko was stunned by the sheer number of people using the lift systems. She couldn't time her entry right, and had lost two previous chances to jump in. Determined, now, she practically grappled with one unlucky Nepleslian Hei to get into where she needed to be.

Kumiko followed, struggling to keep up, duffle bag and all. She immensely hoped that the crowds would die down a bit once the ship got settled into a more normal rhythm. Infantry or not, she wasn't particularly fond of wading through masses of bodies to get everywhere she wanted to do. As she watched, Youko shoved another poor guy out of the way to get into position; not that there was anything Kumiko could do, with the crowd the way it was. She managed to finagle her way forward into position to jump on one of the elevators, trying to keep from getting too involved in the brawl behind her.

One guy was pushed one way, another in the other way. The two bumped into one another, and then as what looked like a fight soon starting, was quickly split in the middle by a sharp blond haired Yamataian as he slipped in-between the brutes and into the lift as the door was closing. It was really cramped at this point; he was face to face with Youko bodies pressed against one another. "Uh, sorry for the cqc here. But I've got an appointment on the twenty-second deck, really important." He said smiling almost apologetically, at least the charming looking PA pilot smelled good. He was a Shoi, with an infantry paneled uniform.

Youko didn't think he was charming at all. Her face was practically buried in his chest, and her small nose was twisted in a way that was not at all comfortable. Her ears flattened out for the second time since arriving at the ship, and she began anticipating a bad first assignment surrounded by schmucks like the officer smothering her.

Somewhere in the chaos of things Kumiko's round parts were pinched by a sly hand taking advantage of the cramped conditions. Other than that the trip was short, the air seeming to clear a bit more every stop of the lift. Some jumped on as it went up, but more went off then what came on. Finally the lift arrived at their destination, doors sliding open to a smaller however more decorated hallway where there was quite a few important people lined up outside the large entry to the wardroom. A couple of them were chatting about current events; one Neko was going on about how stupid the 1st SF was if so many core planets weren't taken back yet. Actually, that seemed like a popular topic all day.

Kumiko, pretty close to the edge of the group at this point, was one of the first people off of the elevator, stretching her legs a little bit and shooting a dirty look back at the elevator, still unsure who had pinched her, but quite sure they would lose the hand if she ever figured out. She sighed, and turned back down the hallway, checking to make sure she knew where she was going before starting out again.

Youko was now the one following Kumiko, and oddly enough they both shot nasty glares at the elevator at the same time. It went unremarked, as Youko thought she was the only one who had noticed. And as to the number of her seniors at the wardroom... She felt out of place, slipping through the doors. Far too many officers and each of them were discussing politics handily. Youko knew little about politics, and cared even less for it: The Empress and her future career were her only cares at that point.

The poor blonde guy who was unluckily squished against Youko was now at the receiving end of both their stares. The sight was just a little too much for him that it froze his steps, and he waited for them to turn and continue before making his own exit into the hall. He nodded his head at some familiar faces, and made a small little; "hi, how've you been?" to some others. He however seemed to make an effort to keep his distance from the two girls who looked like they were already on the war path.

There was one more face on the lift who managed to struggle out of the lift. A black haired NH-29 with some stylish blue streaks pushed her way out through the bodies and past a firm grope on her round bottom. The doors shut then without her being able to figure out who grabbed her. Santo Hei Akitoku Yua was also to report to the Shosho at the 22nd deck's officers' wardroom for what was looking to be a group interview. There was some commotion, chatter mostly drunks filtering out from the bar and restaurant and getting some air in the rather impressively large hall way. Benches and plants were placed about the hall in a rather relaxing way.

Kumiko shrugged, going back to making her way to the room where her interview was taking place, feeling no desire to walk with the others. Not at the moment, at least. She noticed that at least 2 others had joined the little train she was apparently the head of, but decided to just wait for one of them to catch up to her if they wanted to talk pre-interview, she'd just go back to working on a new design idea in her head while she walked.

Youko was happy to leave Kumiko to her thoughts; the Yamataian was heading the right way, and it was enough to force the Neko to continue following for the time being.

Yua reached for her NSP and was oh so tempted to just start firing it into the elevator. Two reasons to shoot, both of which would be very satisfying, but she thought better. She let out a 'hmph' as she turned to follow the others who appeared to be going in the same direction as her.

On the 22nd Deck the group steadily growing was to go into the wardroom to be brought to their seats. A bright pink skinned sprite with white hair braided up into a bun flew out into the hall and quickly glanced about; her silvery gaze fell upon the group of rag tag enlistees. "Ah, so here are some of you!" she paused and flew a little higher looking over their shoulders. "Well, I guess we'll send in the others as they arrive. Please follow me if you would," she said with a rather cheerful voice as she lead the group into the restaurant and bar area, there were many officers sitting about the dimly lit room, eating their meals in peace and chatting about light conversation. At the bar were a few grey panelled guys getting to know one another before the ship made her first voyage.

They didn't travel too far before coming to a set of double doors to a private dining area. The small sprite gestured for them to stop, and then peeked her little head in, checking to see if the Captain was in there and if she was ready. But it didn't appear so as the little Neko sprite then pushed in the door and held it open for the group. "It seems the Shosho is not here yet, so you all may come in and take your seats," she said waiting for the last person to come into the rather impressive looking room.

"My name is Coral; I'll be your server for this evening. Here are your menus," she said as she floated around table placing them in front of each person. "Feel free to browse through and cue up your order with the computer and we'll have it brought out as soon as it's ready." The menu had an impressive list of delightful dishes; surprisingly it appeared as if this part of the empire wasn't hit as hard when it came to food as the central worlds.

Down on one of the main decks was a rather thin and gangly looking Nepleslian with green eyes and short brown hair. He was in the crowds of one of the large lift plazas, where a constant shift of traffic was going in and out of the speedy elevators on their ways to their various destinations. Elliot Haden, a brand new Santo Hei was to report to the 22nd deck, with the rest of the others who were quickly growing in number to sit in the officer's ward room with the captain of the ship and the acting Taisho of the eighth standard fleet. The first challenge...was catching a lift.

Elliot had turned off his HUD the moment he boarded the ship, to many names and too much information appearing had been giving him a headache. With his duffle bag, pack, and rifle in tow he got closer to the lifts, at least the KAMI's feed said he was getting closer to the lifts. The crowds had been growing ever larger and ever denser. Everyone was rushing to get to their assigned posts or to meet with their commanding officer, Elliot was caught up in the same situation and would be late soon if he didn't find his way on to a lift. Said lifts were filling almost as fast as the doors were opening, he had already missed one and decided there wasn't going to be another. Waiting just before it reached the floor he shoved his way through the crowd, shouts, accidental groups, and various other shenanigans happened as he shoved his way into the lift, ending up in the middle of it as the doors closed. The packed area resulted in a few yelps, quite a few slaps, and for Elliot a sizable Yamataian rear smashed into his crotch. The predictable reaction occurred and all he could do was smile as she turned with a scowl.

The lift was packed to the brim, people struggling to get some form of room. One bright minded Neko did as she saw a few others do earlier and simply floated up over the crowd, thinking herself quite smart in her doing so. However not really remembering the fact that she had on the skirted uniform. There wasn't much room for anyone but herself and her very lacy red bikini style panties up over the headroom. A few giggles surfaced from the crowd over the normal chatting. But there wasn't really much until when the first crowd filtered out at the first stop, and Elliot got a face full of red silky something. It was hard to see for a moment there, but a soft squishy something made it all the worth it. A bit of laughter filled the lift and Elliot got a chance to get some air as that slender black haired Neko got up off his face. "Oh, sorry about that... well, only kinda," she said laughing with the rest of them. The lift ding'd, "oh this is where we get off. Have you ever---" she laughed and winked at her Neko buddy went to join her on the deck, "gotten off before cherry-kun?" They both laughed some more and sauntered out onto the deck leaving him to ride the rest of the way with a couple other people.

Youko found herself sitting at a table, with a list of foods she had never heard of before. She decided to simply take water, and a foot long sandwich-like thing called a 'Sub'. Youko didn't have much to say to the others around the table, and did nothing other than cue up her order.

Kumiko took the menu, just rolling with the idea of doing food, even though she hadn't even been paying attention to the fact it was close to mealtime. She scanned the menu quickly, coming to a decision fairly easily, what with one of her favourite kinds of meat being an option. She put in her order for a BLT with pickles on it, and put her menu down, looking around at the others, noting ranks and matching it to faces for her own future reference.

Looking up and down the menu, Yua was salivating at just about everything. There were too many good choices. She closed her eyes and randomly pointed to pick... a reuben. Good enough. She put in her order and put away her menu. Now to just deal with the most annoying part of a restaurant: waiting for the food. As she waited, her head bobbed back and forth to some unsung tune before she decided it was too quiet. They were waiting for a Shosho... there was no reason for them to not talk while waiting, right?

"Etto, I'm Santo Hei Akitoku Yua," she stated, bowing a bit in her seat to the other two.

"Nito Hei Shii Youko. What's your occupation on the ship Akitoku-Hei?" She asked the other Neko.

"Infantry and armorer," Yua answered, smiling as if she really loved her job.

Kumiko's ears perked up at that, momentarily distracted from her statistics. "Armorer and infantry?"

"Hm? Yes?" Yua responded, turning to the Heisho.

"Just curious. That's my profession as well, and I'm supposed to be leading a squad, I believe." Kumiko shrugged, already moving on.

"Oh, okay. What's your job, Shii-Hei?" Yua moved back to Youko, Kumiko seeming to be very unsociable at the moment.

"I'm Starship Operations. I'll be helping to pilot the Hokorimasu." Youko said. She flicked an ear, thinking. "Is being an Infantryman very difficult? I mean, I had the training and all but... Seemed like a very unfulfilling job to me. Running around when a ship cannon can just stop things."

"Unfulfilling?" Yua was appalled. "How could holding a gun in your hands, feeling the kick into your shoulder as you make squid swiss cheese be unfulfilling compared to just pushing a button to fire a silly cannon? Where is the skill or feeling when the computer lines up the shot for you? All you do is sit in a chair and stare at a screen!"

Kumiko stayed out of the argument, having spent plenty of time doing a job which was arguably much more boring than either infantry or piloting, though arguably more important at the same time. After all, it's not like it mattered if the pilot thought their professions were boring, she couldn't win many wars without them.

Youko blinked, surprised at how enthusiastic Yua was about her job. "But I don't look at a screen. SPINE gives me all the access I need." She flattened her ears a little, unsure of how to proceed. "I don't know if skill has anything to do with my job, but I like it."

Finally, Elliot arrived at the 22nd deck. The doors opened up to a nice spacious hall way with a few bay entrances off to the sides. One in particular was the Scarlet Room, the officers' wardroom fashioned after a very up class looking restaurant. His orders were to join his superior officer in the private dining room. There was a Neko who flew up to meet him as soon as he turned the corner. It was the bright pinked white haired sprite, Coral. "Hello there, you must be with the group in the back room. Here," she said handing him a menu. "Feel free to browse through it as we walk, the rest of them have ordered so please make haste in your decision," she said as she lead him to the room where the others were seated.

"Uh I guess a beer and a burger if you have it," he said as he pulled his back pack up a little. "How long you been on this boat?" he asked, glancing around at the rather expensive looking compartment as they walked.

"I was just created two months ago for service on the Hokorimasu," she said pleasantly. "I'll see if the cook can arrange that for you, please go ahead and join the others," Coral mentioned as she then took her leave so Elliot could go and join the others.

Elliot haphazardly opened the double doors with his knee and hand, juggling his now slipping duffle and pack. To the occupants on the other side it would look comical as he entered and dumped the heavy gear on the nearest table if they were looking, shedding his rifle in the process. Plopping down in the nearest chair he looked up at the other occupants of the room.

Completely ignoring the newcomer, Yua continued on her rant, "That's not the point!" She face-palmed. "You said being infantry was unfulfilling. I'm making points as to how it is, and all you can say is that you use SPINE instead of a screen. How is it not fulfilling if you go in, blasting those Misshu away to save some prisoners they have? All you can do is push your shiny buttons, killing everyone, including those captured."

Kumiko rested her hand on Yua's shoulder, trying to calm the younger person down. "It may just not be her thing, Akitoku-Hei. Not everyone is suited for every job."

"Ah, hai, Heisho," Yua replied, looking over her shoulder. She settled back into her seat. "Gomenasai, Shii-hei."

"H-Hai..." Youko said, looking down. "Maybe I'll find out later if it's as great as you say, Akitoku-Hei."

"It's fine if you don't. I overreacted." Yua frowned as she thought of a way to make the situation better. "Etto...." It was then that she noticed that someone had joined them. "Ah, hello Hei," she greeted with a wave.

Kumiko nodded, hand dropping back to her side now that the mini-crisis was averted. She may not have been in charge of much, but taking care of children was always pretty much the same.

A moment later the doors once again opened, guided in by the same little Neko sprite was another person to add to the rather large growing party. The pink skinned Coral paused a moment as she was about to hand the new girl a menu, but noticed something was missing. "H-hey, that's mine!" she said glancing to the new girl and quickly flew around behind her back and snatched her hairclip back. "You're tricky, I'm going to keep my eye on you," she said rather cutely as she puffed her little cheeks out and gave the Hei a stare, before handing her the menu rather forcefully and floating off.

Before Coral could go very far, she would feel a playful swat upon her behind. "But you look better with your hair down, cutie," the Hei retorted with a giggle before turning to the gathering with a mischievous grin. "Oh ho~" she sang as she set her duffle bag under the table and sat down. "I think I'm in paradise. They've set me down with some babes," the dark-skinned Nekovalkryja cooed. The Neko was attired in a short-sleeved, female duty uniform with the blue panel of a pilot.

As she sat down, she took the chance to run a hand through her forest-green hair and glance around the table again with sky-blue eyes that seemed to twinkle with delight. "I'm Aikawa Kiyoshi-nito hei," she introduced as she set the menu down in front of her before leaning forward to rest her chin upon interlaced fingers. "Pleasure to meet you all."

Yua turned to face yet another person who had joined the group, letting out a small chuckle at Kiyoshi's perception of paradise. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Santo Hei Akitoku Yua."

Elliot had lazily waved at Yua with his free hand before going back to what was now occupying his attention, using a small tool he'd pried off the IBR's machinery cover and was in the process of getting the bolt group out when Aikawa walked in. He looked up and his mind shutdown, both eyeballs firmly placed on the Nekovalkryja's bust. "Hi I'm Santo Hei Haden and you have very nice breasts" he said never making eye contact.

"Cutie--my eyes are up here," Kiyoshi replied as she placed an index finger under Elliot's chin and raised his head a bit. "But thanks for the compliment," the Neko stated with a chuckle before glancing over at Yua and winking a bit.

Kumiko gave the new people little more than cursory nods and her usual association of faces with ranks and occupations, but stayed quiet, now that she wasn't needed to break anything up.

"Eh... I'm Shii Youko Nito Hei. Good to meet you both." Youko said to the newcomers.

The green-furred ears of Kiyoshi flicked slightly as she glanced around the table once more to note occupation and rank as well. " awful lot of ground pounders here," she noted aloud with a non-chalant tone before glancing at Youko. "Starship Operations eh? Tactical, Electronic, or Helm?" she asked curiously.

"That hasn't been decided yet. I've only just arrived -- the same with Heisho... Heisho..." Youko couldn't remember Kumiko's name, or even if she had given it at all. "I'm sorry, Jôtô Heisho, I can't remember your name." Youko was even slightly surprised that she cared for the NCO's name at all. But if everyone was introducing themselves...

Kumiko blinked, looking back up from her mental work. "Joto Heisho Endoh Kumiko, sorry. I thought I'd mentioned that earlier."

Elliot leaned back slightly catching himself from the daze, "Oh right uh... yea, hows it going?" was all he could manage before turning his attention back to the rifle attempting to hide any embarrassment in the simple task of breaking down the weapon.

"Er," Yua blinked at the wink, entirely not expecting that. She just smiled back, not knowing what sort of message that would send back.

"An Infantry NCO, eh?" Kiyoshi asked before smiling. "Well, I do a bit of piloting for both shuttles and fighters, so if you ever need a lift or Danger Close don't be afraid to call, Endoh-heisho~," she sang the last bit cutely.

Kumiko shrugged, just skimming over the oddities. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, thank you. I hope we don't need it though, I never have before."

"Ever driven a gunship, Endoh-heisho?" he asked with a slightly curious tone.

"The spaceship or the VTOL, cutie?" she asked for confirmation.

"The VTOL, I had a few buddies back in my previous employment who were gunship drivers, looks like it was fun, at least until you flew into the barrel of a SPG" his eyes were still on the weapon as he started removing the barrel. "Lost a buddy that way"

Kumiko shrugged. "I don't see why I would have flown one. I'm formerly engineering, not flight. I've only done a few drops in a shuttle, even, mostly straight insertions or boarding."

Just outside the private dining room at the back entrance was the officer of the hour and her second in command. Shizuka dressed in her Type 30B Female Duty Uniform, the skirt was tightly wrapped around her firm Lioness hips and even though she had been wearing these types of uniforms since two years ago when Nicholas Saiga complemented her the first time, she was still not quite used to them. She took a second to pull the hem lower over her tanned thighs and push out the wrinkles. The normally calm and headstrong Red Lion was rather nervous for a candid moment with her XO. "Nick," she said softly as she looked at the door ahead of herself, "they're going to like me, right? I mean to say," she turned to glance up at her tall companion, her amber orbs so full of an uncharacteristic uncertainty, "I really am fit for this job, right?" She stood there hanging on his words, stepping in closer to press against his body, feeling him as her stability.

"Doubtlessly, Endo-shosho," Nicholas responded, still forgetting the familiarity he'd developed for Shizuka prior to the incident at Nataria. He tugged at the edge of his own white service jacket to flatten its silhouette. It made him uncomfortable, even though he'd worn the color before — he'd grown accustomed to the obsidian uniform worn by intelligence officers and was still unsure how he'd manage being back in such a prominent role after working, as a rule, in the Empire's shadowy corners. But no matter, the assignment was a great honor to the Geshrin; whoever transferred him out of SAINT had surely predicted the result. "There is no greater commander in the whole of the Star Army," he added, keeping his voice low even though nobody was listening. "When last did Yui or Katsuko-taisho enter the fray of glorious battle themselves? The fortunes have favored your success and those that serve under you never fail to recognize it, Shosho."

Shizuka watched him closely as he spoke, his words feeling so unfamiliar to her. It was as if he was a resurrected copy of himself before their days on the Senbu. But she knew that her Nick was somewhere in the space behind that nameplate which said Nicholas Saiga. She pursed her lips to the side and eyed him even more closely as she inched ever closer to him, standing on her tip-toes. She then kissed him on the lips, just a simple quick kiss — which the Chusa accepted with a sort of unintended look of awkward irritation — before turning around in place with a bounce back in her step. "You're right, like always," she said with a giggle. The Lioness ran a hand through her long messy blonde hair and refitted her captain’s hat. The Shosho took a deep breath and then pushed the door open into the room.

The commander of the Eighth Standard Fleet and captain of the flag ship they were on walked into the room. She was a little shorter than the average Neko, with tanned golden skin and long blonde hair, the loose curls cascaded over her shoulders and ran down to the mid of her back. She was dressed in a very well kept officer's whites uniform with a tight form fitting skirt tightly wrapped around her firm hips. She stepped with purpose towards the head of the table, where there were two chairs, one for her and one for the officer who was at her side.

Nicholas followed beside her, towering to her left flank. He was a fair, grim man whose serious demeanour pulled some of whatever brightness was in a room despite his handsome, unassuming face. "Commander on deck," he barked crisply after the two officers entered, surveying the crew assembled there. And although he was the image of cold stoicism, Nicholas privately hoped the Admiral would not display her clearly immense affection now that they were in a more public setting.

Smoothly sliding her chair back and standing up, Kiyoshi stood at attention for their interviewers. She was quite surprised that they were being interviewed by a Shosho and Chusa, since they were all enlisted. However, all thoughts of that quickly disappeared as her eyes roamed over the curves of their superior officer and the face of that handsome, yet cold fish, of a First Officer. A small impish smile graced her lips.

Kumiko stood to attention quickly as well, years of serving on the same ship as a Ketsurui princess making that reaction so automated she didn't even think about it. She took her time looking both of the officers over, deciding that there wasn't anything about them at this point that she objected to.

Elliot stood to attention as well, resisting the urge to salute the Admiral and her XO.

Copying the others, Yua stood. With the Hokorimasu being her first assignment, she didn't exactly know what a proper Admiral or XO or whatever was supposed to look like, but she guessed this was it.

Youko did the same following in with the rest of the group. At that point Shizuka nodded her head slightly in a bow. "Welcome ladies and gentleman, you're to be at ease," she told them. "Please take your seats. I'm sure the meal will be served soon enough." Shizuka then pulled out her own chair and sat down at the head of the table. "As you all know I am the admiral of the fleet, and captain of the Hokorimasu — I am Shizuka Endo, your commander and hopefully over time, your friend. We have a different philosophy in the Eighth, a stand over since my days on the Senbu. I make it my duty to know the name of every single person who serves under me, including all of you who have joined us here. Interviewing is rather hard these days to do one on one, but I trust each of the officers I choose to represent me in such matters." She took a drink of her glass of water, even the way she moved seemed so confidant and assured. "You all have been chosen to join this ship and this fleet and as thus, you've been given a spot in my pride. A long time ago I earned the title of Red Lion, and as such I've treated all those with me as one with my pack, my pride. I hope that over time this philosophy of friendship, family and kinship will become a part of every one of you. In my time commanding I've found that if my crew is closer to one another, they work better together. Simple no?" she said with a toothy Lioness smile.

"I want to go around the table, and each of you introduces yourselves to me, and we will continue. Starting with our brave and honorable Chusa," she said turning in her seat to smile at Nichloas.

The Geshrin commander looked as far from amused as a man could be, but inwardly he was powerless to Shizuka's often gawky charm. "Nicholas Saiga," he stated matter-of-factly. "Chusa; I am Endo-shosho's second." He stopped, seemingly finished with the forced introduction and then immediately continued after catching Shizuka's eye, knowing she wanted him to say more. "I have served with the Admiral in the past as her first officer," he said, still sounding confident even though the words spilled from his mouth more quickly. "Following my service on the Senbu I was assigned to Star Army Intelligence and maintained that post since this war began. Until now." Trusting that the crew now knew enough about him, Nicholas nodded to the brown haired Heisho — the nearest person to him — indicating it was her turn.

Kumiko nodded, glad to get her deal out of the way. "I am Joto Heisho Endoh Kumiko, I was assigned as an infantry leader and an armorer. My only other service of any real length of time was on Taisa Ketsurui Hanako's Eucharis as an engineer."

Shizuka nodded to the Joto Heisho. "Well Endo-san, I mean... Endoh-san. It is good to have you aboard. I hope you find our humble vessle as exciting as the princesses'," Shizuka said with an almost big sisterly smile.

"Santo Hei Akitoku Yua," the Neko stated. "I'm an infantryman... infantrywoman... yeah, and an armorer as well. This is my first assignment, so treat me well please." She smiled brightly to those at the table.

"Your very first assignment, you must be very excited. I assure you that everyone will treat you well, else they'll have to answer to me," Shizuka answered with a confidant wink, reassuing the young neko that her stay will be a pleasant one.

Kiyoshi couldn't help but stare at the Shosho a bit longer as the others introduced themselves. That confidence — that forceful presence — what she wouldn't give for one night... and then it was her turn. "Aikawa Kiyoshi-nito hei," she introduced herself with a lopsided smile. "I can fly practically every small craft, so if you're in need of a shuttle pilot don't be afraid to call upon me to 'rock your world,'" the pilot greeted shamelessly.

The Shosho had a great giggle with Kiyoshi's introduction. "Well I hope that you'll be able to do much more than that for us, I look forward to seeing your work." Shizuka pursed her tanned lips to one side and glanced the confidant Neko over. "And we also look forward to seeing if you're more than just talk," Shizuka said with a teasing challenge. Though the Lioness did not mean to come off as flirty, she was more challenging her crew member to do above and beyond her call of duty, she still found what they both said amusing enough to carry a smile that didn't seem to fleet away.

Realizing it was his turn Elliot spoke up, "I'm Santo Hei Haden, I'm an infantry demolitions guy, before this boat I spent three years as a mercenary working with the Paragon Initiative blowing stuff up on the ground and in space. Now I'm here for more or less the same job. I've been in more shit holes than I care to count so this ship and this job is a nice change of scenery," he finished.

"Ah yes. Well, Santo Hei, your job will be more then necessary with our future operations. I hope that your experiences will aid your unit. However I must request here and now that you keep your things from exploding in my ship," she said with the same sort of playfulness she was greeting with the rest of them.

Shii Youko then introduced herself as a starship operator, specializing in flying these large ships. Shizuka seemed very excited about this. "Well Shii-san, I have been told that the flight group is actually gathering right now in the briefing theater, I have enjoyed very much meeting you and will be seeing plenty of you in the future on the bridge, but I really suggest that you hurry as not to be late," Shizuka said with a bowing nod to the Neko who then got up and rushed out the door. "Oh I'll be sure that your dinner is delivered!" Shizuka called out at the speedy Shii before she got out of earshot.

"Okay, well sorry about all that. Now, like I've said. I'm very glad to have each and every one of you onboard my ship and part of my crew. Now, each of you has been scouted to join an elite squad of power armor pilots, for your various skills and talents. This includes you Kiyoshi-san. I have been experimenting in the past with bringing a new special ops unit of infantry to the Star Army, there are many experienced men and women under my command who are ready and waiting to train all of you further then you've been taught in the past. So with that said, you will be part of the Lion Squad, the first unit of the ship and thus the most demanding. You will get the most missions, the most battle and the most glory. In the past my special ops unit was my hands, my eyes and my representation in the field. This will be no different, if you choose to be my Lion Knights you will have to be at the best of your game," she paused and looked at each of them, "are you prepared for this? If not this is the time to say so." She waited calmly, her three finger Neko hands folding one over the other on the table.

So it was going to be detached duty rather than some assignment in the ship's Wing. This seemed to be getting even more interesting than she thought it would. "Sounds less boring than my duties back on Virgo," Kiyoshi replied with a grin. "You can count me in cu— I mean, Shosho," the dark-skinned Neko replied. Calling a Fleet Commander 'cutie' didn't seem like a good career move...yet.

"First into a target rich environment? Count me in!" exclaimed Elliot.

Kumiko nodded, satisfied as well. "I have no problems with the assignment, Shosho. Perhaps questions, later, but no problems."

"Hai, Shosho. I'll do it." Yua could hardly sit still in her seat. More missions meant more chances to put rounds into some ugly tentacled beasts.

Nicholas grunted in approval. "No cowards among them, Shosho," he said quietly, glancing to the commander beside him. Not that there was much chance that they could be — most of Lion Squadron would be fresh Nekovalkyrja, unable to feel cowardice and the humans among them were picked for their mettle and quality. Such was the Chusa's line of reasoning, at least. "Excellent choices, Endo-sama."

Shizuka seemed rather pleased with their answers, and felt proud of her decision as Nicholas reinforced this. "Very right Chusa, very right," Shizuka said with a slow and steady nod. "Great, then there's a question I need to pose to each and every one of you," she opened her mouth but paused as she was going to speak. She had that familiar look of getting a telepathic communication on her face. "Oh, I guess that will have to wait for another time. I am a very busy lady these days, and it seems I'm only bound to grow busier as these days progress. I will look forward to reviewing your performances and seeing your action out on the battle field. You're to report to Shoi Hiyoshi Kyousuke at 0900 hours tomorrow to begin your first day of retraining, if there's nothing else we'll excuse ourselves," Shizuka went to stand and then glanced about the room, a gesture on her features was making sure everyone was okay with what they were doing.

Elliot spoke up, "Received and acknowledged Ma'am."

Retraining sounded a bit boring, but it would have to do until the real action began. Until then, there was also finding some other type of amusement on board the ship and there were plenty of 'opportunities' for those on a ship this large. "Hai." she responded with a smile.

"Hai, I will be there." While retraining right out of basic seemed silly, Yua figured that it would probably be training than she already had.

Kumiko nodded. "Hai, Shosho." Retraining may not have been the most interesting thing ever, but if they were supposed to be the flagship squad, it definitely couldn't hurt them to get some extra practice in.

Shizuka and Nicholas rose up together and Shizuka offered a bow of her head. "Everyone, have a good evening. Enjoy yourselves," she said cheerfully as she led Nicholas out the door, but before they were truly gone she peeked back in and said, "but not too much," with an all-knowing sweet tone, giving them a wink and then finally disappearing off to her destination elsewhere in the vast Hokorimasu.

Once the Shosho was out of earshot, Kiyoshi couldn't help but giggle. "Our Fleet Commander's a hottie, but she hangs around with Mr. Gloom."

Leaning back in his chair Elliot said something just loud enough for the group to hear, "And once more into the great goodnight."

"You're into almost anything that moves, except for the Chusa, aren't you?" Yua asked Kiyoshi, as she finally was allowed to relax.

"Oh no, I'd probably try to break him from that gloom if I could," the dark-skinned pilot replied with an impish grin. "He at least has the face for it."

Yua placed her head into her palm. "Oh. You're really taking this to the extreme."

"I prefer to call it 'helping comrades to relief stress,'" she retorted with a chuckle. "If you're ever stressed out, I could do the same for you," Kiyoshi replied by blowing the elder Nekovalkryja a kiss.

"Personally" started Elliot as he slapped the IBR's machinery cover back into place, "I find target practice relaxing." He racked the bolt back and shouldered the rifle eyeballing some make believe target behind Kumiko and pulled the trigger. *Click*

Yua ever-so-slightly blushed. "Er, thanks but no thanks. Haden-Hei has the right idea though. Shooting a nice weapon is just, mmmm."

"Oh? So that's what they're calling it now," Kiyoshi gave Elliot a lewd grin before making a jerking motion with one of her hands.

He swung the weapon on Kiyoshi, "Though both ways work to their own extent." He said staring at the Nekovalkryja through the IBR's holo-sight.

Kiyoshi held up her hands in a surrendering gesture before giggling. "Whoa there soldier-boy. Keep that thing locked and stowed," she joked before standing up. "I'm heading for my quarters now," Kiyoshi stated before grabbing her duffle bag. "Call me, hunnies," she called back and waved casually before heading out of the private room.

Yua waved to the departing pilot, being sure to remember to not call. With Kiyoshi's personality, Yua had no way of even guessing what could be happening on the other end of the line at any hour of the day. "I wonder where our food is," she thought outloud, her mind wandering a bit without anything huge demanding her full attention.

Glancing back toward Yua, "Well Santo Hei Akitoku Yua, what do you shoot?" he asked out of boredom.

"Well," Yua started, a smile crossing her face, "I have a Stryling Longbolt, and a .455 Mancannon. Oh, and an HHG." Her hands moved around as if she was holding the guns for display.

"Nice choices, I can't handle the last two, I'm a little to human" he chuckled slightly holding up his skinny lean arms. "How does this one feel to you?" he said as he tossed the IBR at the neko.

"Ah!" Yua carefully caught it, looked it over a couple times, before she held it up to her shoulder look down the length of the gun. "Hmm, feels a bit on the heavy side, but it seems like a decent weapon. I'm not a huge fan of semi-automatic rifles anyway. It's just too satisfying to pull back the bolt." She handed the gun back.

Elliot took it back and set it on the table next to him and hearing footsteps glanced toward the door.

Not too long later Coral and another Neko server made their way into the room with everyone's meals. The group then sat down and enjoyed a little more conversation and dinner; the rest of the day was theirs afterwards.

  • つづく (to be continued)
Ep 00.5 - Prologue: Interviews and Preparation (pt II)

Interviews and Preparation (pt II)
  • A Hokorimasu JP

  • Valentine System: Akarui Star Fortress - YSS Hokorimasu
It was only a few more days until the Hokorimasu made her re-emergence into the vastness of space. The Akarui Star Fortress dock was overloaded with crates upon crates of supplies being loaded into the ship, a small city’s worth of supply specialists were working overtime to get the ship loaded up for her voyage. It was almost past supper time, just when Nito Hei Kurusu Ruri was scheduled to have her interview with a superior officer to be placed in her unit. Little did she know, just who would be giving her the interview. It was a mad chaos of people running about everywhere, machines and trucks picking up things and driving them off to their various destinations on the five kilometer long capitol ship.

Ruri would recieve a text message in her digital inbox. 'Your appointment will take place in the Officer's Wardroom on the 22nd deck. Please make your way now, as not to be late,' read the message from the Hokorimasu's KAMI.

Ruri had only arrived a few hours before thanks to the shuttle's promptness. After having disembarked, the tiny Neko had been leaning against a wall watching the busy people only becoming busier by the second. A stick of orange pocky being munched on idly as she waited. Well she was here... no one had given her any dire-- and there it was. "Hmmmmm." was all she said to the air at the 'ping' to notify her of new mail in her inbox. So, Officer's Wardroom, 22nd Deck. And how convenient, it even included a message from the ship's KAMI.

The stick had been nearing the nub so instead of savouring it any further she simply popped it into her mouth, hefting the large duffel over a shoulder as she walked, 'reading' the KAMI's message as she went.

A map was included as an attachment to her message, so she wouldn't get lost on her way through the massive main corridors of the Glorious Chiharu class ship. There were so many people; it was almost like being on base or in a shopping mall on sale day. There were Neko of all kinds, Yamataians, Nepleslians and even some Geshrin making their way around. A few rare other races seemed to be here too, dressed in their SAoY uniforms, it was like no other place Ruri had ever seen. A few carts drove by her with a rather pissed looking Neko shouting at people in the way, then just on the back on one of the crates were a couple of Yamataians chilling out and catching a ride to their next destination.

There was a shuttle now making its approach to the dazzling new 8SF star-fortress. "This is the shuttle from Kyoto carrying the special guest for the Hokorimasu, requesting landing clearance and vector corrections," the Neko pilot said as she made their approach to the station. The blue haired and green eyed girl leaned back in her seat and waited for the confirmation, taking a second to glance over at the Samurai in the seat beside her. "So, I know I shouldn't be askin' this... but I can't say I'm not immensely curious. Why are they sendin' you all the way out to the eighth?" she said taking in the mysterious woman in the seat beside her.

Chi's eyes were closed, silently thinking to herself of the detail and contents of the message she had been sent. It was her purpose to stalk the dark roads the Ketsurui were unable to walk themselves, but this sort of mission was no direct order from a Ketsurui. Instead, it was a request from military commander of a newly formed fleet, in no way tied to the clan save for her service to them. Guiltfully, she recalled the glee from receiving the message, of finding a place off of Yamatai and somewhere else in the world. The only saving grace was the target she had been given and the elders' approval when she brought the matter to them.

Her fingers tightened the black-lacquered shaft of Heaven, her weapon and closest compatriot so far from home. The spear itself was safely placed at her feet, but every few moments she spared the time to reach down and make sure it was still there. No long in the confines with her sisters, she had to keep the air of a Samurai, and ensure she brought no shame to herself, or the clan she served.

"To answer a call." replied Chi, cryptically. She sat back up, straightening her yukata, and cutting her narrowed eyes in the direction of the pilot. "And perhaps, find something."

The Neko pilot wasn't quite fresh, maybe around the same age of Chi. So instead of digging any further, she slowly nodded and went back to her reclining position at the helm. She was going to open her mouth to say something, but then something interrupted her. "Shuttle 1SF-00821, you're clear to dock. Forwarding your dock and vector corrections now. Welcome to the Akarui, and enjoy your stay," the operator added the last bit being a little friendly to the pilot, and just to break up her most boring evening.

"Thanks a lot star control, you guys be good in there okay~?" she said with a bit of a laugh as she called up the new data and made sure everything was in order as she then lead the shuttle into the dock. The 00821 floated effortlessly along the long arms of the station as they made their final approach towards the bay, finally passing through the atmospheric shielding and drifting towards the glossy blue floor. A quiet thunk resounded through the shuttle as the landing gears made contact with the floor. "Well, this is you Samurai-san. Good hunting out there, I hope you find what you're looking for," the pilot said with a nod of her head as she went about spinning down the engines. A loud 'pssssst' sound indicated the pressure equalization as the hatch opened up into the station's very busy shuttle bay.

Such a sight! Chi had only seen fortresses like this in her learning and on viewscreens. Never had she been inside, or even got to look at one loom over them in such a way. The structure's size seemed represent pure, unadulterated power, it's style spoke of luxury, which only enhanced the strength she felt by being within its presence. It was an immense creation to behold, and now she had the opportunity to walk within and amongst the people. To stroll the crafted halls in very... uncomfortable looking crowds. The Samurai savoured the last few seconds of peace and tranquility she had within the shuttle and bent forward to pick up her spear. Then, she looked to the pilot, who had respectfully referred to her as 'Samurai-san'.

"Chi,” she said simply, directing her sharpened gaze at the pilot. Honestly, it was probably the first time she had introduced herself to her.

"Chi-san, well--- I'm Akamatsu Lora, it was an honor to get you here. Maybe one day we'll see each other again," she said with a small charming smile as she then turned back to her instrument panel to finish up with the shutdown sequence. Chi was free to leave now; she was here on her own accord with a small journey ahead of herself just to get to meet with the Taisho who had written that letter. Luckily for her the station's PANTIES was ready and willing to help her find the ship in question.

"The venture was quiet and relaxing, I am very appreciative, Akamatsu-san." Chi bowed her head respectfully to the pilot, before standing up, and making her way to the hatch. She stopped just before reaching the opening, as a thought had come across her mind, and with that, she gave the pilot just a few more words. "I hope we meet again as well. You are delightfully quiet." And then, she stepped out of the shuttle, and into bay, inwardly forcing her eyes not to respond to the magnitude of overwhelming emotion filling her. Being in a new place, and seeing the size of the area was breathtaking, what with all that was going on around her.

There was a santo-hei who was making his way through the halls. He paused for a moment with bag in hand. 'Hrmmmm...' he paused and then seemed to think to himself for a moment. 'Akarui-IES, can you direct me to the YSS Red Horizon?" he asked the PANTIES, to which he was pinged with a quick message and given a digital set of directions to where he needed to be. Outwardly a more reassured smile appeared on his face and off he went with a better sense of things.

Chi herself looked up towards the ceiling of the bay, needing direction, but feeling the idle urge to explore for a moment. The Samurai stepped out to the edge of the busy crowds, and looked around further, her spear pointing up as she used it as a walking stick. With her yukata and hakama making her stand out so much, and her general dislike of walking oceans of people like that, her urge to explore quickly faded. The Samurai's stoic face instead followed the pacing people, taking in their expressions, their styles, and their behavioural patterns as they went about the everyday. Her ears folded back.

"I require directions to standing Commander Shosho Shizuka Endo." she requested of the PANTIES, carefully watching the people as she waited for a response.

Most of the people around Chi in the bay were pilots and engineers. There were a few groups of people exiting various large shuttles and whatnot, but for the most part this crowd was pretty thin. Nothing as what was to be compared to what was waiting just outside the bay. 'Understood, forwarding directions to the Endo-Shosho. Would you like a transport as well O-Samurai-San?' the system was programmed for the proper educate and respect when communicating. As Chi stood there though, she was getting a lot of strange looks from the various working crews. Samurai were very rare in the empire, so seeing one in front of their eyes made most people pretty much stop what they were doing.

The eyes. All of the eyes on her. She had to continue to remind herself of the rarity of her kind there. Still, as a young Neko, she took great pride in her own appearance, even with its unrefined look, it was her style. Those eyes made it feel like something was wrong with her, and she needed to know. It was not disgraceful to check ones appearance in public, she knew that much. Though, she knew better that she needed something else to take her focus so that she would not lose her composure.

"A transport is very appreciated, Akarui-IES." she responded, looking down at her hair pieces, seeing if it was positioned correctly. "I also wish for a volumetric mirror of myself while I wait for this transport." That request was made as politely, and officially as possible.

'Understood, transport vehicle enroute. Estimated time of arrival, is two minutes and thirty-two seconds,' replied the Akauri station's PANTIES, as it cued up a cargo specialist to drive over and get Chi. And as she waited a volumetric screen appeared with the image of the NH-27's face before her, using a visual transference system instead of an actual physical mirror. It didn't take too much longer before a young looking Yamataian male with his hair up in a fauxhawk and earphones popped into his ears turned the corner, he was driving what looked akin to a golfcart. The tanned Yammie was drumming on his wheel, seemingly all relaxed and calm until he saw who he was going to be driving. His sky-blue eyes went wide as he saw the samurai standing with her weapons in hand. The cart squeeked to a sudden stop, and he scrambled for his music device, shutting it off and stuffing it into his pocket. "Aah, h-hey there Samurai-Sama. I'm your ride," he paused and swallowed, "I mean I'm here to transpor-r-rt you to your destination," he said completely forgetting his own name.

Hair in check... Braid in check... Hairpiece even... No facial blemishes... Yes! Chi was looking pretty good. Her appearance was quiet maintained, and she was quiet distracted from all the eyes upon her. Now it came to waiting for the transport, which conveniently made its way around the corner as soon as she had finished up. The Samurai looked in the direction, and couldn't help but stare rather blankly at the driver. Her sharp eyes locked on to him, and as he stopped, her ears folded back out in their usual position.

"Thank you for your time, Driver-san." said Chi as she tapped the shaft her spear on the floor before stepping into the cart. She sat, paying little mind to the man's discomfort of her, and rested her weapon over shoulder as its base sat at the floorboards. "You may continue to our destination, now." she said in polite tone, her eyes cutting in his direction, before cutting back forward. Now, came a more exciting part, venturing the facility with little worry of the crowds.

The nervous Nitô Hei driver seemed to have a hard time keeping his eyes on the path, as they made their way out of the shuttle bay. It was obvious he was glancing at her, but he tried his hardest to hide his skyblue glances. The trip through the station was like any trip through a spacestation, it was jammed packed with people making their way about. Massive shipment crates being shuffled around with carts and trucks. There were shops and various domestic spaceliners as well as the military installations and booths. The hallways were colossal with gigantic lights and shifting mirrored art pieces hanging high up in the celling. Planters added a splash of natural to the highly artificial environment. It was pretty stunning how these hundreds of people knew where they were going. However Chi's ride seemed to be the only one who didn't know where he was going, as he almost missed their exit. A large volumetric sign hanging above one of the gates to the space dock had; 'YSS Hokorimasu, NF-S8-01' scrolling across it. As he was once again hiding a glance at the NH-27 in the seat beside him he caught the bright text and once more the brakes came squeaking to a sudden stop. "S-sorry about that!" he said as he turned the wheel hard to the right and headed into the gate, a light flickered as they passed through the gate, scanning them as they passed through.

The two drove into a large section with seating and receiving booths and the like, and then as they continued driving Chi chould see it now. The bright red glorious chiharu came into view through the clear panels of shielding. There was a lot of commotion on the deck, with all the supplies being carted around. The driver made his way over to the nearest docking ramp and brought the cart to the bottom. "Well Samurai-Sama, this is your stop!" he said offering her a cheesy smile, doing his best to be friendly.

Most of Chi's attention had been garnered to the passing scenery, while not overtly showing her excitement, it was obvious enough that she interested in the world around her. Her head turned and pivoted around to follow beauty of the fortress itself. It was almost as if they were on man-made planet with all its glorious construction and natural foliage. Whatever guilt she had felt on swiftly accepting this request for assistance vanished with the sights she received. Of course, it would've been more pleasant if the driver had stopped removing his attention from the pathways. The Samurai threw him a sharp, unsatisfied gaze as they stopped, and she turned to step out of the cart. Though, before he could have a chance to leave, she spoke to him.

"Do not find yourself distracted by the things you do not find commonplace, Driver-san." advised Chi, turning to look at him, "Otherwise you may end up hurting yourself, or someone else. But..." She nodded her head respectfully, "Thank you for your time, Driver-san. Do try hold your attention better in the future." With that, she turned towards the wondrous Chiharu at dock before, and took in its size. Everything was so large and beautiful in this place, and the red color of the vessel was so appealing.

Still, she had someone to meet, and this sight-seeing was not going to bind her any longer. She made her way for the nearest airlock to make contact with KAMI, and find the location of her message's sender.

'Welcome to the Hokorimasu O-Samurai-San, Endo-Shosho is located on deck twenty-two in the wardroom. Would you like a digital map version of these directions?' the capitol ship's KAMI responded to Chi's request promptly with a generically chipper feminine voice.

"Hai, that would be very helpful, thank you." nodded Chi, as she began to wander around into the ship. Her eyes scanned around for the nearest lift she waited on the digital map to upload. The excitement was palpable, only mired by the stares she garnered from all who saw her in her usual garments. Hopefully, she was not the only Samurai on this massive ship; otherwise this would be a long, awkward assignment.

Chi's received directions led her through one of the large open airlocks, into one of the main corridors. It was almost just as busy as the main walkways in the station, only more condensed. People were shoulder to shoulder in most sections, every once in a while a cart with supplies or important officers would beep trying to get people to clear out of the way. Chi's presence was noted by most of her passer-by, but it wasn't as bad at in the bay, instead people in the ship had places to be and quickly. Of course there were the few gawkers, but they soon were caught by the current of bodies flowing this why and that way. The audio from the digital volumetric screens on the sides of the halls were playing out current newscasts from the Empire, going on about the various battles and conditions of the homeworlds.

Then finally the passage would open up to one of the grand lift plazas. There were larger volumetric panels here and a few rows of vending machines and seating with large magnificent plants and flowers hanging in the air. At the center is a cluster of nine lifts, each of them quickly traveling up and down through the decks. There were massive crowds gathered at the doors to each of these, shuffling in just as quick as it emptied. Chi could see one of the lifts arriving now which had an arrow on display directing that the lift was traveling off to her destination. But it wouldn't be easy to get into it, as there was already two or three full lifts worth of people in line before her.

Such business! Everyone moving around everywhere in a chaos of people. It was organized chaos, but nonetheless seemed somewhat chaotic to her. Everyone knew here they were going, yet not even the massive hall of the ship seemed large enough to accommodate the traffic. Yet still, she managed to press her way forth, cutting between people, and snaking through the crowd like the agile Neko she was. Yet, that stopped at the lift section, when she was able to see the large amounts of people stacked in, trying to fill the elevators, she knew that she'd either have to circumvent the crowd, or keep the Shosho waiting even longer than she had then. Word of her arrival had to have been given to the commander already, and making her wait on the Samurai's case seemed almost impolite.

So, there were several heads in front of her, between the Samurai and the destination that followed. What other thing to do, than to simply float over them? This is exactly what she did. Chi put her spear over her shoulder, minding where exactly the blade was, and lifted herself off the floor. She tucked her knees in, and then hovered over those already waiting in line. Hopefully the sight of flying Samurai would be surprising enough.

The samurai floated up high over the crowd, there was some protest from down below; but none quite loud enough to really truly go against the Samurai’s actions. Most of the hushed chatter was about the simple fact that there was a NH-27 here on the ship, a vassal of the empress here. The commotion shifted to mystery and wonder at just what was this lone warrior's purpose and duties on the ship.

Chi slipped in-between the doors with no issue, filing in with the rest of the rather thin crowd in comparison to the last lift's load. It was rather silent on the lift, only quiet breaths past in and out of the occupants. But there was something different in this lift, a strange sort of aura coming from one of the other occupants. His breath was much more relaxed and steady, eyes forward and shoulders firm. Chi was not the only warrior onboard, she could lay eyes on him now; a Yamataian male with an impressive form even in his relaxed pose. In his right hand was his duffle bag and on his back a long cylinder case with a simple clasp, usually used to store swords. The sharp eyed Yamataian male opened his eyes slowly, gaze drifting up to the Samurai standing not too far from him. His features were fierce, like that of a warrior who had experienced many battles. Silently he bowed his head with respect, but offered nothing more and nothing less.

Ruri'd find her way through the halls, passing by volumetric screens shifting with scrolling news from the empire, and various news stations. A few inspirational interviews continued re-running throughout the halls. Then she'd finally arrive to one of the wide open lift plazas. All throughout the ship were large clusters of lifts to deal with the constant flow of traffic, similar to the ones in the large towers in Kyoto. This plaza had some plants and bright simulated sunlight and some water features. But there was no time to gawk; it looked like she'd already have to experience her first battle. Many people were lined up infront of the lifts and would quickly fill each one the moment the previous crowd exited. The next lift going in the direction of the deck she needed to be at arrived, it was do or be left behind as people began to rush in.

Ruri's fuzzy ears flitted a little as a Neko passed by on a cart, yelling at the people in front of her. Well. It wasn't her problem the woman couldn't get them to move out of the way. Even then as she drew nearer to the plazas containing lifts, and thankfully the loud cursing Neko left far enough behind to no longer be within earshot, Ruri's usually bored expression turned to one of surprise and then annoyance causing her ears to flatten against her head. Lines, but not just any lines. Crowded lines. For her it'd likely be near suicide to try and push through and the prospect of being trampled wasn't one she enjoyed.

"Lift Twenty-Two." mumbled Ruri as watched it arrive, just the one she needed and already a group were rushing into it. Well! Like she'd run into a lift with everyone else pushing, shouting, and cursing as they tried to get in there. Already she'd been bumped around, nudged past, and asked if she'd lost her mother. No more! Instead of walking, Ruri did the only practical thing she could think of she began to float above the crowd and head toward the lift. A look of cool smugness on her small face as she did so, only to bump her head into the overhead before pushing herself down enough to slip inside of the already cramped lift. As she managed to wedge her way to the floor, the poor Neko was rubbing at a now tender spot on her head while waiting for it to finally go.

There was a few voices who protested the tiny Neko's crafty move, but for the most part she wasn't stopped other by anything then the top part of the door to the lift. She could hear one of the other Neko make a snide, "bitch deserved that," then some giggling from some other girls who were with the voice. But before she'd get a good look at them the door was blocked with the rest of the horde that packed in the small elevator like a meatcan in the rations. It was stuffy in there, Ruri was pressed in-between a giant Fyunnen with breasts which were pretty much against Ruri's head, and a hardplace, another rather large body. This guy was a Nepleslian though, with an 'I <3 Nekos' tattoo on his arm with an anime like Neko giving a victory pose. The air was heavy too, with the smell of someone's perfume, whoever it was smelled like they bathed in the stuff today.

About to make a snappy retort, the doors closed before she could fire one off. Hah, well, they'd be waiting and she wouldn't. Bitch indeed. Despite that, and the fact she was getting an eyefull of an anime-esque Neko in a victory pose, which had 'I <3 Nekos' on it, and that her head was all but wedged between two massive breasts which only made her go a little awkward (Even though she liked things like that! And envied them with equal measure!) the most annoying part of this ride was the smell. Perfume, too much of it, the flowery floral scent was making her nose crinkle up a little as she coughed. Her guess was that they likely found it a lovely stench, that or were covering up the fact they lacked a decent bath.

The look little Ruri wore however showed she was not pleased at her being so firmly packed into a group. Particularly one she didn't know, didn't care to know and didn't find at all interesting. Well, at least her head was warm for the time being.

The lift sped through the shaft at blinding speeds, but inside it didn't even feel like they shifted. The only thing showing some sort of movement was the ticking of the volumetric numbers changing as they passed the various decks until they came to their first destination. A few people shuffled out and one person hopped in. It started up again, coming to another deck--- not the one Ruri wanted to be at yet. But at least more people got off now, giving the rest of them more breathing room. A few more seconds and finally the 22nd deck, the lift opened up and a long legged beautiful Yamataian woman with a data pad in her arm and data specs on the edge of her dainty nose stepped out first, non-standard heels leading her steps into the hall.

Ruri pried herself out of the lift as her deck came up, only to put a hand against the cold metal wall, and one on her chest, gasping for air. She'd tried to hold her breath in due to that perfume and it hadn't turned out as well as she was now red in the cheeks and gasping for air.

I-I thought I'd DIE... the thought popping into her head as she then went about pulling the duffel bag out before the doors closed on her again. It took a few seconds of effort, and gritting of the teeth but she managed, at least she thought she had. Since now as she walked with some hurriedness she was also busily pawing at her hair to make sure it was nice and straight. Wiping at her brow with a pink handkerchief she'd pulled out of the bag, and even prying off the fake nails she'd had on. Those things could tell her mood, and anyone who saw them and knew of the product would've known Ruri was not in the best of spirits.

There were a few officers at this point hanging around in the hallway with fancy glasses of wines and various drinks in hand. Discussing various things, mostly just wanting to be out of the wardroom, which as soon as Ruri turned the corner looked more like a fancy restaurant with its own bar running along one of the walls fully stocked with expensive booze and officers. The lights were low and it was full of atmospheric piano and light chatter. The directions she received earlier had included a digital pass into the normally enlisted restricted area. She was to meet her superior officer in the private dining room in the back. One of the little sprites who were floating around directing people to their seats quickly flew up to the front. "Ah, welcome to the Scarlet Room. Are you here to meet someone?" she said trying to be polite instead of simply turning away the Enlisted.

Ruri looked at the finery and fluff with a level look, only to raise a balled fist to her mouth and clear her throat as a sprite came floating toward her. "Yes, I'm here for my interview. I'm Kurusu, Ruri. I recently was transferred to this detachment." was all she said while sniffing at the air. All she'd had was a pack of delicious creme' filled pocky. Even though she liked sweets, she needed something more to sustain her after all. But the looks she gave the glasses of wine were one of disdain. She avoided drinking as much as she could for the simple fact she was a light weight of the highest degree.

"Oh yes, you're dining with the Shosho!" the little pink sprite said rather excitedly, as she then grabbed a menu and gestured formally for Ruri to follow her, and then led her through the dining area where there were officers mingling together over expensive meals and liquor. The food smelled extravagant. Then the sprite finally came to the misty glass doors, bowing her head. "Excuse me a moment," she said as she slipped into the room to announce Ruri's arrival. She was left alone outside for a long five minutes before the pink skinned and blue haired sprite appeared once more. "The captain will see you now," she said with a cheery little tone before slipping back to her work.

"Right..." was Ruri's response to the cheery little sprite before she floated off back to her duties. Even while waiting her stomach was throwing a tantrum at her and the smells, Oh gods the smells. of the food were getting to her. She'd even seen a tray of desserts roll by and had almost leapt at it. Shortcakes, Chocolates... it was almost too much! She tore her eyes away from the scene of people dining and instead opened the door, slamming it shut behind her, pressed against it herself, and even giving it an annoyed look. It was only then she realized she'd enter the room she was supposed to meet her interviewer in.

All of a sudden the annoyed look turned to one of sheepishness at her awkward attitude at the day she was having.

It was much more quiet in the private dining room, as Ruri glanced up she'd see the Eighth Fleet's commander. She was nothing as godly as one would imagine. She was a tanned NH-29 Neko, slightly larger than Ruri, only being 5'2" herself. But she had a rather confortable looking chair which added to her presence, giving the normally short Neko a little boost up. "Ah, there you are. I was afraid you might have gotten lost," the Shosho said as her large amber orbs drifted up to glance at the smaller Ruri.

"Come, have a seat. Are you hungry?" she asked gesturing at the seat across from her. The Shosho's voice was actually quite soothing, almost like that of an older sister's. "I'm assuming you're Nito Hei Kurusu Ruri. As you already know, my name is Endo Shizuka. I'll be looking after you for the next little while, I hope we get to know each-other in time," she said pleasantly offering the other Neko a kind smile.

Despite the introduction, Ruri suddenly became more than a little shy as she edged toward the pre-offered seat. Smiles, kindness, companionship, Ruri craved not these things. Right now she craved a hot meal, this interview to go on and be done with, and then to sleep. She did however give the Shosho her due in a bow before seating herself a little thankful she could see over the table. The one time she hadn't been able to result in mocking laughter which had ended abruptly after a severe verbal tongue lashing by the small Neko.

"Yes... I'm hungry." she answered in a somewhat wary tone. "I... I hope we get to know each other as well, in time." Ruri added, going over the pleasantries.

Shizuka gestured to the menu at the seat and mentally ping'd the service staff. The Shosho went quiet a moment as she glanced back down to her work. There was a series of digital documents on the table before her, with a few mental commands and a press of her tanned digit they were quickly dispelled and a new document came up on the table before her, it was Ruri's file. Shizuka's eyes were covered by the beak of her officer's cap as she glanced over the file. Shizuka was a strange sort of Neko, short yet rather slender with obvious feminine features, but her posture and gestures were almost primal and akin to that of a Lioness'. That's probably where the nickname came from, the Red Lion. For those who didn't know the story anyway. She sat with an obvious knowledge of who she was and what she could do, but not without a kindness like that of a mother lion.

A male Yamataian in a vest and sharp slacks slipped into the room, he had a platter in one hand with a glass of water in hand. He placed it in front of Ruri. "Good evening Captain and ma'am. What can I get you this evening?" he asked Ruri, as it seemed Shizuka had already eaten, with a few empty plates and glasses off to one side.

While waiting for the waiter to arrive, she'd been looking over the menu, and stealing glances at the woman who sat across from her and back. She was in the mood for something meaty, and already had what she wanted in mind when the glass of water was put in front of her. At least it hadn't been wine. When she pointed to the menu, it was to a steak, a rather good cut too. "I want it medium rare." the small Neko said, wanting to salivate but holding that in and instead sipping at the water that had been put in front of her.

"Yes, we'll have it to you as soon as we can," the Yamataian said with a practiced smile as he then took the menu from Ruri. He then slipped out of the room leaving the two alone. Shizuka wasn't beautiful or too sexy, she was cute to a point but other than that she was quite normal for a Neko. Long yellow blond hair hung over her back, length of the longest layer stopped at just above her bra-strap. It was a little bit of a mess, loose curls flowing over her back and shoulders as she read through the last document.

"Well Kurusu-Hei, do you mind if I call you Ruri-Hei?" she asked and continued. "I feel as if you would best be able to serve the Hokorimasu and her crew in a special project of mine, I'm creating a special operations group for the ship. You guys will be my personal eyes and ears on the battle field, you'd get the first crack at any mission and you guys will also get the perks of being the ship's first squad. The group is called the Lion Squad, I plan on having you all prepared to deal with the intense situations we will be facing in these next months to come. I can read people quite well, from just a glance I have a good idea of what you can do... I would really like to place you in this team, however I won't force this placement upon anyone who is not prepared for the work," she paused and her amber orbs drifted up once more to lock eyes with Ruri, piercing right though her soul with an experienced glance only an officer of her level could gain.

And the Shosho would get a glance at the green-eyed stare of Ruri a moment before they drifted back down to the glass, which pretty much said it all. She was a socially awkward Neko, never having friends, preferring to be alone, and not finding solace in the comrade that her peers seemed to enjoy. Instead she read, played games, slept, or on the rare occasion fought out on the front lines. What she'd seen of the enemy had left her mildly unimpressed, mostly because she'd not seen the enemy of old, the SMX who were so talked about, and both feared as well as respected. These NMX seemed to rely on Neko troopers to fill the gaps and roles the Mishhuvurthyar of this invasion either could not, or were unwilling to fill.

Ruri's shoulders went up and down as she fidgeted in her seat. The stare... why did everyone stare!. "I don't mind!" she blurted. "I mean... I would not mind trying join in on this. My former CO's kept bouncing me around the various platoons, squads and detachments. I didn't get to see much combat beyond my first assignment and then my detachment was nearly wiped out. Afterward I was traded around because I don't get along or like people. Saying I caused a distraction within the ranks."

The kind Shizuka smiled softly and shook her head a little. "It appears that your previous commanding officers simply didn't know the potential in you. I have a theory, that if you get enough time to adjust to your surroundings that you'll grow in time, fond of your companions. However we'll see just how well that works out in the end, won't we?" the Lioness winked a smile to Ruri and turned her attention to the grape juice in her glass. Shizuka had a good sense of people, and her sense about this one was that in time she'd be a great member of her team, perhaps even the most caring and concerned one amongst them. But even Shizuka had been wrong her fair share.

Ruri's head dipped a little, making her appear very much like a child caught in the act and was now glumly accepting the fact she'd been caught. "I suppose..." she mumbled.

The lift door opened, it was Chi's exit. Outside there was chattering and conversations of the various officers making their way about the hall. But it was all rather quiet compared to the conversation that spoke loudly through the other warrior's expressions. It was obvious he was interested in the samurai, but his reasons were as mysterious as her own for being here. As Chi exited onto the deck, the door came to a close with his face being the last image beyond those doors. He gave her an enigmatic smile, ever so faint on his fierce facade.

The Samurai Neko silently took the comments and banter on her reputation and her purpose, as she floated into the elevator. Even going so far to give a small, faceless bow in apology to those she had skipped in front of. It was indeed becoming the norm rather quickly to be talked about and stared at first sight. Chi would have to become comfortable with being the odd Neko out for a while... or so she thought.

In all strangeness, she could feel the man's presence, before she even took the time to notice him. At first, she took simply to keeping her eyes shut in a meditative silence. Yet, what she felt simply pervaded the air of intensity in the room and poked incessantly at her curiosity. So, she opened her eyes into her narrow gaze, and suddenly had to fight the urge to allow them surprised for the specimen she saw. This Yamataian, this man was not staring or even trying to avoid her gaze. No, in fact, he seemed as if he was relaxed, calm as the midsummer breeze on a warm morning. When those intense eyes met hers, she felt her heart flutter. Temptation rose in her spine to ask for his name then and there, and a more sensual one wanted to ask for a room number.

But! She was a Samurai, controlled in her actions. Instead of answering her body, she answered her mind and bowed her head in a quiet respect. Then as they filed out of the elevator, making their way into the hall, she found herself intrigued more by his stride. She watched it through her own special vision, subtly keeping her eyes forward. Every ounce of the man spoke of one world. Warrior. As battle-filled an Yamatai's history was, true warriors amongst men were few and far inbetween. There were some, yes, but rarely were they so stoic... and powerful. Chi had been enthralled by this one silver-sheep that stood out amongst all the others, the girl in her wanted to desperately know more of him, but that was silence quickly.

Then... the smile, so subtle, so graceful. Controlled. Was he a Samurai? He was not wearing the yukata and hakama. So powerful was that one, small smile, she stopped, her ears twitching slightly. She suddenly felt... hungry, but staved that desire under her blanket of duty. Instead, she switched her focus, going back to her original task, trying to put the man's intense stare into the back of her mind. Chi continued on direction, not showing one smidgen of response beyond the bow and the sudden stop.

It was nearing late evening, most likely 1900 hours. It had been a while since she had gotten to eat. So the smells of the glazed meats and spiced sides were a welcome sensation to the samurai's acute sense of smell. There were more people here than before, diners were few at this hour and more drinkers were apparent. The crowd outside were getting rowdy over something one person said, but the moment they caught a glance at the samurai, they all seemed to sober up. The Nekos in an instant, the others well... they faked it well. Many of them bowed their heads and made their ways down farther in the hall.

The opening to the restaurant styled ward bay was a few steps away. It was a double tiered room with tables scattered out mostly separated by potted foliage for privacy, a few officers were left eating and a couple could be seen holding hands and staring into each-other’s eyes, whispering sweet something’s to each other. The chatter was calm here, murmurs and smooth tones interrupted by the casual excitement at the bar.

A very beautiful NH-29 stepped up to the receiving podium to start her shift. She was a pure white skinned Neko with shimmery silverish hair and eyes which sparkled like the chandlers hanging up above the room. She caught the Samurai in the corner of her eye, a small look of surprise changed her features ever so slightly. "Ah you are the samurai Chi-san, no?" she asked to confirm.

Chi quietly walked her way along, her sharp eyes forward. It was best not to unsettle anyone by giving them a direct look, because by they seem to react to her mere presence; they seemed on a hair trigger. It was nice to receive respect, but the utter shock was still unsettling as ever. She kept checking behind her through skin vision to see if something had popped out to attack. Yet, to no avail, it always seemed to be her, unsettling or, in this case completely settling a crowd. However, she did admire the discipline in everyone to fight their own drunkenness to show respect. Shizuka-Shosho commanded a good group, by what she could see thus far.

Entering into the ward bay, though, was once again dazzling. Chi loved how varied a ship's environment could be, there was something different around each turn, this place was no exception. What was more was that it was so peaceful! The enriching atmosphere caused the Samurai to relax slightly, her ears dipping in a bit of delight. She would've stared for quite a while at the different things in the room, were not for the hostess. The NH-29 was rather beautiful, an almost pure image, she was slightly settling. Yet, Chi's eyes found her just like any other, narrowed and focused, a certain intent hidden within the gaze.

"Hai." answered Chi, somewhat glad to be called by name.

"Great, well o-samurai-san, I am Platinum. Just follow me to the private room; the Shosho and one of the crew are just in a meeting. However I've been instructed to bring you to join them for dinner, here's a copy of our menu. Please feel free to browse it," she said bowing her head and then went ahead to lead Chi off across the floor through a path in-between the tables, where she'd gain a few more glances from the various curious officers. Then Platinum came upon a large set of double doors, she gave a small knock and peeked her head inside,

"Endo-Shosho, the Ketsurui Samurai has arrived," the silvery haired Neko said.

Shizuka was happily enjoying her meal with the small Ruri and her gigantic steak, she gave a small nod to the server and placed her utensils down on the table and dabbed at the corner of her lips. The door then was held open for Chi, so they could join the two much smaller Neko for their interview and dinner it appeared like. "Ah o-samurai-san, I'm so glad you could join us," Shizuka said as she got up from her chair to offer the NH-27 a bow of her head.

Chi eyed the food in front of her on the table, and then the menu at her hand. Inwardly, she would've like to run Platinum through for putting so much temptation in front of her, but the Samurai kept her composure. So, she pushed the food out of her mind, and bowed deeply to Shizuka, her eyes on the Captain's through the gesture.

"Endo-shosho," she said respectfully, in mid-bow, before cutting her eyes in Ruri's direction. The Samurai rose from her bow, and then gave a respectful nod to the already present Nito-Hei.

Ruri meanwhile had been stuffing herself as the meal went on. A day without food, and only a few sugary snacks that could not fill the void had left her hungry and cranky. Now though as seemingly more people arrived, Ruri's ears flattened against her blond hair. She was never good with people, or with groups. And that's what it looked like, a group forming up around her. Wary now, she stabbed at a cut chunk of meat and promptly began chewing after depositing it within her mouth.

"Yes, and you are the most honorable demon slayer Chi-san. I am most honored to have you aboard my ship. I suspose introductions are in order this is Nito Hei Kurusu, Ruri. Ruri-chan, this is one of the Empress' samurai, Chi-san. You'll both actually find that you'll be seeing a lot of one another. You both will be very instrumental to our mission here in this sector, in bringing safety and some sort of hope to our citizens. I'm equally as glad to have you both here. Now Chi-san, if you would take a seat I would like to invite you to join us for dinner," Shizuka said as she took her seat herself, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Chi could not eat in the presence of others. It was mostly Shizuka's unfamiliarity with the samurai. She knew what they did, and who they were. But as a space born Neko who had served on more obscure vessels, she had never the chance to work with one so intimately.

Looking up as her name was called, Ruri just stared dead at the Samurai for several lingering seconds, considering, analyzing her it would seem. The small Neko then just looked away and back to her meal without saying a word although before looking back she'd given a small nod of her head.

"I will sit." confirmed Chi as she set her spear on the wall, ensuring that the weapon was in her sight. She then move to sit, her blood-red eyes meeting Ruri's stare as she pulled out her chair. With a hand rested on her Wakizashi, the Samurai took a seat, before placing her received menu onto the table. "However." she started, her eyes on Shizuka again, "I cannot accept your offer to dine." Chi nodded her head in apology, ears folding back slightly, "I am sorry."

Shizuka's blonde head lofted to one side, blinking curiously. "May I ask why you cannot join us?" Shizuka pried carefully, "not that I mean to intrude in your personal decisions. I'm only curious if I need to make certain arrangements for you, I would hope that I can make your stay most confortable on the Hokorimasu." Shizuka then slid a playfully stoic glance at Ruri, and then slid the menu back over to the smaller Neko and turned it over to reveal a most delicious looking dessert menu, and smirked her an all knowing smile before turning her attention back to the samurai.

"A Ketsurui Samurai does not eat when the eyes of others are upon them. To eat with our back to eachother is uncomfortable and rude to the both of you, and to eat as we are is against my code as a Samurai." explained Chi with her head bowed respectfully to Shizuka as she spoke, not looking directly in the eye. "If it is discomforting to you," Chi's eyes cut in Ruri's direction, "Or Kurusu-Hei, I will excuse myself."

Ruri slapped her hands on the table at the unveiling of the dessert menu. Chi's offer going unanswered as the small Neko's ears were suddenly fluttering in utter delight! Oh happy days! Even her eyes seemed more alive. The rest of her meal went forgotten as the menu came up before her eyes completely obscuring her from the other two women as she looked it over.

Shizuka seemed enlightened by the samurai's tidbit of knowledge. Shizuka not being privileged enough to be born in a station or the home planet had never received the extensive knowledge pertaining to the Samurai. Even during her two visits to Kyoto, she had only spotted a samurai or two about the city. Shizuka was born as a necessary Neko backup six years ago to assist in her first ship's repairs. She had come a long way since that day, it kind of flashed back in her head for a moment there. But she let the memories shuffle back into their proper places. "Ah very good Chi-san, oh--- do you mind if I refer to you as Chi-san?" she asked, making sure not to step on anyone's toes.

'Just cue up anything you want with the restaurant and it's on the house. Okay~?" Shizuka said in secret encrypted mental communications with the small Ruri. Shizuka was mostly just glad to see the Hei enjoy herself. Shizuka knew the hardships ahead, so she tried her best to make sure the ship was in good spirits.

Chi seemed to consider that for a moment. She had given her name out before, but such familiarity between Shosho and a Samurai such as herself? There was a line to be considered for formalities. Deep inside, she really desired to have herself called as Chi, not O-Samurai. Perhaps it was fine to allow such a thing.

"I prefer it, actually." said Chi, her eyes focusing back on Shizuka, ears twitching once or twice. Something in her wanted to express the reasons further to the Shosho. Shizuka seemed so welcoming, and it became difficult to resist that warmth.

The response Shizuka'd receive was a flush of happiness along the mental communications line between them. Ruri had selected a dessert already just before the offer had been made, and went about the motions of placing the order. Ordering a Strawberry Mille-fueille. Light, sweet and with fresh ripe strawberries. It almost made her mouth water in anticipation as she added something to balance the sweetness, coffee of course with sugar and cream but the slight bitterness would go well with it in her opinion.

"So Ruri-chan has already accepted my offer, however I've not quite extended it to yourself Chi-san. Though you will not be under any strict command from the leader, or myself. I would think your duties would be best served if you were numbered amongst my newest project, a special ops squad of power-armored infantry which will be the first reaction force as well as the ones who will be carrying out the ship's primary duties and missions here on out. It is called the Lion Squad, and I would like to extend to you an invitation to assist them, and the empire. We could use your strength, and it would be a way for you to practice your arts, so that when we finally get to the monsters I've written you about, you'll be more then well prepared to bring them to justice," Shizuka spoke highly of the samurai, hoping that she would help out with this squad, but knowing it was a long shot in the dark.

Chi stared long at Shizuka after she finished her offer. Of course, it was a rather pretentious to believe one could simply call forth a Ketsurui Samurai and expect them to serve. Samurai were elite in many ways, but their duty was the protection of the Ketsurui Clan. To accept this would be protecting them in an indirect way, a job specified to the Star Army. Direct protection was what the Ketsurui Samurai were for, swift and striking retribution to any that crossed their protectorate. Yet, even so, the elder Samurai did not bar her from making the trip, and even allowed her to bring her SARAH unit as a cautionary fall-back. Chi had wanted to say yes, but doubt clouded her mind. What if this was a test? Some long-winded trial that she faced at this one point, elders were crafty like that, but this seemed especially cruel. Yes... Or No? It seemed so easy, yet was so hard.

"I will assist you for a time. Observe." Chi reasoned, "If pinpoint evidence points to the location of the target, then I will be at your full disposal. In the meantime, I will serve in Lion Squad until that time." Yes! That was a good answer, thought the Samurai. A square yes wouldn’t have been considerate enough, and no did not seem like a possibility. Inside, Chi's heart began to flutter, now knowing she was in this for the long run.

Shizuka's worried expression melted away into a bright almost ecstatic smile. "You don’t know how much of relief that is to me, to be fighting alongside one of the Empire's great warriors. I assure you that together we will rid these monsters from our Empress' shadows, and allow all of our Nation’s people to rest a little better at night. You have my honor on that," Shizuka said with a much deeper bow of her head then before. "Now there is some pressing matters that me and Ruri-chan have to attend to, so I will leave this room for the privacy of your dinner and whatever else you may require," Shizuka said with a bow of her head as she then gestured for Ruri to join her.

'I have this wonderful little place to show you in the city before tomorrow starts,' she said to her new little friend as she then bowed once more to the Samurai and took Ruri on an adventure to the Hokorimasu's internal city, off to find 'The Sweet Fang' a candy shop located in the ship.

The Samurai watched as both Shizuka and Ruri left the room, leaving Chi to herself. She waited further, after the door closed, her narrow red eyes watching the door sharply. Her ears twitched, flicking left, and then right, listening for movement outside. Then, it came, that sensation of being completely alone with in a room, no eyes to judge, no mouths to whisper. Chi was completely alone.

At that moment, the straight lip curled up into a smile, slowly becoming more giddy. The Samurai burst into squeals as she hopped out of her chairs, shaking her fists in excitement. All of the pent up joy she had felt during the day was coming out, and she giggled it all out, happy that she made this decision, and happy Shizuka had chosen her. So happy, in fact, she began singing a little song in Yamataian, hopping on her left, and then her right around the table, dancing. Literally, it had to be one of the happier moments in her life, and it was too difficult to contain, even for a Samurai.

After being drawn out of the room by the Shosho, and leaving a half-eaten Mille-feuille behind, Ruri wondered where the woman was taking her. Then it dawned on her that the heavy duffle she'd been heaving around wasn't on her shoulder. The little Neko stopped, looked up to Shizuka and held up a finger. "I forgot my duffle bag, I'll be right back." the now back-pedaling Ruri said before turning on her heel and with a trot back toward the wardroom before she began to float in the air.

Unbeknownst to the Samurai, Chi, and Ruri, a surprise was in store for both as the door slid open, little Ruri catching sight of something... something... She couldn't exactly explain it, or make heads or tails of it. In fact, she wouldn't even try! Ruri just gave the giddy Chi a deadpan expression, one so common on her Samurai sisters' faces it was almost nostalgic.

Ruri had just that much time to make a deadpan, before she'd catch sight of her Samurai sister sweep the floor from her dance, the sound of a sword drawn interrupting the sound of a fluttering yukata. Chi cleared what little distance between them there was, and had her wakizashi stiffly pointed off the tip of Ruri's nose. The Samurai's eyes held a cold, deathly stare.

"How much did you see?" Chi's stern voice broke the silence.

Ruri had been reaching for her duffle, the stare on her face when only a few short seconds later she had the glinting steel point of a wakizashi almost tickling her little nose. Her green eyes looked down at it, blinked, and then back up as Chi asked her question. Well, she felt a flutter of fear, but thankfully she lacked a heart to skip the beat that went along with it. Although her answer to the Samurai was quite simple. She sung a verse of the song Chi had just so happily sung back to her.

Chi stared at the smaller Neko, before redirecting her Wakizashi on the edge of the door, and pulled it closed, with the blade's tip. Then, her eyes cut back at Ruri, and then she sheathed her weapon. The Samurai leaned back a little putting her hands on her shapely hips.

"Listen... Uh..." started Chi, her face contorting into actual embarrassment, "Sorry about that, but... You know, we're not supposed to show emotion in public, and... I've been holding that in all day. So..." The Samurai smiled and put her hands together in prayer, "Could you please not tell anyone about that?"

The small Neko watched as the glinting weapon was sheathed and then the change in the once dangerous demeanor being eminated by Chi, to one of... she was unsure. Ruri blinked her big green eyes and stared up at the woman.

"I won’t tell anyone, Dancing Samurai-san." she said in her oft used tone of voice. She chose to call her such since frankly she hadn't caught the Samurai's name or if it had been said... had been too busy salivating at the dessert menu. Plus, it was a small pinprick of a payback for having a wakizashi pointed at her.

Chi's smile curled even higher, not even catching that nickname too hard. The Samurai leaned forward, and scooped up the tiny Neko into her arms. Honestly, she had felt alone most of the day, she needed this.

"Arigatou!" said Chi, as she smooched Ruri's face into her soft, warm chest. "I've had such a long day! The last thing I need is a rumor going around that I’m the Dancing Samurai. The staring is more than I can take! Oh, and so many eyes, too! You could almost get lost in oceans of people like this!" Oh, how good venting felt, and how better as she squeezed Ruri somewhat tighter into her chest. "You understand, right? There are millions of people on this ship!"

Ruri let out a surprised yelp as she was suddenly scooped up into the taller woman’s arms and much to her dismay and delight into that heavenly place she so cherished. The chest. Oh yes, Ruri loved such instances, albeit she tried not to show it. But right now thankfully with her face obscured there was an almost goofy grin on her lips while her cheeks turned pink. She didn't flail, she didn't protest, she just hung there taking it in for what it was worth and only half listening to Chi's venting.

It was only after the hug got tighter that the smaller Neko began to protest, muffled squeaks and yelps as she flailed her limbs. She was smaller after all! Smaller boned and all so it didn't take much, and besides, the woman was a NH-27.

Chi looked down at the flailing Ruri. Obviously she wanted to be released, but the Samurai didn't exactly feel like letting go at the moment. Even with all the training and discipline, she could at least talk to her fellow Samurai about things like this, and she was so far from home! Ruri just needed to breathe, right? So, Chi simply bumped her head up just above the threshold of her chest.

"I'm sorry about that, but it's really helping." said Chi, sighing a bit, still hugging Ruri like a bony teddy-bear. "I'll try not to bump you with my wakizashi."

As she felt her face rubbing against the soft fabric of Chi's uniform, and then finally seeing blessed light, Ruri grunted. It wasn't that she needed air; it was that the woman's grip was too much. "Y-Y-You're c-crushing meeeeeee~" mewled Ruri as her head flopped forward.

Despite Ruri's wishes, the grip only tightened a little more as Chi got all she could out of that, before dropping her back on the ground. The Samurai kept her hands on both of her shoulders to keep Ruri steady. The smaller Neko was now backing down to eye level with Chi's chest.

"Arigatou, Kurusu-san. I feel so much better." sighed Chi, stress quietly leaving her body. The Samurai seemed much more calm, even more calm that she had seemed when she first walked in, her narrowed eyes holding a more relaxed vibe, than stern.

Her ears drooped as she was put back on her feet, legs like jelly, and causing her to sway a little. Ruri came to a few seconds afterward and tried to stretch, feeling several bones pop in her back and shoulders. But my spine doesn't! complained the Neko to herself at the Samurai's gratitude.

"Right... I'm happy to be of hnngrhurk..."she felt another bone pop as she cocked her neck to the side. "Service." Ruri, looking a little frazzled and worn looked back to the door. "I... I have to go, I left the Shosho waiting because I needed to get my duffle bag."

"Oh, that’s right, you came back for something." thought Chi, the Samurai graciously walked over to aforementioned duffle bag, since there was only one in the room, and gave it to the smaller Ruri. "Just remember to knock next time, alright?" recommended Chi, as she pointed one finger to the door.

Taking the bag, Ruri nodded, her first step made her mewl a little but the others did not as the door closed behind her. Before reaching the waiting Shosho, Ruri had taken the time to paw at her hair, making sure everything was in order, however she hoped she wouldn't have a full-bodied bruise from the crushing hug of the samurai.

  • つづく (to be continued)
Ep 01 - Morning Rush

Morning Rush
  • A Hokorimasu JP

  • Valentine System: Akarui Star Fortress - YSS Hokorimasu
It was a bright beautiful morning on Valentino, the planet where the headquarters of the eighth standard fleet floated in silent guardianship over its citizens. The system's sun was peeking up over the planet's surface, bright rays shining off the metallic panels of the Akarui Star Fortress making the gleaming star base appear like a diamond in the sky. It was almost half past seven in the morning; clocks here were centralized on the Valentino day and night cycle for centralization purposes in the 8SF. Most of the morning crew which had later starting shifts was waking up around now. The Hokorimasu wasn't planned to leave dock for another day, there were some last finalization checks to be made globally in various parts of the ship before she could make her final exit. However today most of the ship was learning to get into a feel of their new posts, most officers were taking this time to get to meet and greet their whole detachments and run some training exercises. This was going to be no different for the newly formed Lion Squad; at nine sharp, they would have to be showered and ready to report in for training with one Hiyoshi Kyousuke, some Shoi who apparently knew what he was doing.

Most of the ship though, at least those who weren't Neko, were waking up groggy, with last night’s festivities still lingering in their bodies; various drinking games and get-to-know-one-anothers had gone well into the wee hours, and some didn't even bother sleeping as it was apparent on almost everyone. On the bridge there was a lot of chatter, people introducing themselves to the person who was taking over their shifts, and since it was a rather relaxed pace this morning, it had a nice casual feel about the bridge while they were at port.

The cooking corps was up early and had been busy working throughout the whole of the ship in all its various mess-halls, ward-rooms, food-stands and restaurants. The engineers were on their busiest day today, filtering through every inch of the ship, running everything from power grid inspections to door locking mechanisms. Nothing could be off in the eighth's flagship on her first day back out in the vastness of space. But the most hardworking of all the crew today would be the unsung logistics and suppliers, who were working like mad to fill up the massive Glorious Chiharu flagship with all its needed supplies. A steady amount of traffic loading up the ship continued on throughout the night and straight on to the day.

All in all, the new day was getting off to a good start even though the lethargic traffic of bodies going about their business seemed to say otherwise. The group was to meet Hiyoshi-Shoi at the main starboard multifunction bay, in an hour and a half giving the Lions time to meet up for breakfast in the main enlisted mess hall.

Kumiko yawned, pulling on the last part of her uniform, still sitting on her bed. She still wasn't used to this big of a room, let alone not having a roommate. It made waking up much more relaxed. She blinked, looking around, and stood up slightly unsteadily, making her way over to her desk, looking groggily at the design drawings and notes she had scattered all over it before stacking them up together on one side and sitting down to give herself time to wake up a bit. She shook her head, and composed a quick message in her head, shooting it to her entire squad, including the members she hadn't met yet. Just a quick little note for everyone to meet up in the mess hall in about 15 minutes, and a picture of herself so they could all find her. She yawned again, and stood up. She put on her belt, and stepped out of her room, ready to make her way to the mess hall.

Chi's eyes slowly opened as her body gained consciousness. It was a rather dreamless sleep, with one moment spent staring at the ceiling, and the next somewhat groggily staring at the ceiling. The Samurai rose from her bed, chest falling freely from the covers. A hand went to rub her face, and then she slowly worked herself out of bed. Despite being so lax in private, Chi often found her movements refined even when she was not aware of them. As her bare legs swung off the bed, she stood taking her refined stance, but quickly settling back down. Still, it was time to get moving once again, and she went to binding her chest and donning her Yukata and Hakama. Her dressing was swift, and her self-maintenance was quick. Soon, she was out the door, spear in hand, using it as a walking stick as usual, wakizashi secured tightly to her side. She happened to exit at the time when Kumiko was finding her way out of her own room. By chance, it just so happened their rooms were adjacent to one another, a convenience she enjoyed.

"Good morning, Endoh-Heisho." regarded Chi as she caught up to match the commanding Heisho's stride.

"Good morning, Chi-sama. Did you sleep well last night?" Kumiko was still a bit sleepy, but not so sleepy as to forget her manners.

"I slept... well. Not an enjoyable rest, but I will admit that I am curious to what this day holds." said Chi rather solemnly, as one of her kind would. She meant to say she was anxious, but that wasn't quite the word to use in a setting like this. "It seems you slept rather deeply." A judging pair of red-eyes came onto Kumiko. "You must be well-rested."

As they walked through the halls there were a few Nekos in a small gaggle making their way to a room, one pushing one of the others rather forcefully and then the third pounced quickly into the door. There was one last one remaining in the hall, but once she caught sight of the samurai, she too leapt into the room, the door closing in behind them followed by a mix of giggles and pleasant sounds.

Kumiko cocked an eyebrow, rubbing one of her eyes as she watched the gaggle of nekos tumble happily into a room. She wasn't sure what they'd been up to, but based on the sounds and the way they'd been behaving in the hallway, she was willing to bet that they were going to be having plenty of fun now that they were off duty. "I... didn't get all that much sleep, actually. I was up late working on a design for something again. Did you get to sleep early, at least?"

Chi's eyes followed the Nekos going into the room, noting how the last one looked at her before rushing in. She felt like some kind of enforcer of the law, feared by individuals. Alone, she would've allowed herself to sigh, but that sort of situation was not so. Oh, yes, she envied those Neko who got to freely spend time with one another, and more so envied the girls she had seen. Though, Kumiko drew her out of thought with her response. At the word design Chi's ears flicked once, her interest and curiosity piqued.

"Since I am allowed little freedom, socially, I did not have much of a... celebration, in the night prior." said Chi, her ears flicked again, "Tell me... What do you design?"

As they neared the end of the hall, the door to the lift opened on as it normally did, a less constant flow of traffic on this floor. But when it opened this time, it was much more notable, something about the presence of that moment, the doors parted open for a lone individual. It was a grey paneled officer with a shoi tag. His sharp eyes fell upon Chi the moment he arrived, that warrior presence flooded back into the room--- it was him, the Yamataian from before. This time there was no daisho with him, or weapon other than his pistol at his side. His steps were strong and firm, leading him past the duo, but in a brief moment of their passing his dark eyes shifted to glance at Chi, and his breathing shifted out of pattern, this subtle change would be oblivious to anyone, except a honed warrior.

The Samurai stiffened herself at the realization of an off presence. Kumiko had it, but it was slight, nothing too overt. It was recognizable, but the Samurai wasn't too sure if it were possible. Then... It was possible, it was him. He was not just a warrior, but a Shoi of the Yamataian Star Army, and his eyes were upon her again. Surely, this was chance, a coincidence, but why did he look at her in such a way? A way that made her feel almost like how the four nekos from before had likely felt before piling into the cabin, but she didn't show it. Chi quietly watched the man go by, waiting for him to pass, and offering a bow of respect to his rank and experience. Though, what perplexed her more was his stare yet again, falling upon her, and even taking notice of her. Had she garnered his eyes? Or perhaps he was wondering why she was walking with Kumiko so casually. As he walked along, the Samurai straightened herself, a little wet, but standing as if it were nothing at all.

"... who is that?" asked Chi to Kumiko, hoping dearly she knew.

Kumiko shook her head, hesitant to offer a reply without any real knowledge. "I could tell you his rank, maybe even an occupation, but I only arrived onboard the ship yesterday, from a fairly solitary position as well. I haven't met anyone, really, let alone most of the officers." She followed the man with her eyes, tempted to just query the Kami with a mental picture. "Why do you ask, Chi-sama?" She was obviously oblivious thus far to the effect the man was having on Chi.

Chi's fingers tightened around the spear, her gaze intensifying a bit as the Shoi walked off. The aura was difficult to shake, but the feeling was lasting.

"He is... different." said the Samurai, "Something about him... is..." alluring. Her mind finished that little sentence for her, but it seemed simply like a cut-off to anyone else. Luckily, Kumiko pointed out well enough that she was unfamiliar with most, and specifically, herself. "Ah. My apologies, Endoh-Heisho, I assume too much." Chi gave a short bow of her head, giving a good amount respect to the Neko in front of her, "Engaging you in such a way without even introducing myself as proper. I am Chi, Samurai."

Kumiko bowed in return, nodding her head, a slight smile on her face. "It is nice to actually meet you, Chi-sama, though I knew who you were from the information about my squad I was given late last night. I am Joto Heisho Endoh Kumiko, though I suspect you knew that as well, from my message earlier if nothing else." Kumiko gestured ahead of them again. "However, we should make our way to the mess. It's not seemly for the leadership to arrive late, after all."

"Of course, Endoh-Heisho." said Chi, rising to striaghten herself as she picked up her pace ahead. Her ears flicked again, as if swatting at a fly, and the Samurai turned her head to look back at the slightest angle to look at Kumiko from the edge of her eyes, "Now... You said you were designing something. What may that be?"

Kumiko blinked, mind having to shift gears back onto a different thought process quickly. "I, ah... I was designing a car last night, actually. I design all sorts of things though, just whatever I think of at any time, really. Why, did you have something in mind?" She wasn't used to people around her being interested in her designs; most people just skipped over any mention of them, or so it seemed to her.

"I cannot think of something to ask of you from just that." said Chi, still looking back at Kumiko, and effectively distancing herself from any near passers-by. The Samurai seemed somewhat content with that question. "Though, I have a deep interest in art. I sketch people as a passing hobby, and the design you seem to speak of seems to be of the engineering variety." Chi looked forward, effectively watching her path, "Such design is art itself, only art with a purpose beyond its own form. I do admire those who can take from their mind and create intricate measurement." The Samurai looked to her side again, eying Kumiko closely, "Could I be allowed to see your designs?"

Kumiko shrugged, not minding the idea of that in the least. "If you'd really like to, I can show you some of my designs next time we have some time off. I don't have much of it digitized at the moment, so it's all on paper. What kind of art are you interested in though? I've been learning to draw myself, lately, just so my designs actually make sense."

"The humanoid form, and its movements." said Chi, her eyes becoming wistfully reminiscent of something unheard of. "People intrigue me, more specifically the contours and shapes of their bodies. Even if I am quantum-constructed Nekovalkyrja, I cannot help but admire what nature had created first before us." It was a bit of bold statement, for a Samurai, but she felt somewhat comforted in the presence of another artist, "But a Samurai cannot ask for models of such things, as it is against who we are. I simply draw scenes and other sights I see from eyes, and my mind."

Kumiko blinked, more surprised than she probably should have been at the Samurai's revelation. "That's amazing! I never would have guessed you were an artist who drew natural things, Chi-sama!" She paused, that last little bit really only just processing then. "Wait, why are you disallowed to ask for a model? Forgive me if I'm simply being obtuse, I've never really met a Samurai before, despite spending years on Hanako-Hime's ship."

"I am held to a high standard, as you know. Samurai are to be of the highest class, showing no affection, nor emotion to others." Chi explained, but that last one made her withdraw, looking to the floor. "In such open places, these rules are law to me. It would be... uncharacteristic for a Samurai to ask someone to pose for her in a..." How did one word this without sounding too vulgar...? "... natural form. I am likely in violation of simply mentioning it, but I do not adhere as tightly as others, hence my elder-chosen position as a Demon Hunter." Chi's eyes looked straight ahead, eying the lifts on her level, and making her way straight for one. Hopefully she would not need to float over this time, and she didn't. It was fairly simple to board the officer's lifts. The two were on one in no time and continuing their conversation onboard.

Kumiko nodded and slipped into the lift, even though the idea of such strict rules that they had no choice in following seemed strange and hard to believe to her. "Well, would it be against your rules if someone offered? I wouldn't mind standing in as a model for you on occasion, if it would help you with your art. I have a fair amount of spare time, usually, though I can't say for sure if our schedule will work as well now as it used to."

Silence followed between the two as the lift closed and began move to their destination. Chi looked away from her, almost as if she had been offended by the very offer. In truth, it was her deepened thought that caused her to seem so hesitant. Kumiko's offer was like a sign from Chiharu herself that Chi was allowed to be happy on this wondeful ship. She wanted to smile, so badly, but it was forbidden to do so. It took a few moments, but she mustered herself in he own stony fashion, and looked towards Kumiko.

"That... is something we would discuss in a more private place, Endoh-Heisho." the words were deliberate, and continued on as Chi looked back to the numbers decreasing with each floor. "But, I would accept such an offer, not only from your kindness, but..." Oh dear, how to word this... Chi looked back towards the wall, her expression silent and unchanging. "You are a strong, beautiful woman, in appearance, it is an inarguable fact."

Kumiko almost responded immediately, not catching on to the potential meaning in what Chi was saying until the words were almost out of her mouth. "I... I would be glad to discuss this later, especially after such an unexpected compliment. That's not the only reason, of course, but... well, like you said. Later." She glanced around the lift, noting that the presence of the samurai seemed to be warding off any molesters like she'd met yesterday, and actually seemed to be resulting in the pair of them receiving a bit of extra space. It wasn't a long trip, soon the two arrived on the deck as the doors opened wide for them to exit.

Kiyoshi had spent most of her time last night getting her living space ready. Unfortunately, it was pretty boring considering her roommate both got back after she went to sleep and left before she woke up. Disappointed in being unable to meet her, the pilot decided to try something interesting. The dark-skinned Neko decided to create a volumetric Work Uniform over her body rather than dress. Thinking of the delightfully interesting things that could happen with this set up, Kiyoshi left her cabin and headed towards the mess hall.

Yua just sat upright in bed, her eyes still closed, having been awoken by a new message. Not moving from her sitting spot, she read over the message. The previous night she only took a couple moments to sight see before becoming bored and coming back to her room to sleep. She yawned, as she swung her legs over the side of the bed to hop off, but having forgotten that she was on the upper bunk in her room, plummeted to the ground with a small yelp.

Elliot woke up on a couch in a small room littered with various pylons, pins, and missile components, his gear was over the in corner and he noticed his pack was open. Then he noticed the empty rifle magazines, the shell casings, and the beer bottles missing their tops lined up on a table on the far side of the room. The last thing the Nepleslian remembered was downing his sixteenth beer with a bunch of Star Army fighter technicians on the hanger deck. Then he noticed his pants were gone....

He wasn't the only one without his pants; right beside Elliot on the floor was a rather attractive looking Geshrin male with an empty bottle of hard liquor in one hand and Elliot's belt in the other. What -did- happen last night was a mystery lost in a drunken haze. What Elliot wouldn't notice though is all the Yamataian nonsense scribbled on his face, and later on he'd find out he was down 20KS for some reason, paid out to a Yoroko. Anyway, he would notice a mental digital message waiting for him with orders to meet up with the rest of his new squad for breakfast.

Snatching his belt from the woozy Geshrin he glanced around for his pants, no sign. He opted for a backup, a pair of urban digital BDUs. A weird contrast to the Star Army top he was wearing but running around the ship in boxer shorts was probably going to be a worse issue. Grabbing anything belonging to him and packing it back into his bag he snatched his rifle and left without a word, ignoring the stares as he passed other personnel in the passageways on his way to the mess hall.

Elliot had a long walk ahead of him, a winding labyrinth of smaller corridors lead his way around the armory and then into an engineering duct, apparently according to his HUD's map it was a shorter distance from point A to point B. So off he was making his way through the spaces until coming to a relaxed smaller and much simpler plaza around the lifts. As he pinged the elevator, a few Nekos exited and paused in their steps, faces blowing up with a pair of laughs caught up in their mouths. "W-what is that!?" one said pointing at the Nep's forehead, her buddy bursting out in laughter.

Elliot stared behind himself then back at them, "What?" was all he could muster.

One looked to the other, and then she nodded. "Well Hei, your head says that you like to suck men's parts, it also has an arrow to your mouth," she said trying to keep a straight face. Just then as she was going to point something else out, she seemed to have gotten some sort of thought and was quickly dashing around him. "Gomen, we have to report for duty," she said dashing off.

"Ja ne yaoi-ai-san!" her friend said with a wave as they disappeared around the corner and off to their destination.

Elliot made a beeline for the nearest head, once inside he found himself staring at the wording in question. Anyone near the bathroom would automatically begin hearing curses, rants, and shouts. A moment later he exited with the offending text scrubbed off, he began mumbling to himself "Coffee, aspirin, coffee, aspirin." as he made his way once again toward the mess hall through a maintenance access hatch. At least according to the KAMI's directions.

Ruri had woken up just before her new bunkmate, in the process of donning her uniform -- the small Neko's hair still in disarray as she pulled the skirt on and then stockings and finally shoes. Usually, when one sees a Neko taking a nose dive toward the floor, one would be shocked. But Ruri simply stared at Yua as she put the uniform top on and in a rare act of kindness of the usually anti-social Neko, she held out a hand for Yua to help her up.

Yua accepted the hand and pulled herself up, now considerably more awake. "Ah, arigatou gozaimasu, Kurusu-Hei," she said sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. She then proceeded to rummage through her belongings to find her uniform.

Ruri just nodded in lieu of saying 'You're Welcome' as she gave her hair a quick brushing. And without another word once all was said and done, the door to the room slid open as she walked up to it, giving Yua a look before it obscured her view as she was now out in the hallway. Here however Ruri let out a cute little yawn, stretching her arms up and wide, legs tensing as it turned into a full-bodied stretch.

Yua waved to her departing roommate as her sleep wear came off, tossed back onto her bunk, and the uniform came on. She quickly brushed her hair, tying her hair back in the usual way, before she too headed out for the meeting.

Coffee... Tea... Omelet my kingdom for these.... Little Ruri thought to herself in a haze of sleep still clouding her mind. It almost gave her a dour, bored expression. After having had dinner with the Shosho, and inhaling enough candy to make a Nepleslian diabetic, she'd slept it off with her dreams filled with odd things she couldn't wholly describe. Though right now all she heard were the people walking up and down the corridor, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and on the move. And how Ruri both hated and envied them...

Kiyoshi was also having a bit of trouble paying attention to where she was going, but that was mostly because she didn't expect to find someone slightly shorter than her just dully walking around. Running into the poor Ruri, the dark-skinned Neko let out a delightful, "Kyah~" as she felt something in between her nicely-sized breasts...and it was a flesh to flesh sensation at that.

Ruri had been mid-groan when the full on collision occurred. "Uhhhhh-Hrk!" her face being smooshed into something warm, soft, and squishy. Dully Ruri's brain tried to process this information as her hands came up to feel at this obstruction to her route. Her small hands finding it hadn't been one, but two things, they were not particularly hard, but supple and soft. Upon further investigation she felt around more, and after several moments of this ongoing investigation it clicked over in her head. The lights came on, and the alarm bells went off. If there had been confetti and clapping it'd had been the picture perfect addition to Ruri's mental picture.

The smaller Neko promptly looked up from between Kiyoshi's chest, and right up into her eyes. Her hands however had traveled elsewhere, and involuntarily squeezed at where they'd been placed again.

A loud moan erupted from Kiyoshi's lips as Ruri squeeze a very sensitive button that had been hidden until that point. "Ooooh~ You naughty little thing you," the pilot purred as she smiled at Ruri seductively. "You don't even know my name and you're already trying to rile me up."

The smaller Neko's mouth hung agape as she realized what she'd found. Not only that but this... this woman was very much naked underneath this volumetric clothing! Her usually pale cheeks heated up from a combination of awkwardness and embarrassment at the revelation. "I...uh... I... wh-what... h..." Ruri stuttered as she tried to make more sense of this situation and releasing what she'd been holding on to between her fingers. Little Ruri looked at the hand a moment, and then back to Kiyoshi before whipping it behind her back, breaking the physical contact between them as she made a bid to side-step her.

"Ah ah escaping now my pretty," Kiyoshi scolded as she quickly moved behind Ruri and embraced the smaller Neko. "I still have an hour and a half until training... think of all the fun we can have." she tempted before actually biting upon the tip Ruri's ear gently.

Yua proceeded on her way towards the deliciousness of food when she, unexpectedly, caught up to Ruri apparently doing something with another Neko. "Ah, ohaiyo gozaimasu?" she said as she approached the pair in the hall, oblivious to the awkwardness the was going on.

The biting of the tip of one her ears sent goose bumps up and down her arms, along with a shudder. Really? NOW? she thought to herself. She'd only been here a day and already had a Neko lusting after her. Well... she HAD just touched the girl... 'places' but that wasn't her fault! She hadn't put on a uniform, only lazily making a volumetric projection. And now it seemed Ruri'd be stuck for the next hour and a half seeing just what this ear nibbling Neko had in mind with that word 'fun'. That was until Yua piped up at which point Ruri flailed her arms at the girl like a child being held back from their parent.

"She wants to do things to meeeeeee~ Heeeellllpppp~" whined the normally quiet Ruri.

Kiyoshi looked up from her molestation to spot a familiar face. "Oh! Hi Yua-tan!" the Pilot sent out telepathically. "Do you know this little bundle of adorable and sexy?"

"Aikawa-Hei?" Yua replied, stopping in her tracks, rather shocked not only at their display but also the apparent over-familiarity that Kiyoshi was using. "I think you should let go of Kurusu-hei," she said, not knowing what else to really do. She didn't really want an angry roommate from her lack of helping.

Finally releasing the poor Neko's ear, Kiyoshi gave Yua a pout. "Awww... but why? She's just so adorable. I MUST have her."

"B-But my cornet!" Ruri whined, flailing still. Clearly she was only worried about beating the breakfast rush. Leaving holes in her logic which could be completely mistaken.

"Outta the way pussies!" said a male Yamataian as he bounced past the group in the hall, winking at the Nekos and quickly dashing for the lifts. He was followed by a few other enlisted grunts that were making a mad dash to catch the breakfast rush which was slowly growing and filtering though the hall. It actually started to grow busier by each passing second, to the point where a few Neko were zooming over head towards the lifts.

The Yamataian would hear a shrill, girly 'Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!~' as he and the group passed. Oh she knew, she knew where they were headed! And it only made her all the more crestfallen.

"Ooooooh right~ Breakfast -- almost forgot," Kiyoshi replied as she suddenly released Ruri. "Don’t worry...I'll find you later," she cooed before taking flight down the corridor.

Yua cringed at the shriek before letting out a groan. "Oh geez. Let's go." She lightly touched the released Ruri on the shoulder, gesturing onward, still not sure how to address what she just saw. Who knew the military was so complicated? And this wasn't even combat.

An annoying sound began ringing in Honda Makoto's ears, which vaguely resembled the sound his alarm made when it was going off. Wait. It was his alarm! Makoto's eyes flew open in a panic. If the alarm was going off, it meant that he was behind schedule!

Makoto threw off the sheets and rushed to the nearest men's room to shower and brush his teeth. A wonderful start to the new assignment, indeed.

Makoto took one of his classic two minute showers, lathering up the shampoo and soap at the same time. One hundred and twenty seconds later, he was out of the shower and hastily drying himself. Quickly, he pulled out his toothbrush and paste and began brushing till his gums were sore. With the morning ritual complete, Makoto dashed back to his room to change into his Type 31 duty uniform.

A shaking fist came up as Ruri stared at the line, green eyes narrowing to slits, and a growl rising in her throat. With a little roar the small Neko charged forward, fists raised, flailing, her sharp and pointy incisors clearly visible with the fierce look she was wearing. Shizuka maybe called the Red Lion, but right now Ruri was a small Tiger, raring to go to get her meal! She left her roommate in the dust and as she came upon the crowd, launched into the air like a bullet as she made her way into the lift.

Yua sighed. There was no way she was going to catch up, and those lifts... those lifts would be pure hell, considering their crowdedness the day before, among other things. She consulted the map mentally, before heading in a different direction towards the zero-g passages. Hopefully they'd be comparatively empty. She had a slight spring in her step to try and make sure she got to the mess on time.

Forcing her way into the lift, Kiyoshi could feel everyone's clothing brushing against her skin. This caused her to giggle a bit and bite her lower lip to hold back a moan.

Kiyoshi'd have a second reckoning with the one who'd introduced herself to the green-haired Neko only moments ago. Although now she was once again firmly pressed against her chest. Not by choice, but by the sheer number of people in the lift. Ruri however didn't know exactly who it was at first, but that same soft skin made a feeling of dread rise up within the small Neko's body.

The crowd in front of the only two lifts on this side of the deck was chaotic, even more so then the day before. It was a lot of people being pressed up against the doors, and then practically fighting to get through. For Kiyoshi and Ruri it was war, they were going to have to push like mad to get into the next batch, however Ruri's war cry brought a lot of attention to the small Neko, which made Yua's slip by to find one of the zero-g access panels and make her way into the dimly lit tunnels of the ship.

In the zero-g tunnel was a strange creature of sorts in the distance, towards the floor Yua was going for. Feminine sounds mixing together with heavy breathing made it become obvious that it was not one creature, but two Nekos who had slipped into the normally empty tunnels to enjoy some naughty times. One girl's head was dipped between the thighs of the other, who was gripping the bars tightly as she moaned out her content. This was definitely awkward, but if Yua wanted to get there the fast way, she was going to have to get by the pair.

Kiyoshi bit her lip to keep herself from moaning again and looked down to see the blond hair of Ruri once more. "So we meet again," the Pilot transmitted to the smaller Neko.

Just as Makoto was about to exit his cabin, he noticed a message alert. As he rushed down the hall, Makoto accessed the digital message from his digital mailbox. It was a message from his sisters. Sora had started this schedule of regular correspondence between him and the two back home. His parents wrote less frequently but both Sora and Naomi insisted on writing every few days so they often combined their messages together.

The message was in two parts, one from each sister. Makoto decided to run the risk of reading mail while running down a hall. Sora's read, "Mako-chan, hope all's well at the new posting. Is it a big ship with lots of people? Is it different from what you did at that training camp? Don't be a hero out there, I know you've got these grand ideas about what soldiering is all about. We don't want a hero, we just want our idiot brother back in one piece, okay? Now run along and have fun with all those Nekos you and Takamori have been so curious about. -Blue"

Makoto smiled at the use of his childhood nickname for her. As a child, he always confused her name, translated in Nepleslian as "Sky", to mean Blue. So as a toddler, he had always called her Blue because that was the color of the sky.

The second half of the message was even shorter, from Naomi.
”Message” said:
"Mako-nii, I miss you. Sora's not around as much 'cos of her new job so I don't have anyone to help me with hw anymore. :( Homework sux. Will write again tomorrow, late for skool. Got some juicy rumors about Sora. - Nao"

Yua blushed, but this was the only option. To go back to the lifts would mean that she would be late. She took a second to brace herself before she rocketed herself with gravity manipulation to move as fast as safely possible past the pair. "Sorry!" she called out as she passed, making sure her eyes were closed when she was close to them.

As Yua rushed past a hand swiftly caught her wrist on the way by. "Hey cutie, where you going. Why don't you join the party~?" asked the only Neko who could talk, as the other one's mouth was quite busy at that very moment.

Being unexpectedly caught, Yua let out an 'eep' and flailed her free arm. "Ah- n- no! No thank you," she blurted out quickly. "I'm in a bit of a hurry, ah, er...." Her cheeks were burning at the idea of joining them, and she tried to not look, but natural cat curiousity caused her to peek briefly, just a single moment.

The scene was rather delightful, both Neko's uniforms and underwear was floating freely around them, someone's bra even hooked on Yua's ear. The Neko who had her hand around Yua's wrist was a curvy vixen with blonde bouncy curls floating all around her, and the most drawing pair of aqua bedroom eyes you ever did see. Her naked body was floating weightlessly, all of her perkiness not obstructed by gravity. The one in between her legs was dark haired, and less could be seen to be honest, but she looked a little less curvy and thicker all around, but she was very pleased with where she was at that moment. "Well love, suit yourself," said the blonde as she let go of Yua's wrist, and just as she was going to say something else, her voice caught in the back of her throat and her head leaned back into the wall with a sudden thunk. "B-b-ye cutie," she said through moans.

"B- bye?" Yua replied meekly before continuing on her way. The image lingered in her mind as she floated along, much slower than she had been before, clearly distracted if anyone was around to notice. Still, before long she was at her exit.

Ruri's embarassment grew at that mental message, so much so she inadvertently buried her face into Kiyoshi's chest, rubbing her head against the soft suppleness of it. She was in full on panic mode now, and it only seemed safe buried in someone's chest! But poor Ruri... she'd completly forgotten it was Kiyoshi's.

Kiyoshi's body shivered in delight as the smaller Neko started rubbing her head against the Pilot's breasts. It was so difficult not to just moan in delight at that moment, but also so difficult to not just grab Ruri and have plenty of fun in this cramped space. So instead, she just held Ruri and tried her best to stifle her giggling.

The way Ruri was acting was all shyness, no shame as she was being held, all thought of just WHO was holding her forgotten. So much so she even went so far as to hold on to the slightly taller Neko, grabbing hold of the more fleshy portions of her hips.

This was getting to be torturously wonderful now -- to the point that she might as well start riling the other occupants of the elevator up for more fun. However, the lift soon found its way to its destination and opened up for the crowd to leave, pushing the two Nekos out with them. Finding a way out of the stream, Kiyoshi pull Ruri aside and into a side corridor before resting her back against the cool bulkhead, panting heavily. "Oh Chiharu~ That was intense." she whimpered before a giggle erupted from her lips.

Ruri's moment of blind shyness soon ended as Kiyoshi began to giggle down in the side corridor. Coming back to her senses, Ruri looked up and found the woman there... again. With a little squeal of terror, Ruri tore herself away from Kiyoshi's grasp and out of that corridor, going as fast as her little legs would take her. It was all very much like a horrible game of cat and mouse by now, and Ruri was the mouse. But blessedly she was so close to her destination all her cares drained away. There was still a chance she'd get her breakfast!

Just as Makoto finished reading the end of Naomi's message, he crashed into something, or someone. Whoever it was, she was lighter than Makoto. While he was trying to catch his balance, she had fallen over. Makoto quickly realized that he had run over a Nito Hei! "Ah, so sorry, Hei. My deepest apologies," he said quickly, bowing deeply and remaining bowed. Makoto hoped that whatever gods of mercy out there looked favorably upon him right now.

Like she had been taught in her first lesson of Judo, Youko slammed her forearm into the ground to ease her fall. Then she picked herself up, rubbing her now-sore forearm. She was about to give the Santo Hei that had bumped into her a tongue-lashing, but seeing a Yamataian bowing to her calmed the frustrations of falling.

"Right." Youko frowned. "Well, please watch your step in the future."

"Yes, Hei. Sorry, Hei. I was too distracted by the mail from my sisters. It won't happen again," he said automatically, hoping he was going to survive. Just as he finished speaking, his stomach growled loudly, against his will.

Youko laughed. "I recommend you take care of that too. Anyway... Continue on your way." She said, turning to leave.

"Um, if you're heading to breakfast, Hei, might I accompany you? The line's probably long. I'd be more than happy to get food for you as well to make up for knocking you over," Makoto said, straightening up.

Her ears perked up at that. "Very well. Lead the way." Youko said.

"Right. Um, I'm Honda Makoto, by the way. You are..." he asked, walking towards the nearest zero-gravity passageway. It definitely seemed the faster way to get to the mess hall without using the crowded elevators.

"Shii Youko Nito Hei." She introduced herself. "I'm a Starship Operator."

Makoto nodded, "An important calling, Shii-Hei. I'm simply Space Infantry. Your job's probably safer than mine."

They came to the end of the corridor, where a lift which was semi-crowded now. Nothing like the rush of ten minutes ago. They could stand and wait in line, but there was indeed an open hatch to the zero-g passages left sitting on the side, strange sounds however seemed to be coming somewhere from deep within the dark passages.

As Makoto and Youko stood there a Yamataian male bumped into the duo pushing one onto the other. "Oh sorry about that!" he said as he just then got pelted in the head with the ball he was trying to catch from his Neko buddy far on the other end of the hall.

Makoto pushed himself away from Shii-Hei. Their short brush had left an after-feeling of warmth from her body heat. "Yeah, yeah," Makoto said hastily, motioning for Youko to follow him into the zero-g passage before she could chastise this guy.

Idiot. Youko thought when the Yamataian bumped into her, pushing her into Makoto.

The two went the road less traveled, however as they started into the zero-g passage they could easily hear the sounds that another Lion member had heard moments before. There were a couple of Neko down below seemingly enjoying the excitement of such a confined space, what was two grew into three as a pink skinned and blue haired Neko joined the duo. It was a strange sight, to watch them try to find the best way to fit themselves in the small passage, it came to the point where the curly blonde grew frustrated and pushed the other two against the wall and took care of thing with her own hands.

"This ship is insane." Youko groaned. Then her mouth shut with a click -- she hadn't meant to say it out loud. No one had told her that a ship would be like this -- everyone arguing, shouting, pushing, pinching, playing, and groping... Youko couldn't grasp it. "Tell me, Honda-Hei, did you expect the Hokorimasu to be as it is?"

"No, Shii-Hei. I didn't think I'd see something like this," he glanced towards the threesome. "But then, I suppose it's not really unsurprising considering how many people there are here and how we all have a tendency to form liaisons for comfort at some point. Otherwise, it's just like being back home in a city. Bustling crowds, a press of anonymous humanity, that's nothing really new to me." Shii-Hei seemed slightly uncomfortable. Makoto extended his left hand to her so they would stay together as they moved through the passageway.

Youko didn't take his hand. She shied away from it, and merely continued following in his path. "We should be in the Mess hall soon."

Makoto shrugged. "We should. But I'm still not terribly familiar with the ship's layout. Are you?"

"Yes, I am. I memorized the deck layouts... I always know where I'm going." Youko answered with a small, triumphant smile.

"Good for you," he said, genuinely impressed. Makoto always felt a little lost in ships and cities. Strangely, whenever he was working as a forest ranger, Makoto always knew how to get around without getting lost in the forest.

The rest of the passages were easily enough to slip through, Youko found the exit hatch and the two of them found their way onto the deck with the massive messhall around the corner.

"Ooooh you~" Kiyoshi cooed as she gave chase. Though this time it wasn't to molest. Hunger was starting to take over and sustenance was needed. So she caught up to Ruri and followed behind while giggling mischievously.

At least Ruri had thought her cares were gone. That giggling... that giggling that had haunted her earlier was following her! She didn't turn back to look, oh no, that'd give the pilot the satisfaction of knowing Ruri knew! Instead Ruri just bum rushed herself into the crowd at the mess hall entrance, struggling, and grunting with effort both to flee the sex-crazed terror behind her and the rolling hunger in her stomach to the front.

Yua climbed out of the passageway and only walked a short distance before seeing Ruri and Kiyoshi once again up to the same antics. Her neko mind couldn't help but transplant them into the scene from the zero-g passageway. She shook her head, before sending a transmission to Kiyoshi, "Hi again, Aikawa-hei." She waved to make it easier to find her. Telepathy was easier in a loud and crowded place after all.

"Hiya," Kiyoshi greeted again with a bit of telepathy and a wave. "I'm a little riled up, but I think I'll let this slide for now," the Pilot transmitted. "I think I've scared her enough for this morning," she continued before allowing a giggle to pass through her lips.

Yua sighed and lightly facepalmed as she joined Kiyoshi in heading towards the mess. "How in the world did you... what were you doing to her?" she asked, awestruck that they had kept up those antics while she had travelled around.

Smiling impishly, Kiyoshi leaned over to Yua's ear. "She just found out my little secret for today...that's all," the Pilot replied teasingly before lightly blowing into the Neko's ear.

Yua shivered and her ear twitched. "Ah, little secret? What could she have done that would reveal a secret? It's not like you two we-" she paused, about to casually bring up what she saw before, before shaking her head again. "Nevermind. Still, what did she do?"

"She squeezed my clit," Kiyoshi replied shamelessly.

"Uh, b- wh- huh, what?!? H- how, what?" Yua sputtered. "She did what? How? You have a uniform on and... how do you...??"

Kiyoshi brought an index finger up to Yua's lips and shushed the poor woman. "It's a secret," the Pilot's eyes gleamed as she began to force her way through towards food.

Yua stopped in her tracks, her mouth agape, completely confused as she watched Kiyoshi continue on.

Elliots HUD read one simple direction 'down', in front of him was a vent just large enough for him to fit through. He kicked it down and then dropped his pack, his duffle, and then himself. Landing on a very occupied table to the surprise of those seated at it.

Chi's eyes remained closed, until the lift reached to the level they had been destined to arrive at. As the door opened, so did her eyes, and she stepped forward, effectively opening up the doorway and a clear path for Kumiko to follow, free of any wandering hands. It was almost too difficult to contain the excitement, though. She had always needed to sneak looks at her sisters to properly get her studies, but to have a consenting model? It was like winning the lottery!

Kumiko followed the now quiet samurai out of the lift, glad to not have to deal with people this time. She was slightly surprised that her... she hesitated to say new friend, but couldn't think of a better word, was being so quiet after being so honest just then, but she supposed it was a stretch to speak that much, especially to someone she barely knew.

Chi used her skin vision to ensure that her new... friend, though she couldn't say such a thing so openly, was still behind her. The Shosho had been nice, the flat-chested Hei was consoling, and now the Heisho in command of her assigned squad was so friendly! Everyone was rather nice on this vessel, if not wary. Something she especially became aware of as she walked into the Mess Hall, side-stepping a few more people, and having to lift her weapon a bit, so as to no allow anyone to stub a toe.

The messhall was massive, larger than any inner city Kyoto cafeteria could even hope to be. This was one of two main mess halls for the enlisted. With tables that went on forever and a line up around an island center in the middle where the food was kept and served by the cooking staff assistants. As expected the breakfast line was massive, even for so late in the SAoY morning, it was already nearing eight. There were many sorts of people here, and it looked like the Lion squad wasn't the only ones meeting for breakfast, a few other established squads such as the Lynx squad and another group off to the side, the Panther Squad. They were all meeting for breakfast, each group carrying vicious looking unit patches on their uniforms.

Elliot fell right in the middle of a group of tired looking engineers who might have been coming off the night shift, or were drinking last night. Their faces weren't too familiar though, but no one's was after last night. One of the guys, a rather large ID-SOL who was showing off his tattoo glanced up harshly at the man who's bag just landed in his breakfast. "Listen here," he said closing his fist, the bones making a very loud popping noise as he did so, stood up and looked down at the much smaller Elliot. "I had to wait all morning to get something to eat, and you just dropped your shit in it. How are we gonna resolve this, huh tiny?" he said with an air of forced sophistication.

"Uh.... I don't know" said Elliot as he shouldered his pack and duffle bag, he seemed to realize something and reached into his BDU pants. His hand came out with a small object and tossed it to the ID-SOL. "How about a live 40 mike round?" he said as his stepped off the table, "I wouldn't drop it though" he said as he started walking away.

The large coffee skinned ID-SOL caught the rather expensive ammo in one hand and eyed it close. He looked to one of his buddies sitting beside him and tossed it over to him nonchalantly. "Trade for some of that stuff yer been brewin' off the engines?" he asked. The guy looked it over and held up a single digit. "You can live for today tiny, but watch yer step," the large bloke said to Elliot as he let him run off.

Ruri's ears flattened against her head at the sea of people in the mess hall. The lines, the chatter, but the smells of delicious food drew her in. The hungry little Neko promptly got herself into a line with a tray, utensils and cup, now merely waiting for it to move. Right now, as she waited, she went over her mental checklist of things she'd be getting for breakfast.

In another line, Kiyoshi found herself a place as well with the appropriate utensils required for foraging. It was a slow walk, but eventually she was able to get her meal all set. The question was...where was Lion Squad supposed to meet in this damn place?

Yua finally found herself in a line for food, after overcoming the confusion supplied by Kiyoshi. As the backed-up line slowly inched forward, very adult pictures danced around her head. She had seen and heard way too much that morning and it was distracting. A sigh erupted as she grabbed various plates of food and continued out of the line, looking for the others in her squad.

The lines seemed to move rather quickly, a breakfast of choices were lined up for the crew, some of the more choice items were already gone. Ham and fruits as well as most of the pastries were replaced with a 'sorry' sign and a cute little chibi neko bowing her head. The staff didn't seem too bad, quite cheerful actually: all except for one person, a rather large Nepleslian lady who was pointing her spatula at an irate-looking Neko who was loud mouthing over the lack of sweet things.

Ruri stumbled upon the scene, completely ignoring the irate Neko as she placed her tray, now only containing coffee, milk, and the tail end of a rather plain omelet. The small Neko raised a hand and spoke in a loud enough voice for the Nepleslian woman to hear. "Excuse me," she began. "But do you have any chocolate cornets left?"

The Yamatain girl who was at the sweets section was very dark brown with bleach blonde hair, her makeup was done in bright white circles around her eyes and her lips were white to match. Pink and sky blue stickers were under her left eye, and her lashes were long and obviously fake. She was one would call a ganguro, mostly nasty girls on Kyoto trying to make a scene. However as the cute Ruri came up to ask for one of the pastries she had hidden, she stepped in and gestured for Ruri to follow her a little farther down the line. "Here you go sweetie," she said pulling one out from a compartment under the serving bar, "just for you, kay~?"

Kumiko followed her samurai friend into the mess hall, taking care to more or less follow directly behind Chi as they walked, so she didn't have to fight for walking space. Her eyes, however, were already working their way over the food, trying to make sure her personal favorite was still there. She was going to be exceptionally unhappy if there was no bacon available on her first day onboard the ship, no excuses allowed.

Chi strode her way towards one of the lines, with much to her dismay to find that the ham was already all taken up. What sort of gargantuan food kitchen was this that they did not have the ham necessary to properly feed the people on board. The Samurai's gaze tightened, before looking sharply back a Kumiko, a deathly seriousness on her face.

"Do you think bacon or sausage counts as ham?" asked Chi, speaking for the first time since the elevator.

Kumiko looked back across the buffet of food, a horrified expression growing on her face. "I... I don't think there's any bacon, Chi-san. I only see sausage left at this point no more... bacon..." That last part came out in a totally defeated, sad voice. Kumiko was obviously very unhappy to discover there was no bacon left. She'd been looking forward to bacon ever since she learned her new posting was a bigger ship.

Elliot opted not to eat, the lines being something he preferred to avoid. Instead he found a seat at a, for the moment, unmanned table. Once again tossing he gear on it he rummaged through his backpack and came out with a small ammunition canister, opening it he began lining up M2 9.36x65mm rifle cartridges up on the table while humming some random tune.

Chi's sharp eyes turned towards one of the cooks. The blood-red gaze falling on the nearest one she could reach her voice to. It would be overtly rude to point her spear at someone, but instead, she pointed her finger.

"You. Is it possible to provide a plausible explanation of why sufficient amounts of bacon and sausage were not freshly supplied for breakfast?" asked Chi, her tone slightly restrained as to not come off as too pushy, but her sharp eyes kept on.

The Nepleslian cook who was actually carrying the rank of Shoi, who seemed to be heading the operation caught the rather sharp words of the samurai. She had enough problems making sure all her supplies were in order with everything still being loaded on the ship, all while making sure people had something to eat--- and now another person decided to bring up issue that their favorite thing was not available? Oh, she didn't care if it was samurai or the empress herself, before the nearest cook to Chi could answer, the large woman with her hair up in a net stormed over to the samurai. "Listen here, this may not be the Samurai House or the empress' palace, but what we got here is what we got. Now if you have an issue with it, you can go outside the ship and carry the damn food stuffs into our freezers. If you want bacon, then you're going to have to wait until the next batch is out in ten or so minutes, elsewise take your food and go take a seat. Yer not the only mouths on this damn ship," she said returning Chi's blood red gaze with her own fierce steely gray one.

Ruri followed the rather interesting girl further down the line, and the Yamataian was treated to a sweet smile from the tiny Neko as her eyes almost seemed to sparkle in the light of the serving line. "Thank you.~" Ruri almost purred as she took the cornet and thought back on the Neko who'd been giving the Nepleslian lip. 'And this is why patience and politeness will win the day.' she thought to herself as her ears slanted forward a little, and one flicked to the side as if to listen for her. Ruri gave the Yamataian girl another beaming smile before taking her food with her, the smile going from one of cute, and delight to smugness after she was out of sight of the irate Neko.

Poor Kiyoshi wandered through the mess hall with a grimace. This was a hell of a place to get lost in, especially when she was trying to find a single group. Finally, she decided to query KAMI as to this Heisho's location and decided to sit down near a fairly empty table to wait.

Chi looked at the eyes of the cook, feeling her gaze as she was feeling hers. A warrior... of the food arts... recognized the Samurai, gaining a rising respect for the cook. It seemed that the ship was full of unique individuals. With that explanation she turned her head to Kumiko, and her tone seemed too serious to be joking.

"Do you think it would faster to move the shipments as she said, or wait the ten minutes?" asked the Samurai, wanting the Heisho's opinion on this.

Kumiko got a distant look on her face, pondering the question with all the seriousness it had been asked. "Well, I suppose we could use it as a drill for the squad, if we want to, and that would mean we could get it done much faster. It would depend on how far away the boxes are though." She cocked her head at the cook, completely serious. "Which do you think, ma'am?"

The cook's eyes shifted from one to the other as their conversation continues. However her expression suddenly changed from pissed to rather impressed. She paused for a moment and thought about it, seriously long and hard. "Though I am much impressed by your offer, I don't think you shouldn't be at your morning posts. So I'll just keep your names and next time I'll have a nice big shipment left for your guys to push. What squad are you with?" she said, turning her steely gaze to Kumiko.

Kumiko nodded, mind still running through estimates and guesses of a decent amount of time it would take them, and how much they could move in a short enough time to still make it worthwhile to grab the boxes rather than just wait for more bacon. "Uh... Lion Squad..." She was obviously distracted by the idea of making her squad work for their food.

But then the numbers didn't add up. All the food that was to be transported would still have to be stored and placed into the cooking. However at this point they were already working on cooking a new batch in the kitchen, the new boxes would just help move things along. "Good, I'll keep you guys on the list," she said as she crossed her thick arms one over the other. "Now get on with your breakfasts, there's more people in the line behind you!" She then went back to deal with someone else causing a ruckas.

Chi simply gathered up a small, preservable meal she could save for later, since she was forbidden to eat in the eyes of others. As she took the small meal with her, she looked back at Kumiko before stepping off towards the table. If there was anywhere to sit, it would be near her, the commander. Though, she was sure many of them had sat already, so the Samurai made her way to sit near one of the squad members she had identified through use of the KAMI. Kiyoshi Aikawa.

Kumiko gathered a quick meal as well, nothing big. Her mind was finally clicking back into irritation mode, rather than engineer mode. She only paused a moment to give the buffet itself (never the cooks) one last dirty look, then went back to following Chi, assuming she had a final destination in mind.

Glancing up from her meal, Kiyoshi looks up to see at least one familar face. "Morning, Heisho," the Pilot greeted with a wave before glancing over to a brand new samurai garb. "Wow...who's the hottie you're with?" the dark-skinned Neko asked as she moved a bit closer to Chi, a twinkle in her sky-blue eyes.

Hottie? went Chi, her eyes focused on Kiyoshi. Does she mean me? her thoughts began moving as she turned her head to look on the other side of Kumiko, before returning her gaze to the pilot. She means me! Her ears twitched, delight shooting up her spine, no one had ever referred to her as a hottie before. This was a first! Still, the expression shown seem unaffected by the comment, but Chi made sure to look the other Neko up and down one good time before looking to Kumiko for an answer to that.

Kumiko caught Chi's glance at her in her peripheral vision, and looked over at her, arching an eyebrow before deciding that she must be the one expected to answer that question. "Good morning, Hei. This is Chi, she is a Samurai who will be serving alongside our unit under my command, at least for a time. And she should be treated with the respect her position entails, as well." Kumiko sincerely hoped the slightly excessive pilot wouldn't go too far with her flirting here; they could use the help that a Samurai would undoubtedly be, and she didn't need someone driving her away.

"Ooooh~" Kiyoshi sang mischievously. "Then we should have plenty of time to get intimately acquainted," the Pilot said seductively. "Morning, tall, dark, and beautiful. I'm Aikawa Kiyoshi-nito hei. I'm a pilot detached to Lion Squad for the duration. Pleasure to meet you." the green-haired Neko purred delightfully, still coming off of the erotic high she had gotten earlier.

Feeling far too lazy to look for anyone in the ocean of people, Yua just took a seat with her plate of scrambled eggs, hash browns, and sausage. Of course she kept her eye out for Kumiko, but to push her way around was too much effort. They were bound to spot one another at some point. Without something else to distract her beyond a plate of relatively boring food, the 'terrible' images kept plaguing her mind no matter how hard she tried to boot them out and she groaned.

Yua'd see a familiar face seat themselves across from her then, Ruri. She'd not gotten such an extravagant meal as the Santo Hei, but she'd managed to get ahold of one of the 'rare' pastries that seemed to not be up there anymore.

"So." Ruri said as she picked at the bit of omelette she'd gotten, ravenously making it disappear within seconds. Really, it had only been one or two bites! "You managed to get into the mess huh?" questioned the smaller Neko before she took a bite at the 'skinny' end of her cornet, only to seconds later start licking at the cream on the fat end as it leaked out.

Finally! Something to distract Yua from her disturbing thoughts. "Ah, yeah," she replied as she shoved some hash browns into her mouth. As she chewed, she watched Rura eat a rather delicious looking pastry, though wondering if that was the best way to eat it. Swallowing her food, Yua spoke up, "Uh, is that how you eat that?"

"Right, I'll get in line. What do you want, Shii-Hei?" Makoto said, examining the massive line of Star Army personnel waiting for food.

Youko had known how big the mess hall was, but she hadn't expected it to be so packed. As a result, she ignored Makoto for a brief moment before bringing herself to answer. "I'd like... Rice." Suddenly curious, she looked around for anyone she had met the night before or, perhaps even her supposed roommate -- if she could recognize her.

Just rice? Makoto thought it was an odd choice for breakfast but ...

"Or maybe just surprise me." Youko shrugged.

The two were in for a strange surprise as they were in a line where only breakfast foods were being served, minus the bacon and ham. It was slim pickings for a while.

"Right, see you tomorrow then. Hopefully the food will be hot when I'm back," Makoto said, merrily joining the end of the line. He had meant it as a joke, of course, but part of him was daunted by the huge line.

"Hai?" Youko said, turning in surprise at Makoto's 'joke'. But then she got it, and gave the Yamataian the benefit of a smile.

Surprisingly, despite being large, the line was moving swiftly. Makoto grabbed a tray, placed two plates and two glasses on it. As he progressed through the breakfast line, Makoto piled eggs, fruit, sausages, fried potatoes and for Shii-Hei, a bowl of steamed white rice. He filled the two glasses with orange juice and went off to find Shii-Hei, carrying a trayful of food. The chore had taken him fifteen minutes total.

Ruri looked up at the question and then back to her cornet. "It's how I eat it, but I'm not sure about everyone else." she said before taking another bite, and then catching the cream again with a few flicks of her tongue.

"But that just seems so messy," Yua stated, taking a bite of eggs. "Could you just eat it from the fat end? It wouldn't spill out then."

"But then there wouldn't be any cream by the time I got to the skinny end." Ruri said as she held her cornet aloft.

"The way you're eating it, all the crème will fall out once you're half way," Yua noted. "Then there wouldn't be any crème left at all, unless you scoop it off your plate or something."

After reloading whatever he expended during some random drunken celebration Elliot started glancing around for any of the faces he'd seen last night, he opted for a secondary option. Syncing up with the KAMI once again he openly broadcasted in a Lion Squad only communication, "Where are the rest of you guys?" He started putting everything back in his pack when he noticed something that wasn't his, a Type 30 field ration. With a shrug, he zipped up the pack and waited for a response.

Kumiko just sent a quick picture of the table they were at, and a loose sketch of where they were back. They shouldn't be too hard to find, as close to the line as they were.

Makoto received the Squad communications and the picture of the table. He soon found the table he was looking for but did not approach. Shii-Hei was somewhere out there and he still had her food. If she wasn't in Lion Squad, then she'd need to take the food with her.

Elliot found his way over a few moments later, dropping his gear and sitting across from the Joto Heisho. As an afterthought he pulled the ration out and began taking it apart. A barbecue pork sandwich kit and freeze-sized coleslaw greeted him, before digging in he asked "So where is the rest of our gaggle of bodies?"

A voice inside Chi tempted her to answer Aikawa in kind, to show a likewise off, but that wasn't going to show so soon. The Samurai shifted in her chair, moving her feet below the table to adjust herself. Kiyoshi was definitely charming, and confident in the face of a Samurai, which seemed so rare here.

"It is likewise a pleasure to meet you as well, Aikawa-Hei." said the polite Samurai, nodding her head in respect to the bold Hei.

Kiyoshi seemed to stare at Chi a bit longer with a lopsided smile before turning to the new arrival. "Morning, Haden-chan," the Pilot greeted with a giggle. "I hope you got enough sleep. But if you didn't, that's good too~"

Thinking about it for a moment Elliot responded, "Don't actually remember anything from last night after I left the bar, all I know is I'm missing twenty rounds." He sighed before taking a bite out of his recently constructed pork sandwich.

"Twenty rounds? As in ammunition?" Kiyoshi asked before leaning forward. "Or twenty wads?" she asked bluntly.

Nearly spitting out his mouthful of pork he swallowed before responding with surprise, "Horny little devil aren't ya? Ammunition, as in the rifle kind." he finished.

"Considering that he recalls missing twenty rounds, but nothing else, I doubt he recall the total of his ejaculations in the evening." reasoned Chi, straight faced as ever, taking the comment with a strange stried for a supposedly sheltered Samurai.

Kumiko just completely ignored the discussion, having heard far stranger in her time, and started eating, wanting to get it all out of the way before she had to talk to the whole squad as a group. Plus, it wasn't like any of this talk surprised her, aside from Chi, since she'd recently started to guess that Chi was less reserved on the inside then she should be..

Chi's comment only caused Kiyoshi to giggle. "So true. At least he didn't lose his pants or something crazy like that." the Pilot joked.

"Uh... well.... about that.." he blushed slightly, "No idea were those are, wearing my old BDU pants for the moment" he let off a slight nervous laugh to cover his embarisment.

"I think I'd lose or do without crème either way." Ruri pointed out. "What if I picked at the skinny end and dipped it into the crème at the fat end?"

Yua blinked as she thought that possibility over. "That... would work, wouldn't it?" She nodded and ate some more of the food from her plate.

At that, Ruri picked a portion of the skinny end of her cornet off, dipped it into the well of chocolate crème in the fat end and ate it. The little Neko made a sound of approval. "It works."

Youko on the other hand was the odd one out, while the others were meeting up to have a Lion Squad meeting, she was left alone. At least she was until a friendly hand tapped her shoulder and tried to get her attention. "Excuse me, are you Nito Hei Shii Youko?" she asked politely offering the taller neko a bashful little smile as she turned around. The girl in front of her was another Nito Hei, a Yamataian with a tiny body strangely curved by a large pair of breasts and a round behind, she was obviously outwardly shy and under confident, hiding her appearance behind a pair of round data glasses and her hair done up in a pair of braids.

"Yes. I'm Shii Youko." She answered the woman. "You are?"

"Sumiregawa Erika," she answered bowing quite suddenly, and awkwardly right into Youko's chest. "Ah--- gomenasai, I'm so really really sorry," she said going back up and bowing a few more times, a lot less deeper than before. "I'm also one of the capitol pilots, we're on the same shift. I apologize if this is sudden, I just didn't want to eat alone so I looked you up on the KAMI," she said avoiding looking directly at the Neko in front of her.

Another operator? The Yamataian was another operator? "Have you piloted her yet? How does the Hokorimasu handle? We share the same shift?"

She stopped; composed herself in an instant. "Eh... If you don't want to eat alone, you should join Lion Squad and I... The table is --" Youko looked around quickly, trying to find them. "--Over there."

Erika smiled brightly as she was invited to come join people to eat in a social setting that wasn't her direct family or squadmates. "I would love to, if you don't mind me," she said with another uneasy bow of her head. As they walked towards the table Erika went to answer the Youko's question. "Yes, I was one of the three pilots who took her out to re adjust her to the starbase yesterday. The Hokorimasu is a large ship, and feels like nothing else I've ever piloted before, I'm sure it'll be even more interesting for you with your um... SPINE plugs," she said not really sure how to talk about them. "There's three on each shift, two main pilots and a navigator, there's many to do to keep the ship moving, so we'll be working closely, please tell me if there's anything I can do to improve our communications," she said trying her best to make this as easy as possible, again bowing her head.

"Ah." Youko said, sitting down at the Lion table without a word -- effectively ignoring all others. "Do you happen to know which posting I'll have?"

Erika nodded, "yep. Me and you are piloting, you'll be my co-pilot I think until after this mission based upon your job. At least that's what I was told. I'm only main piloting because I've already done so, but I wouldn't mind if you pilot, and I'll co-pilot for you. I think you'll do much better then me," she said with a meek little smile.

Makoto was wandering around the mess hall aimlessly, looking for Shii-Hei. It hadn't occurred to him that she might have gone to the Lion Squad table. Eventually, he decided to make use of the wonders of technology. He composed a message to the person who had sent the earlier squad message. "Santo Hei Honda Makoto. Can't find a Nito-Hei Shii Youko to give her her food. Anyone know her?"

Kumiko kept eating, sending back a quick reply. "Makoto, this is your boss. Come to me, everyone else is here."

Ruri then looked at Yua's plate and then her own. "I'll give you a bite of my cornet if you give me a bite of your sausage." she offered, holding the cornet out.

Yua looked back and forth between the two before nodding. She gave a whole sausage link, having had two (they always come in two anyway), transfering it from her own plate to Ruri's. "There you go," she replied, staring at the cornet. The delicious, sweet cornet.

That delicious, sweet cornet hovered forward in Ruri's hand as she sat up, and leaned forward seemingly intent on feeding Yua a bite of it.

Moving her head forward, Yua's jaws opened wide and chomped at the cornet.

While it may have looked suggestive, one Neko handfeeding another, Ruri pulled the cornet back after the bite, put it on her plate before eating the sausage, something a little more substantial than the sweet pastry.

"Good?" she asked, picking the sausage up with a fork, and taking a bite of it.

Yua nodded, smiling as she chewed away. It tasted so much better than the other pieces of food that morning. She, eventually, had to swallow rather regretfully. "...That was delicious," she said, forlornly.

Ruri gave the girl a somewhat flat stare at her tone, regretting what she was about to do. But, she pushed the plate with the remainder of the cornet forward, and toward Yua. "You can have it if you want."

Yua stared at the plate in all of its delicious glory. "Are you sure? I mean, you did get it."

"I'm sure. And I'm sure I can get another tomorrow. If that Yamataian girl is working the serving counter," Ruri said, nudging it a little more toward the girl. "Unless you want me to feed it to you again," she added, and despite her look, the creamy white cheeks seemed to turn a light shade of pink.

"Ah, no no, that won't be necessary," Yua replied, shaking her head, blushing herself. "But thank you! Uuhhmm...." Thinking it over for only a moment, she switched Ruri's and her own plates. "There!" The black-haired neko picked up the cornet and bit into the fat end of the cornet messily, getting the crème onto her face, apparently forgetting what they had talked about just a few moments before.

Ruri looked a little surprised by the switching of plates, one chunk of cornet for eggs, hashbrowns and sausage? The little Neko looked up in time to see Yua's messy bite, having been on the verge of saying her thanks. However instead of doing so she took her napkin, and leaned forward again, rubbing at the other Neko's face to get the crème off. When she was done, Ruri noticed a little left over, near Yua's mouth which she scooped up with a finger, and sucked on it before sitting back down.

"Mm?" Yua blinked as she was cleaned up, and clearly blushed further. "Ah, th- thanks," she said, meekly. Not knowing what else to say, she went back at the cornet, however this time much more neatly.

Pulling her finger out of her mouth, Ruri replied: "You're welcome. You know," she toyed with the eggs on 'her' plate now. "I can make cornets. And a lot of other pastries if you like them so much. So if you wanted more, you could ask and I'd make them."

"You can?" Yua looked starry eyed at the small neko across from her. "You are the best person ever!" she exclaimed, standing up and reaching across the table to place her hands on each of Ruri's shoulder, a wide smile on her face. "Oh but... what can I do in return?"

A little taken aback, Ruri's ears twitched in surprise as the hands went to her smaller shoulders. "I-I don't know, what can you offer?" she asked.

"Well," Yua sat back down, putting a hand to her chin as she thought it over. "The only thing I really know are guns... oh, I can sew. Sort of, anyway."

It was somewhere at this point where the group found one another and got a table to themselves. There had to be some shifting, but it was done quickly enough. Time was ticking by, and they did have to be at their training op by a half hour, this included all the time they would have to travel through the traffic about the ship.

Makoto handed Youko her plate, the small bowl of rice and a glass of orange juice. As far as he was concerned, debt paid. He hadn't appreciated her disappearing and leaving him to wander around looking for her. A quick examination revealed that many of the members of this squad were Santo or Nito Heis. Quietly, he began eating. The stomach needed appeasement.

"Oh. Arigotou, Honda-Hei." Youko said, barely even looking down at her plate. She was lost in thought, thinking about what Erika had said a few moments ago.

After much laugher and delicious food, Kiyoshi sighed delightfully as she glanced around the table at the gathering. Most were familiar faces, including poor Ruri, while a few were brand new. She even got to see the Starship Operator who was supposedly her roommate. But a quick mental check of the time told the dark-skinned Neko that there wouldn't be much time to tease her. That made Kiyoshi openly frown a bit.

Chi simply closed her eyes in wait, wondering when the time would come for Kumiko to signal them to move to training. Every now and then, she would steal a glance down to her uneaten food, to be saved for later, in some form or fashion. Chi simply needed to find a single moment to herself to eat the small meal from some time after then. Her eyes scanned the room, as they were so accustomed to doing, and caught sight of Kiyoshi's frown. Chi stared for a moment, before calmly closing her eyes again.

Kumiko sighed, setting down her utensils, and looking around the table. "So. For those of you I didn't meet at the interview last night, or on the way down here, I'm Joto Heisho Endoh Kumiko. I'm going to be your squad leader for the time we're together, and we have training scheduled for about 30 minutes from now. So we need to get going. Those of you who got here late, and therefore aren't done eating, you can grab something and bring it with you, but we need to get going now if we're going to be on time, and I don't feel like showing up late on day one." That said, she stood up from the table, gathering her things. "Anyone gets left behind, you better beat me there."

Standing up as well, Kiyoshi grabbed her own tray and turned that frown upside-down real quickly. "Hai hai," she replied in a sing-song tone. "Heisho...can I get to 'occupy' whoever doesn't make it~" she asked mischievously.

"Aye ma'am" responded Elliot as he left the table, gear in tow. A moment later he vanished into a maintenance access panel mounted on the ceiling.

At hearing that offer from Kiyoshi, a blur of blonde hair whipped past the group as the smallest of members hurried.

Chi sighed gently to herself. With the order received, she stood, and turned, and then, shot off just as Ruri did, in a breakneck speed, yukata fluttering in the wind. She queried the KAMI for the fastest route, and waited for the computer to establish a path so she could properly arrive as early as possible.

This time around however, instead of avoiding the lifts, she'd asked the KAMI and only learned of the zero-g vents. Well... it couldn't be as bad as the lifts... right? Ruri's ears fluttered as she thought of the alternative. Be left behind, and... and... she would not! Her cheeks went scarlet as she found an access hatch, crawling inside.

Just as well, Chi's query resulted in the knowledge of the Zero-G vents. The path indicated into the vent that Ruri had entered and stopped to a skidding halt outside. She caught sight of the Neko's rear as she crawled and went in after her. The Samurai's hand went up, as she moved, pushing against the other Neko's rear to move her faster.

"Forgive me, Kurusu-san," Apologized the NH-27 as she encouraged the smaller Ruri to speed up.

Youko merely stood and regarded her mental picture of the ship's design. She picked out a path that would get her there on time, and walked calmly away -- leaving the food behind by accident.

Kumiko sighed as every single member of her squad apparently decided to take her statement as orders to beat her there, rather than just not get separated. She decided it wasn't worth explaining at that moment, and just kept right on going at whatever pace she ended up at, since she assumed she could just use maps like she always did and find the engineering shortcuts (since every engineer designed them in).

Yua sweatdropped at the sight of everyone leaving. She headed out, though nowhere near as fast as the others, and apparently ended up walking at the same pace as Kumiko. "Uh, did I miss the order that this was a race, Endoh-Heisho?"

Makoto watched everyone start to leave and shoveled a couple more mouthfuls of food down, followed by the rest of his orange juice. He left the empty plate and glass on the table to catch up with Kumiko. "Heisho, where are we going?" he asked her when he'd caught up.

"Just follow, Hei. We'll get there soon enough." Kumiko didn't feel the need to say more than that.

"Right, Fearless Leader-Boss. Lead the way," Makoto replied casually.

Frowning a bit in distress, Kiyoshi moved to follow the Heisho. She was quiet for a moment before she finally spoke up. "...Was it something I said?"

  • つづく (to be continued)
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