Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Section 6 Joining the family

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
---188604 /high orbit /USV-Hammer flight deck---

Jack stood in his tuxedo as he and Sarah talked. Sarah stood in her white dress, "So do we have a strategy for this, fearless leader? Because I'm nervous as hell."

The corridor was well lit as they stood before the large cargo passable doors leading into the large hangar.

"What? Calm down and be happy, you're reminding me too much of me on my wedding day. You're marrying the woman you love. Family is important sis, so embrace it, and remember, I'll be by your side the whole way." Jack said giving his sister a hug, before looping his arm in hers.

"Dad would be happy that you could take his place, mom too. I think they both would be proud." Sarah said patting Jack's arm as the large mag rail doors slid apart.

Rose had decided to make herslef busy in the time Sarah spent preparing. The flight deck had been converted into a tasteful, if simplistic altar space, a few improvised decorations floating about in the partial gravity of the flight deck. Keepg tthe buffet tables grounded had taken a slight adjustment of the gravity, and a few of the galley hands milled about, knowing that the ceremony would finish off with food and drink.

The curve of their homestead world below sloped off into the infinite black specked with vibrant nebulae, and Rose stood stiff and straight, her hair braided and makeup for the first time in her memory. Though some would call her more radiant than normal, her expression and stance radiated stress, anxiety, and happiness almost as blinding as her vivid white dress against the black not ten meters behind her.

Aster milled about the main area where ceremony was about to take place. Her long black hair was pinned back with silk peonies. Her formal dress was a deep wine hue with a deep v-neck that fell past her knees. She stood near Rose and offered a reassuring smiled. "It'll be okay, Rose. You look beautiful."

Adilis and Adria meandered in the main area in... their normal clothes... Adria frustratedly fluttered her wings and muttered "I really hate these wings sometimes, how am I supposed to get any other clothes on...?" Their long tails waved around as Adilis stood behind Adria, practically hugging her wings. Adria supposed it was somewhat comforting to know he was nearby so she could protect him.

"Yeah Rose, ease up. You look stunning, here comes Sarah." Neera said.

Jack and Sarah walked down the aisle until they reached the alter to which Jack unlinked and stopped a few paces behind.

If it seemed difficult to imagine, Rose actually stiffened as Sarah approached, a fiery blush spreading under the makeup someone had caked her with. The memory of who slipped her mind as she found herself shocked, and pleasantly so, at the image of Sarah's dress. "Honestly, I didn't know lace could look that good."

Honestly, Rose would have preferred to wear just a nice and comfortable set of clothes to this, hair down and wild in the lack of gravity about her head. However, the offer of her heavily modified Emery's car back was too good to resist. "Can I please never wear a dress again?"

Sarah giggled at Rose's comment, "Just for tonight love. Though it's sad you don't like it, you look stunning. After tonight, you'll never have to wear a dress for me again, and I'll be yours forever."

"How many times... Never mind." Rose shook off the uncomfortable feeling that came every time someone mentioned giving themselves to someone. "You're more beautiful than ever. I'm happy to join your family. I love you, but as soon as tonight's over, I'm pitching this itchy, overtight lace monstrosity out an airlock. You ready for this, love?"

Aster moved to the side with the rings; the ceremony seemed ready to begin as Jack escorted his sister to her bride in waiting and took up his position. So he's conducting the ceremony? She settled into silence as her bosses prepared to actually conduct the wedding ceremony. She was happy to see more weddings than funerals, she had her fair share of funerals to appreciate the tip in the scales. Let us celebrate life as it unfolds before us rather than celebrating it after someone has passed beyond us.

Jack to a moment to clear his throat before giving both Sarah and Rose a smile in turn. He then began to speak, "We are gathered here today to bond two people in love and matrimony. The pairing of two souls is a beautiful thing, and one that should be celebrated. Today inparticular we celebrate the bonding of Sarah Pine and Rose Ironhart. If there are any who would oppose this marriage, please speak now and receive my boot, or forever hold you peace." No one raised a voice from the sparse number in attendance, "Now if the ring bearer would kindly step forward and give the rings."

Sarah telepathically spoke to Rose, "Don't worry love, just wait til after the cetemony and the Honeymoon begins. I'll be removing that dress myself soon enough." She finished with a wink.

Rose plplayfully rolled her eyes before her eyes glowed for the barest moment, sending an image into Sarah's digital Geshrin mind. The changing room lay barely apparent behind the lacy underthings Rose wore beneath her dress for such an occasion. Though her Geist couldn't project her voice, it was able to add a line of text. Best rip these off, too, hero.

Aster stepped forward and held up the little velvet pillow that had the two rings resting on it for the women to claim. She smiled brightly at them as she waited for them to claim their rings.

Sarah smiled and did likewise sending a snapshot of a similar dressing room, but there was only a string like garment compared to Rose's lace. She took a ring from the pillow before returning her gaze to her soon to be wife.

Returning fire? Should have seen that coming. But that image was just one possibility. I kinda forgot my dress is open backed. Rose gently picked up the other ring, absently checking over the scaled mirror plating she could just barely make out on the inner wall of hers. Reaching under the lace in the midsection of her dress, she pulled out a red laser pointer.

On either side of an ingraving were two black dots, one of which she shined the red laser into as the ring settled into her hand, and the mirror plates surged with light, before the gentle white glow settled into an image of herself, hair floating wild in null gravity and a halo of tools round her head. A beaming smile showed on both the projection and the bride as it showed just what she had sunk her spare time into.

"Whaaa..." Adilis queitly cooed, staring at the image the ring projected in amazement over his slightly taller sister's shoulder. "That's... impressive..." Adria whispered, not even sure how that hologram was, well, there. Their red wings swayed in the air and their long tails overlapped, laying on top of each other on the floor. The short butterflies were, fortunately, oblivious to Rose and Sarah's Geist messages.

Aster moved back and off to the side as the women claimed their rings. She watched the projections, still smiling and admired the rings in silence.

Sarah used the laser pointer that had been offered when she had claimed her ring and did likewise. The ring glowed as a still image of crystalline blue eyes almost closed and black hair flying free as head her was thrown back in laughter. The green straps of Sarah's bikini were visible in the bust portrait, though the image seemed older, as though taken from a memory. This made Sarah smile as she remembered that day when she first met Rose as Thorn.

"No matter how far away we find ourselves, a piece of me is always with you." Rose let the glittering image shut off before she held up the ring. Her Geist pulled an image from a set of cameras nearby before she fired her pointer into the other dot, and her Geist burned an image of the two of them in vivid white into the other side of the rings. "I think we're ready for vows, Jack," she whispered. Her Geist let her emotions leak at her command, however cool she played the blushing bride, she was scared, partly of the idea of being someone's, but more of being happy about the matter. However fearful she might be, that happiness and excitement beat the fear into submission with brutality unheard of in civilized society.

Adilis watched in awe as they lit the ring holograms up, even stepping to the side so he was no longer hidden by his sister. Adria waited for them to finish the process of presenting the rings. She caught onto the word "vows" and realized what they were going to do next. "Oh. Vows. I've heard about this part," she grumbled, with her tail squirming on the floor uneasily. "I've never understood this whole love thing," she grumpily muttered quietly, "It's always seemed to me like a waste of time."

Jack was impressed by the creatively designed rings, "Do you promise to keep each other, in sickness and in health, poverty and wealthiness?"

"I do." Sarah answered without hesitation.

"Without fail." Rose nodded, her answer coming immediately after Sarah's.

"Do you promise to support each other in your endeavors, no matter what they might be?" Jack continued.

"Always." Sarah said.

"And forever." Another nod from Rose as she smiled again.

"And do you promise to build a bright future for your children, so that they themselves may feel the happiness you two now carry today?" Jack said uttering the third and final vow.

Sarah said, "I do."

"I will." Rose nodded again.

Jack nodded slightly before speaking, "Please bestow the rings onto your bride respectively."

Sarah handed the pointer back to Aster before placing the ring between her thumb and index finger and offered to take Rose's hand to place the ring. Rose lifted her hands in turn, letting Sarah slip the ring on as she maneuvered the other between her fingers.Sarah then offered her own hand with a smile, and Rose slipped the ring over Sarah's index finger, her face lighting up with a grin as the sun broke over the horizon behind .

"I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss." Jack said arms slightly spread as he announced this.

Sarah did not hesitate, kissing Rose as soon as the words weresaid. Rose squealed with joy, throwing her aems around Sarah's neck and jumping into her arms. Leaning into the kiss, she sent a signal, and the enormous doors of the flight deck started grinding closed.

Sarah picked up her wife in a bridal carry and began to take her away for a love filled night and the beginning of their honeymoon.