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RP Love Letters


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Wherever Aliset and Sacre are at the moment.
YE 46.2.14

By the time Sacre got home on Love Day this year, Aliset was already asleep, curled up on the bed and snoring as any whose body didn’t agree with gravity. Dinner was in the oven, candles unlit, but waiting. Aliset knew that the life of a doctor was always busy, and hours were never regular. She had grown used to this. So when she had finally taken her rest and gone to bed, she left a letter next to her, knowing Sacre would either find it, or her sensitive scales would when she slipped into bed.


As I sit down to write this letter, I find myself grappling with words that often elude me. I find myself at a loss for the usual florid language that might adorn a love letter and all the foreign silliness that surrounds one day in a year that others celebrate with grand gestures and eloquent words, candies and flowers et cetera ad nauseum. Poetry and grand metaphors have never been my forte, and I know you appreciate sincerity more than flowery language. So, I'll speak plainly, as I always have with you.

Loneliness can be as vast as the void itself, and in the vastness of our respective experiences and the intricacies of our connection, I have found a profound sense of belonging in your presence. The term "home" inadequately captures the depth of this sentiment, but it serves as a humble expression of the peace and stability you bring to my life. I won’t make grand promises or profess undying devotion. My reality is one of impermanence, and I have learned to navigate it with pragmatic acceptance. But in this existence, you are the constant, and for that, I am grateful. Beyond grateful.

Every man I've loved is dead. That, for too long, made me feel cursed, like my heart costs lives. You broke that self-imposed distance I maintained from matters of the heart. With you, I have found a refuge, a place where the echoes of the past grow faint, and the promise of a shared future becomes palpable. With you I have come to believe in the possibility of redemption, of healing old wounds and forging new beginnings. I know the complexities of our situation, the intricacies of our respective pasts and species. And yet, despite it all, I can’t see a future without you in it. It's a peculiar thing for a Senti, accustomed to the nomadic ebb and flow of our social tapestry, to claim a singular place as home. Yet, wherever you are, that's my home. In a world where I have often felt adrift and alone, the safest place for me to go, my home, is with you.

I wouldn’t ask you for grand gestures or lofty promises, but for something far more profound: your expertise, your knowledge as a geneticist.

We have been blessed with Marigold. I’ve told you how hard that is a concept for me before, children. Then you fixed my hips. I was told I wouldn’t safely bear children for another thirty years yet. You have already done so much for me, and for Mari, and everyone else in our lives. And yet, I cannot shake the yearning for more. I want to give her siblings, and you someone to teach and mold into the beauty I see in you. I don’t know how, but I’m having your babies. All I need is that perfect brain of yours to make the genetics work, and make sure your child is healthy. I don’t care if it has legs or a tail or what color the scales are or what its bones are made from. I want your healthy child. I’ll give you my firstborn for it.

I understand that it will be beyond difficult. But I know we can do it. We’re both too stubborn to fail, and you’re the best geneticist I know.

Whatever your answer, I love you. I want to be there for it all, to marry you when both your brides stand at the altar, no matter how long it takes. As long as your smile remains more precious than starlight, and as long as you'll have me.

Yours always, Aliset


Sacre put the letter down in the sickbay, it was quiet at the moment so she could think and be alone in peace. She pulled out a pen and a piece of paper and started writing.


My Beloved Aliset,

I often feel uncomfortable expressing my feelings directly and serving beside you has not given me the same opportunities to express them in this medium. When there is something I want to say to you, such as that I want to wrap myself around you and not let go, I can just say it.

So allow me to meander for a moment. I have always struggled with loneliness even when surrounded with comrades in arms. Your presence has touched the deepest parts of my soul, igniting a fire within me that burns brighter than a thousand suns. To hear you speak of finding a home in me, of feeling a sense of belonging and refuge in my presence, fills me with a profound sense of purpose and joy.

I know that I do want to build a home with you. To relieve some of the grief you have had to bear in your life and confront it together.

I look forward to the future we will build together, navigating the ups and downs of life hand in hand. Whatever challenges may come our way, I know that as long as we have each other, we can overcome anything.

I love you more than words can say, more than the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the beach. You are my everything, my world, my love.

Forever and always,


Sacre put the letter down, putting it into its own envelope for delivery to her Senti lover. However, there was a second letter that she needed to write.


My Beloved Gravity,

If you are reading this, then I hope you have returned to my side. However, if not, then I want you to know that I will always love you. I miss the touch of your skin and the fire and hear your whispers of celestial desires.

Forever and always,


Gravity reread one of the letters that Sacre had sent her before her ship had crashed and she set off on a world hopping adventure to try and get back home. Her internal sense of time told her that today was love day. So she began to compose a letter back home.


My Beloved Sacre,

I could use you beside me now. It’s hard to describe the chaotic and insane situation that we’ve gotten ourselves into. Your quiet strength and resolute stead-fastness anchor me. I don’t care where in the multiverse that I get thrown, as long as it is thrown with you by my side. I met another pair of us from a different universe. I hoped that they would be able to help me find my way back home to you. However, they had deliberately lost themselves after everything seemed lost from a massive Misshu invasion after Yamatai was forced to surrender to Kuvexia. It was hard hearing the story of that timeline, but it also showed me how much I rely on you. I will find my way back to you, I promise.

If I fly higher than the mountains, it is because you are the wind beneath my wings. I love you forever and for always,


I think that’s the fastest JP we’ve ever done, @Soban

That said, still gonna add more letters to this as they come up. I feel like that would be a nice thing for them to do. Little notes and letters whenever either of them feels they can't communicate something in spoken word.[/spoiler/
It took some time for Aliset to wake up, considering her life and the beauty that lay next to her. So while she pulled Sacre's sleeping body tight, her mind wrote.


Kara Sifsdottir, Gravity Sansinnia

I wish I could tell you how much Sacre misses you. How much I owe you in the push for everything that has happened. I wish I could tell you all of it. But you're missing, and some days, it feels like we're the only ones looking. I know logically that's not true. I've seen the reports, the search and the hope, No one has declared your ship lost, yet. Just missing in action. I know logically that as long as there's still some semblance of hope you'll come back to us, that the search will be unending.

I don't know how hard it's been for you. I know that being lost is terrifying. But I also know your reputation. And all the good things Sacre says about you. When I can keep her off the search for you, you're her favorite subject. I have faith that one of two things will happen. One. You'll find your own way home and make the search just that much harder doing it. Or two. You'll be there healthy and waiting when we finally do come for you. On the way back, tell me all the things you accomplished. I'll get you caught up.

But considering us, did you realize your girlfriend has a type? Pilots, blue skin and dark hair, soft features and... Well. Apparently she likes women like us. Makes me feel like we'll get along, long as we're not too similar.

Sacre has a daughter. She and I adopted a helashio not too long ago. It's horrible to think that those still come in boxes. But Marigold is healthy, happy, and passed her Trials of Adulthood first time go. I couldn't be more proud. I gave her a ship for it. She's going to college, now. I don't know which one. But I know she's doing well. Maybe one day we, the three of us, Sacre, myself, and you, will be able to go sunbathing at the edge of Thor's Crater on Rok'Veru. Or all of us visit Apollo on Essia. Where would you take us? Maybe one day. I'm not letting you go galavanting across the universe without the most important woman in your life again, okay?

I know this letter won't reach you just yet. Some system within a system and some courier full of hard drives, too far or too difficult to transmit. Not my clearance to know why. But if you're getting this, anywhere, know now that we're coming to bring you home.

Just stay safe out there, wherever you are. Sacre needs you. And I could really use some help understanding her some days.

With love,
The Other Woman


Slowly, she got up, dragging herself out of bed and careful to not wake Sacre. She lay a kiss on Sacre's forehead before slipping away to start on breakfast.


My Dearest Levente,
It's been four years, four long years since you disappeared, and not a day goes by that I don't feel the absence of your laughter, your warmth, and the steady presence that grounded my restless spirit. I have tried to put into words the myriad of emotions that have washed over me during this time, and yet words fall short in capturing the depth of loss that your absence has left in my heart.
So much has happened since that fateful day. Nicol, my other husband and flight engineer, left this world in a blaze of courage and sacrifice. His loss was like a second wound, a reminder of the fragility of those we hold dear. I witnessed his sacrifice, Levente, and I carry the weight of that memory with me every day. He saved my life, just as you did so many times before. I tried to shut myself off, to swear off love and the beautiful chaos that comes with it. I thought perhaps I could find solace in the quiet solitude of my own company. But life has a way of surprising us, doesn't it? Two remarkable women entered my life, shattering the walls I had erected around my heart. Takeda Sayako, who pushed me to develop my career and who to this day has a cup of coffee waiting for me on the bridge of the Koun every day, and Sacre Sansinnia, the doctor who saw me and who worked with me, built me up and invited me into her heart and her home.
And then there's Marigold, a burst of sunshine in the darkest corners of my existence. Adopted into our unconventional family after your disappearance, she's a constant reminder that life, with all its complexities, continues to unfold. She approached me with questions about the army, seeking guidance, and in that moment, I glimpsed the resilience and determination that had drawn me to you so many years ago. I told her the way you and my mother agreed. Instincts are a tool. A sensor that using your head can use to follow your heart.
Levente, I wish you could be here to witness the beauty and chaos that has unfolded in your absence. I wish you could see how our family has expanded and adapted.
Though you are gone, your memory remains etched in the core of who I am. I carry you with me, a silent companion on this journey through love and loss. As the stars above bear witness to our stories, I find solace in the belief that somewhere, in the cosmic expanse, you are watching over us. If you're still out there, somewhere... Come home. Please. Your wife, your sister, we need you I'd love to introduce you to the woman I want to marry. I feel like you would like her, even if you two won't get along too well.
Until we meet again, my love.


Coffee burbled in the pot as she wrote the letters to her dead and gone, a small smile crossing her face as she imagined the angry puffing up Sacre would have done seeing him, and how he was always kind, would have been protective, but not aggressive. A small laugh at how it would have taken Sacre and Levente several minutes of posturing and a kiss each from Aliset to realize they both had the same goal. She wasn't sure Sacre would have ever liked Levente. But she would understand.


Gentle Nicol,
As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is heavy with the weight of memories, both beautiful and painful. It's been three years since you left us, sacrificing yourself in a blaze of courage and loyalty. You became the first Senti to die in combat service to the Star Army, and your sacrifice saved the lives of everyone on that battered Ginga Bomber. How I wish I could turn back time, to tell you the words left unspoken, to hold you once more.
I remember the look you gave me, Nicol, right before you embarked on that final act of heroism. It was a look of acceptance, of a man who knew it was his time. Duty and kindness were your guiding lights, and you carried them with you until the very end. Your legacy lives on not only in the steel that now courses through the veins of Dragon 871 but also in the memories of those who were fortunate enough to know you.
Life has moved forward, as it always does, and I have tried to find meaning in the spaces you once occupied. The stars above bear witness to the countless battles and struggles we've faced since your departure. I wish you could see the new threads woven into the tapestry of my life. There have been moments of joy and moments of sorrow, but in each, your absence is keenly felt.
I found love again, Nicol, in the most unexpected of places. I thought I had sworn it off. But Sacre Sansinnia entered my life like... Well, at first, I thought she had the personality of a sandblaster. I've come to realize that she's a cup of coffee, too hot from the tap for either of us, but cooled and mellowed into a rich, grounding and energizing medley of delightfulness. And speaking of, Sayako. An android that grew from a simple companion chatterbot to a full fledged AI and then decided to join the Star Army, the Koun. That's where I met her. She doesn't have to, but the bridge is never short of coffee, and good food thanks to her. And she's a calming presence in all our lives, a genius of gravity and physics. Still needs some help on a few other subjects. Two remarkable women. I know, I didn't see myself having a gay awakening, either.
Marigold, our vibrant burst of sunshine, joined our unconventional family after you left. She's a constant reminder that life continues to unfold, bringing new challenges and new joys. I can't help but think of how you would have adored her spirit and resilience. She's energetic, funny, and so smart. She passed her Trials first time go! Despite her having had her memories wiped so many times. She's strong and capable, and I'll always be there for her. She's heard of you. And Lev. You two helped me find purpose when I was just the scared, lost little xeno girl. I miss you. I love you. I got spinefish and cannonfruit greens waiting for you. But you're on galley duty if I have to come get you.
Until we meet again, my dearest friend and hero.


Aliset's coffee helped her consider the day's challenges, the rice and smoked fish that was her breakfast filling her belly. She knew that Sacre lkely wouldn't eat, as she had eaten a mere two days ago. Did not mean that the lanky Separa wouldn't want a mug of the sweet, caffeinated nectar. But Aliset's meal was often heavy, first thing in the morning, as she rarely ate more than once a day, anymore. And with Sacre's work on her diet plan, that had even changed.


Takeda Sayako

Has it really been two years? Two years of your quiet comfort and grace and that cup of coffee you have every morning on the bridge? Your rank may not reflect it, but you are my superior in all respects of sciences, and I am awestruck by the intelligence and wit that flows from you always. You're funnier than you give yourself credit for, smarter than you believe, and wise beyond your years. Your companionship's been important for me, and you've walked me through some serious challenges in my life. For this I thank you.
That burial steel for your mood light was not given in vain, and I am so proud to call you family. Please don't ever stop being unapologetically you, not for a second. Even if it can be disturbing to watch you just pop body parts off some times. I suppose that's part of the charm. You and Sacre are two of the most important people in my life, and I hope that even if I can't tell what you're thinking, if I can't read your body language and see your thoughts flicking like shadows of data, that you realize just how special you are. I love you, you silly, perfect little android. I don't know what Alastair did to get you to the Koun. But I'm grateful for whatever happened allowing us to meet. I don't know what you think of polyamory, but I know when you helped write the Senti cultural briefing, your input was invaluable, seeing myself from an outside perspective. But perhaps a little less unbiased would be nice? I'd like to know your biases, and how you feel.
I know I said no more love at one point. I was an idiot. I'm still trying to figure out what else I can gift you. Things you actually want, rather than need. I can make spare parts for you till your body's made of glittering burial steel, but that won't put an unconscious smile on your face. All I ask from you is a little more communication, okay? Some way for me to know how you feel. I know Tari was working on synthesizing Senti pheremones to add to your mood light system, but I don't know who had that idea or why. Maybe you'll know better than me.

With awe and love,

In loving memory of two players, Krimsun Wulf and Helaxus Phase, I hope one of them returns one day. Also a letter for the less used and much loved character by @Yuuki , Takeda Sayako.
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