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<center>Ketsurui Fleet Yards' Ke-M4-2A
Nekovalkyrja Nodal Power Armor (Sylph)</center>
History and Background: The Ke-M4 "Sylph" is the fourth LAMIA (Light Advanced Mechanized Infantry Armor) unit, originally designed as the first ground-type power armor for the new NH-29 nekovalkyrja. Its creation opened interest in developping more power armored unit dedicated to planetary operation, and it was quickly joined by the stealthy M5 Harpy and the powerful M6 Daisy.
However, the Daisy's design was so successful that it quickly overshadowed the smaller Sylph, making the light power armor model obsolete after only a couple of month of it having entered tentative active service in larger vessels. Since capital vessels had to surrender some of their M1 Lamias for the doubtful performance of a light armor which might rarely see use, the Sylph proved rather unpopular.
Seeing that the M6 Daisy could outperform the Sylph in any role at an acceptable cost, the Sylph's designers returned to the drawing board. Capital ships still needed decent internal defenses to protect against invaders (such as the Mishhuvurthyar). However, capital ships were also important to carry great numbers of power armor to the battlefield: having most of them stranded inside for internal defenses was counter-production - more versatility was required, especially seeing that with six different KFY power armor models, the allocation of power armors was becoming something of a concern.
"The Sylph," one designer said, "needs to fill the Lamia's role as well."
The M1 Lamia was an aging armor - a replacement for it seemed like a worthy endeavor. With this in mind, the Sylph was reworked from almost grounds up to be operated by a NH-12B miniature nekovalkyrja instead of a adult-sized NH-29. Much of the freed internal space was used to increase its capabilities as a mecha, namely augmenting the armor's strength, resilience and self-recovery functions. For space operations, the Sylph II had a easily-attachable modular winged pack made for it so it could include Combined Field System and more powerful tactical attack drones for space combat.
About the Sylph M4:
The Sylph looks diminutive and delicate; but it is anything but a pushover. Designed to operate both in defending friendly holdings as well as anti-starship operations, the Sylph puts at its NH-12B pilot's disposal many of the capabilities of its larger power armor sister models but in a smaller package thanks to its interior workings based a lot like those of the NH-28 Nodal Integrated Weapon System.
With yamataium armor (andrium had been strongly considered, but lacked the self-recovery Yamataium had) and a self-regenerative nodal flesh insert in the same fashion as the NH-18 biological weapon, the Sylph can cope with a lot of abuse. To trump on this reslience, the wingpack includes a barrier shield system to increase the M4's endurance in space battles. The wingpack also includes four powerful, capacitor-powered tactical drones (each ironically with same power cell as the original Sylph model).
The Sylph II's mix of mounted anti-personnel weaponry, capability of handling most handheld weapons, sheer durability and its versatile drone weapon system makes well worth the higher production costs.
The Sylph II M4 Power Armor is capable of transatmospheric operations, able to "hover," able to shift its inertia as needed, stop nearly instantly, and able to increase and decrease its weight as needed. The Sylph II can ignore gravity; it can walk up walls, on ceilings, across water, and in midair.
Systems Listings:
A Sylph defaults with anti-personnel phased pulse projectors on its forearms and powerful assault drones with the wingpack. Extra handheld weapons can be added to the loadout, namely the Light Armor Service Rifle for extra close-range punch or the Aether Saber-Rifle for fighting enemy mecha.
Ke-M4-W2902 Phased Pulse Projectors (2): Fired through the Sylph's opened palm, the phased pulse projectors are integrated in the mecha's forearms. An advanced variant of the NSP/SMG 28, they have similar fire modes to their handheld cousins except that they can be accessed through the AIES directly.
Ke-M4-W2903 Assault Drones (4): The Sylph's four fairy-like winglets are actually detachable attack drones. Each drone has its own gravimetric engine which typically is used to boost the sublight speed of the Sylph, but can be used seperately to match the default speed of the mecha. Self-powered with a battery which can be sustained by the M4's CFS, each assault drone is armed with a rapid-fire projected energy cannon.
Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M4-W2901 Mk.I "Light Armor Service Rifle" (Optional): The LASR's purpose is rather simple: to give soldiers a weapon that does not have the overkill of the M2-W2901 Aether Beam Rifle, yet retains some armor-killing punch. While the weapon is extremely effective against infantry and light armored vehicles, it is considered fairly ineffective against targets bigger than mecha; barrier systems or external kinetic dampeners can dull its damage.
Ke-M4-W2901 LASR-SLAG (Standard Light-Armor Grenade launcher): The Light Armor Service Rifle is a powerful all-around weapon, but it is ineffective against heavily armored targets or multiple lightly armored targets. The SLAG adds the punch necessary to produce an effective response to those scenarios. The launcher fits above the rifle barrel by removing the front portion of the accessory rail and wrapping around it from below. The magazine is at a steep diagonal angle, to give it the lowest profile possible.
Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M2-2901 Aether Beam Rifle (Optional): The successor to the 2701 (GM-05), this rifle uses a spatial distortion to release condensed potentials from the aether in a coherent phased beam. Because of the subspace effects of beam, it naturally pierces distortion-based shields. The weapon's range can be reduced to proportionally increase power and output duration, giving the rifle the ability to also function as a sword. The rifle has a long, thin sword-like shape with a pistol grip and a bullpup-style butt housing the battery magazine.
Additional Weaponry: The Sylph can use handhelds like the LASR or the Aether Saber Rifle or other human scale weapons, but since it has no mounting points, carrying its arsenal around can be cumbersome. Its offensive capabilities can be supplemented by the newer Type 29 variable pod with armor assisting drone functions.
Armor and Stealth Systems:
Outer Armor is a mixture of yamataium plating, Yarvex (A highly advanced gluon mesh), and an advanced, flexible Titanium-based alloy frame. The armor is most armored on the main body, and the outside section of the limbs (where the Andrium plating is). The Sylph can still function without its limbs, so long as the core and engine is intact. The Ke-M4-R2902 vector-projection and the Ke-M4-P2902 combined field both can protect the Sylph from scalar attacks.
Control Core: The fleshy core of the mecha shelters and protects the small NH-12B neko (or NH-29 youngling) piloting the Sylph. A NH-12B typically enters the Sylph by slipping through an hatch and inside the chestplate to settles in a small hollow cavity with a backing suitable to establish a Mini-SPINE cableless interface (and also provide the pilot with rather outstanding protection to shocks and impacts). The control cavity then snugly presses around the small neko and fills with life-sustaining hemosynthetic fluids (pilots typically operate in fetal position, sending out their senses and control impulses in the mecha proper). The core's life support system connects with the pilot through the umbilical hemosynthetic port and can sustain the small nekovalkyrja with oxygen and nutrients for fifteen days, or up to 15 years in stasis. Body waste (urea) is filtered from the bloodstream rather than through a catheter for extended operations inside the mecha.
Internal flesh insert and nodal system: Inside it's armored hide and hugging the endoskeletal structure of the mecha, the Sylph is filled with femtomachine saturated hemosynthetic fluids and slimy bio-synthetic musclemass doubling both as the mecha's somatic components as well as a massive nodal colony capable of servicing the mecha for tasks going from maintenance to repair and regeneration of damaged components (regenerating limbs, armor and all, should be possible).
Active Camouflage: Can place the image of what is on one side of the craft onto the other, creating the effect of invisibility. The Sylph power armor can also use this system to project holograms.
Conformal PSC Device: The Ke-M4-E2903 PSC (Psionic Signal Controller) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older "ADN" devices. The field generated by the PSC englobes and protects the Sylph entirely, extending out two inches outward of the power armor to prevent the appearance of obvious psionic "dead zones".
Self-Destruct: The M4 Sylph can be triggered to self-terminate so that it's technology will not fall in enemy hands. This process can be initiated by the pilot (or AIES, if the pilot is dead and involves having the hemosynth fluids inside the fleshy parts of the suit turn hostile to matter and cause significant damage to the armor's internal systems and supports, eventually leading the suit to becoming a mere burned out husk of what it was (with any organic remains dissolved and evaporated).
Alternatively the mecha can be destroyed by deliberately overloading the Ke-G2902 Generator and Capacitor System. The process takes only a few seconds and results in an aether energy explosion powerful enough to totally destroy the armor (and anything within twenty meters).
Armor Integrated Electronics System: The Ke-M4-E2902 system, based on the same concept as the MEGAMI quantum computer, is a network of sensors, communications, and fire control all built around a small centralized computer system. AIES is a subordinate system; it is designed to (but certainly not required to) operate as part of a larger command hierarchy of computers. Above AIES is CIES (for escort ships - frigates, corvettes, and gunboats), EIES (for cruisers, destroyers, and escort carriers), WIES (Warship Integrated Electronics System, for battleships, assault ships, and carriers), MEGAMI, and/or KAMI). Using this system, mother ships receive complete data of the battle.
The heart of the integrated electronics suite is a tiny, but advanced, quantum computer, capable of performing super-high-speed data-churning and possessing untold memory. Quantum computers, unlike old computers which could only process 1 and 0, can process an effectively infinite range of digits, making them awesomely powerful. In addition, the system's sub-particle memory system allows for truly magical storage and access speeds. Kessaku Anri and her company, Kessaku Electronics Systems Corporation, designed the system.
The Armor Integrated Electronics System is part of the PANTHEON (Projected Access Nodal Transuniversal Heuristic Electronic Operations Network) command and control system. The AIES also interfaces directly with the pilot's mind for seamless data flow and operation of the Sylph light power armor.
Communications: The AIES comes equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and hyperspace. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them. Communications Systems of the AIES include:
Nekovalkyrja Nodal Power Armor (Sylph)</center>
History and Background: The Ke-M4 "Sylph" is the fourth LAMIA (Light Advanced Mechanized Infantry Armor) unit, originally designed as the first ground-type power armor for the new NH-29 nekovalkyrja. Its creation opened interest in developping more power armored unit dedicated to planetary operation, and it was quickly joined by the stealthy M5 Harpy and the powerful M6 Daisy.
However, the Daisy's design was so successful that it quickly overshadowed the smaller Sylph, making the light power armor model obsolete after only a couple of month of it having entered tentative active service in larger vessels. Since capital vessels had to surrender some of their M1 Lamias for the doubtful performance of a light armor which might rarely see use, the Sylph proved rather unpopular.
Seeing that the M6 Daisy could outperform the Sylph in any role at an acceptable cost, the Sylph's designers returned to the drawing board. Capital ships still needed decent internal defenses to protect against invaders (such as the Mishhuvurthyar). However, capital ships were also important to carry great numbers of power armor to the battlefield: having most of them stranded inside for internal defenses was counter-production - more versatility was required, especially seeing that with six different KFY power armor models, the allocation of power armors was becoming something of a concern.
"The Sylph," one designer said, "needs to fill the Lamia's role as well."
The M1 Lamia was an aging armor - a replacement for it seemed like a worthy endeavor. With this in mind, the Sylph was reworked from almost grounds up to be operated by a NH-12B miniature nekovalkyrja instead of a adult-sized NH-29. Much of the freed internal space was used to increase its capabilities as a mecha, namely augmenting the armor's strength, resilience and self-recovery functions. For space operations, the Sylph II had a easily-attachable modular winged pack made for it so it could include Combined Field System and more powerful tactical attack drones for space combat.
About the Sylph M4:
The Sylph looks diminutive and delicate; but it is anything but a pushover. Designed to operate both in defending friendly holdings as well as anti-starship operations, the Sylph puts at its NH-12B pilot's disposal many of the capabilities of its larger power armor sister models but in a smaller package thanks to its interior workings based a lot like those of the NH-28 Nodal Integrated Weapon System.
With yamataium armor (andrium had been strongly considered, but lacked the self-recovery Yamataium had) and a self-regenerative nodal flesh insert in the same fashion as the NH-18 biological weapon, the Sylph can cope with a lot of abuse. To trump on this reslience, the wingpack includes a barrier shield system to increase the M4's endurance in space battles. The wingpack also includes four powerful, capacitor-powered tactical drones (each ironically with same power cell as the original Sylph model).
The Sylph II's mix of mounted anti-personnel weaponry, capability of handling most handheld weapons, sheer durability and its versatile drone weapon system makes well worth the higher production costs.
- Government: Yamatai Star Empire
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Type: Flesh-Core Nodal Power Armor
Class: Light Advanced Mechanized Infantry Armor: Series 4, Model 2A (Type 29)
Star Army Research Administration
Star Army First Expeditionary Fleet
Ketsurui Fleet Yards
Star Army of Yamatai (Aboard starships)
Pilot Information: Requires 1 Nekovalkyrja NH-12B to operate the armor via Mini-SPINE. NH-29 younglings can also pilot the Sylph.
Pilot must be between 20cm (8") to 30cm (1') tall. The typical NH-12B is 20 cm (8") tall.
Height: 144cm (4' 9")
Width: 51cm (16.86 inches)
Mass: 80.96kg (178.49 lbs)
Speed (FTL): 2500c (only with the wingpack's CFS)
Speed (Sublight): 0.65c in a vacuum (can reach 0.8c with the wingpack's CFS system)
Speed (Atmospheric): Mach 1.8 at Earth sea level
Speed (Underwater): 70mph (112kph)
The Sylph II M4 Power Armor is capable of transatmospheric operations, able to "hover," able to shift its inertia as needed, stop nearly instantly, and able to increase and decrease its weight as needed. The Sylph II can ignore gravity; it can walk up walls, on ceilings, across water, and in midair.
Systems Listings:
- Ke-M4-E2902 Armor Integrated Electronics System
Ke-M4-E2903 Conformal Psionic Signal Control Device
Ke-M4-F2902 Titanium Alloy Endoskeletal Frame
Ke-M4-F2903 Nodal Hemosynthetic Interior Insert (Nekovalkyrja NH-12B Type)
Ke-M4-F2904 Outer Armor with Thermoptic Camouflage (Andrium/Yarvex)
Ke-M4-G2902 Aetheric Generator and Capacitor System
Ke-M4-R2901 Inertialess Drive System
Ke-M4-P2901 Gravimetric Engine and Thrusters
Ke-M4-P2902 Combined Field System (attachable)
A Sylph defaults with anti-personnel phased pulse projectors on its forearms and powerful assault drones with the wingpack. Extra handheld weapons can be added to the loadout, namely the Light Armor Service Rifle for extra close-range punch or the Aether Saber-Rifle for fighting enemy mecha.
Ke-M4-W2902 Phased Pulse Projectors (2): Fired through the Sylph's opened palm, the phased pulse projectors are integrated in the mecha's forearms. An advanced variant of the NSP/SMG 28, they have similar fire modes to their handheld cousins except that they can be accessed through the AIES directly.
- Purpose: Anti-personnel
Damage: Lethal or stun, Medium against most vehicles.
Firing Modes: Single/Auto, Heavy/Auto, Stun/Heavy Stun
Range: 500 meters. Max 750 meters.
Rate of Fire: 700 shots/min (auto), 140 shots/min (heavy).
Capacity: Effectively unlimited.
Ke-M4-W2903 Assault Drones (4): The Sylph's four fairy-like winglets are actually detachable attack drones. Each drone has its own gravimetric engine which typically is used to boost the sublight speed of the Sylph, but can be used seperately to match the default speed of the mecha. Self-powered with a battery which can be sustained by the M4's CFS, each assault drone is armed with a rapid-fire projected energy cannon.
- Assault Drone STL speed: 0.65c
Purpose: Anti-Mecha, Point Defense
Damage: Total annihilation in a 1cm-wide beam.
Range: Up to 185 000 miles (297 728.64 km)
Rate of Fire (Rapid Pulse): 20 Pulses per second
Payload: Five minutes of sustained power moving about. Constant fire may be maintained for 2 minutes. Can be operated indefenitely when powered by the Sylph's CFS.
Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M4-W2901 Mk.I "Light Armor Service Rifle" (Optional): The LASR's purpose is rather simple: to give soldiers a weapon that does not have the overkill of the M2-W2901 Aether Beam Rifle, yet retains some armor-killing punch. While the weapon is extremely effective against infantry and light armored vehicles, it is considered fairly ineffective against targets bigger than mecha; barrier systems or external kinetic dampeners can dull its damage.
- Purpose: Anti-personnel, anti-armor
Damage: Medium
Range: Up to 4,000 meters (max 13,000 m in atmosphere)
Rate of Fire: Semi-auto, 3 round burst, or full auto at 900 rounds/min
Payload: 100 round magazine (or 200 round large magazine). Rounds may be ball (common), hollow-point (less common), armor piercing (less common), tracers, or dummy rounds for training.
Ke-M4-W2901 LASR-SLAG (Standard Light-Armor Grenade launcher): The Light Armor Service Rifle is a powerful all-around weapon, but it is ineffective against heavily armored targets or multiple lightly armored targets. The SLAG adds the punch necessary to produce an effective response to those scenarios. The launcher fits above the rifle barrel by removing the front portion of the accessory rail and wrapping around it from below. The magazine is at a steep diagonal angle, to give it the lowest profile possible.
- Purpose: Anti-personnel, anti-armor
Damage: Medium-heavy
Range: Up to 800 meters (max 1,500 m in atmosphere)
Rate of Fire: Semi-automatic.
Payload: Six grenades. Common round types are incendiary, shrapnel and airburst.
Ketsurui Fleet Yards Ke-M2-2901 Aether Beam Rifle (Optional): The successor to the 2701 (GM-05), this rifle uses a spatial distortion to release condensed potentials from the aether in a coherent phased beam. Because of the subspace effects of beam, it naturally pierces distortion-based shields. The weapon's range can be reduced to proportionally increase power and output duration, giving the rifle the ability to also function as a sword. The rifle has a long, thin sword-like shape with a pistol grip and a bullpup-style butt housing the battery magazine.
- Purpose: Anti-starship surgical Attacks, Hull cutting tool.
Damage: Total annihilation in a 3-inch-wide beam.
Range: Up to 294,000 miles (473,177 km). 7 feet (2.13m) for sword.
Rate of Fire (Beam): Three three-second blasts every 15 seconds. Sword can be constantly sustained.
Rate of Fire (Rapid Pulse): 9 Pulses per second (Automatic). Note: Effective on targets such as fighters.
Payload: Effectively unlimited when properly attached to the Sylph power armor (whom can connect the power cable to its waist). Free-floating 2901 rifles rely on a battery magazine (BU-M20) which holds enough power for twenty three-second shots or one full minute of rapid pulse mode.
Secondary Weapon: Phased Pulse Rifle
An integrated rifle equivalent to the Type 28 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol.
Range: 300+ meters
Firing Modes: Single/Auto, Heavy/Auto Stun/Heavy Stun
Capacity: Effectively unlimited.
Purpose: Anti-personnel
Damage: Lethal or stun, medium damage against most vehicles.
Additional Weaponry: The Sylph can use handhelds like the LASR or the Aether Saber Rifle or other human scale weapons, but since it has no mounting points, carrying its arsenal around can be cumbersome. Its offensive capabilities can be supplemented by the newer Type 29 variable pod with armor assisting drone functions.
Armor and Stealth Systems:
Outer Armor is a mixture of yamataium plating, Yarvex (A highly advanced gluon mesh), and an advanced, flexible Titanium-based alloy frame. The armor is most armored on the main body, and the outside section of the limbs (where the Andrium plating is). The Sylph can still function without its limbs, so long as the core and engine is intact. The Ke-M4-R2902 vector-projection and the Ke-M4-P2902 combined field both can protect the Sylph from scalar attacks.
Control Core: The fleshy core of the mecha shelters and protects the small NH-12B neko (or NH-29 youngling) piloting the Sylph. A NH-12B typically enters the Sylph by slipping through an hatch and inside the chestplate to settles in a small hollow cavity with a backing suitable to establish a Mini-SPINE cableless interface (and also provide the pilot with rather outstanding protection to shocks and impacts). The control cavity then snugly presses around the small neko and fills with life-sustaining hemosynthetic fluids (pilots typically operate in fetal position, sending out their senses and control impulses in the mecha proper). The core's life support system connects with the pilot through the umbilical hemosynthetic port and can sustain the small nekovalkyrja with oxygen and nutrients for fifteen days, or up to 15 years in stasis. Body waste (urea) is filtered from the bloodstream rather than through a catheter for extended operations inside the mecha.
Internal flesh insert and nodal system: Inside it's armored hide and hugging the endoskeletal structure of the mecha, the Sylph is filled with femtomachine saturated hemosynthetic fluids and slimy bio-synthetic musclemass doubling both as the mecha's somatic components as well as a massive nodal colony capable of servicing the mecha for tasks going from maintenance to repair and regeneration of damaged components (regenerating limbs, armor and all, should be possible).
Active Camouflage: Can place the image of what is on one side of the craft onto the other, creating the effect of invisibility. The Sylph power armor can also use this system to project holograms.
Conformal PSC Device: The Ke-M4-E2903 PSC (Psionic Signal Controller) is a form of psionic and telepathic protection, capable of nullifying all such activity. The device can selectively allow channels to permit secure telepathic operation and to maintain communication even under psionic attack. The PSC devices also negate 'magical' attacks and effects. This PSC is safe enough to remain active at all times, unlike older "ADN" devices. The field generated by the PSC englobes and protects the Sylph entirely, extending out two inches outward of the power armor to prevent the appearance of obvious psionic "dead zones".
Self-Destruct: The M4 Sylph can be triggered to self-terminate so that it's technology will not fall in enemy hands. This process can be initiated by the pilot (or AIES, if the pilot is dead and involves having the hemosynth fluids inside the fleshy parts of the suit turn hostile to matter and cause significant damage to the armor's internal systems and supports, eventually leading the suit to becoming a mere burned out husk of what it was (with any organic remains dissolved and evaporated).
Alternatively the mecha can be destroyed by deliberately overloading the Ke-G2902 Generator and Capacitor System. The process takes only a few seconds and results in an aether energy explosion powerful enough to totally destroy the armor (and anything within twenty meters).
Armor Integrated Electronics System: The Ke-M4-E2902 system, based on the same concept as the MEGAMI quantum computer, is a network of sensors, communications, and fire control all built around a small centralized computer system. AIES is a subordinate system; it is designed to (but certainly not required to) operate as part of a larger command hierarchy of computers. Above AIES is CIES (for escort ships - frigates, corvettes, and gunboats), EIES (for cruisers, destroyers, and escort carriers), WIES (Warship Integrated Electronics System, for battleships, assault ships, and carriers), MEGAMI, and/or KAMI). Using this system, mother ships receive complete data of the battle.
The heart of the integrated electronics suite is a tiny, but advanced, quantum computer, capable of performing super-high-speed data-churning and possessing untold memory. Quantum computers, unlike old computers which could only process 1 and 0, can process an effectively infinite range of digits, making them awesomely powerful. In addition, the system's sub-particle memory system allows for truly magical storage and access speeds. Kessaku Anri and her company, Kessaku Electronics Systems Corporation, designed the system.
The Armor Integrated Electronics System is part of the PANTHEON (Projected Access Nodal Transuniversal Heuristic Electronic Operations Network) command and control system. The AIES also interfaces directly with the pilot's mind for seamless data flow and operation of the Sylph light power armor.
Communications: The AIES comes equipped with a multi-channel wide-band array that gives both security and versatility. Among the types of communication supported are radio, laser, subspace, and hyperspace. Communications can be secured using Quantum Encryption technology, which (due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle) allows the system to detect any monitoring attempts and counter them. Communications Systems of the AIES include:
- Radio: Full spectrum, dual-modulation; range theoretically unlimited except by interference. Practical range is short, since the waves only travel at light-speed. Frequency-hop and multi-channel capable. In order to use the secure modes of communication, correct variables must be loaded prior to battle. Such codes are changed on a frequent basis.
Laser: For close-range transmissions, it is more difficult for the enemy to intercept, because they have to be in the area of the beam. Also limited to light-speed. Text only. Range: 200,000 miles (321,869 km).
Subspace: Allows faster-than-light transmission. A standard means of communication; it's used for video streams. Limited to audio only (though nothing stops the pilot from sending video data such as a virtual representation of herself - the control core simply lacks a camera for the purpose of real-time video transmissions). The Sylph's CFS bubble is used as the transceiver for these communications, so, subspace communication is only available with the Sylph's wingpack.
Tachyon: The Sylph includes a mid-range tachyon communications system for additional FTL capability. Range: 1,000,000 miles (1,609,345 km).
External Audio: The Sylph power armor now includes an external microphone and a speaker to allow the pilot to communicate more easily with nearby persons.
Homing Device: Normally inactive, this beacon has an independent backup power supply that can keep it transmitting for up to five years, even if the main power system is nonfunctional. If main power is available, the beacon will transmit constantly. If not, the beacon will put out a short distress message twice every two hours (five minutes between).
- Wide-Band Variable Optical Imaging Array (head): The majority of the sensor systems are located in the head, including a high-resolution variable optical system capable of monitoring a very wide spectrum. By default, the system displays visual and infrared data. There is also a night-vision and ultra-violet mode. The power armor has a gyroscopically-stabilized view of up to 300x magnification. There's a spotlight on the armor's head which helps at night.
Optical Tracking System (skin): Much like the NH-29S neko, the Sylph power armor can see through its Active Camouflage sensors, giving it a view of its entire surroundings at all times.
Tachyon Tracking System: FTL tracking system allows for precise targeting of targets that would normally be impossible to hit due to range and the limitations of standard sensory equipment. Range: 294,000 miles (473,177 km).
Time-Modulated Ultra-Wide Band Radar: Signals transmitted by UWB radars are pulses generated pseudo-randomly in time. They are only 0.75 nanoseconds in duration. The energy content in any conventional frequency band is below the noise, making TM-UWB transmission highly covert. TM-UWB has no carrier frequency or conversion, and because of the low frequency content of TM-UWB signals, they are capable of seeing through foliage and nonmetallic objects better than regular radar can. Ideal for atmospheric operations and nebulae.
Fire Control: The AIES does not use an independent Fire Control System per se, but operates a sub-system of itself dedicated to fire control operations. AIES compensates for all movement of the armor and of target ships, and can track upwards of 25,000 targets ranging from pebble-sized shrapnel to planets. AIES-FCS is a balanced system, and works for the armor's defense, as well as offense. Weapons under AIES's control automatically: target sensitive areas of enemy ships; identify friendly assets; optimize beam power and range; guide missiles and torpedoes, assign (and reassign, when necessary) targets in real-time; and control ECM, and ECCM functions. AIES-FCS usually controls all indirect weapons systems. The pilot fires, and AIES takes over tracking the target, creating a "fire and forget" system.
- Propulsion: The armor propels itself at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions in the CFS and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields. This allows the armor to travel thousands of times the speed of light. Distortion based systems allow the armor to stop or move nearly instantly because the armor has not "moved" in the traditional sense.
Barrier Shielding: The CFS can blunt and deflect attacks. Aside from rendering scalar attacks ineffective, the barrier can absorb and cope with a substancial amount of punishment.