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RP Meeting a new Friend


Staff Member
🎨 Media Gallery
RP Date
Date: after Ayla is rescued.
RP Location
[b]Guardian Sanctuary Hospital room 111 [/b] [b]Ayla's room before leaving to go where Rihanna will take her.[/b]
Guardian Sanctuary Hospital room 111
Ayla's room before leaving to go where Rihanna will take her.

Ayla had lied on her back when Zeke had left, telling her that he had sent for someone better suited to get her dressed since this would be women clothes which he didn’t have experience in. She wondered what Rihanna was like, before she got bored of lying there and went to the screens that served as windows, and looked out of them. Even with her new eyes since she didn’t know how Rihanna looked she wouldn’t recognize her if she had spotted her down there.

Her hands were on the ‘window’ sill which meant the hospital gown was not controlled and was now revealing things other than her hoofed feet.

This was certianly a strange favor, Rihanna thought, looking up at the hospital from the plaza in front of it's main entrance, her green eyes taking in the view for a moment before heading toward the lobby doors, her hooves echoing faintly on the paved walkway in front. Dressed in a red tank top, blue jeans and a rather worn looking bomber jacket, the mare approached the main desk, getting directions to room 111, though she wasn't exaclt sure who she was meeting there.

Zeke, in his typical fashion, had been rather lacking of detail, only saying he needed her help here, as he was out of his depth. So far, Rihanna felt much the same, she was a mechanic, not a doctor!

Still, Zeke had been the one to reach out to her, offering a (so far) rather well paying contract offer for the new NDC for her services, so she would at least try to see what she could do here. Rihanna approached the door labelled 111, noting it was actually a private room not a shared floor space, like most of the hospital, that was interesting. She knocked on the door, and waited for a reply.

Ayla turned her head as she heard the knock, thinking this might be the one to help her, Ayla moved to the door, her hoofs clopping on the floor as she moved to the door, and opened it. She saw the woman before her. “Hello, are you the person better suited to help me with a little problem Zeke told me about?” She asked the woman whom she noticed also had hoofs that interested her but her attention was on the girl's face.

“I’m Ayla, Ayla Knight, and obviously we are both girls, so the help Zeke was uncomfortable with was clothes, I don’t have any, other than this gown,” she explained to her, hoping it clarified the issue Zeke was having trouble with.

"Ah, yes, I suppose I am, though Zeke was rather....lacking in details as to telling me what he wanted. Rihanna Alvarez, pleased to meet you, and yeah, I'd say that's a bit of a problem, yes" Rihanna replied, extending a hand to the woman in greeting, giving her a friendly smile.

Ayla grasps her hand gently with her opposite hand and shook it gently. She chuckled a little when it seemed Zeke had been lacking in detail. “I guess he was uncomfortable talking about girl's clothes. I mean he was uncomfortable when I took this off, while I was trying to get used to this new form, I was worried about it distracting me as I tried to walk.” She explained to her as she pushed her hand behind her long elf ears.

She did hope Rihanna can help her with her predicament. “I think you should take charge since I have no clue what to do next,” she said with a blush.

Rihanna laughed. "Yep, that's certainly Zeke alright!" She said, flipping her dark mane to one side with a small toss of her head. "Well, i'm the one you can count on for that, but first things first. Do you know if they've discharged you from here yet?"

Ayla found herself laughing, Zeke was a goof but he was a good man. “Yeah, they said I can go whenever is fine with me. I was mostly waiting for you though” she told her.

"Ah, well then, that's good. We can leave, but before we do..." Rihanna shrugged out of her jacket, handing it to Ayla. "Here. Put this on for now, at least it'll help until we get you some clothes, Ayla"

Ayla removed the hospital gown and tossed it unceremoniously on her bed before she puts the jacket on and gasps in pleasure. “Oh this feels much better!” she said as she zipped herself up to cover up. She enjoyed the feeling of her back being covered up, especially by something better. She smiled in gratitude for Rihanna’s kindness.

"I would hope so! Hospital gowns aren't exactly known for comfort! Though, just so you know, most others would expect you to ask for a little privacy before changing like that, Ayla."

Ayla blinked before she realized what she did, and she soon proved she could blush in her new form” oh! Um sorry about that, I wasn’t thinking” she said a little embarrassed by what happened. “but your right though, about both the gown and yeah”

Rihanna waved a hand dismissivly. "Oh no worries about that. I'm used to mostly solitary shipboard life myself, i've done the same once or twice." She admitted, a bit sheepishly. "Besides, as you pointed out, we're both females, nothing i've never seen before, right?"

Ayla relaxes and felt her blush going away now that Rihanna appeared to not be bothered by her momentarily nudity. “True,” she said in agreement to all of what she was saying, before moving to the door as she felt ready to get the show on the road. "So, Solitary shipboard life huh, I did a bit of that, myself" She said though feeling curious.

"Oh? Doing what?" Rihanna asked, her ears swiveling toward Ayla as the pair left the room and headed for the elevator, the pair's hooves both clipping across the tiled floor.

Ayla walked beside her keeping her hands down, not wanting to do anything to make the jacket lift up. “Nothing much before ‘it’ happened, periodically I’d be going on patrol, but since that, it’s been mostly drifting, the ship got damaged so I couldn’t fly so I just had to let things drift using the cosmic radiation. “ She told her.

"It?" Rihanna questioned, not sure what Ayla meant, as Zeke had told her very little of the woman, before a thought occured to her. "Just a second" Rihanna flagged down a nurse, managing to get a set of scrubs from her, that she handed to Ayla. "Maybe put these on under the jacket, they're at least something, Ayla" The horse woman said, steering them toward a bathroom where Ayla could dress.

She was about to explain when Rihanna asked for a moment and watched as she flagged a Nurse. The reason why was soon apparent, and she smiled gratefully to her, and she went into the bathroom, having remembered not everyone liked seeing a person put clothes on in front of them. So she soon left the bathroom with the scrubs on, and much more decently covered. Once back on their walk to the elevators she spoke. “I don’t know if Zeke told you, but I’m a Freespacer, the It I was referring to was Yamatai coming by to attack us.” She said in explanation.

"Oh. Ooohhhh....." Rihanna said in reply, flushing slightly, running a hand through her mane as they waited for the elevator. "Ah....well...this is...akward. I'm formerly Yamatai..." there really wasn't any way she could break that news gently. While not having anything to do with the attacks, she'd been on the recieving end of some Freespacer's hostility over her heritage, and from the couple survivor's accounts, she couldn't really blame them.

Ayla looked up at Rihanna as she began speaking, her eyes blinking as the only words she had spoken were Oh’s then she explained. Her eyes blinked again, and the realization that Zeke had asked a Yamataian to help her with clothes was processed, though the formerly bit of her words was also processed. The purge was only 10 years ago, and Rihanna didn’t look that old, and she didn’t look Yamataian either. “I see…” she said the only thing she could saw at that point. “were you…there, 10 years ago?” she asked her finally.

"When it happened? No, at that point I was serving as an engineer on a small cargo freighter, if I remember right, we were in Nepsilian space at the time we heard news of the attacks...." She drifted off, putting togther what Ayla had said earlier. "Oh drifted in space for a decade because of us, didn't you...?" Rihanna replied, the halting horrified sounding voice making it clear how the horsewomen felt about the attacks.

As she walked she learned that Rihanna wasn’t a part of the military that attacked the Freespacers but had served as an engineer on a small cargo freighter. This meant she wasn’t a part of the attack, and even though Rihanna was originally from Yamatai, Rihanna didn’t deserve her scorn. It helped her to calm down a little, since there was that and also because she was nice enough to get her more clothes to cover herself with, especially on top of the help she was going to give her.

She nodded her head in response to her next question “Yup, my ship did all it could to keep me alive, shutting down not essential technology, then it was the lights, and I was put in rest mode to conserve energy. During that time we were collected in a hulk of debris, I was sandwiched in there. That’s where I met Zeke, he was a part of the Salvagers he was using a Mech he borrowed from a Mark Tazar. I woke up around then because of the vibrations, and when I barely saw someone close by I jammed that comm button, using Morse code, and he found me.” She told her as she walked. “The ship was severely damaged and so was I but fortunately my mind was intact, so I had to spend time in a core. Zeke kept me safe.” She said.

"Sounds like you had a rough time of it then. I wish I could say better...." Rihanna trailed off, her face clouding, a frown appearing across her maw as she stepped into the elevator.

Ayla stepped in after her, and they went down. Ayla leaned against a wall as it did so and looked at her companion. ”oh? You had a rough time too?” she asked feeling curious before she added a statement. “By the way, even though you were from Yamatai…I don’t feel any hate for you, nor shall I put blame on you for their actions either,” she said unaware of her people’s past interaction with Rihanna.

"Thank you" Rihanna nodded her head. "I've always been one to judge someone on their own merits, or lack of, not from the actions of those they come from." She sighed. "Yes, it was around the same time as well. The ship I was working on was hijacked by pirates, who killed....most of the crew. I was left alive because of what I was. That and maybe they thought they could try to ransom me as well, who knows. The short version is, I managed to escape from them about a year or two later, made a desperate deal with an infamous station owner, and worked that debt off until I was able to strike out on my own."

As the elevator chimed, indicating they'd arrived in the lobby, Rihanna paused as the pair exited. "Well, maybe that's a little unfair to just write him off that way. Esram might have some odd pecularities, but he is honerable to his own code, kind of the way you have to be out there, really. When the only thing you have is your word, that becomes worth more than everything else, I suppose..."

The pair made thier way out of the hospital, into the plaza, Rihanna heading toward the parking lot. "In case you're wondering, yes, this body was part of that deal, though I didn't know it at the time. One of those "odd pecularities" of his. Goddess, the first few weeks were strange, adjusting to this, especially balancing on hooves!"

Ayla nodded her head, “That seems wiser and politer” She said before Rihanna had begun telling the Freespacer-Faun about her past. She learned that while Rihanna didn’t have Yamatai attacking her, Pirates were bad enough as far as she was concerned. She listened politely as she continued to tell her about her history and found herself impressed with her courage.

She soon learned that the body she now used was a part of the deal. That explained why she didn’t look like a typical Yamataian girl. She nodded in understanding about having to get used to a new form. “Heh I know the feeling, it was odd getting used to a body that’s less machine and had hoofs, I didn’t have legs like this, it was mostly wheels and machinery, now it’s this, which I had imagined.” She told her as they walked through the entrance Ayla smiled as a kind teenage boy had held the door for them.

“It was painful at first, wasn’t it?’ She asked, “having to learn to walk on hoofs I mean, I assumed you’re used to walking with legs. Then there were the falls, and the gratitude that we fell on soft things” She said as they now stepped outside, and she got to see the City from her own eyes for the first time. She decided to let Rihanna lead her.

"Oh goddess, yes!" Rihanna laughed. "The balance was all off, I don't even want to think about how many times i've smacked my face into something, and the first time my ears actually turned toward someone speaking to me? That was one of the weirdest, disconcerting things i'd ever felt!" she said, unable to hide a grin at thier shared experience.

"Here we are" The horsewoman said, pulling her keys out as the pair approached an older looking pickup. "Isn't much, but I usually don't have need of a car, other than the occasional supply run on a planet with less infrastructure, but it gets the job done." she said, opening the doors. "So, you said you imagined your body? Any reason you went with that look? I know you could've spared yourself some trouble by not opting for hooves!" She finished, good naturedly, giving the Faun a wink to show she was joking.

Ayla laughed along with her, really laughed, and felt herself laughing as they shared their experience with learning their new bodies. It felt great to hear that Rihanna had the same experience she had well baring their ears of course. She nodded “I bet that was disconcerting,” She said unable to imagine the ears turning as someone spoke to her. Her hearing was as good as her previous body the only difference being she had antennae not long ears.

Ayla went to the passenger side and got into it before she closed the door. “Seems decent to me,” she said to her noting it probably wasn’t a spaceship which she was used to. “Yeah, I’ve read stories about creatures with Hoofs, and the ears and I’ve always imagined that life, and sometimes I’d see the others with the type of bodies with legs, and they were running, and I wanted to do that, but with resources limitations, I couldn’t simply ask for a new body. “ She grinned at her easily noting the joke. “I hadn’t figured that I’d have troubles haha” she laughed.

"Well, at least you were able to keep some familar parts. The amount of times i've sat on my tail because I forgot I had one...." Rihanna started, as the mare started the truck, pulling out onto the main road. "Always looks great on the data pads, huh? They don't mention everything else that comes with it!. Anyway, I think we can get you sorted at the mall. Just opened up a couple weeks back, it's turning into a bit of a popular hangout now, but it's got what you need, at least."

Ayla smiled at her “I have to admit I do like your tail” she commented on Rihanna’s tail as she sat and watched her start the truck and soon they were on their way. “Yeah! They do look great on datapads, and the fine print is so small you can barely see it.” She said and chuckled before the topic of their location they were heading to come up. She nodded her head, She knew what Malls were, so she was certain they have clothes there, and with Rihanna’s help, she’ll have some clothes to wear. “Awesome, once the clothes situation is taken care of, I’ll be able to put my mind on other things of importance. namely a job.” She chuckled.

Rihanna gave Ayla a coy grin. "It can be fun sometimes, also thanks. It can be annoying, but I think it adds a bit of charm now" She listened as Ayla spoke, if the other woman had looked, she'd see One of Rihanna's ears was turned toward her. "Well...I might have an idea about that, come to think of it..." Rihanna started. "I'd assume you at least know enough to repair ships. I've been a little snowed under lately, and I can use the help..."

Ayla smiled as she listened to Rihanna’s response in what she had said about her tail. “I agree’ she said about it adding charm. It was committed to memory that she had a tail, and it seemed to be perfect for her. She glanced over and noticed the ear turned towards her, and she remembered what Rihanna had previously told her about the ears turning when someone spoke to her. She nodded her head at the statement. “Yeah I was a soldier, but even so I was expected to know how to maintain my ship and the things I use, so I am sure I can be of help with your ship.” She told her though mechanic wouldn’t be her future job, but at least she can do something to help Rihanna especially after Rihanna had been so kind to her.

"Well, maybe you can join up with S6 then? Or do some mercenary work, contract with them. They're new enough that they need just about everything right now, so i'm sure finding work would be easy enough. What happened to your ship?"

Ayla sat back as she thought of what Rihanna had told her. Sure, she could find work, and she was trained to fight, but there was a part of her that felt something that she hadn’t felt before. She didn’t want to fight another battle in a war. “Maybe... But I don’t know about Merc work, I think I have lost my willingness to fight in a battle like a soldier.” She said, and she was silent a moment before answering her next question. “Last I heard it was beyond repair like my old body had been, some tech was taken and reverse engineered but the metal was recycled. I just have my Voidwalker armor, and that’s about it.

"I'm sure you'll find something then. After all, freespacers are a resourceful bunch." Rihanna started. "Too bad about your ship though, that must have been tough to find out....and here we are!" Rihanna said, as the mall came into view around the corner. "Gotta say, nice thing about a new city, everything's not far away!" As she pulled into the adjoining parking lot. "If we can't find it here, we just won't find it!" she laughed.

Ayla nodded her head “yeah, I am sure I will” she said and smiled when she said Freespacers were a resourceful bunch that was true. She was certain she was a resourceful girl after all, too. She nodded in response about her ship “I figured that it had to be damaged too but worse than I was since it was shielding me. Heh, I still remember everyone collectively swore when I got removed from the ship. “She said as soon they came to a large building she assumed was the mall which was confirmed by Rihanna.

She chuckled in response to her words “I’m hoping they have what we’re looking for” she said before exiting the truck once they came to a stop, and Rihanna had turned the truck off. She began moving the length of the truck and around to reunite with Rihanna before following her. “The city looks neat, just imagine it years and years from now, I bet it will be different. “ She said.

"I can imagine, though I think a small part of that was more the salvagers found someone living in what they thought was some floating wreck." The horse woman replied, as she parked the truck. "I'd imagine so, it's still growing, and I can bet it will change, at least outside the park center."

"That'd be up to you girl, now it's time to find your style!"

Ayla nodded, Rihanna had a point she was probably not expected there. She was right about a lot of things she noticed. The Faun smiled when she was told it would be up to her, and her mind went back to her youth, and how she’d imagined the outfits to go. Of course, they didn’t go well with her previous bodies but now, she had a better one, and she had a hunch they will look much better than they would before.

“Yes, it is, though I will still look to your guidance.” She told her.

"Well, the simplest advice I can give is pick out whatever catches your eye, you'll be able to try them on, that's part of the fun!"

Ayla nodded her head, finding that advice to be sound as well. As they walked to the mall, she found her excitement level rise, and the desire to run grow. But she remained calm especially since she wasnt sure how much can the scrubs she was wearing under take and whether they would break if she starts running.

Rihanna inhaled deeply, her enhanced sense of smell being much stronger than her old body, as the pair entered into the food court, the various smells mixing into a not unplesant whole. She walked up to the holo display directory, turning to Ayla. "So, where to first?"

Ayla took in the environment's smell. She didn’t have a sense of smell before, unlike now, but this felt different to her. She followed her to the holo display, her eyes taking in the signs she’d seen and then pointed. “That appears to be a clothing store, and it appears to be the first too. Shall we try that?’ She asked her.

"Dayna's? Yeah, they should work..." Rihanna pondered for a moment. "At least you should be able to find the basics, Danya's is one of the larger deparment store chains after all." The dark haired horsewoman noted the direction, though it likely wouldn't be hard to spot the three storied shop, even if the pair hadn't been looking for it.

Ayla nodded her head, putting that info to her memory. “Ok,” she says before her eyes spied a store at the back in the right direction that had the name of the store. ‘And there it is, looks like a furniture store though, probably they sell those too?’ she asked her.

"Yeah, and a whole lot of others things, clothing, furniture, tools, some of the more remote stores even carry food. Say what you want about the, but being an all in one stop can be mighty convienant" Rihanna answered. "Though you do have the speciality shops, and local stores as well. Doing some home shopping too?"

Ayla nodded in agreement, having found that convenient too. She walked towards their intended stores. “No. I am living at the one of the housing, but I was thinking of getting Zeke something, after clothing shopping, think we can stop by the tools? I just want to see what’s there, and maybe we’ll see something he doesn’t have, or can’t get access to. Honestly, I feel like I owe him a huge debt of gratitude.” She told her as she led the way to the store.

"Well, saving your life and all, I guess that'd be a pretty good reason, yes." Rihanna replied, walking alongside Ayla, thier hooves faintly echoing off the floor. "I don't see any reason why not, it's not like Zeke really left any specific instructions now, did he?" She finished, grinning at the little joke.

Ayla smiled with pleasure at Rihanna’s agreement, and she was silent, her ears are picking up on the sounds of their hooves as they went to the store. She glanced over and nodded "yeah, he didn’t, then again I hadn’t asked really,” she told her feeling bad at her forgetfulness, who knows maybe they may find something maybe they didn’t, time will tell.

"Nor does he, usually. Don't worry about it, Ayla. That's just Zeke for you sometimes." Rihanna replied, noting the other woman's embarassment. "First, let's get you sorted" As the pair entered Dayna's and headed toward the women's clothing section.

Ayla nodded her head in response, and she was silent as they made their way to the women’s clothing section of the store, where she found clothes set for someone of her height and weight. She grabbed a few outfits and made her way into the changing area. The first would be the underwear since that was the important part. Though she thought to forgo a bra, she set what she liked aside, and carefully handed what she didn’t from behind the door.

Rihanna initally took what Ayla handed to her from behind the changing room door, returning them to the restock bin, but eventually; "Come on, girl! Don't hide yourself away, let me see!"

Ayla blinked when she heard that, and she blinked. “I was mostly trying on these undies, but ok,” she said opening the door to let her see as she wanted. It was a green pair of panties, and they seemed non-descript. “Do they look good on me?’ she asked her.

"Ah" Rihanna had thought Ayla was trying on more than just underwear, but even with that there looked to be a bit of advice she could give. "They're fine, but you really need a bra, Ayla. Unless you're flat chested, the extra support is always nice. The green really does wear well on you though"

Ayla looked at her chest as she went back in, her mind processing what Rihanna was saying. She took note of the green being worn well. She looked at a few undies before she went to normal clothes; the first was a red Mermaid dress. She stepped out and turned for Rihanna, and as she did so, she saw the dress flow beneath her. “I like it, what do you think? she asked her as she looked up at her again.

"Oh my..." Rihanna nodded appreciatively. "I think you're going to turn more than just a few heads in that, Ayla. I'd say that's definetly a keeper" The horsewoman finished, silently making a note to try out a similar dress sometime.

Ayla smiled at her and nodded her head ”ok, then I shall keep this dress” She said returning to the change room and hanging the dress to the keeping side and then began looking at the next outfit which appeared to be an office worker type office. There was even a fake pair of glasses to go with it. “oh my, this outfits perfect for an office setting. “ She said and stepped out in it, and using a voice she thought was management type voice she spoke “Rihanna, how are our numbers?” she asked, before she could no longer hold it in and laughed, signifying she’d been joking before, but if Rihanna played along, she’d get a smile.

"Well, ma'am, it depends on which numbers we're talking about here" Rihanna replied, then grinned at Ayla's joke. I suppose if you were in an office, that could work, though the fake glasses make it seem like a costume..."

Ayla smiled appreciatively at her willingness to play along. “yeah it does seem like that doesn’t it, one sec” she said and checks the hook ”ah, yup it’s a costume, still I think I may keep it, could be used for something fun.” She said as she closed the door and changed out of the officer worker outfit, and eventually, she returned in a normal outfit for casual wear. “this seems good for every day, what do you think?’ she asked.

"Into a bit of roleplay, are we?" Rihanna waited as Ayla went back into the changing booth, shortly coming out wearing a regular looking outfit. "Yes, that would work well, a few of those and some more underwear and you should be good"

Ayla nodded ”yeah, I’d like to try it out, this user online keeps saying how fun and amazing it is so I figured why not,” She said before she showed off the outfit and got Rihanna’s input. She tried on a few outfits, some she liked others she felt was too tight, one even felt like it was ripping at her fur. Soon though she had bags full of clothes a lot of it is the normal outfit, along with the dresses, a few she liked, and the office worker costume. “ok” she said carrying the bags as she walked to the cashier worker to pay for it.

"Seems like you've someone in mind to try it out with" Rihanna remarked, following Ayla to the cashiers.

"yeah" Ayla said with a grin as she walked with Rihanna. "Zeke pretty much" she said to her companion as she set everything down on the counter. The Cashier blinked in surprised, and offered a suitcase which will be able to carry everything they had more efficiently which Ayla accepted.

"Zeke, hmm?" Rihanna replied. The attraction for Ayla was fairly obvious, though with her dealings with the man over the last few months, she realized she also had growing feelings for the man.

Ayla began putting the clothes into the suitcase she’d also gotten, and found that they can indeed be used to carry so many clothes. “Yeah, I mean yes he saved my life, but my feelings for him grew from that. “ She said though not mentioning her thoughts on how beautiful Rihanna was, she didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.

"I thought as much. Zeke has an....adorkable way about him, doesn't he?" Rihanna said, as Ayla got sorted at checkout. "How about we get all that into my truck before we continue? You could probably use the changing room to get out of those scrubs as well"

Ayla laughed “yes he does” She said and soon every clothes was inside the suitcase and she was able to close it tight. Rihanna reminded her about the scrubs she wore and nodded ”yeah, actually that’s a good idea, both actually” she said before taking the suitcase to the change room, and changing into an outfit. She soon exited after putting the scrubs away, and handed her the jacket since it belonged to her. “Thanks for the jacket, Rihanna.” She said to her.

"Anytime, Ayla" Rihanna replied, the dark haired mare, as she took back her offered jacket, putting it on herself, feeling the warmth from Ayla's body heat still in the liner. "Feels a lot better than the scrubs, doesn't it?" She joked, knowing the answer was yes, as the pair made thier way back to her truck.

Ayla nodded her head “yeah much better, I mean I am wearing underwear, so now nothings exposed below me, like if we walk across a glass walkway no one will see my crotch so that’s good” she said with a smile as she carried her suitcase full of clothes to the doors. “I guess what I am saying, I feel safer wearing this. “ She said though neglecting to mention that the fact she payed for it, had also helped her feeling safe, perhaps her clothes were extra special because of it, either way it was something to think about.

Rihanna chuckled at Ayla's mention of glass walkways. "Funny thought that. Reminds me of a meeting I had with potential client in a show bar on Nepselia a few years ago." The dark haired mare started to say. "The stage was glass panelled, and there was space below it, but what I remember most was one of the performers that night. Actually a horse, from what I heard she was uplifted, but goddess, she was a giant! This big grey haired girl, and I mean big! I didn't know anyone her size could even move that way!" She finished, as the pair reached her truck. "Even took a turn on the piano they had there, she was quite good on it too. "Tilted tanks" it was called. Supposed it had a few meanings that..."

Ayla looked over as Rihanna began telling her a story of a meeting in the past. Her eyes blinked at the realization that animals could also be uplifted. She wondered what an uplifted Horse looked like. “So there was a glass stage, meaning anyone can go under and look up?’ she asked her as they walked. “What was her name?’ she asked feeling interested then again having more friends with hooves might be good for them they might have a herd. “it’s amazing what our advanced society can do.’ She said to Rihanna.

"I don't know, I never asked. That was the idea, and it wasn't like the floor was a secret, so I assume the dancers were ok with it. Certianly that girl wasn't holding back...." Rihanna replied, opening the back door to the small cab space behind the front seats. " is when you think about it. Especially when you see less technological societies and realize we were like them at one time. What we take for granted, to others would seem to be miraculous"

Ayla lifted the suitcase and placed it in as Rihanna spoke to her. As Ayla was told that Rihanna didn’t know her name, and it appeared to be the point of the place, the floor wasn’t a secret either. She remembered viewing the Freespacer’s information center about this, but she never thought about it though. Ayla pushed the suitcase further into the vehicle, as Rihanna spoke, of that topic and her next one, caused by the Faun’s words. “That’s truuuue!” She said and finished with a grunt as she pushed the suitcase completely in so that the doors could be closed. “Still, I am glad that I was able to be in an advanced society, I wouldn’t be able to be in this body after all.”

"You and who knows how many others." Rihanna said. "Still, there are some interesting stories even in them. There's a guy here actually. Former nep, joined up with NDC's military just before they came out here, got into an accident on the way back from thier former home and had to be ST'ed to another body, as the accident would've otherwise killed him. Somehow, the transfer selection was done by a Carl, and I mean that both in that's actually his name, and he's the definition of one, and he was emergency revived aboard ship, as it'd been borded and he wakes up in the body of a golden colored horse like me! Or as he puts it, "Hooves and a Hangover""

Ayla nodded her head at Rihanna’s first statement and she closed the door, sealing her suitcase of clothes into the truck as she turned to Rihanna. “I bet there are a lot of stories,” she said before she learned about one guy who got accidentally transferred to a body with hooves. She blinked “Carl, and why is that-“ She shuts up when she processed the name. Ayla had heard the name before and that there was a meme behind the name too. She bursts into laughter, before calming down. “So that’s seriously real, that a guy named Carl would really screw up in the most spectacular way?’ she asked a grin on her lips as she did so.

"Apparently so! From what I heard, he managed to break both his legs from a short drop out of a hovering craft. In power armor. I don't believe it myself, but i've heard all sorts of stories about him..."

“phhhft!” She burst into laughter, her head turned upwards to roar it into the sky as she laughed at the hilarious story she’d just heard. Her body shook in laughter that she had to lean against Rihanna’s truck. “oh Voids above us all!”

"Right?!" Rihanna laughed alongside Ayla, enjoying the moment. "So, anyway, what's next?"

Ayla laughed for a few minutes longer, though she knew there would be periods of laughter sooner or later. “I have no idea how it happened, other than some faulty mechanism in his armor, but to be that unlucky?!” She snickered before she stood up. “I don’t know what’s next, my major needs done, so I am as free as dusk in the solar winds.” She said to Rihanna before she continued “so if there’s somewhere new you want to show me we could”

"Who knows, but it seems that's the case!" Rihanna replied. "I'd say we could start by getting something to eat. I'm sure you're tired of hospital food, Ayla"

Ayla just shook her head. To be that unlucky was unbelievable. “Now I am glad I chose the name Ayla” She said before the prospect of better than hospital food came up, “I agree, definitely!” She said in a more excited tone. Food was something she never got to really eat before since Freespacer food was not as yummy as it was nutritional.

"Haven't known anyone to say "no" yet!" Rihanna replied. "There's a whole food court in there..." the mare indicated with a wave of her hand to the mall. "...or i'm sure we can find somewhere else?" She left the decision up to Ayla.

Ayla grinned at her, and then as Rihanna gave her the choice, she looked back at the mall, and then thought about the somewhere else Rihanna mentioned. She knew if she decided on somewhere else, she’d get to see more of the Obsidian City. “ok, how about, we go to your favorite place to eat?’ she asked deciding that would be a good choice too.

Rihanna took a moment to ponder that. "Well, i've not gotten to everywhere in the city yet, but there are a couple I have eaten at where i'd certianly return to. Let's go then, shall we?" The horsewoman said, hopping into the driver's side of her truck.

Ayla nodded her head and climbed into the passenger seat and rested in the seat as she waited for Rihanna to drive. “Sounds like a plan,” she told her before looking ahead.

Rihanna drove out of the mall lot, soon they were driving on the road that paralleled the massive lake the city had started to grow around, it having become somewhat of a popular senic drive accounting for the higher traffic. She followed the road for a few miles, turning into the lot of what was clearly a seafood restaurant that had been built along the lakeside, the sign announcing it as "Crabby Dicks"

"Don't mind the name, the staff are friendlier than it indicates. They still have to import most of what they get, but the owner is a wizard of a cook!" Rihanna said, as she parked. "Looks like we've beat the lunch rush too, by the looks of it."

Ayla allowed the duration to their destination to take a good look around the place. Her new home looked spectacular, though she knew from overhearing the doctors and nurses that the Fauna on this world were large, sometimes even gigantic. She wasn’t sure she’d like to meet those in person.

She blinked when they came to a restaurant with an interesting name. She tried to keep a straight face as Rihanna spoke to her. “Good, very uh good,” she said as she giggled a little before calming down, and once parked she exited the vehicle and walked to the door. “How bad does it get with lunch rushes?’ she asked Rihanna while desiring to make sure she wouldn’t have problems.

"Depends on what's on the menu, and the kind of day. It's also only of the only kind of it's type around right now, so take that as you will." Rihanna started. "Still, it's a bit chilly today, so that'll keep some of the outdoor crowd away, so it shouldn't be so bad"

Ayla listened as Rihanna spoke about the Lunch Rush, and she processed what she was saying. She felt better and far less worried about having to worry about so many people now, but she did feel excited to get her chance at tasting new exotic foods. “Here’s hoping everything is fine’ she said in the end as she followed her into the restaurant.

"Well, I haven't had anything terrible here so far!" Rihanna replied, before being noticed by Crabby's cook/owner.
"Ah, Miss Alvarez, good to see you again! Who's your friend?" The somewhat portly man cheerfully called to her.
"Heyla, Tek! This is Ayla, a new friend of mine. She's kind of new to the area and wanted some good food, so obviously I brought her here!" Rihanna replied, giving Tek a friendly wave as she replied.

Ayla followed her into the restaurant and it appeared that Rihanna is well known here, and at the introduction, she waved “Hello, it’s nice to meet you!” she said politely, she knew she’d be going to this place, so she thought she’d needed a good first impression.

"The pleasure's mine, Ayla!" Tek replied, the man seemingly being in an endless good mood. "So, come for the food, have you? You couldn't have timed it better, just got some fresh caught Sirrian Shark! No idea how those crazy bastards pulled that one off, but I wasn't going to pass on the first catch of one of them! Course, I've got much more if you aren't feeling as adventurous!"

Ayla grinned “Shark hmm? Then let’s try them, hopefully, they are delicious” She then followed as they walked to the counter to sit there unless Rihanna wanted to sit elsewhere.

"They caught one?! Hellfire, that took some courage!" Rihanna replied, taking a seat next to Ayla.
"Aye, that an a big pair of steel ones below, I bet! So, tis the shark you be wanting eh? I'll get on that, but it'll be a bit yet. Anything I can get you two to start with?" Tek asked, as the menu pad lit up at each of the pair's seats at the counter.

Ayla looked to Rihanna then to Tek as they spoke of the Shark. “Steel ones?” She asked for clarification before she was told that their Shark will be ready for them to eat in a bit. At Tek’s next question she glanced to Rihanna ”I’ll have what you’ll have”

"Aye! A pair of steel stones, Miss!" Came Tek's friendly reply. "Never heard the term before, have ye?"

Ayla shook her head in the negative ” Never had a Shark before either, but I’m more than willing to try new things!” She said to the friendly Tek as she chose some apple juice to drink along with her Shark.

'"Goddess..." Rihanna said, mostly holding back a laugh. "It's an expression Ayla. It's reffering to the amount of courage they had to have to go hunting one of those things. Though why courage is compared to male genitalia, i've no idea!"

"How about a sampler platter to start with?" Rihanna asked, also ordering a Ginger ale to drink.

Ayla blinked before she realized the expression and blushed in embarrassment. “Ah.. I’ve never heard of it mostly because Freespacers haven’t really come up with that at least my small group didn’t, and it has been a long time since I reunited with them. “ She explained before glancing at Rihanna, ” yeah maybe a sample might be good”

"I had figured that. It's an old phrase though, so don't worry about it much, Ayla" Rihanna replied.

"Ah, the sampler. Makes a good appetizer, it does. Shrimp, scallops, dip, bit of everything in it. I'll have that out in a bit!" Tek said, heading toward the kitchen.

Ayla relaxed back into her seat, her arms moved up somewhat. Her attention switched to Tek as she felt her mouth water at the ingredients. “Sounds good,” she said before he returned to the kitchen, and gently she pushed her chest out a tiny bit, as she rubbed and scratched an itch in her hair. She lowered her hands back when she was done.

"So..." Rihanna started, as the pair were waiting for their food. "You said it'd been a long time since you reunited with your group, Ayla. Did you mean recently, or was that before you were attacked?"

Ayla nodded “yeah, that’s been before I was attacked, I haven’t met any Freespacers since I got here, and got this body.” She said gently touching her breasts before she Realized she was doing things that would be considered flirting and she wasn’t sure how Rihanna felt about her considering they just met. She quickly removed her hands all the while trying to look innocent.

"Oh. Have you given any thought to trying to find them?" Rihanna replied, catching the other woman's slight flirting, the horse woman giving Ayla a shy smile in return.

Ayla nodded “yeah, I’ve looked into casualty reports thanks to connections Zeke had, and I have gone to the Department of communications for some extra help in sending communications out. From reports, most of the Freespacers are in Nepleslia. But I think there were some here too, just gotta find them.”

It appeared that Rihanna had noticed her slight flirting and she got a smile in return.

"Oh. Well, here's hoping that you do find some of them, Ayla" Rihanna replied. "I still don't understand why Yamatai did that to you..." she finished, a frown appearing across her muzzle at the thought.

“Ayla nodded her head “yeah, here’s hoping,” she said to her friend then shook her head “I have no clue, though admittedly for obvious reasons, I am not as interested in talking to Yamatai, not sure I can be as calm and polite as I need to be” She mentioned as a frown appeared her own mouth.

"Well, we've been doing good enough so far!" Rihanna replied, the horsewoman giving her companion a grin and a wink, hoping Ayla'd catch the joke.
At that time, a waitress came out of the kitchen area, carrying their appetizer and drinks. The pair shortly had it front of them.

Ayla smiled at Rihanna, trying to keep her thoughts straight. She thought Rihanna was beautiful, and after Zeke, Rihanna was the only woman to see her completely naked. “Yes, we have!” she replied before the waitress had arrived with their food. She licked her lips before she picked up a piece of her appetizer and ate it.

Rihanna winked at Ayla, before picking up a piece of calamari, popping it into her mouth. "Oh that's good!"

Ayla closed her eyes as she processed the taste and gave a soft moan of pleasure. “Yes very good!” She said in agreement “Sure beats Hospital food!” she commented.

"I can imagine! And Tek cooks some of the best food you can find planetside, too!" Rihanna said, enjoying the appetizer. "Not hard to see why this has become one of my favorite spots now, is it?"

Ayla nods as the Faun savored the delicious taste of her food, and how much better it was than the hospital food. She knew that hospital food will probably have focused on nutrition, at the expense of taste, though she wasn't certain for sure. “Not hard to see why at all, It’s settled I’ll be coming here to eat for a long time,” she said, though certain that there will be others, she’ll like to eat at, but for now, it will be this.

"Well, I be sure glad to hear that, lass!" Came Tek's reply, the cook emerging from the kitchen carrying a serving plate loaded with the Sirrian shark, on a bed of rice and steamed vegetable. "And the main course be ready!" He said, cheerfully placing the dish on the table between the women. "I've jus left it simple for now, need tae know how it tastes before adding any seasoning to it!"

Ayla smiled at his reaction, and her eyes took in the food before her. Taking a spoon in hang, she scooped a bit of rice, and ate it, before eating the Sirrian shark meat. She noted the meat tasted good, and she calculated the type of taste with those two ingredients together. She then glanced at the seasoning, and unfortunately, she was a little lost. “Uh, I’ve never seen these before, er what are they called?’ she asked the two of them, indicating the seasoning. “The food tastes delicious!”

"Those? Those be salt and pepper, Ayla. Basic seasoning, but the least over powering of any" Tek replied.
Rihanna meanwhile took her own bite of the shark, the meat easily splitting around her fork. The horsewoman brought the fork to her maw, the slightly tangy taste of the shark meat filling her mouth. "Oh. Oh my.." she said. "That is really good...!"

Ayla smiled as the kind man explained not only what they were, but also added that they were the least overpowering of any seasoning. “Thanks,” she said, and then glanced over to Rihanna when she ate the meat before she took her bite. “Voids, that is good!” She responded as her taste buds tasted what was probably the best-tasting food for the first time.

“Ohh I am so going to come here again” She replied before she took another bite. She found that adding salt to her food made it tastier rather than the pepper.

"My thoughts exactly, Ayla!" Rihanna started, before taking another bite. "Mmm...I think you have another winner here, Tek! I can't wait to taste what you come up with this!"

Tek laughed. "Aye, it seems I have! Now, all I need is for them to keep catching those sharks! Though I have enough to last for a bit now. I've even got some ideas about what tae try."

Ayla smiled as Rihanna agreed with her works and told Tek that he’d had another winner. The Faun found herself interested to see what he could make of this meat too.

“I’m hoping they keep doing so, or at least do something so we can have more of the meat.” She said before adding “If you need a taste tester, I’m volunteering when able to do so!”

"You're going to have some competition for that role, Ayla!" Rihanna replied jokingly.
"I hope so mesel! I may be at their mercy sometimes, but then again, that's the best part of what I do! Nothing like a new flavor tae challenge a cook, eh?" Tek finished.

Ayla grinned at Rihanna “May the best girl win, then!” She told her in jest before looking at Tek and nodded. ”That’s true, but if you can make amazing dishes like this, then I think you’re up to the challenge. I know you can do great.”

"I try, Ayla, I try." Tek replied. "Also, this one's on the house, for being enthusiastic testers!"

Ayla grinned happily” awesome!” She said feeling pleased with that since she’d just gotten out of the hospital, she didn’t have much in the way of money.

Rihanna flashed Tek a smile. "You're a dear, Tek!"

"Well, I've got to be sometime, ladies! Take care for now, I've got a new special to work on!" Tek replied, waving to the pair as he disappeared behind the kitchen doors once again.

[OOC: Thread with myself and SteelJaw]