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RP: YSS Genei [Mission 1]Finding the hand that feeds


Inactive Member
"Adelle-Hei, slow us down and take us in to land at pad number 14 inside of the closest dome." Yoshiko instructed Daria.

Suddenly a section of the viewscreen zoomed into the approaching nebula, and out of the cloud of gasses and rocks, it picked a large asteroid. As the ship got closer, domes could be seen across the 'top' of the asteroid almost fully covering it, small ships flitting back and forth between ports that lay near the domes and various other larger ships. While on the 'bottom' holes could be seen, from which large ships were busily entering and exiting.

"Attention all crew, we'll be landing very soon. Please finish preparations quickly and meet in the armor bay." Yoshiko sent to the crew.
Yamamoto flinched briefly upon receiving the message, but didn’t look up from his work. He was sitting in the wardroom, absorbed in the terminal projected in the air before him, and he was annoyed. Despite having spent their entire time in transit working on the problem, he still did not feel prepared to begin data collection and analysis. There just seemed to be so much more left to do, especially since they would be leaving the Genei behind shortly. He had to update priorities to program transfers, monitor simulations for algorithm selection, and generally baby-sit a score of other tasks, all necessary for preparing for the operation. If he had been able to work on the infrastructure they would be utilizing throughout the mission, it might have relieved some stress, but as it was… The Shosa’s orders, however, were quite clear, and he set to automatic those programs that could be left to their own devices and to standby those that could not. Satisfied, he dismissed the projection and stood up, moving towards the hatch and on to the armor bay.
Konpeki mentally reviewed her list of items that she had packed. She was nervous, worse than any pre-performance. It did not help that she was not feeling very confident with the team. Everyone spent most the journey here making their own preparations. I am surprised that the Shosa did not have us work on simulations together. After all you don't through a group of musicians together and expect them to perform without any rehearsal. After verifying she had packed all the equipment she requested and felt she needed, she closed the bags. As she left her quarters she thought, I've got a bad feeling about this...
Konpeki made her way through the Genei, when she entered the armor bay she saw Nobutora. When she was close enough she smiled, "Ready Yamamoto-San to begin our first mission? We will now have a chance to see how we all work together."
“Yes, indeed,” replied Nobutora. Despite their time traveling, the crew had done relatively little together, each mostly ensconced in their own aspect of the preparations. He hoped this wouldn’t present a problem; working together well naturally was far preferable to being forced to interact by the exigencies of survival. Professional considerations aside, he did feel he had been a little remiss. Part of his problem in the civilian world had been his introverted nature outside of work as much as on the job. Maybe getting on with the mission would let him expand the rapport he had experienced for the first time ever during the introduction to his shipmates.

“Any anticipatory worries about your first intelligence mission?” The question was a little dry, Nobutora admitted to himself. After all, he still had a long way to go before being a people person. But more importantly, he was still concerned that Eika might be upset with him. After all, she had seemed quite angry at both “Osaru” and him about suggesting the ostensibly “illegal” snatching of the suspects.
"Worries no, concerns a few, but that's to be expected in this line of work. Right Yamamoto-san? I am anxious to see the buildings that our objectives are working in. It will be easier to plan some of our next stage once we can see where we have to operate and what kind of buildings are available for covert surveillance." She replied. I'd like to ask him why he kept going on about abducting a likely target, even after the Shosa said it was not an option. But the time isn't right. Perhaps while we stakeout the Novacorp building I will have the chance.
As the crew finished its final preparations, the Genei gently touched down on its assigned landing pad. Once the ship had landed Yoshiko released Daria to get ready herself before heading down to the launch bay. As Yoshiko entered the bay she stood back a little bit to watch and listen to Konpeki and Nobutara talk to each other. Hmm, interesting. Yoshiko thought to herself before approaching the pair. "Yamamoto-Hei, Eika-Hei." Yoshiko said nodding to the pair as she reached them. "If I recall correctly this is both of your first operations, correct?" Yoshiko asked.
Nobutora had been about to reply to Eika when the Shosa came into view and spoke up. He snapped to attention. “Ma’am, yes ma’am. This will be my first operational experience as an active field asset, ma’am.”
Konpeki upon hearing the Shosa's voice, turned toward her and came to attention. "Yes ma'am, that is a correct statement. This is my first mission as a SAINT Operative." she said with a nod of the head. Of course she knows that, so the question was obviously rhetorical. she thought.
Yoshiko internally winced when Nobutara returned to his stiff self. "How do you guys feel about it? You ready?" Yoshiko approached the forcefield as a ramp extended itself from the launchbay to the floor, allowing the crew to exit.
"As ready as one can be given the current parameters of our assignment. We have no data on what the Novacorp facility looks like to start planning the surveillance. We have not seen what kind of accomodations we'll have to use as a base of operations while the Genei is undergoing service." Konpeki shrugged, "But its as you said during my interview, quite often we won't know the whole picture or how we fit into it. So we will take things one step at a time. We will adapt our strategies based upon changing parameters."
Yoshiko smiled, "Saa, let's give you some of those parameters then shall we? You'll all be staying at the Silken Lotus room 237. Unfortunately I have some things that need to be taken care of so you'll have to find your own ways to the hotel." Yoshiko looked around a little, still noticing that Red and Daria were missing. "Be sure to let them know where you're staying. You can download maps from the local networks so that won't be a problem." with that Yoshiko turned and left the ship.

(Time skip everyone to the hotel so that I can bring in Christian's character and kick it along a bit).

"Nobusuke-Hei," Yoshiko said once she had signaled the interview to be over, "the rest of the Genei's crew has already begun an operation. I'll take you over to the place where they're staying and introduce you to them. Before that though, do you have any other questions?" Yoshiko asked as she stood up from her seated position on the bed.
Okichi shook her head. "No, Osano-Shosa. Even if I did, many of them would be better addressed by the crew during our down time." Okichi was admittedly very curious about the people she would be working with, but she didn't want to waste Yoshiko's time with an endless number of questions. Any necessary knowledge about them will be given when we meet, she thought.
Konpeki stood by window of room 237, she was making note of the local population. She was observing what typical clothing was here, as well as hair styles, mannerisms. I want to blend into the locals before I take a walk past the Novacorp site. Using the SACOS sunglasses and SA-CDLD-2 listening devices, I hope to be able to discretely capture images and measurements for later use in our mission. And by listening to some of the employees as they come and go I might get some insight on how to infiniltrate. she thought.
When Konpeki arrived in room 237 it was obvious that someone had been there before them. In the center of the room sat a black hinged rolling shelf. It contained all of the requested equipment plus a few security clearence cards for NovaCorp. There was a datapad that contained a file on the informant that they were to extract, as well as what little had already been made available to the group about the other terrorists. There were bugs of all types, most Nobutara would undoubtedly recognize, as well as varios other recording equipment both audio and visual. Also included were computers who came pre-loaded with programs dedicated to running said equipment.


"Alright then, let's head over." Yoshiko said as she lead Okichi out of the room, out of the hotel, and across the street to the Silken Lotus to room 237. There had been things that had troubled Yoshko once the ship had landed, it didn't seem like there was a cohesive plan about what was going on. There was a general 'feel' for what was going to happen, but nothing was finalized.

What will happen if I introduce a new person into this so suddenly? There's not really a plan and doing this could de-stabilize the closest thing there is. True neither Eika-Hei, Yamamoto-Hei, nor even Adelle-Hei have expierience in this kind of work, it might be a bit much to ask of Red. Yoshiko giggled a little as she thought of Red. Hehe, I've even started calling him that in my head. Yoshiko thought as she reached the door. "This is where the rest of your new team is staying." Yoshiko said before producing an electronic keycard from a pocket on her uniform and opening the door. What an odd person. Well, it's not like you're unavailable. Then again, I have no doubt he'll be able to manage. Yoshiko's lips curled into a smile briefly before she motioned for the Hei to step in.

Once Okichi had entered Yoshiko called the crew around her. "I hope you like what I've ordered for you, if you need anything else let me know and I'll see what I can do on short notice." Yoshiko said before turning to Okichi. "This is Nobusuke-Hei, she's a recent addition to the crew of the YSS Genei. Like most of you, she has no prior expierience. Because of this, I'm going to assign 'big brothers'. Unfortunately we have an odd number of people, so Red will be in charge of two people.

Red you're 'little sisters' are Nobusuke-Hei, as well as Adelle-Hei. Nobutara-Hei, you're little sister is Eika-Hei. Now I understand that you aren't trained as a SAINT operative Nobutara-Hei, but you do have expierience with what we're doing for the moment, so you're an appropriate 'big brother' for now. We'll end up rotating 'little sisters' as well as providing official training post-op for those that require it. Someone should provide a brief run-down of what we're doing for Nobusuke-Hei at some point, but before that,"

Yoshiko's sentence hung for a second before she picked it back up, "where do we stand right now?"
Big brother, what a curious term, I do not get the reference, but obviously she means it in a mentoring role. Konpeki thought.

"Ma'am," Konpeki said with a brief nod, "As the Shosa has noticed all of the equipment authorized has been received. I have been doing surveillance from the window of local apparel, with the intention of going out and acquiring some so that we may blend in with the populace for any reconnaissance."

She then turned towards the Yamataian female that Yoshiko indicated was their newest member. With a smile she said. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Eika Konpeki-Santô Hei."
Nobutora glanced at the newcomer as the Shosa started to speak. But any attention he might have been paying to her was broken off, first with a flinch as the Shosa referred to him repeated by his given name and then again when she announced that he would essentially be Eika’s senior partner for the time being. That he was being assigned as a supervising agent was shocking, but he put it out of his mind at the Shosa’s question. He nodded briefly as Eika began describing her recent activities. Pausing as she greeted the newcomer, Nobutora turned to the Shosa. “Ma’am, the computing equipment and software all appear to be in order, as do the PANTHEON access levels. At the moment, I’m updating the software with the new parameters I worked up on the Genei. After that is finished, I will need a little time to do a preliminary infiltration of their networks and then another hour for full deployment of interception programs. From there, data collection should be automatic, barring any drastic changes.”
Okichi let a nervous smile loose as she nodded to Konpeki. "It is a pleasure for me as well, Eika-Hei. I hope that I can be of assistance." She calmly walked farther into the small room and listened carefully to Nobutora's explanation of what he had been doing.

"Nobutura-Hei," she spoke up when Nobutura had finished, "Who exactly are we....examining?" She was obviously hesitant to use any words such as 'infiltration' or 'spying', the thought of what she was doing still taking some time to set in.
Konpeki went back to observing the people on the street. Didn't the Shosa brief this new person, how is she supposed to help with the mission if she hasn't a clue. Strange. She winced when she heard the new crewman use Yamamoto-san's name improperly. She recalled how he had responded when she tried to use his name in a causual fashion, I am sure the Shosa had a reason for doing that, but I do not know how well that's going to sit with Yamamoto-san.
A rather grotesque contortion passed across Nobutora’s face, reflecting his fight to suppress his reaction to the new comer’s words. “That is… ahem, er, we are…” He paused a moment to clear his throat. Certainly, it was the Shosa’s prerogative to call him by his given name if she so wished, but for someone younger than him, newer to the crew, and not even introduced to him? His face settled back into the preferred nerve-dead mask of professionalism. “We are pursing a number of traitors with an apparent mission to attack Yamatai via compromising PANTHEON’s information security. Such an attempt would be unsuccessful, but the more pressing concern is identifying the organization that is backing them. As such, we are taking measures to passively surveil the traitors at the moment, with more active procedures to follow should they prove necessary.”
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