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RP: YSS Eucharis [Mission 23.1] A Distant Threat (YE 37)

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YSS Eucharis Wardroom @ Fort Hanako, Hanako's World
January YE 37

The crew's relaxing holiday on the warm oceanic planet was drawing to a close as the ship's launch date crept nearer. It was morning and the crew members that were staying aboard or just joining had all been contacted the previous day to return to the battle-tested gunship that was stretching its crimson wings over the concrete tarmac outside the ship's hangar with Victory milling about with a datapad directing dockworkers and forklifts loading the ship's fresh supplies.

Because the ship was too small to have a actual office for the captain, or even a dining hall, she had set up one of the smaller tables in the wardroom by the book room as a sort of makeshift desk in anticipation of new crew members needing a place to show up and salute her as they officially reported to their duty station. Star Army Personnel Command had come through this time, finding some technicians to replace Dirjon, the sole regular technician on the last mission, who had been sucked out of the ship when attempting to repair a damaged air containment forcefield, thanks to the newly-discovered Rixxikor, a species of crude and quickly-multiplying bugmen who had attempted to board the ship in an ill-advised attempt to resume their colonization of the galaxy.

The Shosho braced herself for another dangerous mission light-years away from the comforts of this planet she'd discovered. "Once more into the breach," she murmured as the wardroom door hissed open for the first arrival.
While wandering around, Sam got contacted and told to return to his ship. It looks like someone had a shit holiday. He was a little disappointed as he really didn't get to do anything. But, he didn't have much choice in the matter, so he returned to the ship.

YSS Eucharis--Cabin 5
Sam returned to the room he left his stuff in and laid in the bottom bunk cause his feet were sore from all the walking. He really aught to go to his assigned room. However, his things were in here and he was too lazy to move them. It shouldn't be too much of a problem as the room's been empty the whole time he was here. Perhaps this room may even be the room he was assigned to? If so, then he got lucky and won't have to move after all.
Landing pad near Eucharis

Returning to the ship with her bag and rifle case, Tony looked worse for wear. She was sun burned and hungover. With each step towards the Yamataian ship she muttered a curse towards Natsumi and Akane. She enjoyed the time with the two, but those damned beaches they dragged her to, were too much. Far from the safety of the shooting ranges...

Eucharis Cabin 3

She didn't bother unpacking right then, the bag was stuffed into the closet and her rifle was slipped under her bunk. She knew she should head up to the wardroom just in-case there was a briefing. She sighed and looked at the soft bunk and frowned. Taking a minute to cross rig her HHG and the new chrome NSP she was given, she made her way to the Wardroom.


As she walked in she saw the Shosho sitting waiting for something. "Ma'am..." She almost growled at the loudness of her own voice. "How are we today?"
Natsumi returned to the ship cheerful and relaxed. The normally pale neko was tanned from much time on the beach and she quickly went to her cabin to put away her things and change into a fresh uniform.

Cleanee up and properly dressed, Natsumi went to the wardroom, entering just after Antonia.

"Good morning, Shosho!" she said, smiling. She noted Tony was wearing the NSP she hagiven her at the Yule holiday party. "Good morning!" she said to Tony.

Jackson muttered a "thank you" to the driver of the transport as he stepped out of the vehicle and out onto the tarmac. The bright sun above bathed him in its gentle warmth, while a light breeze flowed through his hair. Within a few hours, he would likely never feel that sensation again, at least for a long while. He slung his duffel over his shoulder and slowly walked towards the hulking form of the Eucharis, in awe of its smooth curves, guns, and the chaos of the dockworkers loading supplies. He'd gone through all of the training, been in the military all this time, but now, finally, the reality of things were starting to dawn on him. This ship was going to be his home for months on end, on a mission he may or may not come back alive from.

The higher ups had shipped him here just a few days before, in anticipation of the Eucharis' departure. He'd had very limited time to enjoy the comforts of this beautiful place. He had checked and rechecked his things, making sure none were missing. He'd polished his shoes and cleaned his duty uniform, which he wore now as he came aboard. And lastly, he'd made a call to his family. His father, of course, was grumpy as ever. His mother and sister were delighted to hear about his first assignment, but saddened that he'd had no time to come visit in person. And then there was Isaac and his brother Grant, who were just starting second grade. They'd just told him all about their new gizmos they'd gotten for the holidays, and even asked (well, begged was the better term) him to bring them on board one day and let them fly the ship. He smiled when remembering that last part. Kids...

Just outside the wardroom...

Somehow, while daydreaming, his body had moved on autopilot, putting him right outside the wardroom. He knew the ship mostly well by now, having studied its layout before arriving.

On the other side of this door was the wardroom, where he knew that Ketsurui Hanako- he had to remember to put the last name first- would be waiting for him. He went through the final checks, being hellbent on making a good first impression. He made sure that the fur on his ears and tail were smooth. He looked down at his shoes, making sure they were shined and even. Last, he picked a thread from the red panel of his uniform and stood up straight.

The door hissed open, and sure enough, there was the Shosho, waiting at a table. Jackson stepped forward, making sure to maintain his composure. He stopped in front of the table.

"Shosho Ketsurui," said he. "Santo Hei Howard, reporting for duty, ma'am." he announced, standing rigid and saluting. He inwardly cringed, and his ears twitched slightly; he may have gotten the order of name and title mixed up... again... but she seemed like a pleasant woman, so hopefully she would just correct him and move on without incident, unlike some of the drill sergeants from training.
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Taharial return to the ship happily, firstly she loved the holiday as the world and crew were amazing and secondly she had got a return message from her family and it was better than she hoped for. As she walked to the ship she made sure her outfit was presentable and smiled letting her feathers ruffle a bit
as she made her way onto the ship and towards her cabin.

Cabin 2

As taharial entered her Cabin she smiled and unpacked her things putting them away, she put her little teddy on her bed at the end and made her sure everything was fine for her cabin mate so she wouldn't be an annoyance. Then she made her way to the wardroom and smiles fluttering her wings every so often with a little hop in her step.


As Taharial walked in she hummed and hopped but stopped as she saw the group of people and made a small salute to the Shosho and waited for silence "Shosho, I shall prepare for physicals for the new members, it is good to see you again as well" she looked at the others "and my family wrote back" she waved but waited to be permitted to leave as she didn't want to annoy the Shosho much.

Akane had checked herself in the mirror, making sure everything was in place. Her hair didn't block her face, her uniform was neat and lacked any wrinkles. She made sure her hat sat on her head at an exact, appropriate angle.

Anything imperfect had to add to her aesthetic or be pleasing to the Star Empire. Nothing else would do.

When her turn before Hanako came, the Neko stepped forward, clicking her heels together with precision. As she saluted, she announced herself. "Santo Hei Miyako Akane reporting for duty, ma'am."

"I am well," Hanako replied to Antonia, followed by a "Good morning," to Natsumi.

When the first of the new crew members reported in, she returned his salute. Hanako certainly looked the role of a princess or admiral, with her immaculate white-paneled uniform and royal demeanor. She had long hair that started teal and got more purple as it went down, and big eyes the color of her brass belt buckle. He could see her uniform, in addition to what appeared to be the entire range of Star Army of Yamatai award ribbons, also had some unfamiliar foreign award that looked like two daggers and a ruby on a vortex or buzzsaw. "Welcome aboard, Santô Hei Howard. You may call me Shosho Hanako." Howard had got it technically correct, but Hanako was a weird exception to the norm because she preferred to omit her family name and just go by Hanako as if it was the only name she had. Of course being around Yamataians with Yamataigo names, he must have lost track of times people had incorrectly assumed he was Howard Jackson. "It is good to have another technician on board. After this, you should find a spare cabin berth and visit the medic for a checkup. How familiar are you with the Plumeria-class gunship?" she inquired.

To Taharial, Hanako replied, "Yes, get physicals and mind copies for everyone. Carry on. And Taharial, that's great to hear!"

"Welcome aboard," the Shosho greeted Akane. She noticed the infantry Nekovalkyrja's unusual ears. "Hmm," she pondered them for a moment before continuing, "Find a bunk and checkup; you and all the other infantry should make sure your armors are ready for action at a moment's notice."

The ship's interior began to quietly rumble and hum more as all its various systems came back online.

"Excuse me, Shosho," Yellow-haired cook Mango briefly interrupted. "The food stores are loaded and victory says the cargo bay is packed and we can close up. Additionally, Blackberry reports that the ship is spooled up and ready for takeoff."

"Tell her to standby and wait for the day shift bridge crew to relieve her," Hanako ordered. "Disconnect all ground services and remove chocks."

"Aye," Mango nodded, and went to a nearby phone to relay the orders.
Wearing a black paneled uniform is like walking around naked. People struggle to resist staring, turning away when I notice them as if I were a danger to them. Wait, that guy completely ignored me. Why isn't he holding his lunchbox by the handle?. He's probably up to something. Maybe they're all up to something. But if they're all guilty is he innocent? If he's innocent then…

A man in a black paneled Duty uniform stepped out of the black sedan that had been his temporary government vehicle with his duffle bag in tow, the silver tint of his shades reflecting the sun. His crisp uniform did well to cover the stick up his rear. He strode at a pace that reflected purpose without the slightest hint of being in a rush. His confidence could be felt across the tarmac, obviously bolstered by the scoped HHG strapped to his right thigh.

He took in the sight of Eucharis as he came near, taking in the sight of what would become his home for a long time. He felt a sense of honor and pride to be assigned to the ship of a princess when most of his fellow graduates were assigned to black ships or covert operations on solid ground. Since he was young, Suites had never liked the feeling of being on a planet. Having lived in space for so long he had become so used to its differences that they'd become what he considered normal, the fact that most of his combat mission had been on a planet didn't help . His pace stepped up slightly as the thought of leaving the planet crosses mine. He entered the ship, his face still blank and unreadable.

Candon entered the wardroom through the still open doors unnoticed by the crew who had already entered before him. The HUD on his glasses came to life displaying names and files of the crew there as he leaned against the wall in the back corner observing them interact with one another.
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A Chusa arrived next. He was tall for a Yamataian and wore a white Type 35 Class A uniform, clutching a matching cap in his left arm. It’d been over two years since Nicholas Saiga was stationed to a Star Army combat vessel, but being aboard the Eucharis as its systems powered on for its return to space was immediately familiar to him. He was quick to spot Hanako and the others coming and going as they checked in and approached to do the same.

Nick snapped a military salute to the Captain.

“Saiga-chusa, reporting,” he said. “I have been assigned as your ship's first officer, Hanako-shosho.”
When she received word that her first assignment out of Kyoto War College was to be the famed YSS Eucharis, Umeshu could hardly contan her intense emotions of joy. It was a great honor indeed to be selected to crew the ship of Ketsurui Hanako herself if for the experiences alone, and yet for a former samurai it was also fulfilling to be close to such an outspoken and brave member of the clan. She could only pray that her abilities were up to the task ahead.

The Shoi had traveled right away to where the famous ship was docked on the beautiful Hanako's world. It was truly a paradise that reflected the heart of the woman who envisioned it into being, though sadly Hashimoto was unable to enjoy its serenity for overly long. She had an important duty to see to first, one that was sure to finally match those of her siblings.


Her grey paneled Type 35 A dress uniform checked over one final time, Umeshu slung her bags over her shoulder and proceeded up the ramp behind the many other personnel returning from shore leave. As she filed forward, the wisteria skinned Nekovalkyrja's sage green eyes studied the crowds intently. There were obviously some new faces like herself arriving, so she did not feel as nervous at least. The rythmic hum of the vessel's systems beginning to rev up was also a calming background noise -- soon she, too, would be a part of that wonderous entity that was the symbol of the Empire's strength.

Before long it was her turn to stand in front of Hanako's makeshift desk in the wardroom. The young purple-hued officer grabbed her cap in her hands and bowed deeply to the Shosho, her long bangs following the practiced motion. "Hajimemashite," spoke she in perfectly accented and proper Yamataigo, "Shoi Hashimoto Umeshu reporting for operations duty aboard the honorable YSS Eucharis." With that said she straightened up after a brief moment and replaced her cap upon her head and also saluted. "I am at your command, Ketsurui Hanako-shosho."
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Hanako was extremely pleased to see Chusa Saiga. The ship had gone for too long without a first officer and Saiga was one of the most experienced officers out there, and had a bit of a reputation as a hard-ass, which Hanako very much approved of. The three gold stripes on his sleeve were a welcome sight."Welcome aboard the Eucharis, Chusa," the admiral saluted. "I am Shosho Hanako. As you can see we are just getting ready to head out and find go something that needs fighting. We have a couple of mission options so I will discuss them with you in a little bit. In the meantime get to know the crew some and get settled in. May I call you Nick?" she asked. "We have access to some supplemental infantry forces, which are basically Rikugun 99ers with DAISYs who will be staying on our squadron starbase. They are combat capable but as green as fresh peas. I want to get the Eucharis infantry squad well trained and promoted so they can use them.

Also extremely welcome was a new starship operations officer to help run the ship. Hanako enthusiastically greeted and saluted Umeshu. "Good morning Hashimoto-Shoi. You will be in charge of the bridge operations and working directly below me and Chusa Saiga here. Below you is Natsumi-Heisho, a long-time Eucharis veteran, and we also have a Nepleslian Naval exchange officer who does bridge work with a specialty in starship gunnery. Together you will be the starship operations section. The other sections of our small crew are technical, kitchen, supply, medical & science, command & intelligence, and infantry."

A 99er or 99 day Neko means a newly created Nekovalkyrja who has only been around a long enough to complete basic training.
Rikugun means "Army" and is a term for the Star Army's planetary forces, as opposed to the fleets (the uchuugun/Space Army)

Jackson looked relieved. His ears drooped into a more relaxed position, and even his tail went a little more limp.

"As you wish, Shosho Hanako," he said. He scratched the back of his head. "Truth be told, this is my first time onboard a Plumeria... or any ship for that matter. But, I've been pouring over the schematics a lot since I was informed of my assignment. Gimme a day or two to familiarize myself in person and I'll be good to go."

He saw that she was busy, so, without further word, he turned and moved out of the way.

Crew cabins...

'Now, let's see if I can't get me a place to sleep...' he thought to himself as he ambled over to the crew cabins. Nine in total. Which ones were vacant, though?

'Eanie, meanie, minie... that one.'

Jackson headed for cabin three. Three was a good number, it was probably best to choose three. He stood before the closed door, unsure whether to knock or ask someone else if the room was occupied.

'Screw it.'

He knocked a few times.

"Uh, yo... uh... anyone home...?" he asked through the door. He focused his ears towards it, listening for activity inside. With most of this military being female, he definitely did not want to barge into a room without knocking... again...

After a pause, he concluded that the room was empty, and so, he slowly slid open the door, checking one last time to make sure the room was unoccupied. It was definitely empty. He walked in, and noticed that one bunk was empty. He tossed down his duffel and sat on the edge, rubbing his face in his hands for a moment.

'Okay... I'm onboard, I have a room, and now I can relax- no, wait....'

"Physical." Jackson muttered and stood up. He left his cabins and headed towards the infirmary.

Med. center...

"Hello? Anyone here? I, uh, gotta get a physical." Jackson called out, standing just inside the door to the medical center, he put his hands in his pockets and starred around at all the medical equipment, waiting for a response.

Akane's hand shot to her brow with another salute. "Aye, ma'am." The Neko had a few thoughts on how to handle both of her superior's suggested tasks.

Medical Center

Searching for Taharial seemed the best idea, since she could take care of the physical and, possibly, arrange for Akane to find a bunk. Instead of finding her friend, the Neko found a guy looking around. "Hi," Akane said. "You must be looking for Taharial, too."
Cargo Bay to Wardroom

Mitsuko rolled her well used set of gifted luggage onto the ship, carrying a neatly packed bag full of her gifts and purchases in her other hand. She was already in uniform, stopping briefly to check in with Victory and look over her Cargo Bay. Everything seemed to be moving smoothly, thankfully. She had enjoyed the shore leave, but was happy to be back on board again, where she belonged. The mousy Neko stopped by her cabin first, unpacking and hanging up clothing, checking to make sure nothing in her cabin had been disturbed, putting all of her new belongings in their proper places. Everything was organized so well that this inspection didn't take long.

Soon Murakami had poked her head into the Wardroom, making an appearance. She looked over the new arrivals, noticing how many higher ranking officers had joined them. It looked like Sune and Ramiro had finally been replaced. Holding back a sigh, she bowed to the captain, making sure to orient herself just so, to wind up including all of the officers with the one bow. Even with her promotion, it looked like Natsumi would still have a line of people between her and the ship's controls. Hopefully things would go well on the Bridge for all of them.

"Understood, Hanako-shosho... it seems we have a very diverse group aboard but they all sound quite capable. I will be relying on their experience to assist me in my duties, as this is my first official assignment," replied Umeshu with a pleasant smile directed towards the captain and also the first officer who was present doing his introduction. She turned her attentions to him now with a respectful bow as well, very pleased to be seen conducting herself in the presence of so many nobles of the Empire."Hajimemashite, Saiga-chusa. To serve under a scion of one of the great Geshrin samurai clans is indeed an honor. I will do my best to exceed both of your expectations."

That little twinge of nervousness was bubbling up again though, and she figured this would be a good time to disengage and allow the higher ups the time to discuss more important matters. "If you would excuse me, then, I will go to drop off my equipment in the cabin and make a mental backup on the way to the bridge. Shitsureeitashimasu." Her use of this traditional word to depart implied to Hanako and Saiga that she felt the ship was more of the princess' royal home amongst the stars and she would treat it with the care of a trusted retainer. She turned to leave, but hesitated in the wardroom a moment longer in case any other personnel wished to waylay her on the way out. Umeshu did manage to politely return the bow offered by Mitsuko as well.
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Med Lab

Taharial entered the Med Lab then saw that there were already people in there, she bowed her wings close to her body "I am sorry to of kept you, I was just getting my notebook." She walked over to examination room with a small grin "so who first, I will do the physical then the backup, then you may leave and do what you want" she looked at the two and waited for a response, she was in professional mode and wanted to make sure everyone was well and safe.
YSS Eucharis / Spaceport, Fort Hanako.

Aikiko came aboard with the last of cargo being taken onto the Eucharis. Breathing heavily from her mad dash to the ship and a quick dive/tumble through the last closing door to tumble and roll on the deck onto her feet. Her bags scattering all over the place in an untidy heap. At least the two bags of her stuff. She had sent the rest ahead to be stored in her storage locker aboard the Eucharis.

"Made it!" She gasped out as she got to her feet. Eyes twinkling with that carnal sated look. She looked down at herself and now smudged with dirt on her once pristine clean uniform. "Aw Frac!" She swore in native UOC language. Giving a wave to Victory, who was scowling at her for being tardy.

She gathered up her bags and sprinted through the ship hearing snickers in her wake. At first she was puzzled till she looked at her feet. Fuzzy slippers!


Aikiko wanted to by-pass meeting up with Shosho till she could get herself together. But seeing Victory scowling at her and probably reported her tardiness to Hanako. She stepped in, looking like she just survived a bar brawl with fuzzy slippers on instead of the proper foot ware. "Akiashiro Santo-Hei..." She blurted out as she came to parade ground attention, "...reporting for duty, Shosho Ketsurui."

She could feel the eyes of those present upon her as she stood there waiting for the explosion of wrath upon her.
…the hell?… Candon thought as the just disheveled Neko appeared in front of him. His eyes almost immediately dropped down to a place the HUD on his glasses were not directing him to... Her pink slippers, of course...

With the extra attention drawn to her and himself standing directly behind her he couldn't help but wonder if people would actually notice him seeing as he was still keeping that special 'undercover, nothing to see here' posture that is typical of clandestine agents. Then another part of his brain kicked in, the one that reminds you of who is on your team. He had read Akiko's dossier and recognize her as part of the infantry team he would be working with.

Hoping to take some of the heat off of her he returned to his original military posture and quickly walked past her speaking quickly but with military professionalism before his superior officer began speaking, as if there was nothing out of place.
"Intelligence specialist Candon Suites, Ittô Hei. It's an honor, ma'am," he introduced as he approach her, giving a sharp salute.

Saiga lowered his salute and nodded along to what Hanako had to say, mentally scheduling the additional tasks he’d need to accomplish in the coming hours and weeks. For a moment, he flashed a grin before stifling when Hanako mentioned the necessity for future DAISY training.

“I look forward to meeting whatever challenges your ship will face and am honored to serve on your crew, Kanchou,” he replied, sounding cheery but still respectful. “And yes, if that is what you wish to call me.”

When Umeshu offered her pleasantries, the Chusa returned a smile in acknowledgment. The Saiga name sometimes preceded him and, as usual, he chose not to address the comment further. Sometimes reputations and the assumptions associated with those served useful purposes, after all, a lesson SAINT still clearly instilled in their corps if the back-uniformed Itto Hei’s moments spent lingering were any indication.

“If there is nothing else, Hanako-shosho,” Saiga said after bowing to the famous captain. Then he turned and left, nodding to the others assembled around Hanako as he made his way out of the wardroom. He stopped as he passed Umeshu, who’d seemed to have paused on her own departure.

“You must have just graduated from the War College, Shoi-san,” Saiga said, having noticed the single training ribbon on the Neko’s uniform. “It’ll be my first assignment since attending for the past two quarters, too,” he said warmly. “But if you’re ever wondering something about operations once we’re underway, don’t hesitate to ask.”

Saiga then moved toward the exit to begin a quick circuit to familiarize himself with the Eucharis before it launched.
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