YSS Eucharis Wardroom @ Fort Hanako, Hanako's World
January YE 37
The crew's relaxing holiday on the warm oceanic planet was drawing to a close as the ship's launch date crept nearer. It was morning and the crew members that were staying aboard or just joining had all been contacted the previous day to return to the battle-tested gunship that was stretching its crimson wings over the concrete tarmac outside the ship's hangar with Victory milling about with a datapad directing dockworkers and forklifts loading the ship's fresh supplies.
Because the ship was too small to have a actual office for the captain, or even a dining hall, she had set up one of the smaller tables in the wardroom by the book room as a sort of makeshift desk in anticipation of new crew members needing a place to show up and salute her as they officially reported to their duty station. Star Army Personnel Command had come through this time, finding some technicians to replace Dirjon, the sole regular technician on the last mission, who had been sucked out of the ship when attempting to repair a damaged air containment forcefield, thanks to the newly-discovered Rixxikor, a species of crude and quickly-multiplying bugmen who had attempted to board the ship in an ill-advised attempt to resume their colonization of the galaxy.
The Shosho braced herself for another dangerous mission light-years away from the comforts of this planet she'd discovered. "Once more into the breach," she murmured as the wardroom door hissed open for the first arrival.
January YE 37
The crew's relaxing holiday on the warm oceanic planet was drawing to a close as the ship's launch date crept nearer. It was morning and the crew members that were staying aboard or just joining had all been contacted the previous day to return to the battle-tested gunship that was stretching its crimson wings over the concrete tarmac outside the ship's hangar with Victory milling about with a datapad directing dockworkers and forklifts loading the ship's fresh supplies.
Because the ship was too small to have a actual office for the captain, or even a dining hall, she had set up one of the smaller tables in the wardroom by the book room as a sort of makeshift desk in anticipation of new crew members needing a place to show up and salute her as they officially reported to their duty station. Star Army Personnel Command had come through this time, finding some technicians to replace Dirjon, the sole regular technician on the last mission, who had been sucked out of the ship when attempting to repair a damaged air containment forcefield, thanks to the newly-discovered Rixxikor, a species of crude and quickly-multiplying bugmen who had attempted to board the ship in an ill-advised attempt to resume their colonization of the galaxy.
The Shosho braced herself for another dangerous mission light-years away from the comforts of this planet she'd discovered. "Once more into the breach," she murmured as the wardroom door hissed open for the first arrival.