Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP Mission Three: Clues to a Better Tomorrow:

Sacre tightened her jaw at the sudden threat of violence. This was exactly the sort of thing that she was afraid of. Her hand went to the smooth metal hilt of the plasma saber. Lifting the hem of her garment slightly to do so, revealing for an instant the golden flash of a burial steel blade she kept tucked away. She put her thumb on the activation switch, if this 'goon' killed Aliset, then they would also not survive.

Iomai, the Patrician Elysian, shifted as the weapons came out. Stepping sideways to flank Goon with her own pistol at the ready, like Goon held her pistols. Her synchrony with Sacre was almost uncanny and came from long years of combat experience together.

The two watched Goon to see if she accepted Aliset's story.
Ancilla observed the being known as Goon with keen interest. She hadn't encountered anyone of Goon’s species before, and as far as she could recall, neither had Spark. Completely unaware that Goon belonged to the D3 species, Ancilla took in the woman’s features, trying to discern any details that might clue her into the species' origin. Her curiosity was piqued, but before she could delve deeper, her attention was drawn to Aliset, who was engaging with Goon using her undercover name.

As Aliset called to her, Ancilla listened closely, her holographic eyes shifting to her Senti crewmate. Aliset’s words sparked a familiar sentiment in Ancilla. "Quite a bit, actually," Aliset began, referencing her time spent with a friend named Xena, during which she had seen all sorts of guns and weapons. Ancilla's gaze shifted to the weapon in Aliset's possession, and she immediately recognized it—a Black Rose Anti-Material Rifle. Her holographic eyes widened in surprise, a rare display of emotion for the AI.

“No way… it couldn’t be!” Ancilla exclaimed, her voice laced with disbelief. But before she could say anything more, the situation quickly escalated. Goon’s demeanor shifted, and she began threatening Aliset, apparently agitated by the use of the undercover name.

Ancilla, sensing the danger, quickly intervened. "Wow, wow, wow! Let’s not be hasty!" she interjected, her tone urgent but calm. Thinking quickly, she decided to bluff, hoping to defuse the situation. "Especially considering there’s something among us that, if damaged or hit by a bullet, will blow and destroy this entire place!" Ancilla's voice carried a note of warning, though she was actually referring to the battery in her Kaimon Ascendant body. She hoped the bluff would buy them time and cause Goon to reconsider her actions.

She then turned her attention back to Goon, attempting to appeal to any common ground they might share. "Your species and the Senti clearly have a bond," Ancilla said, her voice softening slightly. "I’d like to learn more about that bond, but only if you agree not to attack. Alright?" Her words were a careful blend of diplomacy and caution, aimed at calming the situation and preventing any further escalation. Ancilla knew that keeping the peace was crucial, and she was determined to find a way to de-escalate the tension before it spiraled out of control.
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Oncari Industries Shipyard - Shuttle Bay - Shit Just Got Real

Since leaving the ship, Akino was proud of how everything was going smoothly. She had not been given specific details as to how they would get down to the planet so was unsure if she should give thanks to Alastair for any work he might have been doing in the background. Then she could almost hear his methodical laugh as everything went sideways. Had this one person on this entire station really put the dots together and figure out who Aliset really was. Granted it was not as if they were trying to hide as much as to blend in with everything. Less eyes would mean less attention. Without even thinking Akino had already pulled her sidearm and held it in place. The rest of the crew around her also followed suit minus Ancilla. She noted Goon's reaction was on emotional instinct and not you wondered into the wrong area and about to get mugged kind of vibe. Granted Akino couldn't help but see the irony of Aliset posing as a human and carrying around a sacred artifact like it was a trophy. This was very on point for a human.

"I agree with Selene to calm for a moment." Akino said slowly as she put her weapon away. She let a moment pass before she continued. "Some of us took up stage names and decided to dress the part." She said in a matter of fact type of voice. "Clearly this one went a little far with the role." Akino comment as she looked to Aliset then towards Sacre. "These two are an item and share a special bond. connected by that burial steel. Neither gained by ill-gotten means." Akino then stood at attention and gave a bow towards Goon. "We are most sorry if we happen to offend you by any means. This was not our intent, just a group of gals out exploring." She said in a smooth voice.
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Goon didn't even spare a moment looking at the others as they drew weapons, nor did she even seem to blink react or panic to the fact she had a knife to her neck or a gun to her temple, the addition of yet more weapons being pointed at her also didn't seem to phase her as she listened to what everyone had to say though she was more clearly focused on what Khetu had to say, it was a believable enough story... at least until the glint of more Burial Steel could be seen on the serpent woman and when that was seen Goon pressed the pistols a bit harder into Aliset's stomach then blinked a moment before looking to her stomach, stowing her weapons she patted at Aliset's stomach a second then nodded seemingly having made up her mind as once more placid Goon bent over to pick up her only means of communication.

She started to type again on the Pad all her weapons had been stowed away once more, making the small female look as totally weaponless as before as she stood among them as if the altercation had never happened she then held up the pad for all to read "I see you are indeed of the Senti Culture, your have the Abdominal Sternae of your race and your reading if not your Accent as a member of Shurista Why you present yourself as Katamuran is your business, Welcome Friend to the station! I am pleased to meet one of your kind in so long! Though I am saddened to hear not all are taught of our alliance. But I assume there is reason for that.." she then looked to the Burial steel on Sacre's hip then to Akino before typing again.

"If they have Burial steel and the Shuristan has not objected to it, then it is not my place to do so, I apologize for my outburst the People of the Senti Culture are Great Allies to my people and the thought that someone had killed one and stole their burial steel Caused me to Wish to honor our Alliance and retrieve the Artifacts for return to their families or proper flotilla" with that clarified she gave a little bow and took a few steps away from the group.

As she lead them away she held her pad over her head and pointed back towards the group so they could read what was written on it. "Follow me I will lead you to the boss, for my mistake they will hand out my punishment, but I have a few suggestions to you all.. first if your going to use fake names don't use ones that can reveal your real race or affiliation!" she continued to the far side of the bay and into a different door then the one she walked in from.

the door led to the back corridors that the workers used constantly as short cuts to critical areas and to move quickly through the station, and where security would likely be heavy and constant, instead the hallway was empty of workers and only a lone Security officer that looked to the Group, nodded to Goon and continued on his patrol without bothering them at all.

"Second, best to bring people that better fit into the area you are going to... and to keep any Sentient AI under wraps and pretending to be Non-sentient especially on the rim!.... oh and Guest Selene please don't bluff about your Battery like that, you would find your more useful trying to hide the fact that you have a possible explosive when trying to talk someone down... most species have a rather large interest in keeping themselves alive its true... but others might just aim for you to kill everyone in the area out of spite as well" the Pad continued.

As they walked the Hallways were very obviously recently cleaned, as if the workers and cleaners knew someone important was going to be coming down them, whether that was the guests or Goon was up in the air granted. and as they walked they passed by equipment lockers and security armament rooms, Emergency maintenance bays, places the usual public would never to see let alone walk past.

And then Goon stopped did a hard turn and walked into a room, it was clearly a workers Break room, with a door on the far side of the room, tables and chairs spread neatly in order, comforts for the workers to make use of, recreation, things to help someone wind down after a shift. and on the far wall.. blown up to be nearly full floor to roof wall hangings... were two posters... Star Army Recruitment Posters... of Sacre and Aliset side by side on the wall.

As she walked passed the very VERY obvious posters Goon held up the pad once more "Also if your going to do something undercover perhaps don't bring two people that are poster girls for the Star Army? and not to anything to make them look to different... though one did do a good job... even I was to focused on the burial steel possibly being stolen to notice at first though others may have noticed as son as you stepped onto the stations given the... high profile nature of who you have with you" she continued on through the room and out the corridor only to circle back around to the path they had been using before proving she only took them in there to see the posters that the workers were CLEARLY not having hung there cause it was star army and likely more to look at the people on them.

Continuing on she held the pad aloft still "You also let slip two names while in the black market, as well as the sentience of your allied AI, those are not very common on the rim... and those that are out there usually don't like to advertise that they are in fact sentient! There is also the issue of your two friends here the Elysian and the Separa'Shan they stand out.. especially the Separa'Shan as again.. poster girl... some more work to conceal and change them would do you very well if you are to try undercover work again.. I suggest dyes, cosmetics, color alteration of some kind, baggy clothing to hide the silhouette things of that nature" she continued to be helpful as she guided them.

Then then walked into what seemed to be a dead end hallway and as she got to the end of it the wall opened to show it was in fact a heavily disguised door, on the other side the scenery changed.. gone was the pipe work and cold metal of the station... and in it's place was greenery, plant life, and places to sit and relax, a large hold converted into a park or garden, with various plants and flowers, and in the center a mansion, it all looked out of place the building made of natural materials, wood, stone, built onto a metal decking that was hidden by dirt that likely had been moved into this place to give the effect of walking outside, evne the air had been scrubbed of the usually offending odors of a station such as this.

Tending to the garden grounds, and cleaning the place was several EM-j2-1a Geboku Androids which would likely raise many issues, Leading the group past large Tomato plants, Apple trees, and several other produce, the Androids would turn to bow to Goon before going about their work again. "The Boss will see you Immediately there is much to talk about after all" the pad read as she held it over her head for them.

She then lead them into the mansion, and into a office with very nice chairs in fact they were shaped and prepared for exactly this group so that everyone would have a chair comfortable for their race and body type, even at a comfortable height for each of them. all well made and clearly Designed for a specific occupant in mind, well upholstered to match the hardwood shelving on the side of the room, and the deep Green rug that everything was resting on, the rug was soft and easily muffled the sound of steps and for the slithering among them it would be a rather nice change from the cold steel of the station.

Trinkets from the empire and other powers were on the shelves in the office, and quite a few that likely had to be local, and the large chair sitting behind a hardwood desk, seemed designed to enhance the look of the room and act as a focal point of attention when one is to sit in it, the room had once purpose, Establishing the presence and the importance of the person that owned it.

On the other side of the room a door opened and a man walked in dressed in a suit, though it was clear he wasn't human, in fact he wasn't any race they had likely seen before, like Goon he had Green leaf like hair, golden eyes and his skin was clearly closer to the surface of a Plant then flesh strangely he also had a matching scar on the same cheek that Goon had, though the 'skin' on him was clearly trying to emulate human flesh in color at the very least. As he walked in he smiled at the group

Riplinn Coss 2.webp

Walking to the desk he took a seat smiling to them and waving Goon over to his side. Goon walked over as summoned and standing next to the seated man one coud possibly mistake them for father and daughter.. or at least the same race "Thank you Goon, I believe some refreshments are in order if you would be so kind?" he said to the small Female,

Goon nodded and before she left he patted her head making the small female stop and close her eyes and stand there a moment letting out a little nose puff, though it didn't seem it was one of annoyance if the way she blinked and looked at his hand a moment later when he stopped was any indication, she then scooted out of the room.

The man then looked at the group and nodded to them "I see you have had the pleasure meeting my assistant Goon... as is required to see me.... Greetings my guests from the Military! I am Riplinn Coss, I would suppose you would consider me the one in charge around here... now.... your business with me? I think I remember what it is exactly... but I would rather hear it from your own mouths" he smiled as he reclined in the finely crafted chair.
Well... Son of a bitch. Aliset almost pouted as she gave a snort. "Best place to test cover is with friendlies who don't know.. That said. I was told sneaky field mission. I have no intel. Commander. You want to give me a better briefing than your boss is capable of or do we want me scared and responding?"
Sacre put the fusion saber away and continued following Goon. She didn't know if she agreed with Goons assessment. Names were names and hiding what species they were wasn't practical. There were plenty of Separa'Shan who lived and traded outside of the Empire, especially since the Diaspora caused by the occupation of their Homeworld. Refugees had fled not just into Yamatai, but into the larger Galaxy. Elysians on the other hand had a somewhat uncomfortable relationship with the Empire. Losing the wars with them had also sent many Elysians into the galaxy as well. Nekos, at least demilitarized ones, were also not uncommon. There were whole colonies of former NMX nekos and some Nekos left Yamatai to make their own way in the larger galaxy, often attracted to dangerous professions.

Then she spotted the giant floor to celing recruitment poster and mentally sighed. She wasn't sure how it had found it's way out here, but there it was larger than life. It was somewhat embarassing, even if she did look like a stone cold badass in it. The Order of the Blazing Sun hung around her neck. One of the smaller characters in the poster was Ioamai, who far as Sacre was aware never had a bad photograph. It was almost like a sixth sense. She glanced over at her second to see what she thought.

Ioamai for her part was giggling and looking comfortable with the whole thing. "Come on, let's sign it." She said, manuvering so that Sacre would at least have to move slightly towards the massive poster.

Sacre zagged out of the way and back away from it. "No, we don't have anything to write with." She told the golden haired Elysian.

Ioamai swipped a large black marker from a whiteboard they passed. "Now we do. I'm going to sign it without you. Then they'll know I'm special." She teased.

"So 'special' that your still a lemming after all theese years." Sacre grumbled, moving over to the poster. As they bent down they could see it was already signed by someone else with a two letter signature.

"Is that-" Ioamai said.

"How did she get out here?" Sacre said, speaking at the same time as Ioamai. Sacre shrugged and added her signature in big bold letters across the poster. Sacre's handwriting was clear and pratical block letters. Ioamai added hers with a beautiful cursive flourish.

With that done, they rejoined at the back to meet this Boss character Goon had mentioned.
Ancilla felt a wave of relief wash over her as the tension in the air began to dissipate. The weapons that had been drawn were now being holstered, and it seemed that the situation was calming down. However, the relief was tempered by the realization that her earlier bluff could have backfired disastrously. Someone with a more spiteful nature might have taken her words as a challenge, aiming to shoot her just to cause chaos and destruction. In hindsight, Ancilla recognized that in a place like this, such a tactic might not have been the wisest choice.

Fortunately, the moment had passed, and they were now on their way to meet their contact. As they walked, Ancilla’s attention drifted back to the Black Rose Anti-Material Rifle in her crewmate’s arms. The weapon appeared old, far older than the ones currently manufactured by the New Dusk Conclave and sold through Black Wing Enterprises stores. This piqued her curiosity, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something special about this particular rifle.

Once they arrived at the mansion, Ancilla couldn’t resist the urge to investigate further. She edged closer to Aliset and asked, “May I borrow that for a second?” indicating the rifle. With the weapon now in her hands, Ancilla carefully examined it, her sensors and instincts working in tandem. “Definitely old… couldn’t be…” she murmured, her curiosity growing as she turned the rifle to face the ammo pack. With a quick motion, she removed the ammo pack and inspected it closely.

“Oh my… it is!” Ancilla exclaimed, her voice tinged with amazement. There, etched into the ammo pack well, was the signature of Rose Ironheart. Ancilla knew immediately what she was holding. This wasn’t just any Black Rose Anti-Material Rifle—this was the original, the one that had belonged to Sarah Pine, Rose Ironheart’s wife. The significance of the weapon hit her hard, knowing that Sarah Pine had passed away and that she had been the mother of Spark, her Power Armor partner.

The realization deepened her respect for the weapon and its history. Holding it felt like a connection to both the past and her present, a bridge between the legacy of Sarah Pine and the future that Spark, her partner, was forging. Ancilla’s grip tightened slightly on the rifle, not out of possession, but out of reverence for the powerful symbol it represented.

Ancilla held the rifle delicately, her eyes lingering on Rose Ironheart’s signature etched into the ammo pack. The weight of its history and significance pressed on her, and she knew she couldn’t simply keep this discovery to herself. The rifle was more than just a weapon—it was a link to Spark’s mother, Sarah Pine, a piece of a past thought lost forever. The thought of reuniting Spark with this memento stirred something deep within Ancilla, a mix of compassion and a desire to honor the memory of someone so important to her partner.

Turning to her crewmate, who currently held the rifle in their possession, Ancilla spoke in a hushed, almost reverent tone. "I know you like this weapon," she began, careful to acknowledge the attachment her crewmate might have to it. The Black Rose Anti-Material Rifle was a powerful and revered tool, one that any soldier or adventurer would value highly. But Ancilla’s mind was on something deeper, something more personal.

“There’s a chance,” she continued, her voice barely above a whisper, “that this weapon could be a memento of Xena’s mother.” Ancilla paused, letting the significance of her words sink in. She didn’t want to force the issue or make her crewmate feel obligated. “I promise I can, through my connections, get you a new one if you’re willing to part with this one.”

Ancilla’s offer was genuine, rooted in her desire to bring a piece of Spark’s past back into her life. She knew the rifle had been thought lost in a crash landing, a piece of history that was presumed gone forever. The idea of being able to give Spark something so meaningful, something that connected her to her mother, was a powerful motivator for Ancilla.

Yet, she also understood that her crewmate might have developed their own bond with the rifle. Weapons like these weren’t just tools of destruction—they could become extensions of the self, companions in battle, and symbols of survival. If her crewmate chose to keep the rifle, Ancilla would respect that decision. She wasn’t here to take something cherished away from a friend.

But if they were willing to part with it, Ancilla knew the profound impact it could have on Spark. The rifle wasn’t just a weapon—it was a piece of family, a tangible connection to a mother lost too soon. Ancilla’s voice softened as she added, “I just want to give a friend something of her mother’s… something she thought was lost forever. But I understand if this rifle means something to you, too.”

Since others better suited can speak to Goon’s boss, she chose to focus here, but she did focus her attention in both places, just incase.
"If it makes it back from this mission, that was the plan. It's a Duskerian weapon. A Duskerian should wield it. Besides. I've heard legends of these. The original Storm Rifle and the technology behind it. A Black Rose is an extremely rare masterwork weapon. It should be in the hands of a warrior who will wield it right."

Aliset looked back down the hall, spying her glowring face in the recruitment posters, steel-silver skin and blue flesh, red eyes that held the rage and wrath of half a million years of pent up aggression, offering a hand to Admiral Fletcher. She recognized that moment. It had been the debriefing after her capture at Gashmere. They really took a photo of her being debriefed at Gashmere and turned it into a publicity stunt?! She looked terrible! Uniform rumpled and stained, covered in blood and sweat, hair a ratty mop... "And I'm not signing that recruiting poster. I never even knew one had been made of me. And that is the single worst photo of me I've ever seen. I am shocked Goon recognized me. I look phenomenal."
Oncari Industries Shipyard - Big Boss Man Room

Akino For the most part just tagged along as everyone was either chatting to one another or reading what Goon had to say. She very much enjoyed Goon's attention to detail. A detail she'd leave out of her report knowing damn well Alastair would take a fancy to her. He was the only other person she knew that would go to this much length as to spell out every little detail that could be better. Though the crew did well at playing the role as they had seen fit. The space station was neutral from what the intel has given to them. Now would be the place to find out just how good the outfits fit in. The only time she rolled her eyes was when the crew decided to sign a recruiting poster. Though were they the celebrities or infamous in this case.

Akino spoke up, "Jury is still out on the military part. I am sure you heard the news about a star army ship being listed as AWOL. So, at the moment we are just guests visiting someone on the station." She then took a step forward. "You can call me Akino, nice to meet you Mr. Coss, or would boss Coss be a more fitting title?" She said with a full smile. "Your friend Goon did well at putting all the dots together and I am impressed to say the least. Though, I personally was not trying to hide who I am, hard to be found if your hiding wouldn't you agree." She said with a wink.

"As for why we are here, let's just say an unlikely foe had provided information that someone maybe looking for an assist with a problem." These words had come across in a sterner voice. "So, while out on a girl's night out we figured we'd have a look around." Her eyes then darted around looking over the tall man. The description that was given to the team by the NMX matched this person to a high level of accuracy. Though Akino didn't expect to find a possible new race as part of this. A fun little bonus for Alastair to add yet another mark to his list of discoveries. "I believe there was talk of a missing person, but I'll let you take it from there as to how we might offer an assist."
Riplinn smirked "Yes... AWOL, funny acronym that is.. Absent Without Leave... or something like that... if your just guests... I wonder if your empire will give me a reward if I turn you over to them hmm?" he smirked a bit as he sat there thinking, but then he gestured to the chairs for his guests "Please... have a seat.. as for what to call me, no you can't call me Boss, my people call me that, just Mr.Coss or Riplinn will be fine" he informed her as he sat there waiting for everyone to be seated... and he actually DID wait for them to all sit only continuing when they all finally sat down. "There much better, proper decorum is very important after all" he said after they had all finally sat down.

"Yes Goon is quite the Assistant, smart, quick, and above all loyal, and you would be surprised how easy it is to find someone that doesn't belong out on the rim, you and your friends stood out like a Glowfly in a dark Marsh, lightly armed, and armored, treating a AI as sentient and as if they were a friend.. Hitting on an old man for a discount.. not normal behavior if you know who runs the place, and that's where the problem came in... you tried to make it look like you were the kinds that should know who this place was run by.. if your new to a place.. play into that.. trying to blend in doesn't work if you don't know what passes for normal" he smiled a bit.

Goon then reentered the room with a tray of drinks and started to hand them out, nothing was given out that could possibly be dangerous to any of their species, and then Goon made her way over to Riplinn and placed his drink next to him on the desk, before reaching into her hair and pulling out a small pumpkin sized tomato previously hidden by her long locks, and she gently tugged at it breaking it from it's Vine before placing it next to Riplinn's drink "Thank you Goon" he said gently petting her head again.

Once more Goon closed her eyes and let out that little nose puff, and once he stopped she once more looked at his hand a moment before resuming to scoot about to clean a few things before seemingly remembering something and making her way over to Aliset and taking out a second massive tomato, though it wasn't as large as the one she had Given Riplinn and she placed it in Alisets hand before giving her a thumbs up and scooting off to continuing straightening up the room.

Riplinn meanwhile watched Goon give the extra tomato to Aliset and he kept his eyes on the woman even as Akino spoke at first, but when the woman mentioned a missing person his eyes darted back to her "Missing would be incorrect... Captured or Kidnaped would be far more accurate.. " he took a sip of his drink as he seemed to be thinking once more. As he did so Goon returned to his side.

"You see there is a group that consider themselves Rebels on the planet... a group of fools really that can't see a path forward and into greater things when it's presented to them.. They have an issue with the Corporation being here, I don't, I see the advantages, as do my workers and their families and friends for the most part... Regardless.. these so called rebels have been causing issues on planet, being troublesome over all, getting in the way of business, and making like down there horrible if you don't agree with them.." he took another drink as Good stood vigil.

"Normally that wouldn't be an issue, I have my people well guarded, I protect mine you understand, Loyalty from Proper care and protection works much better then fear and debt after all I deal in more benign entertainments, and give people the means to work off any debts they accrue in a fair manner, Drugs? I punish any that try to smuggle those in. Slave hunters on planet or Station? Punished. Slaves? Purchased and released as long as the Slavers don't go to the planet.. or try to take someone from the station, I made sure to set examples. And yes I know some may have issues with my methods, but I can't exactly patrol the entire sector now can I?" he sighed a bit before returning to the point.

"Regardless it seems someone betrayed me.. sold out the location and guard change times of a few of my higher ranked people that work with the Corporation. We managed to find out rather quickly relocate many of them on their list, but we didn't get all of them and Pretor Vilin and his family were captured, With some quick work we managed to get his children to safety but then the Rebels showed up in force, secured and moved him and his wife to a different location. This can't be allowed to continue, my peoples loyalty to me only remains so long as I keep my word, and I am a man that keeps his word.. Ether Protection.. or Violent retribution, so far, Pretor and his wife are still alive, so protection is the arm I will reach for them with.

He stood up after finishing his drink and he walked to the windows that showed the gardens being tended to by the androids "However. The Rebels have fare more firepower all of a sudden, more weapons, gear, material, much more then should have been possible to get their hands on normally, I had my people look into it.. and I think.. if you are Military.. or even if your AWOL like you say.. I think the information could be very much useful to you and getting your positions back.. or getting promotions or whatever motivates you. But I will only give that information once my people are safe.. your robotic friend can TRY to hack any computers in the area to look for it.. maybe you even have an infomorph or someone with those fancy tech skills your empire is so proud of.. but you will not find the information in that way, so.. you want the info.. you work with me.. not for me.. I doubt you would like that wording anyway" he looked back to the group.

"Agree and I can also offer support... a guide... better disguises if that's what you want to do.. knowledge is a given considering what I can offer after the job is done. So what do you have to say hmm?" he walked back to his chair and sat down, Goon staying by his side the whole time clearly ready to go do any little task he asked of her.
"Soo... Gashmere round two? Aliset Koun's on vacation down there, throw some token security, but tag and bag her so they have a ransom, likely enough they'll take me to where they're holding your guy. She's a telepath and a Star Army officer," Aliset accepted the tomato graciously, handing Ancilla the rifle before taking a contact lense out to reveal the blue-green iridescent eyes of a Skydasir Senti. "She communicates with and is tracked by her pack of feral women, grabs intel, breaks out from the inside, and bags herself a couple of POWs to interrogate on the way. Pretty simple op. And I'm a tough girl. Or have I spent too much time around Nepleslians and Katamuran? Be nice to have some support on this one."
Sacre sighed, "We are not doing Gashmere round two. It was a harebrained plot that went sideways almost before it even began. I'm pretty sure that a sea cucumber could have come up with a better plan, but someone who didn't have that lofty level of intelligence insisted it was a good idea. What did my poor innocent stomach lining do to you to make that your first idea?" She asked.

She looked at the XO. "It appears that our mission is to return Pretor Vilin and his wife back to safety. If we do that, then he will give us the information we are looking for. If we can discover who betrayed him or who is supplying the rebels that is a nice bonus. A bonus we should be paid more for if we manage to accomplish it. Given that Vilin was kidnapped, they likely want him for some larger objective. Perhaps ransom, perhaps to take advantage of the knowledge he possesses. Thus our first move should be to open negotiations with the kidnappers. This will help provide us with intelligence in addition to being the easy way out for everyone. That said, I doubt that Riplinn would call us if that were truely an option. Therefore, we need to aquire the location and disposistion of Vilin and his wife. At that point, we can preform a rescue operation using our signature precision. A number would approach on the ground and make a fast, suprise, overwhelming assualt. When the alarm is raised, our ship can arrive and provide air cover as we extract."
Ancilla couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and satisfaction when her crewmate agreed to the plan, though with the important caveat that the weapon would first have to survive the mission they were currently on. It was a fair condition—nothing in their line of work was guaranteed, and the rifle, like any of them, could be lost in the chaos of battle. But the fact that her crewmate was willing to consider parting with it to honor Spark’s heritage and connection to her mother filled Ancilla with hope.

She was well aware of the rifle’s origins. It was a Duskerian weapon, a piece of technology deeply tied to the culture and identity of the New Dusk Conclave. Ancilla knew that such weapons weren’t merely tools; they were symbols of pride, strength, and resilience. Hearing her crewmate acknowledge that a Duskerian like Spark should wield it only solidified her resolve to ensure the weapon made it through this mission. It was more than just returning a piece of equipment—it was about restoring a connection to Spark’s roots, her family, and the legacy of her people.

When her crewmate mentioned having heard legends of these weapons, Ancilla couldn’t suppress a small, reflective smile. The idea that this rifle, now in her hands, was part of a larger story—perhaps even a legend—struck a chord with her. For Ancilla, who had been Spark’s partner for so long, this wasn’t just about history; it was personal.

She couldn’t help but think about her own role in those legends or histories. Since partnering with Spark, Ancilla had become more than just a Power Armor AI—she was a companion, a protector, and in many ways, a keeper of Spark’s story. Together, they had faced countless challenges, and in doing so, they had contributed to the tapestry of Duskerian lore. Perhaps their names would be remembered in the annals of their people’s history, just like the legendary weapons of the New Dusk Conclave.

As these thoughts swirled in her mind, Ancilla felt a renewed sense of purpose. She wasn’t just helping Spark reclaim a piece of her past—she was helping to forge their future. The rifle in her hands wasn’t just a relic; it was a symbol of the bond between her and Spark, a testament to their shared experiences and victories. And now, it had the potential to become an even more meaningful part of Spark’s life, connecting her to her mother in a way that words alone never could.

Ancilla’s grip on the rifle tightened slightly, her resolve steeling as she looked toward the uncertain path ahead. The mission was far from over, and there were still many dangers to face. But now, more than ever, she was determined to see it through—not just for herself or the success of the mission, but for Spark. For the chance to give her something irreplaceable.

Legends were made in moments like these, and Ancilla was ready to help write the next chapter in their shared story.

Ancilla's Optic Sensors drifted toward the recruitment poster, its bold colors and heroic imagery catching her attention. The design was meant to inspire and rally, showcasing a group of individuals who embodied the ideals of service and bravery. Among them was someone who happened to be present, standing not far from her. The sight made her chuckle softly, especially when she overheard their quip about never actually signing up. It was a reminder that even the most steadfast and experienced individuals often had their own ways of getting involved, not necessarily through the conventional routes.

Her amusement quickly faded as her focus shifted to the rest of the team, particularly the mission leader. Ancilla had been briefed on the situation, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized there was more to understand. The ship they served on was rumored to be AWOL, an unsettling detail that lingered in the back of her mind. Being AWOL meant there were questions—unanswered ones that could complicate everything they were trying to achieve.

As she tuned in to the conversation between two of her crewmates Aliset and Sacre, Ancilla caught the mention of "Gashmere Round Two." The phrase was said with a certain weight, a tone that suggested a history she wasn’t fully aware of. Gashmere—the homeworld of the Kodians, a bear anthro race. Ancilla knew of the planet, but the specifics of the situation, especially whatever had led to this ominous "Round Two," were still murky to her. It was clear from the way the conversation was going that something significant had happened there, something that had left a lasting impact on those involved.

She made a mental note to ask about it later, back on the ship when the mission was over. Now wasn’t the time to dig into details, but she knew she needed to understand what had transpired. The mention of Gashmere had piqued her curiosity, but it was also laced with concern. Whatever had gone down on that planet had clearly left scars, both physical and psychological, on those who had been involved.

Ancilla’s thoughts were interrupted when she overheard one crewmember discussing a risky plan—allowing herself to be captured for the sake of gathering intel. The idea immediately struck Ancilla as dangerous, a gamble with stakes far too high. From what she could gather, her other crewmate agreed, warning that it wasn’t a good idea. Ancilla’s instincts were in line with that assessment. The thought of intentionally putting oneself in the hands of the enemy, especially without a clear and foolproof exit strategy, was reckless. There were too many variables, too many ways it could go wrong.

She understood the value of intel, especially in situations where the unknowns could be the difference between success and failure. But she also knew that no information was worth the life of a crewmember, especially when there were other, less perilous ways to obtain it. The conversation reminded Ancilla of the thin line they all walked—balancing the need to complete their mission with the necessity of keeping everyone safe.

Ancilla decided to keep a close eye on the situation. She trusted her teammates, but she also knew that sometimes the pressure of the mission could lead to impulsive decisions. If it came down to it, she was ready to step in and offer an alternative. They were all in this together, and Ancilla was determined to see them through to the other side, intact and victorious.

She glanced at the recruitment poster one last time, her thoughts briefly returning to the image of the heroic figures it depicted. They were the faces of those who had chosen to serve, to fight for something greater than themselves. And now, standing among her crew, Ancilla felt a renewed sense of purpose. They were more than just a team—they were a unit, bound by their shared experiences and the challenges they faced together.
Oncari Industries Shipyard - Big Boss Man Room

Akino smirked, "Depends who you turn us into. Some would give a medals, others would blast you into yesterday for bringing him back. So feel free to roll the dice." Akino then took a seat as instructed. She was very happy to see that Riplinn seemed to be a kind soul at least as kind as one is allowed to be given the place they are. It was not to say this area was lawless but being outside the empire it for sure did not have the same level of protection. One of those if it doesn't mess with anything, we just leave it be and hope for the best. Though this may very well could be the reason for them being here at this very moment. When allowed, people do find creative ways to get ahead and that moral compass does not always point to good.

After Akino listened for a moment to all the things Riplinn rattled off that the crew did wrong, she felt the need to set the record straight for her team. "Considering this team does a very good job at leveling everything seen as a foe, be glad the only mistake was not blending in." She did her best to hide her smile given how proud she is of this team and what they can get done. "Now teasing aside, let us continue with the matter at hand." She comment leaning forward in her chair.

Riplinn did well to cover the details as he understood them. Clearly he had much interest in keeping the status quo than to allow for an outside influence make a mess of things. Though why would there be interest to remove this space station. It has been here since more or less the begin. The team would have to see the reason to this as it might give clues into the bigger picture. "This is interesting that the local government would sit by and let a rebel group run around. I do believe it would be worth out time to go planet side and visit. And I commend your methods though they at times seem out of place. To have been able to provide some level of freedom in this unforgiving section of space is worthy of praise. At least so I believe." Akino calmly said.

With the closing details provided by Riplinn, there was a mutual benefit to them both. The team was in need of information and Riplinn had crew in need of liberation. "We are simply passing by, I'd leave it at that as to not get things too complicated. I leave that kind of paper work to my captain." She grinned ear to ear and had a small glint in her eye to boot.

Akino took a moment to listen to the crew. Clearly they seemed fired up to take this deal and get right to work. She looked back to Riplinn "We can agree to these terms of our partnership. We shall see to it that your friend is free once more. Though if you don't mind, we will have our own ways of dealing with the rebels. I am sure you can understand." Akino then pulled out a map of the planet. "Based on the details shared, it looks like we will be starting our quest at the sister town of the colony cluster of Corsica. This is more or less the major city of the planet and provides routes to and from the colony cluster. Once you share where we can begin, we shall set off with due haste."

Corsica Planet City

The trip to the planet was uneventful. The most note worthy item was the poor food and bumpy ride. Granted they were on a shuttle that Akino was just glad it held together. It was not up to Riplinn to fill the team in on where they could head off in search of Pretor Vilin and the family. All the crew knew at this point is that they were it, the Koun would not provide any support for this part of the mission.
Riplinn looked at the group as they made up a plan and he shook his head slightly "You may not be my people but that doesn't mean I am willing to put you in more danger then needed, not to mention the fact that the rebels don't want the corporation here, and care little to nothing about where you are from, and I doubt they would consider you even worth taking.. if your as important as the Posters imply the Rebels are more likely to go to ground till you leave then they are to try to capture you, at least that's what I believe anyway. Last thing they would likely want is the empire on their doorstep because they captured a poster girl and serving military officer" looked back to Akino.

He then nodded to her point about leveling the place "A handy way of dealing with things, but then why try the new approach? I would assume you knew this place was at least Neutral territory for you and so decided to do a little training on it perhaps? Well it matters little, subterfuge may be useless on the planet when we head down, Though we would have to use a bit of a junker so they don't Identify us and try to shoot us down mid travel. I wouldn't put it past them to be that desperate to be rid of me or anyone that they think is working for me to rescue the hostages"

"As for the reason the government lets them get away with this issue is also something I have been looking into, the reasons are not great let me tell you... and I will once the job is done.. well I will tell as much as I found anyway, as for the compliments, thank you, I do try my best to make things livable for people, regardless of the means I have to use to do so, though I do try to keep out of the more dirty business, bad reputation does one no good when trying to run a planet after all"
he nodded to her as she continued.

Clapping his hands together when she mentioned they would do the work he smiled "Excellent! as for the rebels please your allowed to deal with them however you like, just don't get friendly with them, your working with me so don't taint my reputation, that's all I ask" he then looked to the map.

"Yes a guide will be available, likely have their own protection to, I made sure to give them the budget to make sure they could get someone trustworthy, We will meet them in one of the lesser used Safehouses on planet, it's much MUCH less obvious then this place for obvious reason.... from there we can go to where they..." the planning continued for a bit before they departed.

Corsica Planet City

The Shuttle down had indeed been a junker, but considering the pilot informed them they were being pinged by anti air, not fired at but made aware they were being watched, it was a very good thing Riplinn had arranged for a shuttle that wouldn't draw to much attention, and it wave VERY much not something people would consider someone like him would use to ride down to the planet.

The boss man Accompanying the group was likely a surprise, and he had Brought Goon with him as well, and other then simple fare for food and drink the ride down was about as bumpy and uncomfortable as one would expect when essentially being smuggled onto a planet.

But once they were down and after waiting a bit for the clear signal Riplinn had Goon lead the group off the landing pad and into the back allies, taking passages seemingly forgotten by the locals.. or likely just left empty since there were other better lit ways to travel the streets. The rain didn't make things easier as the back roads were not well paved leaving open dirt which had turned to mud all through the path they took Though strangely enough Goon seemed little bothered by it, while Riplinn seemed to... grow? from the mud and rain, at least he looked a bit bigger anyway.

As they got to the location they were to meet the guide, Riplinn looked at the group and nodded to a home that was more a shack then a proper building and they headed in... only to see the place was wasted and like it had been ransacked, Goon and Riplinn didn't really react to this condition however and instead moved to a corner of the shack and opened a well disguised hatch to go down, which then lead to a long tunnel finally leading to a living area. There was what looked to be.. well it could only be described as a Tree in a vague form of a humanoid.

"ah... Boss your here! Good good... these the muscle you said you would bring to get Pretor?" the being asked and Riplinn nodded.

"As I have stated time and time again, working for me gives certain guarantees if we can save Pretor, we will, if we can't the people that have taken him will face a rather horrible end, and his children will be looked after, much like you and your family Veertin" he looked tot he group as the man Veertin went to grab a more detailed map.

"I got the guard you told me to get.. cost a bit but you told me to get the most trustworthy, she is out doing a quick check on the area, should be coming back soon, as for Pretor I have managed to narrow down where he is into three places, they have been very good at keeping the information hidden but we have more eyes they they think we do, issue is even with all that this is the best we got, they got a little base that they THINK is hidden out in the wilds... I think they forget that they are not the whole population of the planet and our kind isn't with them thought they like to act like they are the official voice of the planet..." he highlighted on the map where that location was, it was a fair distance from the city "fairly large concentration of their guys there..." he added.

"Second spot is what they consider to be a safe house here... or I guess what they consider one.. place stand out like a sore thumb though since they fortified it.. more a city base then a safehouse... heavily guarded, so it's a good chance they took the two of them here..." a more suburban area was indicated on the map.

"Final place is.. well Boss hate to tell you but Final place is Torveck's place... We found them milling about that Traitors home... no one under threat.. She wasn't blackmailed... Rotter just turned on us, you know she was always looking out for herself more then you liked... Honestly I told ya not to trust her... but yeah they might be having her look over them as a sort of trust test or something..." the last place was in a more rich part of the city, quite a lot of open space as the location seemed tyo be mansion like structure.

Riplinn smirked "You say I trusted her to much... but that house has many ways in that she doesn't know about.. it could actually be the easiest to get in... but they wouldn't know that unless they started to tear walls down..." he looked to the group "Well that's the info we have on where to look, lets hear some plans from your merry little band"
Aliset's psychic might was... Formidable. But her range was her limiting factor, here. She couldn't get clear contact from Koun, no matter how deep her meditation or how she strained her mind to the point of a rivulet of blue leaking down her nose.

Wiping away the oily blood, she looked up to Akino, brows furrowed. "I can't raise anyone. Sanssinia's a null, everybody else is wearing gear that I can't get past. What's the plan? What use am I, here? Sniper? Psyker?"
Sacre flicked out her smelling tounge. "Mr. Riplinn, can I get some of the resucee's and target's clothes?" She asked.

Sacre was looking over the shotgun racking it and clambering dummy rounds with Blackwolf to make sure they could do it under combat stress. She had several breacher rounds on her jacket if they needee them. Her face was set in her working badass stone cold face. She talked to her team, working on a positioning that would prevent the traitor target to escape. They went over what they knew of each of the three locations.

Sacre came over to Aliset, using some gauze to wipe away the blue blood and then stop the nosebleed. "You need to be more careful. Your hurting yourself like a too eager stallion champing at the bit. We haven't even made contact with the enemy yet. Pace yourself, don't try to be all things to all people. I don't need you dropping from over exertion when we hit the pinch." She said, tenderly holding her face as she cleaned tge Senti's face.
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Once Veertin had finished updating his boss on the current situation, and the newcomers had begun to talk amongst themselves, a door across the now cramped living area opened. "Sweep's done." The latest arrival hesitated for a moment after spotting so many unfamiliar faces, but relaxed after a quick glance at Riplinn and his employees, lowering the dark red bandanna that had been obscuring the lower half of her face. "...if I knew you could afford this much outside talent, I would've charged you more." She let out a grunt, eyes flickering between the newcomers. The stranger was very clearly sizing them up, noting the visible weaponry, gaze lingering where she likely spotted some hint of more being hidden.

The tall Nepleslian woman was hauling her own small arsenal, including the telltale bulges of hidden blades of her own. At least one knife, of course, and what was most likely an axe. Not to mention the HHG revolver that would be identifiable at a glance by almost any soldier. The muddy combat boots and khaki cargo pants, along with the dampness of her long jacket, made it clear the blonde had recently been outside as well, so this safehouse clearly had multiple entrances.

Protruding above one shoulder was the butt of a long rifle, some monster of Styrling manufacture no doubt, while the hilt of a sword was visible over the other. Both appeared old and well worn, rifle reinforced in places with the same fabric wrapped around the sword's hilt. The blade itself had more than a few knicks and notches, possibly compensating for its lack of sharpness with thickness and weight.

"We had some company, briefly, but they didn't linger around any entrances." She jerked a thumb the way she'd come, then motioned with it again, possibly indicating a third entrance to the safehouse. "I kept an eye on 'em until I was sure they weren't headed to any other points of interest, then turned back. Probably just headed to the pub..." She glanced at the new faces again. "...wouldn't mind heading there myself, if this means my shift's over."

A wide grin spread across her face, as it became clear she was joking. "Name's Birdie." She briefly tipped the wide brim of her hat to the crowd, long braid bobbing as she gave a short nod. "Who the hell are y'all supposed to be?" She turned back towards the three plant-like locals. "Who the hell are they supposed to be?" She now jerked her thumb in the direction of the other offworlders.
Ancilla listened silently as conversation happened around her. She didn’t like the idea, but if she was supposed to pretend she wasn’t sentient again, she knew she could. She had practice in that after all. So, since she wasn’t spoken to, now that the subject of the Black Rose Anti-material rifle was finished. She remained quiet as they moved to a new location that appeared to be a little more a shack than a proper building and they headed in. The sight of the place looking ransacked surprised her, but she noted that Goon and Riplinn didn’t seem surprised by the state of the place. She watched as Riplinn moved to a corner of the shack and opened a well-disguised hatch to go down, which then led to a long tunnel finally leading to a living area. She followed the others to the new place, allowing her sensors to quietly scan the environment for traps or other secret entrances.

As she scanned the environment, she saw what appeared to be a tree, in a vague form of a humanoid. She assumed it was a tree decoration, when it spoke, and their host called him Veertin. Her concern also went to Aliset but she didn’t do any more trusting Sacre completely.

That’s when Birdie arrived, and Ancilla took note of the weapons she appeared to have, “Greetings, I am called Selene Voss, property of my companions specifically Khetu.” She said. careful in making herself seem non-sentient.
Veertin looked up and seen Birdie and nodded to her "This is the one I told you about, the Merc, Birdie, you know the boss, Boss.." he nodded to Riplinn and the man smiled to Birdie.

"These people are not hired in the same manner you are, they want a favor, so I told them the cost of that favor so not exactly the same, besides, I know you were well paid already, These people are here to help, extra guns for the job, that is all, you can trust them at least as far as I saying we can" he looked to the group "But I am sure they would say the same for their side, it's a mutual trust" with that he looked over to the serpentine female "We have some of their things, nothing to recent but I assume you have some reason to need it?" he nodded to Goon who brought out some things of the couple.

As she walked over Goon looked up at Aliset and blinked a moment before tilting her head to the side, then after a moment she seemed to understand and soon she started to emit the Pheromones' that she knew the Senti among them would need to feel less isolated, she hadn't thought the issue would be this profound, she knew she would need to once discovering she was of the Senti, however she hadn't been aware how long she had been away from others already, or she would have been producing the needed Pheromones' sooner then now, hopefully it would help to calm her down they would need her focused on the job after all for her safety as well as everyone elses.