Star Army

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Approved Submission OI-W32-1a Magic Hand


Retired Staff
Submission Type:Weapon/Tool
Submission URL:

Faction: Origin
FM Approved Yet? No (Kai did see the initial page but wasn't given feed back on if I should change anything)
Faction requires art? I don't think I need art?

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? No
Previously Submitted? No

Notes:Finished this a while back, and showed Kai. I didn't get a response on how to fix it so today I decided just submit it and see if it works.
Last edited:
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't think it's very clear what this weapon actually does, either in the overview or in the details. Also, any force generated would have an equal and opposite force on the user.
I'll edit the description and overview then. But just a summary here. The device has 2 modes, impact and control. Impact mode is essentially a pulse rifle, but it only has concussive force, it has power similar to a gun. Control mode uses a graviton beam to move objects around or hold them in place, and is the one with the 1500lbs of force. I wasn't fully sure how graviton beam projectors worked though, but if they put equal force back I might have to make it a PA only weapon, not sure how much force a human can take.
Is there any update on this? I made some changes to the weapon so that it has a limiter on it when being used outside of a PA, and worked on the description. I have some future ideas that rely on this tech becoming workable because they're based on it. I also changed the nomenclature since I realized it was done wrong.
I still don't see any explanation for what it means by manipulating objects.
I removed the word manipulate now and replaced it in the description with "emulate telekinesis and effect the position of objects in 3D space." and in the statistics I replaced it with "move objects".
How is this going? Cause I'm writing up an article for something that uses pretty much the same tech, so I'd like this approved first.
This is convoluted.

Say something along the lines of, "This is a gravity gun. It floats things or hits things depending on the gun's setting." That's all you're getting at, right? If so, say so.

The underlying technology is basic to the setting, so that doesn't require approval. The weapon does.
It's a little more than just floating things. Because it actually has 2 modes of use. One mode that fires the graviton beam as a non-penetrative energy attack, and the other that allows it to apply force 3 dimensionally to something, so pushing pulling, floating, stopping and all that. I rewrote the second paragraph under about to make that a little more clear.
Syoaran is currently Origin's #3 guy. Be confident that if he is posting Tech for Origin, it has already gone through either myself or CadetNewb and is therefore FM approved.