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OOC [OOC] 44th Discussion

Sorry for the delay in postage. It's been a hard week at work and a typhoon happened which knocked me out of internet for a couple days.
I apologize, everyone. I'm still sick (though I'm at work now). I'll try to get something going tonight.
D'awww. Thanks you guys. And hello nurse.

I'm doing ... I dunno. Better? Not really. I'm getting by though. Work, though, I'm not going to risk again.
The COLORS. Kireiiiiii
OK, so maybe I'm not doing so well with the posting. Sorry all. I'll keep trying to hammer something out; I just need the time.
As he came upon Omono, his blade came down faster, bringing all of his weight and speed into a timed slash.

The point was that it was an edged weapon and if you swung it so that the sharp bits impacted something - and they were very sharp bits, monomolecular bits - things would be dismembered.

One day they'll be naming swords and ships after them.
Guys, it's been 5 days since Doshii made his post, and there's no reply.

How am I supposed to get my daily 44th fix if it becomes an hebdomadary thing? C'mon, post! I won't get to see Nimura do more cool stuff if you don't! T_T
This plot's meant to have an easier pace. All of us are vets, involved in other things. I'm comfortable with the idea as this plot as an outlet for us.

That said, everyone likes poast.
Gally's internet apparently is highly the suck.

I'm going to try and post in the next couple days, to give him all the time I can. Hopefully, Gally, you see this and let me know what's up!
I'll get a post tonight. It's reallllllllly busy right now at work, but Winter Vacation starts tomorrow! WOOOOO!
Tom said:
I'll get a post tonight. It's reallllllllly busy right now at work, but Winter Vacation starts tomorrow! WOOOOO!

Maaaaaan. I've already gotten my stock of cider and eggnog ready.
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