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OOC [OOC] 44th Discussion

Aendri said:
Too bad nobody ever surprises me. :< (Excepting Gallant, who I apologize to)

Well perhaps you should actually go to people instead of waiting for everyone to ask you then!
Aendri's going to be leaving the 44th, taking Kyou with him. Much luck to you, good sir! We still will see Kyou at the wedding.

That said, I'm not going to replace Aendri with another writer. I'm pleased with our group as it stands, so we'll continue on with a more typical 5-person fireteam.
Writer's remorse.

It's like stripping naked and running a couple of blocks. It's fun and then you realize the entire school was having a bonfire in the front yard.

-Meanwhile continues to happily wait while Ruri continues her hellish Black Spiral sekrit trainin'.-

She may never speak of it. Like ever.
So we're posting the JP's in order.

I understand pacing them two or three days in between; I am kind of anxious to be writing again, though. When do you figure we'll be underway full-steam again?
Doshii's still got to lay out all of the Order Pages, post JPs, and get a few more pre-liminary things finished before we start with the big game.

And I'd be willing to JP with you Gallant, were I not so occupied.
Ha ha, I discovered a slight error in our very first RP.

We figured out later, Yuzuki -is- taller than Rolf. In the Rp it states the opposite. =P

Goes to show, sometimes when reviewing, even I miss things.
Remember, all pages have to be linked to from somewhere.

We're getting noticed. People are reading us. They're enjoying the work we've put into these JPs, and we have yet to get to the wedding, let alone the main story.

Let's maintain these high standards and continue to produce some of the best writing on SARP.

Take note that we now are on 0.2. The wedding thread will be 0.3.

Then, it's onward to the main plot.
We should set aside a day or something and pick up the pace with that one JP I'm doing with that crazy Black Spiral blond bimbo and her master.
Well, just talked to Koku and both of you seem to be doing something for the time being. So, we could reschedule for another day if it'd be a bother.
I'm all good for tonight! I'll be chained to the machine all night.

Aendri, which JP do you mean? Yuka/Kyou I thought was an OK end.
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