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OOC [OOC] 44th Discussion

So, Masako's coming along, then? Chasing the Ruri-tail all the way into another war?

Update the 44th page! Wahahaha.
Doshii Jun said:
Rolf was a mighty unreliable bastard, sometimes.

Yuzuki has about 20 skill points in Perception, methinks. No, 30.

Whoa, hey. If she's got that many points in Perception, she should know he's got 100 points in Cool.
I just want to point out, as if it is not obvious already, that if I'm available to post and certain players have not posted, I have no qualms about blatently skipping over them in favor of the people who are currently maintaining a good posting clip.

This is rude, and a little mean, but necessary for my sanity.

Please don't take it personally.
Just in case anyone's intimidated by Gally's NEED FOR POSTAGE NOW ...

I'll be posting sometime today or tonight. K's still sick, and thus I must nurture her back to health, even when she's grumpypants.

If not water, Motrin.

If not Motrin, sleep.

This is the medical progression of the United States Navy in three sentences.
I skip steps one and two.

Proceed straight to three and I end up spending 10-12 hours sleeping.

Funny thing is, after that, I'm usually back to normal.
I wish I got that much sleep.

Edit: Also. You should join. Go on. Chase the Ruri tail. Chase it!
I got a post in the writing process, just got caught in DnD. Promise to get it out tonight though!
There is bound to be at least one Catgirl on this planet afraid of dogs, and I had to make it.
I don't know what Doshii wants to do; you'd have to ask Doshii. I'm mildly concerned we're only accepting one 'new' player into the Miharu fold, though.

Oh well. That's life.

Doshii. Dooooshiiiii.

I seeeeee you.
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