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OOC [OOC] 44th Discussion

Posts will be incoming. This JP with Tom takes forever. I'll see if I can sneak a post out to Masako and Ruri today.
Double-posted for convenience. Tom and Yukari's very long, very intimate moment comes after the posts for Masako and Ruri.

Nyton has been replied to.

Rolf and Yuzuki are doing their thing in the snow; will reply when that JP's done.
Cho and Meme remain in the tub. They like it there~

Ruri and Masako are in a guest room, farther down the chalet's main hall. They won't be called out to this meeting; Ruri specifically cannot be there.

Nyton can stay for the meeting, but Blas, keep in mind that I won't be posting for you once the real mission gets going. At that point, Masako and Nyton are out of the picture.
No problem Doshii. I still haven't even really determined what my contribution and Nyton's fate in Star Army is gonna be. I'd LIKE to keep up and go on this mission but JP and IRC RPing is like next to impossible for me lately. Unfortunately making a new character doesn't really interest me like it used to. We've been busy with a lot of stuff and unfortunately I can't even bank on things ever really calming down enough.

Just this past month has been a roller coaster with illnesses, moving, lease negotiation, work, vacations being cancelled, and children. Always gotta add the kids to the equation because by the time they go to bed we're exhausted and still have things to do.
Blas, fear not. You do what you have to. Nyton can sit in, listen up, maybe act on occasion with the Miharu clan or act as an informant inside the Star Army. There might be opportunities down the road.

However, this week posting's going to slow, but for a good cause: I'm going to hammer out another chunk of my grandmother's autobiography. I see her Saturday, so my work, it is cut out for me. I'll be reading and posting some, but not at this delightful clip we've had for the past few days. Don't everyone skate now!
I can't fathom Yukari/Tom kids. It's too much.

Cho/Meme kids will be demigoddesses among mortals.
Nowwwwwww we reach a talky point. (EXPOSITIOOOOOON not)

Hinoto has theories about what's going on, while Yukari is trying to keep people on point. Suzume's got information, so if there's questions of fact your characters have, they can go to her. Hinoto will offer theories throughout.

Tori will swear on occasion and make pithy comments. Nimura ... well, wait and see.
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