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OOC [OOC] Asamoya Scheduling

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I hope everyone had a Happy New Year! There will be a JP tonight at 9:00 p.m EST (later then the norm I know) But, I get off of work a little later tonight so yeah.
Not sure about tonight. I'll get you the conclusion to the Kerr/Koharu incident. =)
*Sighs* I'm sorry I didn't make it tonight...I got off of work early at like 7 and my car broke down about 25 miles away from my house. >.< I was stuck on the side of the highway for about an hour and a half, got picked up by a tow truck, and spent like an hour at the garage to find out I need to replace my car's carberator... Took a taxi home and I just got in.
Hrm, ok... So, we'll try this again. Tomorrow night at 8:30 p.m EST there will be a JP, please let me know if you can't attend.
Well...I am sorry, very very sorry but due to some really bad IRL shit...I'm being kicked out of my place today. It really sucks and I dunno when I'll have the net back but tonight's JP is cancelled, and I dunno when I'll have the net again so yeah.... Guy's honestly this is hurting me a lot doing this. I will try my upmost to get a place and the net back because I'll miss you all so much until I can speak to you again.
Jeez, I hope he finds a place to go! Poor dude.

Alrighty, Fly... When you read this stuff, dun be sad. We'll be fiiiiiine.

Now go find some place new, Christy, or reclaim your old place! With vigor!

(And before anyone asks, no we really can't JP without Fly right now. We're in a gray area and such. )
Alrighty mates, here is a shocker.

JP (ZOMG) on January the 19th. Thats a Saturday. And its next Saturday.

Tis a while, Innit?

At 8:28 PM EST the Asamoya will continue should Fly not beable to get back here in time.

Dun worry, mates. We're not runnin' off on our mate's ship. But, like back with Wesley, while our GM is gone we'll be doin' our vacation time.

Mm? This JP, though, is probably going to be just the getting there part. Probably off into zee semi-distant hours of the night (Not to long, still.) so do show.

... And thats a big ass warning, so no forgetting! If you do... Um... PENALTY! [/Haruhi]
Right mates. Sunday, 1/20 will be our next one.

I will post up the log shortly, as well a short post to summerize the journey.

... Then we figure out where the funk we're goin' to vacationize! In a JP!

Or we just go to a place after I poke a 5th authority person on vacationing spots. Heh.
Uh, whoops.


Was raiding. Sure I wasn't missed though. I'll try being around next time, I guess.
No worries. Being that we pretty much had all combat characters we went out on the combat portion and wrote off the majority of the medical and engineering stuff.

... Now to edit that JP!
Right. *Whips Nannie for great justice.*


Wednesday 23 will be our next.

And then Sunday, down the road.

By then we should be set for mini-jps and the likes, too.
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