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OOC [OOC] - ISC Phoenix II Chatter

But the new map makes it impossible to tell where the named buildings are, like the Orimart.
I was going to add those, but my computer crashing randomly kinda puts a damper on being thorough.

Once it's fixed this weekend, I'll be all good to make sure everything is named.
actually scratch that I've updated it, but since the Wiki caches quite aggressively when it comes to updating existing files, I'll just direct link it here.

Some Trivia:

There's 55 residential buildings, 31 commercial buildings, 17 industrial buildings and 21 unique/special buildings that don't really fit anywhere into a definition. There's 42 wave breakers in the south formation, and 35 wave breakers in the north formation.

The wave breakers also generate power for the city and filter seawater into drinkable water. Yum! (It makes total sense you know. It's the future and we have space travel!)
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Quick query, all.

Things are looking good and completed, we have our evac planned, and the Fruna Ruica's on course.

Do you think my next post timeskip to Nepleslia Prime, then we'll segue into an interlude and potential side-job postings/doings?
Seems legit. I have no qualms. (As long as it involves the ruica follows for MASSIVE PARTY TIMES YES)
I can't think of anything else that really needs to be addressed on the Ruica, so if you feel that it is best to skip ahead go for it.
Hi all, I intend to post tomorrow. Sorry for the delays. Had a panic attack at work.
Sucks hard to have anxiety problems.
^ this is awesome
I'm tempted to put this into a GIS system when I have spare time

Also take your time Luca, no rush your mental wellbeing comes first.
I've posted. I just need to find a good song for the interlude. For now, continue posting as usual.
My work (and life) schedule has been pretty messed up, which you might have seen me complaining about elsewhere around here. Should be (hopefully) better now, so I'll try to stay caught up.
Just a heads up, we now have an arsenal section for the Crimson Kestrel. I used the list from Rocking the Casbah's weapon selection to populate it.

All of your characters always have access to those weapons. They just need to return them in good condition.
I've gotten the interlude post nearly complete. I'll finish it and post it tomorrow or day after, depending on how I'm feeling. Having an ulcer on your uvula really, really sucks.

In the meantime, I've had an idea for dealing with the number of players we've got. Next mission (not interlude) will have a post starting as usual to explain the mission, then the team will be split into two groups. Group A does Mission A, Group B does Mission B. Groups A and B then reconvene in a conclusion post.

My ear's still getting sharp and stabbing pain occasionally so forgive me if I'm a bit unclear.
Awesome posts Luca!

I also look forward to interacting and seeing how everyone handles their free time~
Hope that post works, and I didn't take too many liberties. Just working with other things I saw mentioned.
If anyone wants to spend a bit of time with Soruk, let me know. He'll be in his recently acquired forge.
So maybe I lied and was swamped by work and doctors visits for my shoulder -.-; *sighs* Ok....now time to catch up on this.
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