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OOC [OOC] - ISC Phoenix II Chatter

Hey folks, I'm going to take a bit of a hiatus. I'm getting shoulder surgery on Thursday for a torn ligament and will be out of it for a week or two. I'll be back when I can.
Thanks for the heads up, I hope your surgery goes well Phe0n1x and that the recovery period isn't too debilitating.
Thanks, I hope so too. I've been miserable these last few weeks. I'll have a sling for a month, but I imagine after 2 or 3 weeks I'll be back and typing with one arm. It really depends on the pain meds.
Take it easy, recover well - good time to catch up on any TV shows you might be missing. Maybe reading too?
Where, uh, where in the continuity does the most recent Tamamamamomomaomamo post fit?
Very recently. Though, To Lie, Cheat and Steal could have happened a couple of days later. I'm assuming there's at least two weeks of downtime for side jobs and R&R to happen in.
Oh, I totally figured my shit took place at an indeterminate 'later' date, but it was just jarring to read Tamamo hanging out with the Wonka one moment and then be all almost dead and stuff the next.
Essentially she was faking being fine and rapidly ran out of the energy/capability to keep it up over the course of the day. I've been working in bits and pieces that implied that she wasn't in the best of health for the entire interlude thread. She simply hit a point of critical failure as she ran out of resources to keep up the 'I'm fine' act which is why she seemed to suddenly break.
Alrighty! I return. I need to catch up a bit, I hope to post something in the next few days. Surgery went well, recovery went well after they got me off narcotics (those things made me aggressive, sleepy, derpy, gave me nausea, and made me punch myself in the crotch repeatedly).
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Thanks! I start Physical Therapy Monday. Pain is the lowest it's been in a decade and my range of motion increases daily. So all in all, this was a good surgery. Though the scars are going to look dumb. That's probably the thing I'm most unhappy about (besides the crotch punching).
I'm planning for my next post to include a one month timeskip, within which the crew would have unwound and gotten equipment and tools together.

Or, I can have a one week timeskip and your next posts represent what your character was up to that week, skipping along until four weeks.
I'd be good with that. It'd give Seiren time to um. . . work out the kinks in his new speaker system.
I actually don't see a spot listed on the Kestrel for Medical, but I assume there is one...
Check the Courier 2A article linked in the page near the top. Anything that isn't listed on the Kestrel's page is identical to what's in the 2A page.
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