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OOC [OOC] - ISC Phoenix II Chatter

Writing up my last post for Clan Clashing. Soruk be forging all day every day after that. Gotta make an honest paycheck every now and then. If anyone wants something made special... you know, without using a 3D printer, feel free to catch him
Writing up my last post for Clan Clashing. Soruk be forging all day every day after that. Gotta make an honest paycheck every now and then. If anyone wants something made special... you know, without using a 3D printer, feel free to catch him
Do you think you'd be up for a short JP on the weekend regarding making the knife?
Hi @Sham, apologies for not being around this weekend. I think our schedules are too different for a JP to work since it requires me to be awake at 4 in the morning; Perhaps we can single-post this one out once my next post gets down in a couple of days time?

Also, going to do a quick headcheck: @Lamb, @Phe0n1x, @miss_story, @Reynolds - still with us here? When can I expect a post?

@Lunar Rabbit, you're partially excused, but I would like to touch base in the future...
Gah totally slipped my mind. I told myself I'd write something for the downtime but I wasn't sure if someone wanted to do a collab with me or if I should just do up a summary about what my character occupied his time with. I've been so scatterbrained lately.
Psst: If you want cool shit, you should collaborate with me because Seiren and gadgetry
Just hit me up on IRC whenever I'm actually around, which tends towards the evening side of things
I sent you a message about two weeks ago that I was stepping down and going to stop posting. Mostly because all of my posts seem to be ignored or unnoticed. And I guess the message was ignored or unnoticed.
I sent you a message about two weeks ago that I was stepping down and going to stop posting. Mostly because all of my posts seem to be ignored or unnoticed. And I guess the message was ignored or unnoticed.
I saw it, but I ignored it because, in addition to other things happening which needed my immediate attention, I have had an allegation bought to my attention which isn't doing you a favour.

If you didn't feel like you were getting the attention or exposure you wanted from other players, why did you send a message to me alone? Its illogical - if you wanted to work with people, you have to communicate with them, not me. I'm not a chaperone, I allow people to communicate and plot regardless of whether I'm around.

I thought after the drama where Yoshi left because of 'miscommunication', you'd clean up your act and were willing to move on, but my trust has been misplaced.

You are free to leave, if you'd like.
I know I'm popping in out of nowhere guys, but I don't want any of you to be at each other's throats.

Hell, I have a feeling this is a lot more bitter than it has to be. Regardless of what drama had happened before, everyone should do their best to have fun. Reynolds, Luca is right that you should be talking to the other players through the OOC or PMs if you feel they aren't engaging you, or have your character directly engage theirs, but there's also something else out of place too. Luca, you should have reminded him of this the first time he sent a message. Few are going to be completely clear headed and unshaken after whatever it was happened.

Drama sucks, and I don't think anyone wants it to take the fun out of their RP.
Well, I mean, if I send a message that says I feel like people are ignoring me, and you admit to actively choosing to ignore it, I think that explains itself right there. I was just going to quietly disappear, until you notified me up there and asked if/when I was going to post. I hadn't even read anything in this subforum until that alert.

I'd be interested to know what this allegation is. The only contact I've had with anyone from Phoenix OOCly is Moogle over in the Heartbreaker and the message I'd sent to someone along the lines of what you just suggested. Saying hey, it looks like you overlooked my post and left me hanging when I was trying to RP with you. They edited their post, I responded, and then it just happened again with the next post, with the same person and other people I addressed. Since approaching the players didn't seem to work, I sent you that message a few days later, to see if you wanted to talk, had any sort of ideas, or if it really was just better for me to quietly step aside.

I didn't know my act was...dirty...because I didn't think anyone actually thought I'd caused any trouble with Yoshi. I don't want to get into too much detail about that whole thing here, but you didn't seem to blame me for any of it after it was over. And Yoshi and I have calmly coexisted on two other ships together this entire time, and were just recently discussing some current events OOCly without any issue.

As I said, I was willing to just disappear quietly, and I only responded because I was alerted that you were asking about me publicly.

Cadet, I did start by contacting someone OOCly, and I did directly engage characters in the RP. Contacting Luca privately was my final attempt after everything else seemed to fail. I agree that something seems out of place - and it might actually be me, which is the first thing I said in my message to him! - and I wanted to see what he thought we could or should do about it. Getting no response (because the GM actively chose to ignore my message) and then being prodded publicly about why I haven't posted was when I brought my (correct by his own admission) concerns out into the open. It's probably a good thing that you popped in here to take a look at this from the outside.
Reynolds, Cadetnewb and I have talked this over on the IRC. I also realised I'm having trouble enjoying what I'm doing here and the last couple of months have made SARP feel like a chore for both of my plots, and have had a negative impact on my health.

Some outcomes were proposed by Cadetnewb to alleviate things and to make sure players get what they want while keeping things breezy:

1) If a JP does not include all players, it should not be held in the middle of a main thread and be in a separate side thread - it divides the player base between those that did participate and those that did not.
2) Try and keep the players from being separated from each other unless that's their specific goal - players need to interact with and RP with one another.
3) Do not use too many NPCs at once - it detracts from the players themselves and causes clutter that may not be relevant to them at all.
4) Don't leave players behind and make sure they're all accounted for - no RPer left behind.
5) Do not push the plot or story forward if the players are more focused on something else of their own.

I've screwed up again, I'm sorry for my actions; what I did to Reynolds to single him out was incredibly petty, I feel like a moron, and I'm stressed out of my goddamn mind. I even contemplated quitting SARP altogether in light of the events that've happened IRL and on SARP past couple of months.
On my end, I'm sorry for poking back when I probably could have handled it better myself. I just didn't have the whole story about everything else going on, so I could only see the situation from what was happening to me personally. Thankfully after accidentally pushing things until it popped everything seems to have settled a bit better in the aftermath. Hopefully everything will wind up okay in the end.
To summarize things very quickly, I was mediating things as an outsider/3rd party when I noticed something else entirely; that Luca was not having fun on the Phoenix. Basically, a big red flag that indicated something had gone wrong on a more basic level. I wanted to help Luca get back into things proper, so I quickly went over the plot and did my best to figure out what could be done, hence all the points that I made. Still, they're the result from quickly going through things, so they're not perfect, I'm sure. One thing I am sure about though, is that Reynolds was basically unlucky enough to be the final straw.

Also, I need to point out you're being too hard on yourself Luca.

That aside, I'll move on to the points themselves with the details spoiler-tagged for neatness.

1) If a JP does not include all players, it should not be held in the middle of a main thread and be in a separate side thread
As I had said to Luca, it divides the player base between those that did participate and those that did not. Though they provide more in-depth conversations and ease at which a conversation can be held, it's as good as an Absolute Territory that any other PCs can't penetrate. Even if they're standing right there next to those that are in the JP. Moments where their characters would have interjected or otherwise have said something instead ends with them being forced to be silent. Not only that, but JPs in the middle of an SP thread are physically large, making it more confusing to go through. Even more so if the grammar/writing in it isn't precise and clear on who's speaking and when.

2) Try and keep the players from being separated from each other unless that's their specific goal
We're here to RP with each other, so it defeats the purpose if one or more of our number is split apart from the group and left interacting with an NPC. For an example, NPCs should not lead the way if possible, and instead provide information as to where PCs can go so they can decide on their own. The reason for this is if one player follows the NPC, but others do not, then there's a split, and the one separated has to work harder to rejoin the rest of the party. The players should be left to decide amongst themselves where to go, with OOC communication being key to avoid separation. Of course, this isn't a hard rule, as there are instances where GM needs to have an NPC lead.

3) Do not use too many NPCs at once
As vital as they are for a GM getting things done, too many can make things a nightmare. First, they can take away from the PCs, since more is being written about them or of them in a post, taking up space. In some cases, they even interact with only each other and not the players. In the worst cases, the spotlight is on them instead. Naturally, some of this is ok, but the degree of it is the focus, and the main key is that the players themselves should be the focus. Second, having many NPCs can be a nightmare for a GM as well, since it can easily snowball out of control; if for a single scene a GM has to balance between 6-10 players as well as 6-10 NPCs at once, then something is likely wrong. I recommend using as few NPCs as possible to cut down work load, and also increase the quality of character development that they get. To compensate for having some on the bench, I also suggest rotating them out like Pokemon so they all get turns. Don't be an Ash Ketchum.

Also, this goes for players as well; one player should have one PC. If they got NPCs or control multiple PCs, then that's a recipe for a headache. Especially when one player is participating in more than one conversation at once.

4) Don't leave players behind and make sure they're all accounted for
There's a difference between leaving players behind, and having players that fall behind. It's ok that players fall behind since it's their own fault, but if the plot/story is pushed forwards too quickly, it's going to cause some problems. To keep account of all PCs and make sure a post doesn't skip or miss them, I suggest having bullet points for each individual character briefly summarizing what their last actions were, what will be done to them, or both, and then compare it to who's supposed to be active.

5) Do not push the plot or story forward if the players are more focused on something else of their own
This ties back into the last one. Sometimes, it's better not to advance the story/plot because the players may already be enjoying themselves with whatever they're doing. It could be anything from shopping to a bunch of them flirting with a pretty Neko or the PCs all debating over what to do with a just-hatched Mishhu. People sometimes like their side-quests; the main story and the plot as a whole is merely a means to an end. Having fun.
Oh @Reynolds, could you post, please? I am trying to engage you...

PS: I think some plot will happen soon, we've spent a while in interlude.
Sorry, I was at a con this weekend and then came back to find out I have to work a ton this week. I should be able to get caught up and post Thursday night.
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