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OOC [OOC] - ISC Phoenix II Chatter

I wrote out a large thing pointing out how reducing the reactor to smaller scattered bits is better for the crew on site, however I realized it was a waste of people's time since they don't care.

Given how long evac is actually going to take, its literally, the best option you've got.
The monopoles are unleashed. High density. Big explosion. Swallows up the aetheric reaction, like a catalyst (that's how the entire reactor works in the first place).
Actually, that's pretty freakin' sweet. Terrifying, but sweet. Thanks for the info!
So what do you think to that?

Light and metal do incredibly weird shit around monopoles.
Players on the 4Q Mission, @Reynolds, @Sham, @Born-On-Board, @Lamb, we're running amazingly behind schedule still, so I'll hold off over the Christmas break on nudging you guys to post, but I will tell you that I didn't anticipate the pace of the mission to go so slowly. I won't autocomplete it to move the plot along for the sake of keeping things going, but at the same time, I can't keep the players in 4L, who are close to finishing things things off, and will be left waiting for you.

Seems like my two-mission-at-once experiment has a player-shaped lynchpin - if one mission wraps up early and the other's not going to catch up (you guys are way behind, let's face it), it leaves the players in the finished mission in limbo. What can I reward those who've finished earlier with? JP ability? More shore leave? Early access to the interlude? These aren't ideal - it makes the plot branch in ways I don't think will work out well for anyone involved, and segregates players.

Oh well, that's the point of experiments. Guess next time I'll have to find another way to deal with the large, and fragmented playerbase of the ISC Phoenix. Two separate groups running at entirely different speeds was not the ideal plan.
Hoi hoi. I've been pretty much lurking this the entire time I've been back, BTW, pondering whether to bring Muck back or not. The multiplot thing makes it kinda confusing from an outside perspective seeing as you are kinda gambling on two completely different experiences. Just two cents. ;I
The problem was, when we were all together, posts became confusing to follow, even when the team was in the same area but operating as two distinct units in the action (IE: Downstairs team, Upstairs team), so I tried a different approach by running two different, but concurrent missions.

I'll condense into a single mission for the interlude and Mission 5 What I've got planned doesn't require a major group split.
I liked the two missions, but yeah the problem is as always, people not posting. (And I've been guilty of that more times than I'd like to admit)
I'm going to be posting the semi-closing post for 4L soon, and I will have a follow-up topic to address what happens to Rebeka's remains posted later on with some help from @Moogle and @OsakanOne.

If you would like, you can keep posting in 4L after I post, if you have words for the Doctor.

And tonight later I will post for 4Q, or tomorrow morning - or perhaps stay up all evening and morning and do so, now that I have a reliable solution to my web woes.
Sorry about the delay, I got sick last week when I would normally get to post.
Oh no problem at all, glad you're feeling alright. Holidays can really take the wind out of your sails eh?
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