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OOC [OOC] - ISC Phoenix II Chatter

I know it's been a long while since anyone's heard from me... But if it's okay with everyone here id love to join in on the next mission when the current ones are all wrapped up. I sort of let life get the better of me here. Considering Reeves hasn't done anything for a while since he shot someone it might be possible to write his absence off as an extended stress leave back on home base. If that's okay of course. I hope everything has been going splendidly for everyone here.
We have a holiday thread that's still postable, you know. You can jump in on that.

Oh also Rebeka died. So there's that.
T_____T oh no Rebeka? How?

Also I'd love to jump in on the holiday thread. *Tents fingers and tries to think up a clever gift for everyone.*
A weapon to surpass metal gear fried her then crushed her then exploded on her. Seiren isn't doing so well.
No kidding he isn't doing well. They were close buddies. Especially because it killed her three times over. That's so sad.
I just finished. Everyone got torn up pretty bad. Reeves probably won't know how to deal with how upset everyone is when he's just come back from leave all chipper and more confident. He probably will feel guilty for not being around to help.

just so you're all aware. I'm not making a player go through with something they aren't interested in, nor will I allow a heavy handed disruption to my plot from Yamatai because of a single hack job done about nine months ago.

We weren't raiding Fort Knox, we were requisitioning some unused equipment, and the threat of extrajudicial airstrike is not making me feel like writing further until the bounties are repealed, and Eis can continue their plans as intended.
Since I'm effectively crippled in my capability to do anything until the powers-that-be make up their mind, in a conversation that I have been cut out of despite being at the centre of it all. I might as well take a break from SARP as well. I don't appreciate being marginalized in a decision that affects me more than anyone else on this site. Especially since at the end of the day I'm the one who suffers the fallout of whatever decision gets made.

So unless someone feels like actually communicating with me I'm going to take a break. If I need to be reached there are people who can reach me, and I'll be checking my email to see if I get any PMs.
Just wanted to let everyone know I'm working with Luca and Eistheid in private conversation to figure out a solution (The short description of the problem is that Yamatai wants justice for crimes Tamamo and Echelon did, but we're trying to figure out how to best do that without fragging them or banning them from the YSE). Eistheid said he needed some time to figure out what he wants so we're waiting on that. Thank you to everyone who has kept level-headed about this and not blown things out of proportion. One of us three will post an update when we come up with something that mutually works for us.
I'm back from my break, and I'm going to fast-track Mission 4-Q so we can get to the Mission 4 consequences, and an Interlude with which to introduce the PSG, and get our collective crap back together again, as well as perform [Side Job]s and [R&R].

Lord knows we need all a break from that craziness!
I want to to update folks that we asked Eistheid for his ideal solution to the Tamamo thing and he presented Luca and I with a plan for his character (that was quite large and detailed!) that will allow him to get what he wanted for his character while also addressing the concerns of Yamatai, and I signed off on it.

I'm glad we could resolve this matter in a way that worked for everybody. Much better than a way that worked fine for me, but not for Luca and Eistheid. Originally my position was "it's an RP, roll with the consequences of your characters' actions!" and I didn't see why there were objections. But now I'm glad I they objected because we were able to find a better way together. Thank you guys!
Alright, the fast track post is done. If anything seems out of place to you, tell me and I'll make edits as necessary. Consequences post going up tomorrow, as I need to sleep soon.

With any luck during this interlude, we can also bring Reeves up to speed on the situtation. Perhaps they have been working on/with the PSG, in addition to having a break.
I have worked things out with @Wes, and @Luca has had no complaints with the solution. So things will proceed as normal.

Sorry for the disruption. I hope we can get back to kicking ass and having fun.
Reactions: Wes
That sounds good to me, I think he probably wouldn't be able to just sit still and do nothing for very long. Helping out with the PSG would be right up his alley.
Just a heads up for timeframes:

To The Doorway takes place 2 months after Mission 4L and 4Q.
Highly Ambient Domains takes place 6 months after Mission 4L and 4Q. (So around now)
Guys, what's the hold up? You've got two posts waiting for you, one of them's an interlude! Your characters are still relevant to what's going on. You're like the elite FOXHOUND in Metal Gear Solid, and they're the Diamond Dogs.

@ShotJon, @Moogle, @OsakanOne, @miss_story, @Lamb (you're on the road, so no hurry), @Born-On-Board (I know you have classes, so no hurry), and @Sham

PS: Currently writing this from a phone. My Internet has been knocked out by lighting.

Ed: Forgot someone. Also, @Phe0n1x, we'll talk regarding your PM when possible
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Another clarification for those keeping score at home.

In the Consequences thread, its been two months since Mission 4L and 4Q. John's assembled the PSG during the meantime as a means to make sure we have our own support handy because we need something like that in case something gets too hot for us, like it did in Mission 4L and 4Q. This is also so our PCs can focus on being heroes while someone else picks up slack. Luca meanwhile needs to give his maiden speech to everyone John's assembled.

In the Interlude thread, its been 6 months since Mission 4, with the months between being for small jobs and R&R, which means you guys can JP things with each other or me to further your interests, or build stuff.
I've got a couple post Ideas in the works, I just Have had spotty internet while I was house sitting and sort of stuck on the little yuletide post I wanted to do. I'm going to try to get something into the yuletide and either the interlude or the consequence's thread as well. I sort of want to do consequences first simply because of the way continuity works.
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