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OOC [OOC] - ISC Phoenix II Chatter

Would Calico get in trouble for going and having a nose? Without being directly ordered to, I mean? Can't imagine her authorization level is terribly high, but being part of security details would probably be one of her duties.
Would Calico get in trouble for going and having a nose? Without being directly ordered to, I mean? Can't imagine her authorization level is terribly high, but being part of security details would probably be one of her duties.
Believe me, a lot of people aren't supposed to know, but it is a little obvious now. At this point, Echelon knows that everybody knows about it - but they don't know why its important/significant.
Sorry Luca, I am a bit out of it. Work is a bit crazy, so I will hop back in on some later point. Probably once we get a mission going again.
Sorry Luca, I am a bit out of it. Work is a bit crazy, so I will hop back in on some later point. Probably once we get a mission going again.
No problem, thanks for the heads up.
I'll admit Biers looks more innocent and less gruff than I imagined.
That's because he's a just a Recruit or early Soldier in that image. Him as an Enforcer probably looks a bit more grizzled.

Because of players performing jobs, and the company operating successfully, we have expanded our services to include the Resources and Expansion Platform, and the Medical and Safety Platform. In addition, most of our platforms have been given an upgrade to do more for you.

You may take advantage of the services offered by these two platforms and the upgrades in upcoming missions, and future side jobs.
I'm thinking within the next couple of weeks, the next mission should start, now that things are wrapping up. I have the mission written and planned in the GM Forum (Don't read it if you belong there, you cheeky buggers!) and I'm ready to start it when you all feel ready to move on.

Should only take a couple of posts more to have a good point to move on with.
I'll be ready for the mission whenever. Looking forward to seeing what you have planned. :3
With the new Phoenix Mission up and running, I'd just like to inform you all that I'm doing the Plot Review for the ISC Phoenix (and the LSDF Val'ta too) and I'd appreciate if you all gave your biographies a look over and updated them.

I'll be updating our plot's history and polishing some of the things I've left to the wayside over the last few months, like the Crimson Kestrel's article.
The Plot Survey is live!

I have created a survey for you all. I want to get as much information and feedback as I can, especially regarding the new elements like PSG, and a check on the role of locations like Sargasso, in addition to getting a better feel for what you guys want out of the ISC Phoenix.

EDIT: I posted the wrong link. You should be able to see the survey now.
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Still not exactly the most involved person in this plot, but eh. Redesigned Calico's appearance in order to fit in with the other PSG members better, as well as to represent her personality a little more.

-Larger Version-

Art dump fin. Will see about posting in the new mission later.
What is the time shift between the interlude and our next mission. Would it be feasible for PSG RnD in conjunction with our more knowledgeable inventors/techs of the Phoenix to have developed a translation program or device prototype for Kuzman and company to fill in his language gaps?

Maybe something simple that runs on a communicator's OS and gives users an audio translation via the earpieces they already use? And if so would a program like that need a wiki page?
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