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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

Wes is fast. I was just about to make a similar notice.

Well, additionally, the last JP was posted and fixed. Everything should be fine now.
Dammit, and I was actually here, too. But yeah, Yahoo's servers are sucking major dong right now. One wonders why.
*Hanako continues to make rolls with (absentee) Midori*
Damned Yahoo... Oh well, it gives Tiff time to get to her computer. -Secretly hit the off switch on the Yahoo messanger server.-
I've been looking for an explanation online, and though it's not a certainty, there are rumors of a large DoS (Denial of Service) attack on servers connected to Yahoo and other systems.
Couldn't we use something else?

Like say, MSN or IRC? I know a good server we can use for the latter if need be.
... Graphic last post. However, that's not why I'm commenting.

By way of explanation:

Rephiena or Raphiena is a character of Osakanone. Last I checked, that character's race, let alone the character, has not been approved.

I can't say too much against this, as I've made up semi-PC-level characters with the Church of the Emperor plot. But they're kept restricted to that plot, and they're not exactly outlandish stowaways.

All I want to know is, where did that come from and why. Someone else can deal with the graphic content; it doesn't offend me any.

EDIT: Okay ... so it was a dream. I guess. But still, you have to admit, that's really freakin' random.
Hanako is suspicious of the dream, not sure if it was real or not (it was a dream...I think). Once Osaka gets his species edited with the suggestions, then perhaps it can link into reality.

The latest post is the second of these dreams she's had. The first is on the first page of the Mission 6 Epilogue thread.
Wow, I am supprised I some how overlooked those posts. :? Must have my glasses cheeked some time soon.
You did not fail to see them. They were JPs Wes edited and posted last night whom had been 'chronologically' outpaced by the current going ons. Wes posted the three, I pointed out the discrepancies and he edited the database to put things in the right order so a reader could actually make sense of what was going on (and when).

You keep your internets Doshii ^_^
Oh snap, ninja edit.

Well, we should all just be glad that Jo has not been sleeping in Hanako's room lately. That would have sparked quite an intergalactic war.
Note to self: If Kotori recieves an uninvited guest in the middle of the night, do not offer him/her with any alcoholic libation - especially if it's a lifeform foreign to our dimension whom is emulating corporeal humanoid form. Also, make sure to keep Sigurd in the walk-in closet just in case.
DocTomoe said:
Well, we should all just be glad that Jo has not been sleeping in Hanako's room lately. That would have sparked quite an intergalactic war.


Nice to know that Wes can do that kind of stuff with the database. I imagine Yukari suddenly popping up back at the Iori for no explicable reason. "Oh dear," she says.

Note to Wes -- Osaka's present-tense survived your edit. Want help?
Osaka's present-tense survived your edit. Want help?
Damn, I tried to get it all. Feel free to point/edit out any occurance of present tense you see.
On it. I'll PM an edit.

NOTE: If there's a JP tomorrow, I won't be around. K and I are taking a day for ourselves.
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