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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

I'll be here till 11 tonight ((Though I doubt we will go that long since it is a before 10 JP) So I'm good to go! Back from New Jersey so go read up on what happened to me

edit: I may not be EXACTLY on time ^_^ My dad got six pounds of jumbo shrimp, and I love jumbo shrimp more then you people, so I think I may have to stuff myself.

I kid I kid! But seriously I love shrimp. So I may be a little late, not to sure.
Hey, my internet died last night...I'm still troubleshooting the network but managed to get on with my new laptop. Why didn't anyone post what we had in last night's JP?
I saved, but by the time I was done online, I had no time to edit.

I could have done it this morning, but I suppose I got lazy after I gathered my stuff for work tomorrow. Sorry!

Edit: Posted JP.
I took the opertunity to go and get my lady, which I was putting off due to the JP starting when she asked. Sorry about that.

Hope the net is fixed up before next JP.
Due to one of my coworkers having her house burn down, I was called in early today and am working 10am-6pm. This opens JPing possibilities.
Hrm well it appears my 1-9pm shift for tommorow was moved to 7am-3pm/ This means no staying up late for me tonight (Especially considering that last night I only got two hours of sleep before being called in)!
My schedule and JP schedule for next week:

Mon 18 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Tue 19 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Wed 20 Sep OFF **JP @ 7:00pm**
Thu 21 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Fri 22 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Sat 23 OFF **JP @ 5:30pm**
Sun 24 Sep working 7am-3pm **JP @ 8:30pm**

Next JP is Thursday, September 14; 8:30pm

Thanks to all of you Sakura players for being the best crew in the Star Army!
Best crew in the Star Army? HA! I challenge that! The Miharu is gathering a fine cast and we shall shine even more dazzingly than you!

I therefore challenge you to a swimsuit competition - we will see which crew is really the best! Only the sexiest, best looking crew can stand for the bestest crew in the Star Army of Yamatai! My crew will... will... *sees a bunch of guys moving in, showing off their hairy legs* will... ugh... I...

*shakes fist at Wes* Damn you Wes for grabbing most of the pretty girls and leaving me with men! *scurries off*
Yukari: "What am I, boiled cabbage? Hmph!"

Masako: "We're almost half men and half women now."

Yukari: "Sou desu neh."

Masako: " ... Please stop that."

Yukari: "Stop what?"

Masako: "The romanized Japanese. Just stop."

Yukari: "Nani?"

Masako: *strangles!*

Yukari: *flees!*

I MIGHT be late for Saturday's JP by an hour or so. It depends on if I have to work Saturday, and if I have to work until close if I do. (See my "New Job: Hours" thread on "In and Out")
Well hey! Yours truely has another Job!

Sadly enough though it's not the illustrious high paid easy hours job of a teller in the bank.

No sadly I will be a table Jockey T_T A plate pusher, a waitress for those of you that wish for me to skip my babbling. I got another waitress job, and I start tuesday night. I work the nights for now, but in a week or two when the new place opens up right down the street from me, I will move to mornings! And mornings, then dun open till like 10 or 11, so I will be able to stay up!
School= no late nights. The latest I can be up is 11, but not as I am -still- sick. *cough*

I love/miss the JPs, hoping to catch them this coming week, as they seem to be earlier. I may be late for a few, may be getting of early for a few. And so it goes.
Schedule change for me on Sunday, 17 September (Tommorow): Instead of working 3-11pm, I'll be working 7am-3pm. This means I can't stay up tonight.
Possibly. I'm probably going to want to sleep, work on the HTML part of the site, and/or have some free time to myself (Still haven't got a chance to watch Crest of the Stars!) before settling down to work on Star Army in the evening.

Edit: I have a cold. :-(
I just wanted to say that the latest sidestory post was a great read with awesome character development. It makes me all warm and fuzzy and proud inside. Awesome post, you guys.
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