Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

I loved RPing it and Doshii RPs her so well! Blueberry's not open, but she leaves enough of an impression to indicate that she has more depth than you see at first glance. ^^
FM said:
Motion to upgrade Blueberry, and perhaps other sprites, to full character status! <.<
Played by who, though? The nice thing about NPCs is that multiple people can RP them.
Wes has a point. The sprites were named and fleshed out for both comic relief (I mean, apparently, they were awesome when I roleplayed them) and to lessen the feeling that the YSS Sakura was mostly empty except for its crewmembers.

Seriously, don't give your GM more job than he needs to do. This much is already enough.
True, but they are fairly popular. Perhaps greater involvement at times would be in order. *shrug*

Besides, we all know Doshii is the one who would do it. >.>
Well, apparently sprites eventually become red paneled soldiers, so perhaps in the future they could be "adopted" by players who prove they can RP them suitably...but right now, we're just exploring potential, doing a bit of development, and perhaps making a reference for others to RP them properly.

Upgrading a sprite to PC status should be possible (only if a mod says so though), but should not be handled lightly. They'd have to prove themselves capable of RPing them well and in character.

As for greater involvement, that'd be nice...but only if the people with the most experience with said sprites are willing to handle that or at least read what others are having the sprites do for continuity reasons.
I've been RPing the sprites. I should've been reading this discussion; it explains some things.

Development of the sprites is nice, but Fred and Wes are right -- they need to be able to be played by anyone. I only can play two as it is. I'm always willing to help if people have questions, and with this sidestory at least two are easier to understand.

Wed 20 Sep OFF **JP @ 7:30pm**
Thu 21 Sep OFF **JP @ 7:30pm**
Fri 22 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Sat 23 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Sun 24 Sep working 7am-3pm **JP @ 8:30pm**
Here I am at work again - still no schedule posted for the next week. What the heck? >_<
Er, perhaps this isnt my usual turf, but it would be nice if the ship spawned sprites all over the ship to simulate a hostile boarding, and almost the entire crew drilled in intruder expelling procedures in real time.
I'm posting from work where I'm having a horrible day - first I woke up late, then went to officemax only to find out they didn't have what I needed, then raced to work to get ambushed with call after call. So then some bastard checks in who I know will cause problems (been here before) and not only that, we had a guy who my idiot coworker checked into the wrong room (causing me to check the next guest into the SAME room where he walked in on a naked and I got so angry at her I said "Don't fuck things up" to her and she got all pissed I said fuck and proceed to try and lecture me. Not only that, a guest overheard me and got offended. So then another guest calls down because out maintenance guy forgot tell us there's a big wood beam in a room (which almost hurt someone's 2-year-old). Not to mention long reservation calls and horrible credit card chargeback crap. Now I'm even more stressed because I know I'm going to get mauled by customer comment cards.

This sucks.

Update: Tried to apologize to the offended guy and the god damn phone rings right as he walks by.
Blah, sue me >_< And Wes, that sucks so badly....*comforts*

Just think, This day sucks, but who knows? You may get to run room service to a group of bikini models, just as they are changing into thier suits, and they ask you to help them change and lotion and stuff!

.....what? Hey! It could work!

Mon 25 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Tue 26 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Wed 27 Sep OFF **JP @ 7:30pm**
Thu 28 Sep OFF **JP @ 7:30pm**
Fri 29 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Sat 30 Sep working 3pm-11pm
Sun 01 Oct working 7am-3pm **JP @ 9pm**

subject to change
Well, macross_green (Arik's player) seems to be having some laptop overheat issues. because of this, our Jp had to be broken up over 3 sessions, and though I had the post up yesterday, I suggest it be reread, as it has been heavily edited, has more preparation in it on Yaichiro's part, much more of Arik's character and thought process and is much better at capturing Yaichiro's character and thoughts in this situation, especially his apprehension and the weight of responsibility. A fourth edit may occur, if I can JP with midori_green again before tomorrow's "full" JP, but it isn't as critical as this edit was.

While a plot-ready version was ready after two JPs, a third JP tonight was enough to get new Soul Transfers of Yaichiro, Arik, and Mori's Kawaii (Yes, the KAWAII) made, and possibly the sprites as well (if Wes wishes it. They were given the opportunity. ^^)

Yaichiro expressed a fear that the ship could be overrun or destroyed. If things go sour, and capture is imminent, Yaichiro is keeping self-destruct as an option in his mind (though unaware if he has the authority to make such an order or not) to prevent the ship from falling into the wrong hands.

Since such an action would destroy the Soul Savior Pod as well, he sent all of the Sakura's ST data to the SA under heavy encryption while loading supplies in case of a worst-case scenario. This includes the new backups.

What do you think of the post? it's likely the most introspective Yaichiro has ever been.


Did the final JP edit, and Yaichiro and Arik have come up with a concrete and somewhat humorous plan, which seems to fit the Sakura. Of course, that is because it involves booze and lesbian pornography. Here's a rundown of the plan.

Step 1: State that no one may approach the vessel or enter it, because of concerns of fighting breaking out between the Greens and Reds.

Step 2: Place two equal piles of goods at the front of the ship, positioned so the nacelles obstruct the view of the rear cargo bay door, one for each side. The piles of goods will also be farther apart than the width of the Sakura. This can also be explained as a security measure. Yaichiro has also had MEGAMI use Yamatai's nodal devices to make large amounts of booze to distribute with the goods, to further distract them.

Step 3: Leave rear cargo bay door open for crew to sneak into while the soldiers focus upon the goods at the front of the ship, and each other.

Step 4. Have the lights in the area dimmed and turned off to aid in the crew's movements. A projector and speaker made by the nodal devices will project a film full of lesbian pornography to further distract the soldiers away from the rear of the ship and display goodwill on Yamatai's part. Because nothing satisfies the all-male Nepleslian War machines like lesbian porno flicks.

Step 5: ???

Step 6: PROFIT
