Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

The Sakura doesn't really have the facilities to support starfighters. ^_^ I don't see what benefit they'd have over the power armors, either.
FM said:
Has anyone seen Mori and/or Tyson lately?
Mori was on last night. I don't know about Tyson. He needs to stop missing JPs, or we're going to have to dump his character. :(
oh, THANKS Wes.. You sound so pleasant.

Anyway, I'm ready to go again. It appears that there is going to be some action tonight, so I'm quite excited.

Uh, yeah... My first little SP has been posted.
Don't be snide. Wes has a entire plot to handle and he has to make sure it runs right for the good of all the players involved. There is a precedent for deadweight characters hindering a plot, so, he has to deal with that matter, even if this makes for occasional unpleasantness.

It's his job. Yours is to show up so he can do it for you as well - incidentally, you might be able to roleplay with others. Not a bad deal, eh?

Oh, and you also want to avoid using sarcasm in the way you worded it. I'll explain so you know in the future (since I'm persuaded very few members actually read over the site's service policies)

Online Dictionary said:
  • harsh or bitter derision or irony.
  • a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
  • A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
  • A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
  • witty language used to convey insults or scorn

Forum Policy said:

3. Do not cuss/swear, threaten, harass, or use derogatory racial terms in your posts; The only time you are allowed to cuss is: In-character, in a JP or SP post as part of a character's speech, or in the Hot Tub, since it's all dirty there. Using spaces, numbers, other letters, or symbols (such as @, $ or !) in place of letters to form curse words or circumvent the filter is forbidden.

Sarcasm is a form of harassment. Seeing that this is a friendly community, you shouldn't use it in a manner which would be meant to sting.
No guarantees that I can make the JP tonight. My family decided everyone should visit my relatives, and they usually neglect to inform anyone of said decision until about an hour or so before hand.

I will try to make it, but...they can be pretty insistant on such things, as if not going is a horrible sin you will not be forgiven for.
Wouldn't you know it? As soon as I post, I managed to get out of it without being shunned. XD

Hopefully I can get through a JP guarantees they won't call and harass me, though.
FM said:
I just had my meal, anyway. And pie to come. Everyone loves pie. :3
In multiple senses of the word!
Laptops have now been expressly prohibited here at work, so I won't be able to check email and the forums on my laptop anymore while at work.
I think that the employer doesn't want the laptop simply because he doesn't want his employee to be so distracted from his work. I'm not saying that Wes is negligent or anything; however, it's generally the reasoning behind it.

A PDA would offer the same kind of 'distraction'.
I seriously didn't let the laptop distract me, though. I could drop what I was doing instantly - forums can wait (That's why I never used YIM at work) until I'm done with guests.

The memo, which also prohibited chairs, reading a newspaper, and personal phone calls, was probably mostly directed at the calls my co-worker Aspen was making. She's constantly calling her boyfriend and talking to him, even in front of guests! It's incredibly unprofessional.
It basically sounds like you have to stand all day like a goddamn solider. What the hell? As a security guard, I was allowed to read, for chrissake. How silly -- you stand up out of the chair when there's a customer and such. Cheh.

Your manager's a jerk.
Sorry! My laptop's hard drive died. Clicking, won't let me into safe mode or windows proper, etc. So, I'll be able to continue with the JPs as soon as I get the old Mac to actually install Yahoo messenger, which it's nearly done with. I've kept trying to get to here so I could let you guys know what was happening, but between work and looking for hard drive replacements, it's been kinda annoying. Again, sorry! I hope to be able to join in the next JP.
Tyson_B said:
Sorry! My laptop's hard drive died. Clicking, won't let me into safe mode or windows proper, etc. So, I'll be able to continue with the JPs as soon as I get the old Mac to actually install Yahoo messenger, which it's nearly done with. I've kept trying to get to here so I could let you guys know what was happening, but between work and looking for hard drive replacements, it's been kinda annoying. Again, sorry! I hope to be able to join in the next JP.
While you're on, would you mind making an in-character post? It doesn't have to be a long one.
Sure thing. Would I post that in the same thread as the rest of the JP posts, or would it be best to leave my post outside of it? And is there a JP going on at the moment, or will that be another day? This Mac is very, very slow, so Yahoo's being a pain to fully download. It still isn't done yet. If there is a JP, I should be able to join in within an hour or so... I think.
There's one at 9pm (in 4 hours). All IC posts generally go into the current thread.