Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

Uwaaaahhh! Vesper! *points*

I may be unavailable next Sunday (not sure) if me and my friends have a D&D game (I'm the DM). Next week, I have school Tuesday and Wednesday... though it doesn't limit me on when to JP, more on how long I can afford JPing.
Fred, what time did you have in mind for tonight (Hanako/Kotori)?
Ok, we started the Lor JP tonight, but it started to late (My fault) Anyways, we will have it going Sunday as well, and hopefully we will finish it at the latest, tuesday. Sorry if this fucks anything up, but my boss hates me! ^_^;
I'm going to SP to Kotori's last post tomorrow at some point, but I need to get to bed yesterday. I must awake in six hours to go take pictures for my story. *snorts* No photogs for lazy me ...
Yo, we need to speed it up. At .95c, it would take Sakura 5.9375 years to reach Lor from the western edge of the nebula between Refidh and Lor (current course). How about 1000c (about 2.17 days)?

My work schedule for next week:

Saturday, 1 July: 7am-3pm at the hotel
Sunday, 2 July: 7am-3pm at the hotel
Monday, 3 July: 3pm-11pm at the hotel
Tuesday, 4 July: 3pm-11pm at the hotel
Wednesday, 5 July: 1pm-9pm (optional) at the hotel
Thursday, 6 July: OFF
Friday, 7 July: 3pm-11pm
Saturday, 8 July: Army Reserve, 7:30am-5pm*
Sunday, 9 July: Army Reserve, 7:30am-5pm*

*Times may vary
I had thought that initially, but after Fred talked to me, it sounded like we could only manage sublight because of the mines and the nebula. I'll bump it to 1000c.
Schedule currently isn't important except for the Lor people whom have to tie up their own end in the sidestory. I mean, without Wes, we can't really run Sakura JPs (considering the troubles he's had with his laptop and setting up instant messaging on his backup tower).

And I never said we couldn't use the CDD for FTL... just that we couldn't fly fast >_< *hides under a rock*

What should we do about that? Plans?

(oh, and Wes... go reply to this. I'm not touching sprite names on the Sakura anymore)
Gah, I don't want to name all of the sprites.

What we need is a profile of the sprites we already have mentioned.

So far, there's a Cherry, Blueberry...*waits for Fred to add more*
Cherry is the tech, Blueberry and Sunshine are the medics, Mango's the cook ...

Maybe five pilots? So Raspberry, Kiwi, Star(fruit), Melon, Pineapple.
An update on my rather open schedule, I will be unavailible Saturday night (tonight).

Thanks for the update on your schdule Wes ^_^ , everyone else please post any schedule(and schedule updates) you have, this would be most appriciated as it helps organize things nicely for everyone in all plots.
Hey I threw out names for the pilot sprites before. It just becomes rather bland to say 'hey you, pilot sprite five!' and stuff.
well, not around tonight, I have to go to my wonderful work! *gags* and turns out my bosses love me so much! They switched my schedule for tommorow. Instead of the morning, I work at night. GOD! My bosses love me so much huh guys?
Doshii Jun said:
So no Sakura JP tonight?

It's not dependant on Tiffany so much as dependant on Wes being able to come online on YIM, really. This is why we should have single posting sprees these days ^_^;
Anyone remember the last meal we had (as in breakfast, lunch, or dinner)? I can't and it's about time for Hanako and company to eat again, I think.
Tyler said:
Woot. means I get an easy night of relaxation
What are you talking about? You don't have a character on the Sakura.

Versions 8 beta and 7.5 of YIM didn't work on this computer, I think because of some windows user thing. So, I looked around the internet and found 6.1 and installed it and it works. Still, I'd like to see more SPs.