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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

We did a nice Lor JP tonight, lots of stuff went on.


I've got the duty of the edit, but I'm going to post up the JP only in raw form, for the moment, just so everyone can see it.

Everyone(GMs) please leave it this way; there is house reaction stuff that will be going in before this, which have already been done, they just need to be cleaned up a bit too. (Leaving it in raw form is only a reminder for me mostly, as my obsesive side will force me to fix it up with everything). It will mostly likely be fixed up later today(monday), after I get some more caffine.

Also, should anyone want to, we can still post other house reaction stuff before this section with the latest JP, so long as it doesn't make anything conflict (come on everyone help flesh out your houses! ~_^ ). That is if can get it too me, you can send it to me over forum PM if you want.
What's this stuff about a photonic net being set up? lol.
Guys, I don't know if imma be on tonight exactly. I've been working for 6 days straight, and been up with you all. I can barely get any sleep now, so I may need a night to recover and all. If it's absolutely nessecary, I guess I could get on, but not if it's just gonna be a waste of time.

Sorry guys.
Just not on thursdays this week or something. I know I mentioned before about Bible study, unless you want me to show up late again. ;p

And being an hour ahead of everyone just makes me even later then late.

Wednesday, July 12 at about 9:30pm, until about 11:30pm (I get off work at 9pm). This JP will detail the arrival at Lor and probably a large battle. Feel free to start at the normal time (8:30pm) if you can work around Hanako (keep her on the bridge or something) in the moments before arrival.

Thursday, July 13 at about 9:30pm, until about 11:30pm (I get off work at 9pm again). Blas: Make sure Nyton's occupied, off-camera.

<s>Saturday, July 15 at 5pm until 11pm (mega-JP). This will resolve Mission 6.</s>m CANCELLED due to unexpected work rescheduling.

Sunday, July 16 at 3pm until 6pm. This will resolve Mission 6.
Wel...I'm putting in my two weeks notice soon, so imma have a new job soon.

I work friday and saturday till 11....sooo....

And sunday I work 2 till 10...so yea..I don't know whats going to be going on with my characters. Sorry guys I really am. I wish I could make it. *Sighs*
I should be able to make it. I will be having company though and she tends to cling to the computer, so I may be a few minutes late while I try to find my crowbar.
Hey guys, one of the girls at work didn't show up today so my day off has been annihilated. I'm now apparently working 4-8pm today and tommorow. I updated the JP schedule, cancelling the Saturday one. I have my next week's schedule now, but I left it in the car last night due to the pouring rain (I didn't want to ruin my drawings in my notebook). I'll post it this evening. Sorry, guys.
That's fine.

Do you feel up to JPing around 9 PM tonight and/or tommorow? I think we could manage it, since you stop earlier than usually on your evening schedule, but that's if you want.
Yeah, but only if I'm actually working 4-8 on Saturday. I was scheduled for 7am-3pm originally, so I'd be getting up at 5am. If I have to get up that early, I'll be going to bed almost as soon as I get home.
If you guys decide to do it that way, I may be able to make the JP, if only extremely late. I might be able to get off a bit early though, dependent on who is working with me tonight.
I just got home. My coworker had to take his last minute smoke break, making me a bit late. I need to remove my whites form the drier, put in the darks, eat, and let out the dogs before I can sit down and RP for the night. Estimated time of completion: 9:30pm.
Wha? Tonight? Dang it I need to give more notice then this, at least maybe a day's worth. Sheesh. I didn't think there was anything tonight.
My upcoming work schedule:

Saturday, July 15: 4pm-8pm
Sunday, July 16: OFF
Monday, July 17: 3pm-11pm
Tuesday, July 18: 3pm-11pm
Wednesday, July 19: 3pm-11pm
Thursday, July 20: OFF
Friday, July 21: 1pm-9pm
Saturday, July 22: 1pm-9pm
Sunday: July 23: OFF
I formally request that Fred's post stating the follow:

"Meanwhile, in the vicinity of Kathra station where the twelve transports were arrayed and making ready for departure... the Karasu - the Black Spiral Black Nozom scout - shed it's stealth once it had positioned itself to get an optimum firing solution on the stations and most of the twelve
transports before it unleashed it's Type 27 Superheavy weapon. Space continuum in the area collapsed, with the many ships caught in the beams path suddenly catastrophically shredded apart, leaving only minimal debris in testament of the damage caused to the Lorath refugee fleet."

be either a) stricken from the official post in its entirety or b) altered such that it conforms with the succeeding posts by Tomoe. This post is in direct and blatant violation of official site policy that player characters not be killed without permission (particularly when they are doing nothing blatantly provocative), since 4 player characters where on board the station at the time (Rain, Skka'ri, Velor, and Notan).

Beyond this simple fact there are several extenuating circumstances that make this attack if not impossible, extremely importable;

--1]: The Lorath detection grid, primarily in effect around Lor (since that is where the action was taking place and it had the highest density of assets to generate the net), was also in effect around (and extending quite far from) the station. This grid has already been canonically proven to be capable of detecting cloaked ships (by several posts). Therefor the station would be quite aware of the approaching vessel (from a very good distance as well).

Given the commanders standing orders and its ready status to flee, as soon as any unknown was detected moving to the station unannounced would have caused the station to flee.

--2]: Since the 'Type-27 Superheavy Weapon' "[causes] causing the space-time continuum of an area to collapse on itself. " its effect, by the limitations of gravimetric propagation (i.e. how fast they travel) limits such travel to c. From the maximum firing distance (~0.048 AU) it would take the beam exactly 24 seconds to reach its target. Even without the aid of ultrafast AIs this is more than enough time for a organic to act in. And more than enough for the station to get the hell out of there.

--3]: A expansion on the above calc. The 'interdiction fields' are stated point blank by Fred himself to be preventing FTL travel, meaning that the T-26 had to rely on its much slower STL drive systems. Since the ship is restricted to STL travel, the station would have ample warning (it must close ~1.95 AU before being able to fire; assuming it is starting at flank auxiliary speed this will take over 22 minutes (22 minutes and 9.76 seconds to be precise). I am fairly certain the battle has not even been going for this long. Especially considering that the ship was seen attacking the Sakura midway through (and thus positively located in low Lor orbit). This right here makes the attack post null and void.

--4]: But to continue (am I know to stop when I get going on these things? seriously). We know that the interdiction fields cause enough disruption to the CFS system that it cannot maintain FTL speeds. Since the same system (same effects as well I might add) allow for both FTL speeds and cloaking, we can conclude that both systems are affected. Thus, even if the field can be maintained at some lower point, its stealth capabilities will be necessarily damaged, making the detection distance for those on the station even further.

--5: Finally, and on a more personal note, there is the issue of a perceived bias towards the fall of Lor in Fred's posts. Not only does he act belligerently towards them ICly his own written OOC word has him stating that he wished their destruction. I believe it was this that led him to metagame and attack the station. ICly was it a threat, compared to the swarming SA ships and the fire falling on its allies? No. Does it even have weapons that the Mishhu (and thus those on the ship) believe to be capable of harming them? No. Are there other major Lor installations or assets closer to the war zone? Yes! There is a major embarkation center in Lor orbit, a space elevator, and a whole fleet of vessels (which would be easy pickings if they wanted to cut off the Lorathians ability to escape; remember that as far as they know the Station is totally immobile). Such 'OOC events affecting IC actions" is strictly forbidden by the rules of this site (paragraphs 8 and 11 on page 2 of the "Player Guide and Rulebook"; http://www.stararmy.com/ccg/pgr_page2.html).

On a separate note, I feel that the banning of Scribbles was uncalled for. While you may have personally been annoyed at his vocalizations during the JP, they where strongly related to the events occurring in that chat and where quite relevant. It may have an impact on the RPing occurring in that chat, that is reason to drop someone from the chat. It is not a valid reason to ban someone when what they are saying is relevant to the events going on.

Now I realize that this may not be the "ideal" location for this request, but I can think of no better OOC location for it, seeing as this the discussion thread for the plot.

That is all.
To clarify, the four characters mentioned above were not killed. All four survived through subterfuge that was IC-implemented. Vesper, to his discredit, did not read the JP despite asking for it before I was finished editing it.

I also edited two mistakes -- a misspelling of Helashio and a post that was cut off. My apologies about those.
Actually I did (got the transcript in text form from another); to your discredit you apparently did not read what I wrote because the second option I put was :

b) altered such that it conforms with the succeeding posts by Tomoe.

Because what he did made it survive. However, the actions of that vessel still imply it destroyed the station and I would like it changed to clearly state otherwise. The other points I made for it simply not being able to do anything still hold btw.
There's no reason to change what happened.

Lorath players have repeatedly attempted to assert several false assumptions, such as claiming that their photonic net would be effective in detecting cloaked vessels such as the Karasu, or that they would find "holes" in their scans. Additionally, the Lorath do not possess FTL scanners. In fact, neither the station or a photonic net system was approved tech in the first place.

Again, the sensors on the Lorath station would not be able to detect such an event until it was already upon them.

The Nozomi's stats page clearly states: The CFS can still function (although at reduced efficiency) even in the presence of anti-FTL fields.

According to your calculations, it would take 48 seconds (24 each way) for the station to detect the Nozomi, if they even could at that distance. Given that they Nozomi was not only stealthed, but moving, and was an object of unknown bearing to the station, this is extremely unlikely.

Attacking the station and fleet wasn't metagaming, it was a valid IC action for a desperate Black Spiral ship to take. He asked about it before the JP, and I said it would make sense so he went for it. What WAS metagaming was Tomoe's moving the fleet away from the station by pulling a "decoy" fleet out of his ass. The Nozomi woudn't have shot at the station if the fleet hadn't been around it; it would have shot at the fleet.

Fred's been disappointed with the Lorath playerbase because they've been prone to certain excesses in roleplaying their characters and in sudden technology development (It's been like three weeks ICly and the Lorath have advanced decades in tech). I can empathize. Still, the JP wasn't intended to punish the Lorath. The Lorath did alright and got themselves out of what could have been something far worse.

I told him three times in a row to stop with the OOC, and he continued to refuse to follow directions, filling the IC window with OOC whines. If he wanted to continue discussing it, he could have easily PMed me instead of spamming up the transcript. If you wish to appeal his ban, you can start a standard ban appeal thread for him and we'll vote on it. Ask me in a PM if you need instructions.

In conclusion, the transcript will not be altered from the actual IC events that occured. Thank you for voicing your concerns. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, let me know.
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