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OOC [OOC] Sakura Discussion

In other, more pleasant news...

Call me FM. ...wait, I've already said this...anyway. If you know me, you know me. If you don't, you will soon enough.

In any case, my placement in the Sakura group has been finalized, and I should be able to join our JPs starting in Mission 7. You should watch out - my character will probably be hard to get along with, though she's not so bad once you do.

My schedule is almost completely free (which is kind of a shame, come to think of it), so I should be able to participate in just about every JP. In addition, I intend to be active on the forums as well, perhaps even producing some content.

Any questions, feel free to ask. It's good to be a part of things. :3
Ah. Hope to see you tommorow, at the next JP, which is Sunday, July 16 at <s>3pm until 6pm</s> At 7pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4). Additionally, I should be on tonight. Maybe we can do a little 2-person JP action detailing Elisa's trip toward the Great Southern Nebula, where the Sakura currently is stationed. Either that, or perhaps showing her getting ready for the trip. Depending on how far we get with Sunday's JP, the Sakura might be meeting her halfway. Being in the Nebula makes getting to the Sakura difficult and time-consuming. I'm considering what craft to use, since the shuttle has no toilets aboard (sealable baggies just aren't as great).
Why not use a Sakura-class gunship to ferry people around like they usually do in wartime? The 1st Standard Fleet has the Swan which could do that.

I'd like to add that given the minefield probably still active in the nebula, it might not be such a good idea to send a ship in. There are likely still some mines that are armed and active (Melisson only controlled a 30-ship battlegroup, not the whole Mishhuvurthyar fleet - the rest of the mishhu forces likely pulled out to humor her since she's likely the Chujo-rank equivalent in the SMX).

It's a good thing the Lorath refugee fleet fled to join up with the Star Army warships instead of away and out in the nebula. It'd have had been a shame to have one or two hit a mine x_x

Might I add, in answer to some of Vesper's complaints, that while the Karasu lined up to fire a shot that would catch most of the transports, I used the word 'many' instead of all and left the actual result of that paragraph open ended with an immediate OoC mention that I assumed all players concerned in there survived and could fill in their survival like they wanted (I guessed a glancing hit to the station and not all ships caught in the blast - Tomoe made a decoy fleet instead). Partial destruction of the NPC elements of the fleet was the only objective the post itself had - as I know there are people investing their time typing on keyboards behind the text that suddenly appears in my YIM conference window - for a vessel that was hostile and defenitely crewed by bad people whom saw off cute bunny tails, eat broken glass and randomly put forests on fire.
Wes said:

Sunday, July 16 at 3pm until 6pm. This will resolve Mission 6.

So you know, I'll have to cut out for about one hour (6 to 7 p.m. EST). I need to take my girlfriend to work.
I highly doubt I'll make this. That bit on friday at the last stage there would've been a lot different if I hadn't had to answer something urgent right then and there.
Well, we could move this one to 7pm if you guys want. This would allow Doshii to do his girlfriend thing, me to go airsofting, Fred to sleep more, and Blas to have a better chance of being there. Thoughts?
I won't be here till like 10 tonight T_T I got work and all so yea. Um, I should have my cell with me, so if I'm needed for anything I can just type something up there.
Wes said:
Well, we could move this one to 7pm if you guys want. This would allow Doshii to do his girlfriend thing, me to go airsofting, Fred to sleep more, and Blas to have a better chance of being there. Thoughts?

Alright, we'll go with 7pm, then.

<s>Thursday, July 20, at 7pm EST</s>
CANCELLED due to coworker's sickness. Working 3-11pm.

Friday, July 21, at about 9:40pm EST

Saturday, July 22, at about 6pm EST

Moved earlier due to schedule change.

Sunday, July 23, at 3pm
Unfortunate schedule update above.
And another unfortunate:

I might not be able to participate the entire time for the next couple of sessions. Gotta catch up on my sleep, and people tend to yell at me if I stay up until 2AM.
Okay so game's still on despite forum downness? Which kinda seems to be okay now. The forums I mean. >_>
Oh yeah, if I don't show up for Sat's JP then just say Nyton fell asleep and couldn't be woken up in time or something. Too exausted.

Also, I was reading what got posted so far of the JP. Hey man there's like sections just completely missing in there. What happened?
Explanation for missing bits: Whenever a player makes <_<or>_> emotes or anything making it so that text will appear between <or> brackets, the forum will erase all the text in between the two and leave only a single word, the first one typed in it, as if it was correcting a mistakenly typed html tag.

This is an automatic conversion, so, it's not plausible to remove the html from a post and recover the lost text. I have to take it out all over again from the message archives and edit it over notepad in these instances.

I'll say it again. In JPs, do not use <_<or>_> emotes.

Want proof? I'll write "Tomoe emotes suxxors!" between brackets. Watch.



edit: lack of spacing around the 'or' words is also part of this.
I might (high likelyhood of reverse) be late for the JP by about an hour. A picnic is being planned that may or may not work out. More as things develop.
Well, it's 15 minutes from the JP time and Yahoo's messenger servers are still down, so it looks like the JP will have be be cancelled. I'm going to walk the dogs and get something to eat, and check back around 7pm-ish.

If the servers come up by nine, let's do the JP then, instead.
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