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OOC [OOC] Taking it Back Discussion

So this is about the speed the plot is going to keep going at, or are we going to shift gears at some point in the future? This may just be me having too much free time at the moment, it seems a little sluggish.
I suppose it is a little slow. I'll start the beatings. Remember that the plot did have a little bit of a slump while we were joining.
Well, I do hope we can speed up; but as Jimmy mentioned, it is just starting up. I intend for their to be a faster tempo once there's blood on the table.
After this elevator closes, Lucas is forbidden from laughing at dead people ever again. -_-
Yay I have internets.

Without revealing too much, we did in fact deploy in response to the earthquake and tsunami, which explains my sudden and prolonged absense. Yes, the usage of the internet is now heavily restricted and the times we are allowed on it is extremely restricted, not only because of operational security, but also because of the fact we don't really get good internet signal.

Long story short, I need a proxy, because it is otherwise impossible for me to follow along with the plot. I already have a proxy for the Miharu since I used to run into the same problem with Fred's plot - I.E., I would disappear for long stretches of time with no internet. I now need a proxy for Taking it Back, since these internet windows, sweet as they are, are short and far between - and about to get even worse.

Government e-mail is fairowm@lsd46.navy.mil. I don't like putting that out on a public forum, but I suppose I'll just deal, if some bot or other gets its hands on it.

I have had a chance to read everything up to this point, but in the future I don't really know, so please help me out so I can keep up? xD

Edit five to ten minutes later;

Also since it's a small zombie hoarde and no numbers were given, I assumed we had a little liberty to kill off a few of them in creative ways. So, I got a little creative for fun.
First off Gallant, check your email if you read this first. *wink-wank-wunk*

Also, unlabled numbers means you people kill them until I'm satisfied. *Wink-wank-wonk*

Everyone else, post incoming tommorow!
Bad connection made made a double post. Lam can you delete the first one? I can't for some reason.
Everyone may be wondering how you all participated in a JP without knowing about it. The answer is simple: I made a boo-boo fiddling around with the mod controls, trying to delete Shotty's post. In the process, I deleted my own post, as well as one of Jimmy's. So, now I had to rewrite.

I copypasta'd your posts into the post and then deleted them, so it would flush in with the plot.

I swear if y'all don't start posting from your comfortable couches at home, I'm going to be right and mighty irate!

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