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OOC [OOC] Taking it Back Discussion

God damnit, the fucking site logged me out and destroy a big ass beast post!

You guys will have to wait a while, I can't bring myself to write that all over again.
In firefox, if you hit the back button your post will still be in the box. Then you can copy it and re-post it.
Lam you might want to adjust whatever you might have wanted to post to account for my own ;v
Assume for all intensive purposes that Alexis is NPC-ish until I free up more time. I'm gradually trying to struggle back into posting in all the areas I've said I was going to post, but practically speaking this takes time that I don't very often have anymore. We're going through another inspection cycle and about to get underway.

So, um. ;_; I apologize.
Do you guys want more railroading? I can railroad, if everyone's having trouble coming up with stuff right now.
Been busy lately, but there's not really much Archie can say to the rabble. I vote for railroad to mission start.

I will write you back in immediately, in my very next post. This is going to be the shortest medical procedure since Hanako got her tubes tied! now everybody else post so I can rope Gally back into our mess.
This was probably shorted post I ever did. But well it has everything I wanted to say now in it.
I'm still college-ing, I'll have something by the end of the day. *grumble*Computer science... Friggin' lib-ed requirements.*grumble*
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