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RP Concluded [OOC] YSS Genesis Chat

Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Actually I'm fairly certain Gwathdraug's Grandma was sick last time I spoke to him.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

I swear I'll post sometime soon. Gwath still seems to be AWOL despite being lurking in my IRC channel, so We'll just have to continue without him. And oh, Nyton- Yumeko was included in the group called to help search for the missing guy.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Sorry for taking so long to post. However, here it is, so you're free to go!
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Okay, so, for the searching, Give me a general description of a type of place where you'd like to search, and I'll come up with something.

For example "A restaurant" or "A bar" or "Somewhere that a guy might go if he was avoiding somebody" etc...

I'll come up with something so we can get you guys there, and, depending on what decisions you make about the character based on such little infor, we'll see whether or not you guys can find him.

Also, as Shinon and Sierra suggested- I'd like you guys to pair up, so that you can have another PC to interact with, and to keep my workload a bit smaller, as I'm swamped with work and school, and only have so much post in me.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Alright! Now stuff's actually happening! let's see where this takes us!
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Eh...I know this is pretty late in, but no reaction form Shinon to all that from Yoko? This is making it hard for me to post now...
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

I completely changed my post sorry about that Cadet. I hope you won't be angry at me Kai.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Alright guys, I'll try to get you a GM post by the the second of the new year, if I can.

And no problem ShotJon, it was more for Cadette's benefit anyway.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Okay! that was my last post for Chapter One! you guys can feel free to continue conversations or tie things up if you'd like.

On Friday, the 13th of January, I will be starting Chapter Two. this is where all the new characters will be showing up. so, get ready, guys!.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Kai we need to know which room are taken by crew and which are not?
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

here we go: Cabins!

Feel free to take whichever cabins have an open spot. It actually looks like you might all get your own cabins!

darn, now I can't force Sanjuro and Miyoko to take the same room.

refer to This map to figure out where the available spots are on the ship.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Kai said:
darn, now I can't force Sanjuro and Miyoko to take the same room.

It's fine; I doubt there's a measurable distance to which those two would feel comfortable being from one another. Certainly larger than our current star map. We'll just have to make do with what we're given.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

We'll just have to assign them next to one another, so we have an excuse to install bulletproof bulkheads in the cabins.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

unless there is any objection I had already marked myself in 28 but I can change that if needed
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Hey, if you four who just joined (Tanka, Moonman, Kel, and Aendri) could add your characters to the Chibi art request thread, that'd be awesome. I'd love to have the whole crew done up.
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