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RP Concluded [OOC] YSS Genesis Chat

Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Service dress is preferred -- it's designed to be easy for chibi artists. The other uniforms have a lot of extra detail (patches, color panels, type of skirt, gloves, boots, etc) that is good for high detail character art but a pain for low-cost art in bulk.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Sorry for the lack of activity but I've been busy. I haven't had any free time to do any writing.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

That's fine, Nyton. Thanks for letting us know.

Also, due to unforeseen circumstances (I crashed my bike rather spectacularly) the next post from me may take a couple days.

Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

other the surviving the crash are you ok, I mean I guess your fingers are ok.

Best wishes
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

I'm here now, playing the soon to be everyone's favorite quartermaster.

Weep at your leisure.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

You know you've made a good plot when you can leave it alone for two weeks and it still moves faster than a lot of other plots in the setting.

Expect a post from me within the next couple of days, and the post after that will hopefully get us going doing something.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

I'm all done and ready to be tossed in for a ride!
And apparently so, at the same time as/with Lam!

Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Cubiblox said:
I'm all done and ready to be tossed in for a ride!
And apparently so, at the same time as/with Lam!

Fresh blood. Yum.

O-Oh! I mean, welcome!
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Also, all of you need to update the wiki page with your room assignments, please. It's something I can't fill out for you at this point.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Yes, please find yourselves a room to stay in. Also, I've posted an In for You, Lam and Lara. Get crack-a-lackin' and start posting!
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

I'm in. My goodness, I wrote a lot more about how the guy was dressed than I planned to.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Hey, uh, Lam. Who's "he"?

You gotta remember to say your character's name at least once in your posts just so's we know who's talkin, Ya hear?
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Sorry, bad habit left over from writing straight prose. I'm used to not mentioning characters by name until theybintroduce themselves... Which is fine for books, but not RP.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

I figured it was something like that. No worries, so long as you remember.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Also, I have now cranked my crotchety-meter to 15. Any further warnings will not be broadcast.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Augh, Lam. sorry about that. I've been working two jobs and haven't much free time lately- I wasn't trying to ignore you, and Rikou certainly isn't the type to do so, It's because i've been too busy and have a hard time responding to so many posts at once.
Re: [YSS Genesis] OOC Chat

Hey, Kel, Moonman, I need you guys to make sure you've put your room assignments down so that I don't have to try and remember them. For your convenience, here's where you can do so: Cabins
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