Star Army

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RP [OPEN RP] Candy Festival of YE 44

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
YE 44.8
RP Location
Kyoto, Yamatai
YE 44.8

Some attendees of the Candy Festival would hear a scream so loud that it sliced open Kyoto's downtown district. When the wail transformed into giggling laughter, it was like the night had been stitched back up. The sound came from a young Neko who had just been jump-scared in one of the many impromptu haunted houses built along the streets in the most lively part of Kyoto. Interested, some of those that had heard the shriek went into the entrance, made up of temporary walls that had been propped up. In the corners and deadends of the twisting passages actors in costumes had been placed strategically to scare the pants off the pedestrians wandering through.

Even so, little orange and purple lights and bright candy-themed buntings had also been erected, reminding all of the light atmosphere of the Candy Festival. Different nooks and crannies of the district had been decorated with cobwebs, fake skeletons of Angels strung up as if swarming from the skies, and many pumpkins.

The businesses along the downtown streets that had erected their haunted houses hoped for patrons. Some businesses didn't have to try so hard. Ghastly dressed and costumed festival goers could be seen streaming into The Sweet Spot Dance Club or the Furious Sound live music club. Others more skimpily dressed and scantily clad, dressed like they were about to go to an underground sex club, headed below the pink neon sign of the The Pulsing Pearl at the edge of the Imperial district where the sweetness didn't stop at the candies.

Showing up on your neighbor's doorstep asking for tricks or treats and receiving a bag of goodies solidifed the joyousness of this event. Some of those that passed out candies were simply trying to rope in customers to check out their menus like the many izakaya and maid cafes.

Others were more transparently generous. Some Star Army personnel were handing out candies with smiles and costumes. One such was Taiyou Hoshi, who was adorned with little slips of paper on her chest and forehead that had Yamataigo prayers written in black ink and red vermillion hanko stamps. The ghastly girl, Hoshi, raised a youngling Neko that was too small to manipulate gravity up towards Ketsurui Aiko, who wore a suspender bikini over a sheer bodysuit with glossy black red and black wings around her waist that covered more than Hoshi's scant pasties. Both smiled at one another, then Aiko popped a full sized candy bar into the youngling's orange pumpkin-shaped bucket. With an even more delighted expression, the youngling was set down to enjoy her candy treasures.
Motoyoshi Kaoru, better known to her fans as Midnight made her way through the festive streets of Kyoto, dressed up in her self-designed costume which this year was a butterfly. The cute outfit featured colorful monarch-like marble but in black, blue, purple, and pink butterfly wings that were made of cloth, they would extend open when she raised her arms and closed them. Otherwise, the costume had a relatively short frilly black skirt and a short-cut tank top that showed more than a healthy view of the underboob. The Taisa's skin was dusted in sparkle dust and powder, which caught the lights. She had stopped for a haircut, her sky-blue hair was bobbed off relatively short, and her frosted pink tips had been refreshed to near-neon brilliance. For added effect, she wore a headband, which had two long dangling antennae on them to further enhance the appearance of the butterfly.

Kaoru didn't know Taiyou Hoshi or any of the others there in person. She walked up and said, "Hello!" with a pleasant smile, she didn't know if they would recognize her as a fellow Star Army officer, or Midnight Infinity's 'Midnight', or anyone at all for that matter. It was a good time for introductions anyway, "Have you all given out a lot?" she asked, her bag nearly empty haven given her bounty of candy out as she had walked there.
"Yes, but spooky spirits can always share in our infinite bounty," Aiko smiled assuredly as she reached behind her back and produced from nowhere a bellflower blue and white swirl lollipop that had a jack-o'-lantern's face over the nucleus of its spiral. She held it out to the butterfly girl clasped between just two fingers.

"Oh, she doesn't have any!" Hoshi stage whispered to her XO, not quite getting that Kaoru was passing out candy instead of collecting it.

"Then two candies?" Aiko wondered in a faux-glib way to match her costume. "One for each of your wings!" She then reached into her raven black hair again (and the backpack volumetrically hidden beneath it) to and produced a viridian and caramel-colored candy apple lollipop to go with the first. Aiko presented it to the songstress clad in her swirling cotton candy-colored butterfly wings with an approving look to her captain.

Before Kaoru could correct any mistake, Hoshi sighed resignedly. With a forlorn look she popped her pink fist under her chin as she fully faced Kaoru.

"I always think how a shorter cut would suit the color hair we both sort of have and you really prove it," Hoshi said decisively, bringing her fist onto her palm with a gleaming smile at Motoyoshi Kaoru. "You're too cute, though, I wouldn't steal your look! It suits you best! Have you had a great candy festival so far? Done anything fun?!"
Sacre wasn't quite sure how she managed to be roped into this, but here she was; dressed as the villian from a popular recent film with ice powers. She didn't like crowds; there were too many people, too many potential dangers, and they were all in disguise! Never the less, she soldiered on. It wasn't like everything was bad, there were a lot of children being happy. The sight of children both brought her joy and heartache. She carried a bright orange pumpkin basket filled with candy. She had done her research, carefully selecting her candy for both tasting good and being more nutritonal than just pure sugar. She did her best to hand it out with a line from the film, "Don’t call ice, we’ll call you." The children laughed, and ran away with their candy.

"I just hope they don't contact trace the nexus of the diabetes spike around here to me." Sacre said, replying to Kaoru.
R&R proves easy when there's a festival in town. With all the ferrying and help coordinate repairs on vessels that made continual voyages from the Norian ships to safe locations in the Empire, it was well past time for some more R&R. After all the time she spent on her first tour with the YCS Bastion of Winter, Miu knew exactly what costume to wear, though it felt kind of like cosplaying at the same time to her.

The outfit featured a navy blue kimono with a large black obi that had enough twists in the blue around it to look almost like shrine rope folded into the fabric. There were little flowers on the black material that looked like a cross between stars and flowers, or perhaps galaxies on closer inspection. The inner layers of her kimono were also black, and contrasted her pale skin. She had painted her nails black, then decided to just get fake nails to make sure they were pointy and claw-like. Winding down over the back of her tail, the obi covered where she had found a fluffy fox tail, white with a blue tip, to fit over her own, so she could move it around fairly well with her hidden prehensile Neko tail. All of her exposed skin was covered in makeup to make her white and pale, and she had painted lines that matched the mask on her face in mostly matte makeup, save her lips which were glossy and reflected sparkles. Wearing her kitsune mask (white with blue markings instead of red) on top of her head, she meandered through the crowd towards another candy spot.

There was a large blue comb keeping the mess of blue hair the reservist sported up, and just ahead of that were three very long hair pins sticking in either side. The comb had a ribbon that fell in two tails to just below her obi so it fluttered with any movement or breeze.

"We want some!", A trio of younglings heard about her, and as if to make it easier to spot her, she carried a large staff over one shoulder, dangling a smoking white lantern with a blue tassle hanging from it behind her, though the smoke smelled akin to autumn treats and candy more than smoke, and the volumetric projector hiding in it caused wisps to blink in and out of existence around it. If the trail of smoke didn't lead them to her, the lantern certainly did.

"...what is in here...maybe I should justtt...EAT YOU!", Miu exclaimed with mirth, faking out pulling from her large tote with a jack-o'-lantern on both sides to make a little claw swipe at them, causing new playful shrieks to belt out from near the others. When they all had a good laugh, she smiled and provided each with a candy bar and a package of konpeito.

As they dashed back into the throng of people, she brightened and spotted someone she did not remember meeting, despite their relationship to one another, and smoothly made her way out of the hive of activity to come to meet each of them, flourishing with a little bow that showed a bit of SPOOKY cleavage, "This is so nice of you all. I mean, feed me or I'll feed on you, traveler, oOooOOoo!"

"Hello, 妹 (Imouto-little sister)."
, Came out next to Kaoru. She was going to be coy but couldn't contain herself, as soon as she figured it out.
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Kaoru giggled as the two candies were given, "More to give out I suppose! I wonder if just one..." she had big eyes at the second lollipop. Oh, they must have really thought that she was collecting rather than giving. It amused her, comforted her in a way as she placed the first offering in her back, but held onto the second. The viridian and caramel-colored candy apple lollipop looked absolutely luscious. First, she figured she should confess, but the approach of the other Taisa strayed her from that task.

The Motoyoshi heiress bowed her head forwards slightly and gave her light blue and frosted pink ends a shake, "I just got this cut! I adore it, you should really try it," she stated, then said, "I love your hair too though, it must look great under the cap! I've been busy giving out candy, just like you." she referred of course to the Star Army Uniform cap. "Oh -- How silly of me, I'm Taisa Motoyoshi Kaoru, I'm afraid I'm giving the treat out, rather than taking them in. I do love those lollipops though, may I keep this one?" she inquired, still full of giggles and glee.

"Sugar should only spike happiness!" Kaoru said in reply to Sacre.

She wondered who they all were, but Miu's arrival made her turn just slightly and throw her arms about the frame of her older, yet barely known to her sister. "Hey, Onechan! I didn't expect to see you here. Check out these costumes! They're Star Army too, I hadn't caught their names just quite yet." She turned back to Hoshi and said, "Oh -- and this is my older sister, Miu!" she pointed to the one who had just joined them.
A knowing look was shared between the Kaiyo's captain and XO followed by smiles from both before Aiko handed over a similarly vert lollipop. The topless captain was quick to enjoy the treat. She then mirrored Kaoru's giddiness with a gleeful reply of her own.

"Of course! We're allowed to imbibe in the candy of the festival, too! Keep it! You eat yours now and we can spike our happiness together!" Hoshi then pushed the pop back in while the white stick popped out between her smiling lips. The caramely goodness was already starting to melt a bit and its creamy rich flavor was offset excitingly by the crisp bite of the green hard candy beneath, making her smile pinch along with her deep blue eyes.
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Fresh from his latest training, Mikael decided this year he would dress up like an old time ID-SOL construction worker. He already looked the part considering how tall and massive he was now. Every time someone looked over towards him, their eyes would be treated to blue jean coveralls, tan worker boots, and a light blue long sleevd shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Besides the yellow construction helmet, the only thing missing was a cigar. But he always remembered where he was.

Seeing Hoshi's candy giving, he decided he was head over there to see what they were up to.
Whatever reaction she was expecting from Kaoru, a hug like that wasn't one of her. It caused her tail to flap up comically for a moment in surprise, even if Miu was very quick to hug her sister back just as energetically, tightly enough to almost free part of her from her costume. "Oh, I like you. I got leave after all that stuff with Yugumo and you know, when I was at Xylar for a stint, it felt like I never stopped active duty." The reservist joked, finding herself almost rubbing her white makeup off thanks to her unintentional nuzzling of Kaoru's neck. The costume made her feel more confident, and convivial.

"Oh that bag is dreadfully empty! I was passing out bits too, here! I'll give you double for being in such a good costume." She never had much of a chance to dote on anyone as the middle child, so dropping two bars and two packets of konpeito was at least a small token to add to that pile.

The engineer turned her smile on to Hoshi and her crew, "Miu desssu." She waved with her left hand, and made sure to make it broad enough for the group that was gathered around too, "This is a good setup! It even helped me find my wayward sister."

Spotting Mikael, the second Motoyoshi to roll up managed, "Oh that's a fun costume, almost didn't get it for a second!"
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Kaoru unwrapped the lolly she had kept separate, the look of it was just so inviting. The viridian and caramel-colored candy apple lollipop was certainly the highlight of her day anyway. She tucked the wrapper in her bag, the butterfly costume didn't exactly accommodate for storage, "Ah-n-Mmmmm!" she said after she plugged the lollypop into her mouth. The flavor was just unbeatable, "Thank you!" she said after a moment of sucking before she withdrew the treat from her mouth. "I commanded the Mazu, we were out exploring this weird super AI in the Yuuki System, your mom - I mean, our, oh hell our family is confusing, is in command now," she said with a laugh, "Either way, I'm now just it's second in command, not that I mind, I'm kinda looking to get out - dance, work on my music business," she admitted, glad that her mother was not in earshot.

"I think my happiness is swooning," Kaoru confirmed to Hoshi, she paused briefly to hand out some candy to some passersby that were going through, "So what else do you got planned for Candy Day?" she asked, bags were getting empty, that could only mean refills or some kind of party.
The pink captain's deep blue eyes sparkled with excitement as the Mazu's exploits were detailed. Hoshi gave a few soft cooing sounds as Kaoru talked to let her know she was listening intently, but when it came time to what the rest of the night held, Hoshi looked around and over her shoulders. A few of her past crewmen were kind of hanging around, near her but not really saying hi and it felt awkward, honestly. So she tucked her arm over Kaoru's wings to sort of hover hand and bring her in close for a warm whisper that smelled like the snappy green and ochre lolly they shared a love of.

"We saw a really cool looking Angelic haunted house we're going to hit up, but we'll be at Takeda House afterwards. Ever been?" She let her hand fall, touching Kaoru's shoulder gently as it passed away.

"Miu, was it?" Hoshi said for more than just Kaoru to hear as she turned her red hakama-clad hips to the beautifully dressed woman with her blue and white fox mask. "I've always wondered how far a kimono's collar can go down a girl's SPINE while staying on and tonight," she clicked her tongue and her brows shot up on her face as she gave a showy low bow and stayed there. "Tonight I have learned and for that I am in your dept, kitsune-chan!"

Beside Hoshi while she spoke approached a taller Yamataian man who looked like a pallid and bruised zombie (complete with an oversized Mishhu parasite plushie wrapped around his neck) who stepped toward the Kaiyo's XO. The Ketsurui officer's two samurai faded into view from beneath their volumetric cloaks with Rei standing between him and Aiko while Mao was ready from his back. He looked immediately apologetic, and kind of panicked, but was quickly comforted when both warriors stood down and blinked back into the crowd to stand their invisible vigil.

"Sorry for the intrusion, Aiko-hime," he stated with a quivering salute that tightened up after his adrenaline faded. His blond hair was cut close to his skin except at the top, where it became a messy bramble no doubt for his costume. "Kido-taii," he added to identify himself. "I am here to chaperone my platoon, and they got word that you were here."

Off some twenty feet away was a gaggle of Neko, Yamataians, and a few other species all done up similarly to Mr. Kido. One tall Nepleslian among them even had a big paper maché head from which foam tentacles dangled down around him. A real swarm of Mishhu zombies, it would seem.

"Would you mind?" he asked, looking back to them milling about in various states of Halloween-induced elation and then past Aiko to Hoshi in her conversations with Miu and Kaoru. At this point it was hard to tell if he looked so green-at-the gills because of his makeup or because he didn't want to be asking any of this. "Captain Taiyou as well. They hoped you both might regale them about the Kuvexian War, but I told them you were busy. Sorry!"

Hoshi was just now looking away from the two Motoyoshi girls to check out what her XO had been approached about. Aiko looked to Hoshi with a little exhaustion in her eyes for a moment and, after a telepathic exchange, turned back to Kido with a wide grin.

The pink cap leaned forward again to Kaoru, "See you later! I'm Hoshi by the way!"

"It is our pleasure, Taii," Aiko said with a graceful happiness on her smoldering voice. She threw up a peace sign beside her cheek and looked to his troopers while lifting her knee up into a cute crane stance. Both of Hoshi's hands made the same sign, though she extended one far in front of her while quickly squatting lower excitedly.
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A dribbling ray of sunlight in the form of Miu's cute laughter was pulled out of her at Kaoru's remarks which she could only agree to, "We probably have more moms, aunts, uncles, and everything else than even the main family now!", Guessed the Neko of the Ketsurui, they certainly were active and their mom had already asked them to produce more, so that only meant she was bound to end up with more names and faces to store happily away in her brain. Getting in touch with family had been a source of worry for her, but she found that she thought she was doing far better than Akiko or the prickly Ayano.

"Ohnooo! You vile invaders cannot harm spirit folk!"
, A pat came to Kido's side, and he ended up getting more than a few bars and packages stuffed into his hands by her before he was off, to try and not only pawn more of her candy away to people, but to make him feel a little better. Looking at his unit made her glad she had not thought to do something similar, those wars were perfect memories for so many.

"Oh, that's such a cute nameee. Do people try to make an, "I want it!", Pun all the time?"
The engineer put to Hoshi. She did her best to ignore the hover hand but it did add to her smirking, she gave the two their space enough while waving to the group of zombies well away from them and giving a little flourish when she turned back to the crew and her sister, "You know I had to make myself a little solution to that problem, but wearing it a certain way and putting pressure on from the front did also help. Or rather, it's part of my magic!", Miu flourished in a circle with her lantern and snapped the air with her teeth in a feisty jape, "That much easier to lure you into my den."
Hoshi had stepped away with the now-buoyant Kido to his team, but shot a hand into the air and waved back as she yelled.

"I put the Hoshi in hoshii!" Hoshi had said, forming a pun of her own on the spot. "Show ya later!" Maybe if she had caught the part about the luring and the den, she wouldn't have been so ready to jest with the huntress kitsune. But as it was, she had skipped excitedly to the platoon, cooing at their costumes and asking if anyone had the wit to dress as a Ghost Mishhuvurthyar.
The giant of a man attempted to get Hoshi's attention with a wave of a hand. But failing at that, we wondered off to look for his daughter. Ever since her return, she had remained secluded since her discharge from the Star Army.

So to keep an eye out on her while she got mental treatment and he was assigned to the Rikugun Chief of Staff, he arranged for her to get a job in Kyoto as a sensors maintainer.
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Kaoru gave a sincere look at Hoshi, a few up and down flaps of her arms - the butterfly took flight, maybe just an inch or two off the ground like it was some kind of parlor trick that really wasn't. She whispered just briefly removing the sweet from her mouth, "My sister owns Takeda House, but I have to admit - I've only been there twice, maybe three times and I'd love to go again. I'll drop in, hopefully, you're still there," It was kind of nice to actually meet some friends, she had always stayed in her own little bubble until recently. The butterfly-guided pop star and Star Army Taisa looked around, as Hoshi told her she would see her later. Kaoru gave a little bit of a wave, not wanting to take the candy out again in public.

Tasia returned her attention to her sister, "Something tells me if my man and I have a child, we have an Aunt that is going to have a meltdown," she said in reference to Sui, she noticed that all three were there now, "Well, this certainly is a sign of debauchery and nonsense..." she said aloud, "I like it, continue." When Hoshi stepped away to be with her Team it left her with them, well them and...

Kaoru's eyes narrowed in on the very large Nepleslian man, there truly was only one way to deal with such a presence. She looked at her sisters and wiggled her eyebrows and declared, "He's hiding candy..." her lips perked, "All the good stuff!" Mischief had thus been declared. She knew full well what she was doing, and that it would be more than her sisters that heard her. A group of younglings froze midstep, various sticks and shapes of candy hanging from their lips as all their eyes went to one place, Mikael.
Regardless of rank, Shosa Harris still sent Kaoru the "Really queen?" look towards the Taisa when he identified the source of the cause of all the younglings staring at her. But a former SAINT Operative/former Giretsu Centurion/Ryoko User/CPS Overseer/SAoY Jack of all Trades in the making is always prepared for anything, most of the time. He shifted his attention towards the younglings.

"Yes, I confess, this humble construction man knows of the motherlode of treats. But... only the most worthy can obtain its glory. Complete my challenges with honor, respect, and wisdom; and they are yours. Cheat or act in a manner unbecoming of a Yamataian and you shall never see it." Mikael said, putting his hands behind his back and standing at ease. His tone was very serious, but his face wasn't quite nailing it on purpose.

"Now... let's see who can catch me first." Mikael said before he took off at a dead sprint at 55 kph towards an open park area. Leaning forward, the speed and power he was pumping his legs as he spread his arms out and backwards like he was flying was a sight to behold.
"That's something to handle then, and possibly record for posterity." Miu assured Kaoru, bobbing her head along with the idea of all these plans. She had just been aimlessly distributing (and collecting) candy throughout the festival. It beat manning a Yugumo booth, they had more than enough on hand for that sort of thing without her help.

The Engineer idly wondered what sort of ears her sister's offspring with a Norian might, but could not stop herself from joining in when they tried to get Mikael swarmed.

"He's fibbing! Everyone get the candy goblin!", Miu cawed at the growing mess of kids going after him, adding, "The big guy has the best candy! Swarm him!", And then trying to make her voice sound different, she agreed with herself, "Yeah, I heard that too, let's go!"

Miu felt her mood buoyed by how nice it was to be around her sister, not to mention Hoshi and her crew. "I think I've heard some crews went to Takeda house before, do you think they're doing anything special for the festival? Or at least, encouraging costumes?" The one-tailed kitsune queried. "A haunted house on the way, also good. Or one or the other. I'm you know, good."
Kaoru just cheshire grinned as he watched the trail of younglings take after Mikael, she made it worse though. It was not long before any Nekovalkyrja got that mental broadcast about him having all of the good candy. When he zoomed off she was tempted to follow, at the same time it was more entertaining to be the observer in this case; yes Motoyoshi Kaoru very much enjoyed watching the chaos she created unfold. Younglings screaming, chasing after the hulk of a man, "Give us the candy! You need to stop mister!" she heard them exclaim.

She said to her sister, almost absent-mindedly as she bathed in the glory of what she had done, "I wonder what his challenges are? How much is the candy, which I'm not even sure he has worth?" she giggled a little. She gave an everso polite and over-exaggerated wave toward the fleeing male.

She caught the part about Takeda House though, "I don't know, I haven't seen Tachiko yet. Maybe she's at Takeda House? If she's there I'm sure they're doing something - if not, we're Motoyoshi, and if we want to start a party at Takeda House, I doubt anyone would stop us," she gave a mischievous grin at Miu, "Let us go, let's see what kind of trouble we can get up to at one of the Sector's grandest eateries!"
Ever since she experienced her first Candy Festival, Yue had always loved it. But now she “dressed” for the occasion. She wore an ornate face mask, with leaves and flower headdress and they covered her arms in an armband that also contained flowered decorations. And the band itself appeared to be made of leaves too. Around her waist was a grass skirt which also had flowers, but also some designs for the occasion, like pumpkins and things of that nature. Her tail had rings around it, and the same old collar she’d gotten from Tachiko was also once more around her neck.

What wasn’t covered by the skirt, face, and arms were also covered in a special paint with an elaborate design. This paint also glowed in the dark.
The blue-skinned Motoyoshi had found it fun to scurry around playfully scaring those who she knew wanted to be scared which was when she saw Kaoru, her bandmate and clan sister. Miu, she wasn’t familiar with but considering Kaoru called her Onechan as she made her way over meant she might be another member of the clan.

Yue smiled at the mischief Kaoru and the other woman pulled on the Nepleslian male, but she thought she should make her move. There was a flash of light, and Yue had appeared. “boogabooga!” she said, before adding Greetings beautiful Mortals I am the Moon spirit! Come into the world to seek out the sweet candy treasure! She said finding it difficult to keep a straight face. She’d recalled that they were going to Takeda House, which was a possible location of Tachiko.

Yue hovered there, causing some parts of the outfit to sway and flow. Kaoru and Miu as well as any who were close enough to look would see words hidden under the grass skirt. The words clearly said Property of Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Tachiko! if found, please bring the blue girl to her or a member of her family!

@Andrew @Miyako @Ametheliana
Nara stopped dead in her tracks as a group of younglings ran past her. Her lips curled into a soft smile giggling quietly to herself. The rather introverted blonde Norian had figured it was about time to immerse herself in the festivities of their new home. She had arrived here about a month ago and encounters with those she knew had been rather sparse, which was mildly depressing. Despite this, she managed to pull together enough inspiration to push herself out into the world. . Her purple eyes flicked around to take in goings on around her and perhaps she didn't feel so silly about her costume.

Multiple round potion shaped bottles filled with a glowing purple liquid were secured to a belt round her waist. In her hands she carried what appeared to be an old, tattered tome. Atop her head was a patchwork wizard hat that matched her billowy wizard-like robes.

As she was debating on what to do next she noticed a blue female hovering close by. Her eyes shot open whilst she took notice of the words hidden under the grass skirt. This was a rather interesting scenario in which she wasn't quite sure what to do. "Greetings Moon spirit!," she said to the girl joyfully. "I hope this is not too odd, but I couldn't help but to notice thee ummmm....," she paused pressing a finger to her own lips in a moment of thought. Dropping her hand to grasp her book with both hands, she curiously inquired, "The words on your costume, what do they mean? Who is Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Tachiko? I am rather new around here and do not understand much, please forgive me if this seems out of place."
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