Star Army

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RP: Section 6 (open) When the mirror talks back.

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
188604/S6 facility/training room/ after the party....

Jack slammed his fist away at the punching bag. The training room had been setup for exercise and not wargames. He wore a white tank, boots, and jeans. He had been there for an hour at least, time lost as he worked up a sweat. His mind was filled with thoughts of the recent victory, Lazarus, the past, and what would possibly be the future.

Footsteps could be heard as Mark approached, not dressed much different save a t-shirt instead of a tank top.

"I know that look. Your pissed about something, and I have an idea of what. Talk to me.", Mark said concerned as he leaned against the wall just off to the side.

"Too bad, I'm not going to. It won't help.", Jack said with a grunt as he gave a particularly forceful strike to the bag.

"Jack, listen, the past is the past. We need to move forward. It's why we do what we do isn't it? To not rep-.", Mark began before getting cut off.

"What do you think you know! For sixth months you were off finding some bullshit inner peace. While I've been here having the past shoved in my face over and over again. That monster is the past Mark. And he's come to collect on our sins! So don't say you know, don't say you understand, and don't you dare say move on.", Jack snapped abandoning the punching bag.
Jace was there in his combat pants and boots no shirt showing of his musculature at he worked on a Mu re zhuang it was something he enjoyed doing in his day to day activities and practiced before work and on off hours on it, it made him feel good for some reason. he was here the two talking but for now just kept at the Mu re zhuang
Lawrence had gotten lost, the scientist gave a sigh as he walked along. Pulling his slightly torn lab coat a little more closed as he looked around the area. Where was he in this place? It was rather...disorienting to try and find one's way. This place was a lot more complex than his original work place back on Neplessia. Though a door opened to the training room and he walked in as he heard raised voices, though he paused as he saw the two men in what seemed to be a argument.

"Eh...sorry..." Lawrence muttered. "Got a little lost...."
Aras walked down the hallway of the S6 facility. She had hoped to bring up a breakthrough with Jack, and was directed to the training room to find him. She held a datapad in her hand, quickly spotting the door to the room. Opening the door, Aras began. "Hey Jack, are yo-" Aras stopped, noting the argument between Jack and Mark as well as the two other bystanders.
Mark looked to the two had stumbled in, "I'm sorry. I think Jack is a little over worked. Sorry again you had to see this."

Turning back to the glaring Jack, "Calm down, this is no-."

"No, shut the hell up. We having this talk now, so don't try to silence me. There is no running from it. History is repeating itself Mark. You don't even use your name anymore, don't even look like yourself anymore. You are not me anymore, so you know nothing.", Jack snapped further his fist clenched.

"I never asked for this. I never asked to lose my memory, to be thought dead for six months. Yes I am different now, but I still the things you do at night. I have just been given another perspective on things. I have seen how things could be, how they could have been. So yes I still know you, better than you do.", Mark said trying to stay calm, a anger he hadn't felt in a long time starting to bubble up within.
"If the two Jacks are ready to stop hosing the deck with testosterone, I'm ready to get back to work." Rose had slipped in at some point, leaning back against the weight in her abdomen, though she was showing surprisingly little for her stage of pregnancy. Granted, she wore her usual tac-vest over a sweater and slacks, and her hair was longer than usual, but her body's changes were less notable than the confident stride and the strength she'd never had before now in her posture. Clearly, IIS had some effective tricks up their sleeves with behavioral health services.

"Sarah's napping with the kids in null G and the lab boys told me you'd be in here. They just didn't say there'd be two Jacks. I don't know how, but those three sleep less than I do."
Sarah walked in three babies in a stroller with an anti-disturbance bubble, a cover that let the little ones sleep even through the shouting. She looked half awake and no less irritated.

"I was until everyone started shouting. Who do I have to shoot to shut them up, and please say Carl? Whaa?", Sarah went on before noticing jack and mark, stopping she rubbed her eyes in confusion.

"Goddess, I must have hit my head I see double, sinc-.", She froze as she looked closer to see black hair, "Keep him away from my babies!"
Lawrence blinked in confusion, just watching the strangeness going on. Once he did attempt to speak though silenced himself as he saw more people enter the area and well...he was growing nervous. Things didn't look like they were going well and honestly, that was more than enough reason for him to leave. It's just...he had no idea on where he was suppose to go and he didn't want to wander into a forbidden zone. This area was bad enough.

"Please...stop the yelling..." Lawrence requested, wincing slightly as he stood there.
Training Room
Adria irritably marched in with Adilis following behind as usual. Both their antennae were twitching from the shouting. "Who's making all the noise?" Adria groaned. She looked at Mark and Jack and said "Oh cool, is someone fighting?" eager to watch some delightfully devilish action. Adilis, on the other hand, made a soft whimper, preferring not to get involved in the fight Adria would most likely end up pulling him into sooner or later.
A CLANK, CLANK, CLANK could be heard as Chlorate entered the room as well, scanning around the area. "Auditory disturbance detected," she reported. She quickly turned her android head to look at Mark. "Father, you have been slightly angered?" she asked, "Why?"
Spacecase would stumble into the room drunk out of his mind. He carried an empty bottle of alcohol and a lamp. The lampshade itself was atop Spacecase's head like a crown. "We got Psychopomp right 'ere on 604 and ya leave to attack them? And now we..." He would hold up a hand as he stopped himself from vomiting. "We're partying? Your crazy dude." Spacecase would burp before falling back out into the hallway before stumbling down the hallway and back trying to find the door again before finally passing out.
jace stopped training and now walked over to Sarah curious about all this "it always like this?" he asked and looked at the two in the stroller then back to her "cause if it is then it's going to get a little old fast, of course it dose seem that hes venting, maybe a good sparing will help" he said as he watched the two argue
Sarah jumped as Jace approached, protectively clinging to the stroller with the infants inside.

"Wha what? He's not Lazarus? Then who is he?", She asked as that realization settled.

Mark and Jack stopped for a moment, "But out! We'll deal with it later." They both said in reply to space case.

"So if you don't like it, why don't you run back to the star army and the Kaiyo and live happily there, huh.", Jack would not relent in his directed aggression.

"Because I gave up everything to come home! Because I thought this was home, but I guess I was mistaken. Instead I find some copy with my wife, kids, and my home. I thought I was content to just be on the outside and help you do what I was doing before.", Mark was getting more and more irritated.

"Oh like, how you helped Remirez, Young, Tullens, Gordan, Harris, and Kleme-", Jack said spitefully before being cut off.

"SHUT UP! You have no right to say those names. Those were people we cared about. They trusted us as their leader.", Mark exploded, as he had about enough.

"And look where it got them! Blown to mist around us because we were told to hunt rebels. We lead our brothers in arms to their deaths Mark!", Jack shouted back.

"We bel-", mark started.

"What?! Believed in orders? Of a corrupted government that didn't give two shits about us. Those "rebels", we're just people who wanted to be free away from the imperium. And we were sent in to eliminate them.", Jack was tense, his fist not white knuckled as he clenched them.

"I know. Okay! I know, and both of us still see them at night, don't we. We will pay for what we did one day. But we came here as nothing but mercs, and look what Uso has done for us. A second chance.", Mark was beginning to break down. He didn't want to remember, not the faces, not the names, not the nightmares. But he still tossed and turned in the night when he had amnesia, their accusations still there in his mind. Since remembering, the nightmares had come with them.

"Reaching our goals won't save us. Because freaks like Lazarus, are out there to remind us of what we really are. Monsters of war hiding as men. We're killers and murderers. We used to be just like him, and only now have we learned the wrong we have done too late. We are eternally damned, and have been from the start. Our parents died at our birth, we got all but one of out squad permanently killed, settlements of graves, and people copying the sickest part of us. We don't deserve anything we have. We should have died so long ago, and we have tried to. Or have you forgotten? What was the count up?", Jack snapped at Mark without end almost.

"Shut up."

"25 attempted suicides. Congratulations, we are unkillable, just to fuck everything up."

"That was the past."

"We are stuck in a place born of the past Mark. It's called Hell, and filled with every lie we tell ourselves. We were born to die."

Jack's words seemed final, and Mark seemed to have no words to utter back. He knew every word was right in its own way. They had done so much harm, caused so much pain. It was time they paid the price.

"Then stop running like a coward Jack. Face up and own it. Do better, get better, and make a change. You weak if you think if things can't change. A fool who sees a gun as the only solution. Lay it down, and do what you have been doing. Be a father, a husband, and a leader. Not the broken, shell of what you call a man.", Mark said finally with utter conviction as Jack started to walk away.

Jack was pissed now and the anger radiated. He stopped walking and came at Mark running. They were soon in a back and forth fight of CQC. Parrying, locking, and maneuvering around each other in what seemed like an endless play back.
Lawrence stood there, eyes going wide as he stood there. Oh boy, too many people...too many things going on. His heart was beating a bit faster, though he found himself hoping that things would calm down. But with each word exchanged, tensions seemed to rise. And sure enough, Lawrence's hopes were quickly crushed as the two started a physical confrontation.

"Okay okay...stop! STOP!!!" Lawrence shouted as he stood there, trying to relax. "KNock it off, whatever the hell is going on, it ain't worth it!!"

What to do? What to do?!! You can't just stand here...yelling at em wouldn't help. Lawrence twitched as he felt the thing inside of him stir though, he wondered...should he intervene? No no. Stupid idea.

You would massacre everything if it got out!! Why would you even dare try to stop two trained people?!! Lawrence criticized in his head.
Rose stepped back to Sarah's side, crossing her arms and cocking an eyebrow at Jack and Mark's verbal bout. A flash of her eyes and her letter of reactivation found itself in Jack's inbox, alongside the incident report for what she was about to do.

A quick tap into her datapad and she connected to the fire suppression system. It only took a test mode and a local event trigger to activate the sprinklers in the training room, thoroughly soaking herself and several of Sarah's fireteam that had moved in to spar.

Amid their loud complaints and groans, Rose shouted a commanding "Hey!" at Jack and Mark

"If you two want to have your pissing match, whip it out and measure, then tell me I can go to work. I got triplets to feed!"
he steped up to the two soaked fighting men and went to spartan kick one away and then ducked down to his another in the gut, seeing as they were both at each other and not paying attention to him he probably had the drop on them, even if he didn't make contact he was ready to counter or deflect what they would probably throw at him "both of you knock it off now! be for i get Security in here to help me with you two!"
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Training Room
"Father! No!" Chlorate cried out, she was about to jump in and get Jack away from Mark, but Jace stopped them. Then she saw Jace kick Mark and knew she had to jump in. She hovered into the air with her gravity manipulation system and flew directly into Jace, attempting to tackle him with a loud CRASH. "DO NOT HARM FATHER!" she hollared at the top of her synthetic lungs.
Jace looked back to Chlorate a little to slowly "oh crap" was all he could say before he was hit by the metal android sending him to the next wall and into some weights that were now all on him. He got up slowly go up "big mistake girl" he looked to her he was now in full combat mode and started to look like he was dancing but in a fighting pose "if you really want to do this, i'm down, need some practice anyway" he kept an eye on all three of them making sure to stay alert this time for any surprises
Lawrence knew this was bad, this was beyond bad.

"No no no....why the hell is everyone so quick to fight here?" Lawrence muttered fearfully, feeling his heart rate going up.

Leaning against the wall, the scientist did his best to not lose his mind. This wasn't anywhere near good. Everyone was going to the 'Fighting solves everything' route. Well it doesn't always solve everything!! It makes matters worse! Shaking his head, he tried to steer away from it and in a foolish move, tried to stand between the robot lady and Jace.

"Stop! Joining in the fighting isn't going to help at all!! You guys fighting will just make the whole situation worse!" Lawrence urged fearfully.
Jace listened to the man between the two of them and slowed to a stop but kept on guard "fine i guess your right" looked to Mark and Jack "one more little bout like that and i'll escort you both to the brig do i make myself clear?" he was not joking either, he would call for backup and take them down in cuffs if need be, but he really didn't want to do that
Mark and Jack just stopped and looked to Jace. A look of anger and disbelief mirrored on both of their faces.

"Excuse me?! You are barking up the wrong chain of command.", They both said their having started to glow. It was an emotional response that triggered the Geist.

Neera walked about to say something, then walked right back out with a "nope".

The very wet birb of 6'2, Seraphina Cerulius strode in, a reactivation notice having been rerouted to her pad. It was stamped with an automated approval.

"Hello? Uh, Miss...Pine? I am supposed to notify you that you have been reactivated. I'm Seraphina Cerulius, your new team lead. I'm uh...going to go turn that off.", She said before giving a slight flutter then heading to a wall panel.

Flipping it open, she produced a pen light from her dress uniform breast pocket. Using the beam to search for the valve, she found what she was looking for and gave it a turn. She fluttered the excess water off her wings before returning to stand with Rose and Sarah, watching things unfold.

Sarah looked at the sopping wet Elysian with pity, then looked to Rose.

"Should....we you know...stop them?", Sarah asked.