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Approved Submission [Operation La Prossima] Ryuko Takashashi

This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I just wanted what Rizzo wrote here to be implemented. But you took out leadership selecting her, which I was averse to. It would be medical at best -,- But yeah, I won't stand in the way of approval any more since the bare minimum was met.
IDK if this was clarified but the IC progression should have this timeline:
She was a SAINT operative in good standing.
Then mental decline sets in.
Barone receives the data as per his taskforce's mission needs.
The junkyard situation happens and he requests to simply have her brought to him with the others as escort.
Then the JP we're doing happens where they interview.
Is the story is they placed her with Barone because they needed her as a sample for research on the issue and he is the guy unraveling the problem?

It seems to make sense to me, just make sure the actual wiki says as much.
The submitter never replied to my above post and it's been 2 weeks, so I'm moving this submission to abandoned.
i thought i didnt have to since basically its already been said by another person
With all due respect, it's your submission, and no one else answered my question either.
Is the story is they placed her with Barone because they needed her as a sample for research on the issue and he is the guy unraveling the problem?

It seems to make sense to me, just make sure the actual wiki says as much.
basically yes
Okay. It looks like the info was added to the wiki so I'm moving this to approved.
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