Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

Interest Check Origin: Beyond


Retired Staff
I'm in the early stages of setting up a pretty ambitious project for SARP, that will honestly involve several smaller projects coming together to create one bigger one. It's going to be a large exploration plot, centering a small fleet of civilian ships, headed by Origin Industries, taking a venture beyond the Kikyo sector, in search of new resources, species, and other phenomena, with a theme that's best described as Star Trek but with capitalism.

The project will consist of developing a large fleet tending expeditionary vessel, smaller secondary craft such as exploration ships, mining craft, and a lot more civilian industrial type units that we don't get to see very much of in SARP since so many plots are combat focused. Along with these projects, I'll be looking for characters, from any faction, nation, or race, who have special skillsets, like mining, exploration, Xenobiology, Xenolinguistics, commerce, diplomacy, and of course scientists and engineers to help discover and solve some of the mysteries of the universe.

the plot itself will center around the workings of the small exploration fleet, the finding of resources, and the discovery of new species, races, and what have you. venturing into deep space, we're setting up a lifeline for the Kikyo sector to ensure the continued success of the great nations against the Kuvexian threat, and a bulwark against the future where resources might once again become scarce, preventing us from turning into the very enemies we face now.
So, this is still in the early planning and development stages, as of right now I'm working on updating Origin's lineup where it needs to be done, however, if anyone who wants to be part of the project has the time or desire, I am available for us to lay the groundwork Via RP if need be. I'd really like to work with some other companies, such as Galactic Horizon, Noval, and maybe some more yamataian corporations such as Geshrinari or Yugumo corp. Nepleslian companies are also welcome, though they don't seem super active lately.

Anyway! Let me know if you want to get involved! It's going to be a process but I'd love to get some civilian exploration stuff going if we can!
Just checking in to make sure people were still interested in this project. So far on my list are @Alex Hart with OHI working on a ship, @Whisper with Noval and the Mola, @Jack Pine was interested in investing some NDC stuff in the project, and @Yuuki and @Andrew were interested in adding some Yugumo corp stuff to the operating. I believe @club24 and GH were also somewhat interested. Are there any I missed? Everyone who's interested, both from the position of having a corp that wants to get involved, and having characters that want to come along, please give a holler in this thread so that I can start pushing out some IC invitations to get some RP rolling!
I need to put some thought into who is going, get the Mola and some related craft approved, etc, but I'm on board!
I'd been working on a science and support vessel for the fleet (owned by Origin), an Assayer-Class starship customized as a research and exploration ship. Given the Assayer's exorbitant medical bay, it's likely the ship would be the fleet's hospital as well.

Yugumo's entry would probably depend on me getting the Tanya-Class Expeditionary Cruiser done in time, unless Andrew wanted to commit a Misha-Class explorer and/or a Starchaser III transport rigged as a recreation vessel... ooh... that's a good one.
The Star Army would be happy to send at least one ship to provide security and, if necessary, firepower. Also it's not a secret Yamatai wants to know what's out there as soon as everyone else does. :)

I can come up with an NPC ship crew if you'd like!
The Star Army would be happy to send at least one ship to provide security and, if necessary, firepower. Also it's not a secret Yamatai wants to know what's out there as soon as everyone else does. :)

I can come up with an NPC ship crew if you'd like!

Actually I was going to eventually ask Yamatai (and Nepleslia) to each provide a diplomatic ship for the excursion, but wanted to get the corporate ships together first. Naturally, I doubt Yamatai would send a weak or defenseless ship along for the job, lol
Noval is already kinda part of the cadre but NDC will send a diplomatic vessel and a few support vessels to help in mining and surveying. Likely in the form of EYE-III corvettes and supply cruiser. I'll also try and get cracking on those prefab habitation units as well.
Hit me up with what you feel origin needs from nepleslia in regards to an expedition and ill do a correspondence or news article about nepland sending A ship or two of X class that you want with X personnel, marines, NYRDs or NAM personnel, Whatever they need.

IPG agents embedded for free for 2nd tier antagonists trying to steal anything origin comes across for added RP.
@Yuuki and @Whisper you guys have a bit of time before the plot is ready to go, however I will probably be sending out invitations to the interested parties, soon. but first, I need to finish the model for the Beyond and start on its article, lol
The size and composition of SAoY contribution to the Beyond fleet will certainly impact Yugumo Corporation's involvement.
Just an update for everyone; mostly stuff I've already said on Discord, but putting it here for posterity.

Item one: The Composition and style of roleplay in the Beyond fleet 'Plot'. Rather than just a single plotship with a single set of charcters, I intend to have chapters sort of hop around from ship to ship, and group to group in the fleet. By utilizing part-time NPC's rather than mostly Pc's, we'll allow people to portray different aspects of what is going on during this expedition, whether that be exploration, security, diplomacy, or resource gathering, even potentially have some of the administration of the fleet and its resources being roleplayed as well. For people who just want to play a single character, there will be opportunity for ongoing mini-plots that involve these characters, as well as opportunities for these PC's to bounce around from ship to ship, and section to section.

Item 2: Roleplay for the Beyond fleet will begin shortly. @Yuuki has created the OIF inquest, which will be heading around throughout the Kikyo sector, taking invitations to any of the groups that wish to participate, so that we can RP out the formation of the fleet, and the social, corporate, and political alliances and dealings that are going into making it all happen. by doing this, I'm hoping to kickstart the overall plot, as well as drum up some interest from potential players. The Inquest itself will eventually join the larger Beyond fleet, which I'm still trying to name; right now the best candidate is United Corporate Fleet (UCF) because the acronym UEF was already taken and any acronym involving a B for Beyond kind of sucked, lol.
I think this is also a kind of training mission, so come get your Starship Operation skill (and maybe Leadership for officers)!
I figure between OHI and the NDC there's plenty of hooks for the I'ee
Time for some Good 'Ol THREAD NECROMANCY

Jokes aside, after issues related to Covid, My deployment to the middle east, and a bunch of other stuff, I was unable to do this when I originally intended to, three ish years ago. So, Now that things are somewhat more stable and that Covid is mostly not a pandemic anymore, plus my renewed involvement in SARP, I have decided that I will be bringing this Metaplot idea back to life.

While I do still want to make the plot a bit episodic and bounce around from place to Place a bit, swapping Genres a bit from time to time just to keep interest, I don't think my original idea of making everyone have to manage a bunch of NPC's rather than one solid character will work. Instead there will be at least one plotship (And as a Meta, Beyond will of course have room for more plotships if you'd like to get involved that way) and will instead revolve more around a sort of team of PC's whose varied skills allow them to deal with situations and problems that 'normal' crews can't. so, basically, a pretty normal plotship, lol.

As is the intention for BEYOND, this can and will involve pretty much anyone from any nation or faction that's not outright antagonistic (Heck, might even let some Sood Zadra affiliated Kuvies in or something, idk) but as before I a looking for that support and/or involvement from pretty much every corporation, nation, and military. Please let me know if you're still interested, as the more interest I get, the faster I will work on and complete my plot preparations!