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RP: 188604 Osman University Chapter 2: mechs, math, and school life.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jack Pine
  • Start date Start date

Jack Pine

188604/ Osman city edge/ Osman University/ Morning....

Osman had seen an increase in students lately, all looking to learning. Life had moved forward as normal, and even new instructors had joined. The halls bussed with staff and students alike.

Mark Oaklen sat in his chair bored with a can of soda in hand as he went through paper work remotely through the various pads on his desk. His Geist allowing him to this hands free, occasionally sipping the strawberry soft drink as various screens scrolled and shifted before him. "At least this beats getting shot at," he mumbled to himself.

Neera laughed and chatted with friends as she retrieved things from a locker. She was enjoying the school experience and learning to improve her skills.

"Did you hear? We're supposed to be getting a new instructor here. And we got a new headmaster who looks almost exactly like the last," one of girls said low in a gossipy voice.

"No I hadn't, what about you Neera?"

"You guys know I don't follow that stuff. It's not like it's gonna be some young guy for you to have a crush over Rika," Neera said with a little laugh.

"Your so mean," the girl replied as the other laughed too.

Aster Blake was doing much of the same, chatting as her and her friend walked to their first period.

"You've been happy lately Aster. And I mean like really happy. I bet you got a boyfriend didn't you?"

"Nosey as always Sam. Yes I'm seeing someone, but who is my business. No need for gossip," Aster said with a smile.
A sharp ping sounded from somewhere near the back of the lecture hall Rose called her classrom, a piece of chalk pinging off the back of a datapad with enough force to knock it out of the offender's hand.

"No social media. C'mon, the skills in this class could save someone's life. Now, pull out your sextant and open your manuals. One of the first steps of navigating anywhere is knowing where you are. So, find a known reference and your target, then you can fiure out where you are in relation to the target. I know we have more advanced tools, but what happens when those fail?"

She looked out across the class for a moment before her eyes flashed, the room dimming in response to some unseen signal. But that dimness was shortlived as flecks of light coalesced into a starmap of the Kikyo sector, bits of green and blue floating in the air around the students as little screens on their desks flared to life, giving target information to navigate to a star from their seats, using the sextants. The map started to rotate and change, slowly and subtlely as time was accelerated in the simulation.

"Stellar geography and cartography have been the basis of astronavigation for centuries. For this, we need to understand how the stars move. Not only them, but the things around them. How the light from your target star is hundreds of millions of years old and we need to account for where it is now. So each of you has a star to find and target with your sextant. I'll pause the starmap so you can get to work. But keep in mind each of your seats is your origin. You need a reference point."

She waited, hoping one of the students would raise his hand. When he did, and responded that the nebulae were stable, she smiled. "Good thought, but nebulae are far from stable. They're the birthplace of stars, so they change over the hundreds of thousands of years worth of distance you cover in your jump. It won't look the same four hundred light years away as four thousand. Goddess help you if it's millions. Black holes are good references. Most people, however, use something far outside the sector."

A laser pointer found its way into Rose's hand and pointed to a dense cluster of lights against the skylight. "That's the Galactic Core. The Kikyo sector's just a local cluster of a few thousand stars unusually close together. The sector rotates and changes, but the changes in relation to that, some fifty million light years from Yamatai, are very small. Some, also use the center of rotation of the sector itself. The problem with that is knowing where it is. Your choice. You have twenty minutes to plot a course from your star, your seat, to Yamatai."
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Dylan stared at his laptop for a few moments. He was still alone, and the class had not yet begun. But he was nonetheless nervous. Despite being a teacher for some time now, he had not expected to be accepted when he solicited at Osman. "Well, at least your not back floating in space." He mumbled to himself. The school bell rang, and he saw that he would be teaching a freshmen class.

He pulled open the door, and placed himself next to it. He greeted the students, and the class slowly filled up. When Dylan saw the last student come in, he closed the door behind him, and walked to the front of the whiteboard. With a click, he started his slide-show, projecting above the board. With that, he wrote his name, and turned to the students in front of him.

" Good morning, everyone. My name is Professor Dylan Bjarkmar, but you may call me Dylan if that's convenient for you. I'm 39 years old, was born in Tania, and have only recently relocated here. I was educated in xeno-biology at Kyousou." With that, he clicked to his next slide.

" But, I will be teaching you geography, and geology, but that's another class. During this semester, and hopefully, your entire career here. Allright, let's start with some explanations. First, we must determine, what in essence, we understand with geography."

With that, he took up a map of Kyoto, and held it up. " What most people believe geography is, is the systematic classifying of places and names that make up the physical map. And while that is mostly true, cartography, which is the practice of making maps, is only a small part of geography. Nevertheless, it is an important one. But I believe some of you may have gotten that from Mrs. Ironhart."

Dylan laid down the map again, and quickly clicked to the next slide, showing several mountain formations, rivers, and forests. " If we must truly answer this question, then geography is in its essence the study of natural phenomena and -features. While this different than chemistry, which is studying what those features are made, and physics, which explains how they work. This is why geography is one of the oldest sciences." Dylan clicked to the next slide, showing old paintings of navigators, explorers, and cartographers.

" Since time immemorial, geography has been the basis by which we as a society have attempted to chart what was inside our vicinity. Whether for resources or simply to map the city, nature has been the source of nearly all early science." Dylan. He noticed some of the people in the front were driftingly taking notes, however at the back there was some trouble.

" Second in geography is the study of society. Since one of the phenomenon of nature is our inhabitance of it, culture is the second task of any geographer. You must understand, however, that this does not include social studies or political science. Cultural study can best be described in the field of geography as the 'collection of ideas, values, and norms' of a shared group of people."

Dylan now clicked to one of the more informative slides, showing the courses layout and tasks, as well as the end exam. " The study of culture and nature shall both be our focus this semester. In general, we will be answering two questions that were the centre of early geography, and are still asked today: 'What influences does a ecosphere have?' and 'What is the connection between civilization and nature?' Do not worry, I will not ask you about different kinds of trees. Dr. Beaumont will do so in your biology class."

With that, Dylan clicked to his last slide of part 1. He saw he had already taken up little over 45 minutes. " Very well. Introduction is over. I will have recess of 5 minutes, then let's begin with question 1: ecospheres." Dylan looked at the class, who were physically relieved. Dylan made a physical reminder, and remarked:

" If I'm going to fast, please let me know, okay. And don't worry so much about your notes, I will have the slides online with some personal remarks after the class is over."

The students laid down their pencils, and Dylan sat down at his desk. This is going exceptionally well, Dylan thought. But he had no idea what the students thought of him though.

Kyle had his hoodie thrown over his head as he walked into the University. He noticed the large amount of students and walked by them, ingoring all of their conversations and keeping quiet. Hoping that no one would notice him and he could get to the Head Master's office without having to deal with anyone. He didn't want people to pick on him again so he kept his pace relatively quick as he made his way through the hallways.

Kyle began to think to himself, 'Fantastic, I get off of the ship and I'm sent to a school full of adults... This is going to be JUST GREAT!' He was obviously being sarcastic. As he didn't want to do anything with anyone there.
Ceilia stirred from standby, "are we there yet?" She said with a yawn. Something beeped in the back of Kyle's mind.


"Be back in a bit, I've been called for something," Ceilia said before her presence slipped to somewhere else.
“Well thats perfect...” Kyle said as he walked up to the Head Masters door and creeked the door open and looked inside. His hoodie was covering his face as he looked in. “H-hello? Is there anyone h-here...”

He slowly opened the door all the way and stepped in. Closing the door behind him as he saw Mark sitting in his desk. Kyle remained quiet for a few seconds then said, “Hello...” In a very quiet and low volume.
"Ah, hello Kyle. Jack sent word you be coming to attend the school. The major thing requested was piloting courses, as well as a few things on the XM1 itself. Other than that, general classes to fill the in between. Do you have questions?" Mark said gesturing to a chair.
A CLANK CLANK CLANK could be heard as Chlorate proceeded through the halls, unknowing that she was being followed.

Adria slowly crept up behind Chlorate with a small portable speaker and some tape, ready to tape it to her back.

"I don't think you should do this-" Adilis began whispering.

"Shut up," Adria quietly snapped at him, causing him to immediately go silent. "This will work, now be quiet before she notices," she whispered, holding the speaker.
Kyle went over and sat down in the chair and looked at Mark’s desk. Avoiding eye contact. “N-not much... just not a fan of being around p-people...” He said honestly and with a nervous tone in his voice. Which showed the obvious fact of him being nervous.
"Well I hope things won't be too hard for you here. Come to me if you have any problems. Cheer up kid, not everyday you get the kind of offer you got. I hear you've even made friends in Seraphina, Neera, and Rose," Mark said trying to ease the kid's anxiety at least a little.
Kyle slowly nodded but the look on his face didn’t change. He was in a new place, far from home. Kyle had no clue what was in store for him. Now with people wielding weapons and the ever looming caution of conflict. He couldn’t help but feel nervous.

“T-thank you... I guess I’ll h-have to g-get to class?” He said, unsure of what he should be doing or where he was supposed to go.
Osman vicinty -> Mark's office

There was one damned thing Koroleva hated about birds. They flew. And with the size of the one she had picked to hunt, she was nothing but a light load. One welcomed with agressive squawking and thrashing of wings. Though that was back on the ground. Now, the massive vulture that had earlier been feasting on a natural casualty, was up in the air after Koroleva's ambush. A shiv stuck in the back of it's neck. And nothing short of a feral predator hanging from it's back. Metal arms moved up and sharp claws digged into the birds flesh and she crawled upwards. Her free arm moving into her cloak two shift out a glass shiv, filled with a fluorescent blue liquid. A panicked screech followed as she jammed it in the creature's back. The paralys poison would kick in sooner rather than later as she cracked the hilt off and shattered the blade inside.

After a few seconds of Koroleva hanging on for dear life, the vulture weakened and was more focussed on finding a safe place to land. Though the paralys became too potent. And what had been powerful gusts of air from the vulture's wings, now were nothing more than faint, desperate spasms to glide towards a safe spot.

A loud crashing resounded as the bird smacked headfirst into the large office window Mark possessed. Launching herself and bird inside, sending the beast slipping over the floor and Koroleva jumping off at just the opportune time to not break anything. Though several shards of glass stuck to her form as she rolled to a standing position, breaking the excess momentum. Some drew the radiant blue blood, others pinned in the large green cloak harmlessly. A soft giggle came from the masked woman as she drew out a long combat knife, stalking closer and closer to her prey. Which greeted its butcherer with a faint and startled squeak.
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"Um yeah, go ahead and head to class. Quickly just to be safe, I'll check on ya ater," Mark said quickly waving Kyle to leave the room.

He waited until the kid had bolted.

"Koroleva what are you doing?" Mark asked.
It couldn't be more obvious what she was doing. With a whistle, the knife came down, chopping into the neck of the creature. Once, twice, three times. The sound of tearing flesh resounding with each frantic slash. By the time Mark had asked her what she was doing, even though she didn't understand, the head came off with a final rip. A content sigh leaving her.

She then turned on her feet, twitching as she suddenly laid eyes on Mark. Dropping on all fours... Fives? She tried to make a quick getaway through the same window.

Though she didn't get far, at all. She slipped over coat and crashed facefirst into the floor. Laying completely still.
Kyle quickly stumbled to get up and nodded to Mark as he quickly left the room. As he closed the door behind him he grabbed his chest. Horrified by what he just witnessed. After a couple seconds he calmed down as best as he could. "Oh... I um... that was someone with 5 arms... killing a vulture..." He said whispering to himself.

He smacked his face lightly to snap out of it then ran off down the hall. He would be running past people and bumping into them, every time they would hear a soft and quiet, "Sorry...". Kyle would eventually pass Neera and her friends as he was heading to the astronomy class.

He would slowly open the door and silently enter into the room. His hoodie still thrown over his face and hands in his hoodie pockets. His red and black backpack would be strapped over both shoulders as he looked around the room. He was unsure of what was currently being taught and just wanted to sit down and start working. He didn't have anything better to do at the time.
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Kyle would find the green dot of Rose's laser pointer in the center of his chest as she noted him coming into the room, before it winked off and she fired again at a vacant seat, Sending a text message to his Geist, she spoke silently.

"Review your astronomy real quick. Then find Yamatai from the star assigned and a reference. Plot a course and you can explain why you're late in your homework."
Adria snickered and stuck the speaker to Chlorate's back at just the right moment, when she had a wall to duck behind. She quickly made her way over to the wall and nudged Adilis with her to her hiding spot.

Chlorate beeped and looked behind her. All she could see was a red butterfly wing sticking out like a sore thumb from around the corner. She stared at it for a few seconds, unsure what to make of it, then eventually continued clanking on.

Adria tapped her datapad, then peeked down the hall at Chlorate. Her bobbly bug antennae protruded one foot from her head into the hall. Adilis opted to stay out of this, not wanting to take part.

The speaker began saying phrases like "BEEP BOOP. I AM A ROBOT." and making noises that were obviously making fun of Chlorate. Chlorate beeped in surprise and looked around, unsure of what was happening. She clanked forward, but the noises were still there. She soon ran to Mark's office, saying "Father, there are noises following me and I do not know why," all while the speaker continued making noises mocking her.
Kyle rubbed the back of his neck, still not use to the neural implant. He walked over to the empty seat very quietly and sat down opening up the book at his desk. Flipping through the pages he would find the nebula map and look over it. After a few seconds of scanning the book he would find the star that was assigned. He would hold his finger there and pull out a notebook, then flip to an empty sheet of paper then a pen.

Kyle started to write down a few equations looking back and forth from the map and the notebook. Writing down the math of how long it would take to get there if going by a light speed. After a few more seconds he would have finished his math and would be working on his assignment. It wouldn't take long before he finished writing out his equations and an explanation on why he was late to class. Writing [I was sent here by Mark, Headmaster of the school. I honestly just got here today. My apologies for causing an inconvenience.]

His penmanship would be outstanding, being both neat and readable. He would be working on adding the rest of his equations as he sat there completely zoned out.
Mark came over and keeled down to check the still neko. She was alive, just knocked out, if that was even possible. He began to take her into his arms as the message came in.

check your back plate and legs, someone might of stuck something to you.

Neera sat and listened as the class went on, taking notes anyways via her neural implant. The wolf girl straightened her school uniform.

[New student coming in Rose. She's a special one. You'll understand when she arrives shortly.] -Jack

A girl would enter the room with long brown hair and blue eyes, a beautiful and youthful face. She stepped up near to Rose's desk, "Hello, I'm the new student you should have been notified of shortly ago. My name is Ceilia Ryzka."
Kyle finished his assignment right when the girl walked in. He put his head down, but once she said her name his head jerked up as he stared directly at her. He was in utter disbelief, he could not believe what he heard. So he put his head back down and covered his face again and thought to himself. 'Holy... is that acctually her? She did leave earlier but... I didn't think... It's got to be...' He was trying to wrap his head around how this could happen when he thought, 'She must be in a mechanical body or an Android. Like freespacers. That's got to be it.'