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OOC Ragnarok

Just sort of waiting for the next GM post to leap in to this, not sure the proper etiquette but just wanted to say I've not disappeared.
Good. As I said earlier, I am trying to catch up on some school stuff. But, I have set aside time tomorrow to make a GM post. @Dumont, I will work you into the plot then. I will talk with you more once I flesh out the GM post
So i think its great that we have some extra missions set up for that new plot you helped devote some time to start up Gunhand but could we also move along on this one?
This plot has some great players and concepts so I am really interested in keeping it going. I'm looking forward to more
I am to. I have just been busy with school. I just applied to my local nursing school and am busting my but to get in. Just been really busy. I will have a post up for y'all tonight
By the way guys. I know I have been moving slow, and the crossover plot I agreed to do has started. It is all done through JPing. I will post the link and if you want to post on there you are more than welcome. It will be a tad weird doing both plots at once but we will manage. http://shamblespad.com/p/LastStop
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