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OOC Ragnarok

So is the 188604 thing technically our first job after we take down these gang guys, making it take place chronologically after what happens in the Ragnarok: A new beginning thread?
I think I have all of the plot 188604 characters and their roles put could you post them up just in case I messed up?
I'll uh.. probably bring Corgan in to 188604, but keep him away from my other 188604 character.
OK! Sorry for taking this long to get over here.

As far as the 188604 crossover goes, here is what happened so far:

Uso found a planet with 1886 american civil war era technology and decided that she wanted to try her hand at being an empress. Turns out the last guy she went out on a date with also knew this amazing Mercenary group so with the last of her money she hired Ragnarok, some other experts, bought a ship, and headed out to go claim herself a world.

The 188604 Plot has done a few 'getting to know the crew' JPs, as well as some JPs regarding getting supplies together.

The current JP has our heros making a power armored jump from the ship into the middle of a local fight. Really all they can tell is that there are a bunch of blue coated people, and a bunch of other people in various colored coats, all fighting near a city. Uso wants to capture the leaders so she can use them to rule this place. Uso ALSO wants to scare everyone into submission, so she's asked the mercenaries to kinda 'go nuts' for a bit.​

And what can you guys do now?

If you want, you can join the 188604 JP in progress here: http://shamblespad.com/p/LastStop

We could start another thread once you guys are finished with your current mission, and replay the events of the above JP from Ragnarok's perspective. I don't want to feel like I'm rushing anyone into anything.

Of course, if it is helpful, we could also do some RP with Uso explaining her goals to the Ragnarok crew.​
Reactions: Wes
Cool, I'm going to PM Gunhand, figure out how we're going to do this RP, and then point everyone to the correct location to get started.
Zack and I talked and we have come up with a solution.

First off. JPing with us will be optional. If you would like to great, if not you can do the second thing.

Second after our current mission I will set the next arc to be missions on the planet.

Third we will have another arc giving the briefing between Cyrus and Uso and all of you.
My only question about the JP is what kind of Power Armor do we have?
Just a heads-up, while the JP sounds fun, I'll have to skip out on it. I've been caught up in personal details for a bit now and I don't think I have time to properly do it.

Also, that's my poorly crafted excuse of why I might be late to posting for the next week or so, whoops?
Whoa, NPC turned into a PC. o.o @Samanthia so your character isn't the bartender? I was operating under the assumption she was.. He was ordering a drink from her. I suppose I could play it like he mistook her for a bartender
Reactions: Wes
Yes, @Samanthia will be joining us. Just so happened that the bartender was a neko so she dropped in and worked herself in that way. Welcome aboard Samanthia!
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Reactions: Wes
Oh, I guess I was thrown off cause she didn't mention making his drink. My mistake
Apologize for the confusion @ArsenicJohn but It seamed a good spot to jump into the rp at time with the blessings of the GM by actually responding to your character and intro'ing mine. Honest mistake if you meant the bartender.
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