DocTomoe said:
There was a sigh from Velor at that point though, before he spoke further. "I'll be honest, as royalty speaking to one who has known a throne; I think one day we could prosper well together... though, it would have to be a day in which cooler heads are in control of your military. Until then, Premier, we will have to keep on our toes with the Empire, and I assure you, that what we do to stand our ground, is not intended as any offense to the citizens of your Empire, and my actions within the conference room are not intended as an offense to you."
Yuumi collected her words before she slowly, purposely set them out.
"My sister does what she has to in order to protect the Empire she was created to protect," she said. Her eyes kept on Velor's. "She has lived almost 35 years doing those things. And nothing else. Even as Empress, she was a warrior first.
"You think you can imagine that, but you can't. Thirty-five years where every second, waking or in slumber, you consider who has to live or die. 'Has to' is purposeful, because every life carries a value, and it has to be spent, and spent right, or the whole Empire falls apart. Not just a clan, or a planet. An Empire. An entire form of existence. Your civil war, with the Helashio, it went on for centuries, but your people never saw what my sister has seen for 35 years.
"She took that responsibility to the limit when she permanently became part of our quantum computer network. Now she experiences the seconds of everyone connected to it. And has to calculate their lives' worth, and how best to spend them. She can't control them, but her directives affect billions. Not distant billions — billions who touch her soul, with each thought they send along the aether, and will do so until she dies, which might be never."
She stood up, slowly, and faced Velor with a hint of aggression. "So when you say you want cooler heads in control of our military, I can assure you right now that my sister? She's as cold as space. If she finds something wrong with your people, or your military, I trust she knows what the hell she's talking about.
"I'll carry the spirit of honesty," she said. "Your government, military, you — whoever — want to jerk my sister around. Get big enough to fill out your bra and swing all eyes your way. I get it. You're not bad neighbors, and we can be bitchy. But tread light, High Priest. I can put up with your government's bullshit all day, but my sister? She doesn't exist to be the patient one."
Yuumi tipped her head in a bow, hands at her sides, stiff, formal, flat-lipped and without any shine to her eyes. She came out of it without looking at Velor, instead walking away from him, Ahrim and the Gartagen princess.
She needed a drink.