Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: Section 6 [Section 6] Meet Ashley and Foreman


----188604/ geo- synchronous orbit/ USV-Hammer---

Jack stood waiting in the hangar as the Sand Demon dropshot could be seen through the shields as it approached. He wore cargo pants and boots over the lower half of his Revenant undersuite, a body armor vest over his chest and the Revenant armor helmet. The armored plates were slid into place over the visor leaving only a narrow Y shaped slit of the visor viewable.

"Were there any problems? We came all the way out over the badlands to find her. It would be a disappointment if she turned down the job offer," Jack said as he idly scratched the chin of his helmet with the segmented appearing suited hand, the hard points on the suit's hand making a faint scratching sound as he did so.

"No, commander, she seemed very... receptive," Rorik replied from beside Jack, dressed in the ship variant of the Section 6 dress uniform.

The Sand Demon lazily entered the hangar and after turning 180° set down on the deck, the rear ramp lowered as the new arrival exited.

Ashley walked out the ship and looked around and said, "This is different. I hope I don't look out of place." She walked over to Jack and asked, "Why go through all the trouble to hire me? All you had to do was ask." Ashley laughed softly. "Why were your people looking for me?"

As per typical, Rose couldn't be bothered to wear her uniform, aside from the winged sword S6 team patch on the left breast of her lab coat. Still, she slipped in near Rorik and waved with a smile crinkling the corners of her mouth. "So, did we get a new shipwright? Or a new weaponsmith? Between Aster, the boys, and Erik, we have R&D locked down on the rapid prototype side. So, who're we getting?"

The teenaged intern stood near Rose wearing her S6 dress uniform. Aster smoothed the hem of her pleated skirt for a moment and looked to her supervisors with curious violet eyes. "More help is good, right? We have a lot of projects to tackle with just the handful of us." She held a black datapad in front of her against the front of her skirt, cradling it in her hands. "Do I need to queue up anything, Mr. Pine?"

"No, that won't be needed. I've been hearing about a scientist running between settlements helping locals and fixing problems. After our recent ops into the frontier, radio chatter has been more active than usual. I thought to myself that this sounded like someone with similar goals, someone who is good at what they do, and would be an asset," Jack said as he addressed the 5'5 tan brunette, with long hair and blue eyes as he also addressed everyone else. "I'm very curious and to meet what kind of person has become so well-known out here, miss?" Jack asked, stepping forward as he offered a hand to shake.

Ashley shook Jack's hand and replied "I was just doing my best to help out my neighbors, I was born here after all.." Ashley looked around and half asked, "I guess this is the last time that I'll see this place?"

With a whirr of servos and motors straining against their own weight, Foreman walked to the edge of the Sand Demon’s rear ramp. The War-droid chassis stooped slightly to get out of the space it had previously been in. Its singular ocular implant scanned the room for a brief moment. With apparent effort it walked down the ramp, each step ponderously slow as the pistons in its legs worked hard to keep the entire unit upright, around seven and a half feet tall. It muttered to itself in a distinctly female voice. A pair of small junkers crawled over the surface of the mech for a moment before nestling into the side of one of the droids huge pauldrons.

"Hull status robust. Local atmosphere hospitable. Maintenance appears within acceptable paramete-" The feminine voice paused as the wandering ocular orb stopped. And centered on the gathering. The droid paused once again. Before bobbing its upper half as much as possible with a whine of servos.

"Foreman, extends its greetings to its new employer," The voice chimed, tinged with static as it, then, proceeded to step slightly closer.

Aras sprinted into the hanger wearing her medical scrubs. She carried a datapad filled with research notes for a new project. "Of all the times for a meeting, it had to be now?" She muttered to herself. As she rounded the corner into the hanger, her foot caught the edge of the floor and Aras's face was propelled into the floor as her datapad flew. After a few seconds of flying, it smashed into the floor, shattering on impact.

"Damnit!" Aras shouted, slowly picking herself up from the floor. As she got up, she took a moment to look at the two new arrivals.

Aster's violet eyes grew wide at the sight of the Foreman. "SUGOI~YO!" She took a few steps closer to both Jack and the new arrivals. She watched the droid as it moved with growing amazement. "I've never seen one before, is this a Freespacer?"

"Maybe. I think Freespacers use more mechs than full robot bodies. Could be an infomorph." Rose let her eyes glow for a few moments as she connected to her grav belt's controls and floated off the floor, switching her relative down to pull to a nearby fuel buoy in the hangar, perhaps five or six meters away. With her better view attained, she sat down and watched. "Aras, I'll take a look at your pad later today. We've got not a Hell of a lot of work, so I can do some repairs."

Ashley walked toward the group and asked, "What's everyone's name? I would like to get to know all of you if I’m going to be working you all." She shook Jack’s hand.

"Then I feel that our goals align. By working with us, you'll be able to help the people of this planet as a whole instead of one settlement at a time. I am Director Jack Pine, I founded and run Section 6, I also lead Saber as their commander when I’m not busy in the labs. I'll let everyone else introduce themselves. As for you, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Foreman," Jack said as he signaled via Geist for the ship to change course and make way back to USO airspace.

Foreman turned her torso separate of her legs as she came to a stop. The ocular orb sweeping across the gathered people. From the droid’s proximity, the sound of its processors clicking and clacking would be quite audible. It awkwardly stood there for a couple of moments. Its armored bulk silent and unmoving as one of its pistons hissed. The two junkers upon its shoulder sprung to life and scuttled down to the back of its right leg and fiddled with something.

It took a short age before its attention turned back to Jack. The ocular implant focusing and unfocusing on his face.

"The pleasure is mine. It would appear your crew are unaccustomed to Freespacers?" The droid raised a mechanical claw and motioned to Aster. It turned to Ashley and bobbed its 'head' again. "Please. Call me Foreman."

"Thanks Rose," Said Aras as she dusted off her scrubs. She turned to the two newcomers "I'm Aras. I specialize in surgery for S-6". As she began to turn to pick up the shattered remains of her datapad, the pitter-patter of feet sounded from the hallway.

The small figure of a child burst from the hallway. In her hands was the small grey cat she always carried with her. As she turned to the group, her foot caught on the same spot as Aras, propelling her to the floor as well. Unlike Aras however, she managed to save her fall, all while holding the cat. As she hopped up, she sounded a triumphant "Hya!" to signify her success.

"Abigail, I told you to wait in the lab," Aras looked to the cat, "I also said to leave that cat in your room!"

"But if I left her she would get lonely," Abigail pleaded, "And I got lonely too so I came to see what was happening."

Aras sighed, "Please go and put the cat back, Abigail."

"Okay Ar-" Abigail’s voice was cut off as she looked past her foster mother. "Is that a robot!?" She squealed.

Aras quickly dragged the child away, despite her protests. "But Aras, I wanna see the ro-" Her voice was cut off as they rounded the corner.

"What kind of jobs do we do? I'm new at this team's staff. I usually just go where I'm needed, so to speak. But don't get me wrong, I'm honored to work with you all. Where do I put my footlocker, Sir? I would like to unpack my stuff and start enjoying my stay." Ashley walked to footlocker and picked it up, after saying hi to everyone one last time and went to her room to unpack her stuff. "I guess I'll catch up with you guys later in our free time."

Aster smiled and nodded at Foreman. "I don't mean to be rude, Foreman. I've only read about the Freespacers on the net! We didn't get much experience with the Spacers after the NMX war out in the Yugumo cluster."

Foreman let out something like a chuckle. A harsh noise, filled with static as it echoed through her tinny speakers. Her form leant forwards for a second as she gave what appeared to be a mock bow, a strange movement from what appeared to be a battle worn war droid. "Don’t worry, I am sure we will get much more acquainted with each other, I would be happy to share tales with you over a drink and a recharge... A drink for you... A recharge for me." She paused again. Standing back upright. "Now. About a Recharge. The trip has drained me... I will see myself to a port somewhere."

With that Foreman recalled the two Junkers up onto her shoulders and turned to make her way out.