Star Army

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RP [Sector Searchers] Mission Three, The ship that leapt through space

Alex Hart

Well-Known Member
On, planet 188604, the ISS Araxie

It had been a few months since the ISS Araxie had returned to planet 188604, and it was finally ready to lift of into the cosmos on its journey again. Alex had called together the motley crew of the ship from their respective cabins for a meeting on the bridge. His message had been short but to the point;

Hey everyone, we're getting ready to go back to ex loath and UOC space. I've got a couple of things I want to investigate.

Hopefully it wouldn't take long for the crew members to get to the bridge. He ran through the crew's roster in his mind. The most recent addition was Dyrad, the new Neko medic of the ship. Her mannerisms were a bit strange, but he was sure that she'd be able to help out and get along with everyone.

Then there was Chi, a strange young woman who had showed up without much fanfare. She said she was good at talking to people, a skillset he sorely lacked.

Evee had been on the ship the second longest, the fuzzy Helashio mechanic was kind of shy, but she was there when you needed her, and had been the one to help Alex keep the ship and his Mecha running.

And lastly, there was Araxie. Alex smiled at the thought of her. Araxie was both his partner and the namesake of the ship. He had been through hell and back with her, and she had never given up.

As he ran through the last crew member in his mental list, he waited for everyone else to arrive.

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Dryad's bright curls lit like fire as her skin caught and threw what little light filtered through it, and she smiled brightly as she bounced into the bridge and struck a habitual attention stance. "Medical reports ready! I found a massage table in there, too, so we can relax on the way there."
Evee arrived on the bridge, in her usual calm fashion, her attention (successfully) drawn to Dryad's radiant aura. She's a source of liveliness... that's for sure, Evee thought to herself. She couldn't help but smile. Having more crew members around was surely going to make things more entertaining and safe, hopefully. Massages did sound nice.. but maybe not from Dryad.. Evee wasn't too sure if she wanted Dryad touching her. She'd better get used to it though, she was the medic. Someone teach me how to use links!! lol :P
ISS Araxie

The resident hummingbirb cracked a couple of her knuckles lazily as she followed Evee into the bridge, looking quite eager to get moving again. She seemed to have a slightly more confident air about her as she entered; Alex had been helping teach her how to actually shoot her little pistol, rather than just waving it around like a crazy person.

"Hmm? I heard something about m... Massages." Serai hesitated as she took a look towards Dryad, before she leaned against the armored wall casually next to Alex. And then not two seconds afterward, straightened up and stood right next to him. What's one of them doing out here?

Okay so, you select/highlight the text you want to make a link, then click the link button on the top of the edit window. Just paste the link into the box that pops up!
ISS Araxie

"That's good. I guess?" Alex responded to Dyrad. "Hopefully we shouldn't be getting so stressed that we need them though."

He turned to the rest of the crew, and addressed everyone. "Alright, we're going back to ex lorath and UOC space, as I told you. I want to investigate some of the pirate activity there. I've got a feeling that one of the pirates, specifically the one who was in charge during the attack on the salvaging fleet we helped protect, was using some cybernetics that link back to a company in Nepleslia."
ISS Araxie

Chi half-jogged her way up to the bridge, garbed in clothes nothing like she has been wearing her first day aboard. A pair of tight-fitting jeans and a loose grey t-shirt hugged the young woman's figure surprisingly well.

The silver-blonde managed to get to the briefing last, almost stumbling on the miniscule lip that was raised at the door to the now rather cramped bridge. After her rather ungrateful entrance partway through Alex's speech she corrected her hair a little. She didn't mind he'd started and was just thankful she hasn't sent herself flying, which wouldnt exactly have been the greatest start to this excursion.
Chi's entry and Dryad's preen offer made Evee grin. She was pretty sure that Araxie was disturbed by Dryad and found it amusing. What an awkward crew. Evee just hoped that she stayed out of the nonsense. Evee moved her attention to Alex and considered the mission outline.

"Nepleslia.", Evee muttered, inaudible to the crew. "Cybernetics? ..In Nepleslia?", Evee asked. "What does that have to do with us?"

Evee, being very self-conscious worried if she sounded stupid asking the question.
"We get to meet Mrs. Pirate Queen again then..?", Evee joked, her own comedy helping her ease a little.
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ISS Araxie

The hummingbirb's eyes narrowed a little at the neko's comment about preening. If she knew enough to be able to preen, she knew that it was typically done in private with one's partner, or by oneself...

Clearing her vision again, Arx sighed to try to relax a bit. It still felt kind of odd to be in a new body... Again...

"Pirate Queen? We met a pirate queen?" Miss Serai looked over to Alex, eyes pleading for an explanation. Or at least the promise of getting one later.
ISS Araxie

"Well, we met someone who called themselves one. She goes by the name of Annabelle Killigrew, and she was a pretty damn good pilot. I barely got out alive, but from what I can tell, so did she."

Alex sat down on a chair on the bridge, and quickly swiveled it around to face the crew. He searched through the footage from the sensors on his mecha to find footage of the fight between himself and the so called pirate queen. Once he did, he had the ship's computer display it on a large screen.

What was easily apparent from the record, which was from a first person point of view, was the ferocity of the pirate's attacks. They had forced Alex into a defensive posture before he "won" not through skill, but by exploiting an opening, which then resulted in both mecha drawing back to their respective ships.

"I'm under the impression that this pirate queen is being supplied by Psychopomp. I can't think of any other explanation for any pilot, me included, being able to input so many commands to their craft in such a short time other than a cybernetic link to their craft. And as far as I know, Psychopomp provides the only ones on the market."
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"Hmm... fair enough, then. Is there anywhere in particular we plan to start looking or will we figure it out when we're there?" Araxie's question gently moved the air of the bridge about as she spoke.
"While I'll admit I've never seen a mecha move like that... Nice shot, by the way." Dryad moved closer to the screen, as though hoping to make out some finer detail, "this is Nepleslia, as someone mentioned. Cyberware's everywhere."
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"Hrm.. Pirate Queen.. That's a little grandiose isn't it?" Chi pouted, leaning against the nearest wall. "No way apart from cybernetics unless you're synthetic already.. I guess?" To an extent she was speaking from what she'd seen other Freespacers do with small devices, completing hugely complex tasks in a fraction of a time it would take an organic mind. Still, she'd never seen anyone pilot a mech that well before.
Alex waited for everyone to stop talking before he continued to speak.

"I just wanted to let everyone know what was the plan going forward was, and to let you all know to get yourselves ready for anything."

Alex looked at Araxie. "Can you plot us a course to the E5 system in grid 2211?"
"Medical reporting ready, sir." Dryad nodded firmly, snapping to attention as her tail curled casually over her hip. Since leaving the Star Army and settling into civilian life, she had been careful to not use her abilities to the extent she had been trained to, simply because she wanted people to think her normal. But this mission may prove to change her mind on that. "Massage tables and emergency services both."
"That should be easy enough, yeah." She swiftly kissed Alex on the cheek before stepping over to her chair, not even bothering to sit down as her slender fingers perused the map of the sector as the traveling group knew it.
Chi felt a little sheepish - she wasn't sure exactly what to do. "Uhm, Alex? What do you want me to do? I can try my hand at almost anything." she asked timidly. In reality, it was a simple matter to replace her currently stored skills with new ones from the Freespacer network, a simple matter entirely. All she needed was an idea of what she would be doing and how she could help.
"I am ready to address our mechanical needs.", Evee confirmed, joining in on the crew's status checks. She smiled and stood quiet so that Alex could answer Chi's question. Evee reflected for a moment, she was proud to be the person behind keeping the mecha and ship in running condition.
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ISS Araxie

Alex gave the question some thought.

"Hmmm... Maybe assist with piloting the ship if we get caught in combat, Chi. Araxie might have her hands full with piloting, so maybe you could handle guns for the time being?"

He stood up on a chair. "We should have a while until we get there, so everyone should relax a little."
Araxie shrugged. "Yeah that'd be pretty nice. Besides, I'm not the best gunner. I've had more experience on freighters and such, not something this heavily armed." Alex felt her hand pat him on the head gently, ruffling his golden hair a bit.