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RP Date
YE 46.4
To: Mining Guild Public Relations
From: Office of the Fujiko Development Corporation Chief Executive


The Fujiko Development Corporation is interested in negotiating a business relationship with the Mining Guild. As the Fujiko Region is rich in natural resources, the Nepleslian Reds have developed an affinity for mining and industry. Chief Executive Sun Horatio believes it would be win-win cooperation if we can at least form the ability to de-conflict directly if we even come to disputes over mining claims outside of our established spheres of influence. When is the earliest convenience for one of your representatives to meet at Port Dongfeng in the Tange System?

Chief of Staff to the FDC Chief Executive

To Astrid,
Office of the FDC Chief Executive

Thank you for reaching out to the Mining Guild about potential business collaboration. We appreciate your interest in establishing a relationship with us regarding mining activities in the Fujiko Region. Our Mining Guild representatives are keen to discuss further and explore potential synergies between our organizations.

We would be pleased to send a representative to meet with you at Port Dongfeng in the Tange System. Kindly provide us with a few dates that are convenient for your team, and we will coordinate to ensure a fruitful discussion on potential cooperation opportunities.

Looking forward to potential partnership discussions.

Warm regards,

Athena Epirus, Mining Guild Public Relations
To: Athena Epirus, Mining Guild Public Relations
From: Astrid, Office of the FDC Chief Executive

I have forwarded available dates Chief Executive Sun is available. I have also forwarded more availability to meet with a lead representative from the Fujiko Trade and Culture Exchange Office if no one is available to meet with the Chief Executive at that time. Looking forward to fruitful discussions.

Chief of Staff to the FDC Chief Executive
To Astrid, Chief of Staff to the FDC Chief Executive

Thank you for facilitating the scheduling of the meeting with Chief Executive Sun Horatio and potentially with a lead representative from the Fujiko Trade and Culture Exchange Office. We appreciate your readiness to engage in potential partnership discussions, and the Mining Guild looks forward to fruitful interactions to explore collaboration opportunities in the mining sector.

We will confirm the date and time for the meeting shortly and coordinate with your team to ensure a productive session. Please feel free to reach out if there are any further details or requirements to consider ahead of our discussion.

Warm regards,

Athena Epirus, Mining Guild Public Relations
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