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So yeah... Wolfe Reporting for Duty, again.

Wolfe Whitehorn

Inactive Member
I keep making my way back here after every big event in my life.

Last I disappeared me and my wife had just had our Second child and were doing our best to stave off a divorce. Well, now our third one is due in December and we're facing a divorce head on. It's unavoidable, but I'd like to come back to you guys, as beaten and broken as I am, with the hopes of turning things around. I don't have much else besides HEMA practice, the kids, and work to keep me busy, so I should be pretty steady again.

I just need some kinship and something to keep my head in the game.
Welcome back, Mr Nailo. My condolences for your crises, I hope that your situation will improve soon. In the meantime, feel free to walk among us again.
Welcome back, glad that you are here to have some fun.
There's nothing wrong with a dose of escapism when IRL has you down, and I sympathize with the stresses of family life at times. Welcome back, and hope you can find a measure of peace.
We can certainly use some new blood, feel free to have a look around and create a character.
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