Errowyn/Truffleclub/Uso Jamboree
Truffleclub had to think about the question for a moment, leaning back onto one hand. It was quite likely they expected the liquid friends to be immediately cracked by other freespacers, and thus didn't bother putting any hard limits in.
"...Stays this size, if you're not telling it bigger, or smaller, is..." Ponderous tones. They were looking up at the stars, perhaps wondering for themselves how far the creatures could spread. "You can tell them to death, but... It is not what Cloudee would do to a friend! Cloudee would tell them... back in can, you is."
Slouching forward again. The wooden chest attached behind their right shoulder had another two of the 'circuit jars' crammed in, which he revealed to them nonchalantly.
"Feed them the anything, if wanting to grow. Or wanting to children. They will shrink if not eat. Huron will be sparse..."
"...But, yes, this is present to all you, is."
"Present for you and Sharks of Wires."