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Interest Check [TFFS] - The Farthest Stride's Revamped Interest Check


Inactive Member
Heyo doods =3=/

It's been a while since I announced the Farthest Stride, a plot based around a group of commanders and their single/many ships as they operate within the Task Force. It was an ambitious idea that was lost beneath a sea of shifting player pops, drama, and just in general the few months where things got p hectic for me schedule-wise. With my schedule stabilized (and a babber on the way to motivate me to push myself and my plots), I spoke briefly the other day that the Farthest Stride was happening.

And. It. Is.

And it will launch before the end of this month.

It was a spur decision, but once I've made up my mind I won't stop until I keep my word. This means that within two weeks (about a week and a half now), multiple things are going to be happening very rapidly.

  • There will be a series of micro-events/JPs with Gunhand to explain the IC rush of multiple new ships and the deployment of the 1st Expeditionary Fleet. In this time, multiple things will be completing.
  • The 1st Expeditionary Fleet's wiki has been all-but finished and will be undergoing the NTSE soon to officiate it. It isn't a new fleet, but rather the result of the restructuring that was done to "balance" Nepleslia's fleets better. Figured I'd include that tidbit, as this is the fleet that the plot will be based around!
  • Both the Jackdaw and the De Luca will likely be passing through the NTSE. At the worst case, it seems the Jackdaw would be the only one to arrive late (I'd not stop compromising until it got through, as it provides an option for the players =3=/). Another project has also been started to fill the middle tree, with a new support/repair ship... but, well, this is super early stage for it. My motivation lately has been high, but there's no guarantee I can get this step in. Thankfully, however, it is NOT a starting ship and only one available later on.
  • I'll be starting to assist and work with anyone interested to get their characters prepared early. I like to get pre-launch JPs done before a first thread (if you've ever seen my other plots =3=, you'll know), so this will be the replacement for that. After all, the micro-events/JPs with Gunhand are the RP end before the launch this time. With how ships will need to be kept-up with and the players will need to make their characters, it seems fair to help with ship generation and sheets!
Now, with all that done?

Here's who we're looking for.
  • Jiyuuian Peacekeepers.
    • These guys were integrated into the NSMC for around four YE. As such, many Ex-UOC Jiyuuians would be eligible as commanders by this point having served alongside and likely undergone some form of commission. Honestly, the fact that the Jiyuuians haven't been shown is simply absurd with just how many found a new home in Nepleslia. It's about time that these guys do more than just be a backdrop that was largely ignored!
  • Nepleslian Kuznyetski.
    • Obviously we'll have one or two generic Nepleslians, but ideally I'd love to see people making one of these gun-happy near-commies. Juno from the 309th is only one example of them, but he's a fairly poor one. Someone building a gun of their own would likely be an awesome character if you want to acquire one of the personally modified ships... think of what they could strap onto NSN hardware!
  • 'Freenepper' Freespacers.
    • @Primitive Polygon will be the best person to ask about which groups are already established, but this is a group that simply exists because many Freespacers live and abide under Nepleslian rule. Being one of these guys means your character has likely been challenging pirates and rogue-spacer groups in the Colonies... why not try and make them a stride for change with the best NSN group around >:3c
  • Academic/Multi-Generational Nepleslians.
    • This is a group that I know one interested person was looking at. There are many, MANY old Nepleslian NPCs out there for adoption or simply available as NPCs within the FM's controls. If you'd like to be one of the children or family of these famous members that are now registered/FM-held property for Nepleslia, then you should speak up! I know @Gunhand4171 and @Ametheliana love to deepen Nepleslia's character legacies and that's one of the best ways!
  • Colonial Militia and Mercenaries.
    • The final black sheep group to recruit from, the Colonial Expanse is a ROUGH place. Not just New Bernese, but many of the planets are plagued or are in rather uncontested space thanks to the more defensive positioning of the Navy. Mercenaries and the locally backed Militias (often funded by taxing the many corporations that industrialize Nepleslian worlds so heavily!) would be quite adept and watched as viable commission-targets for the new Fleet.
Oh yeah. And uh... there was a p ridiculous graph on the old one. Take note that this one is more final than that one ever was... but it's still not done (you'll see). Anyhow: Post below if yer interested. Specifically, let people know which tree you want! That's not to say everyone can't all be Warships, but that it might be what someone needs who's on the fence between them to be like "You know, I'll feel better/cooler if I don't copy them!" or whatever. IDK. You get my point. It's a good way for people who might be tied to get their minds settled if they see one tree is super popular but want to try something unique and cooler!

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Whoo! I'll probably go either Warship or Carrier. Depends what we need, but the character I have in mind would definitely be more fitted in the Warship role due to family history... but I could spin it instead as a sort of "stepping out of their shadow" thing to do Carrier stuff if we need more people in those routes.
I'm not gonna lie: Warship was a definite expected popular vote, given how everyone wants PAPA PRIMOOSE and the beefiest squadron. As for your dillema:

Carriers can be accomplished as an "off-carrier" if one knows the Warship path well. The Carrier/Support path (the support ship is CURRENTLY missing, as Nepleslia does not have one) is actually flush with hybrid options except for one. If you feel that Warship is to flooded, you can always push into the Specter (a stealth carrier is still a carrier) and then into the ANCIENT ROK'VERU (which I'm looking into giving a new model/overhaul during the course of this massive plot push).

One of Nepleslia's carrier options, in short, isn't even actually connected to the Support Tree. Not only that, but there's a Stealth Carrier to help people differentiate from the Warship tree further if they want.

The true treat is for those who take the Covert Ops path: unlike the other trees, which tend to all have mostly 3 step+ upgrade options, the Covert Ops main branches both only have 3 steps. This was done because their final upgrades are tied into very core story/depth unlocking. When the group finds something that gets buried behind IPG red tape, only the players who sacrifice the long-game will be able to acquire/tap these information bits or even potential loot for their own future plots/trophies (such as if the fleet knocks down some super Mishhu... and then the IPG ship uses its flesh to make bio-torpedoes for taking out enemy crews!).

This tree was built precisely because I wanted it to be a ton of tradeoffs. Most might look at Warships and go "well, I wanna blow stuff up!" and that's fine! But this tree is also here to empower those who don't necessarily empower the fleet until core moments in the plot's future arise.
The BoNA (lol) is still waiting to become a cool CUSTOM SPECTER.
Update 1: The Freenepper UNLOCKED

After it was clear that the Freespacers would have probably one or two interested captains, this happened with @Primitive Polygon. The creation of this tree isn't restricted to JUST freespacers (other Commanders could field these ships), however, there are many things to take into note if one wants to join TFFS with the Freespacer path =3=/

  • As a captain aboard a Freespacer vessel, things can and will go wrong among the crew. This is due to the mixed groupings of the crew, as NSN would be necessary aboard a Freespacer-commanded vessel to ensure fleet regulation wasn't ignored, while the Freespacers are GOOFBALLS who probably wouldn't listen all-too-much or would have random distractions go off under the command of a non-Spacer.
  • The trees are longer, mainly in that the Freespacer end-game is EXTREMELY potent. A mothership and an Ayame can easily box and go toe-to-toe with a beast like the mighty Primus, so the answer is to make their paths extremely long =3=.
  • The true power of the Freespacer path is flexibility. Unlike the other trees which all push hard into various fields, and have inherent strengths, the Freespacers have no strength. Overall, they are the most "balanced ground" in terms of doctrine. Their ships are faster than their Nepleslian equals in most of the comparisons, but the trade-off is that they lack the Nepleslian defensive prowess. A Freespacer ship has fairly decent stealth qualities as well, but they're not going to match the efficiency and the organization of the IPG crews.
Hopefully this new tree gets everyone psyched. Not only that, but the work will be starting soon to provide the last part of the Nepleslian Support tree via this still unnamed and un-wiki'd ship.

Stay tuned for the next update =3=/ and keep up the interest droppin' and questions, muh dooderz.
So, we still good with this?

I was pretty much still just seeing who turned up, but I am generally interested in joining.

Maybe I'll make the good ship "Father of Striding" and pretend the plot is about them.
We are starting, more than likely, tomorrow or Monday. So yeh.

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