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The Chaos and the Beauty


🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
RP Location
Kaiko Park
Kyoto's Riverside District
Kaiko Park

It had been a few moons since the last time he had seen his Aelya. Just as things had started to get good, destiny pulled them apart on different paths. Though Alastair knew this would only be temporary as he had little doubt their paths would once more cross. Plus knowing a buddle of joy was on the way he wanted to be there as much as he could. They both selected a peaceful place to meet, Kaiko Park, for their first union. Alastair couldn't help but see how fitting it was to go here knowing that his mentor Hoshi helped fund the location. Even though he was no longer under her watch, he felt as if she was still looking out for him.

Alastair showed up in mostly casual wear. Something that for many to see would think this is completely out of character for him. The white shirt clung to his firm chest, the blue shorts leaving little to the imagination. One walking by would think he was nothing more than a simple guy on a run. The wind kicked up and his hair floated behind him like silky strands of thread. The trees rustled in the wind and a beam of sun light broke through. His eyes followed the light and could see the beauty at the end of it. Hair bright as red hot coals, his destiny stood in all her splendor. There was little mistake this was Aelya, for the butterflies in his stomach told him as much. He approached, slowly, unsure how to break the silence. He had rehearsed this for days what he'd say and how he'd say it. Though in the moment, beholden to her presence he was speechless. He continued to close the gap between them, more of her features coming into view. It was becoming perfectly clear how much he had missed her. That the many long days and nights was nothing more than a distraction to drown out the cries from his heart.

"Um, Hey Aelya." He said as he neared her. "Glad to see you, how are things?" His smile beamed brightly from the reflection from the sun.
Kyoto's Riverside District

Aelya stretched out her limbs as she awoke with a very deep sigh. It was not one of a simple awakening process, for today was not simply like any other day. This groan came as she was reminded of the upcoming social engagement with someone who's name made her nose wrinkle in disdain. They had connected rather quickly through deeply emotional conversations where she felt that there was possibly some sort of connection. Luscious red locks moved with the shake of her head, what a fool she was to have believed such a thing could ever be true. Gently her hand flowed from the crumpled pile of sheets to her barely noticeable bump. Before she had to leave the Koun to return to Tsenlan she had made herself incredibly vulnerable to him in telling him of her condition. Now approximately three months along and not a word from him since she had departed this ship, it had flipped a switch somewhere deep inside her. It came as a complete surprise when arrangements to meet up actually came to fruition, she was amazed that he even contacted her again in the first place after so long. Things were in motion that she could not take back and this thought made her hand protectively sit over the child growing within as she sat upright on the edge of her bed. "Well here goes nothing," she murmured to herself stretching her toes to feel the cool hard floor.

Every step to her wardrobe made her dread what was to come and for what must be, no one could know what she had planned. Delicately she placed her hand upon an ethereal black dress, removing it from its resting place to cradle over her arm. She hopped up onto her tip toes to reach the top shelf where she had hid a special blend of herbs. Carefully grabbing the pouch she retreated with her spoils back to the bed, where she set both down. A small tear crept into existence in the corner of her eye as she donned the dress. How could she have let herself slip into a situation like this? She quelled the images that threatened to overtake her vision, the resulting emotions caused the tear to break free and roll down her cheek. Lightly her fingers plucked the pouch from the bed, opening it to take a pinch of the herbs to quell her symptoms along with a bit of nireth. After this herb mixture had been placed in her mouth, the pouch found its way to hidden pockets within the rather thin casual dress while she found a pair of sandals to wear. With a deep breath and a wipe of the hand to remove the offending droplet she made her way out of the door.

Kaiko Park

Aelya stood silently staring off into the distance beginning to doubt if he would even show. The wind kicked up blowing strands of her hair around on a whim. There was a feeling carried on the wind, whether it was a familiar smell or sense of someone near she could not tell. Had he actually cared enough to show up? Her ears twitched at the sound of Alastair's voice but that was almost all she could manage. Ruby red eyes filled with a confused mix of emotions as she gave him cautious side-eye. "Oh, you actually showed." she said with a cold tone as she fought back tears of anger. It did not help he came in a casual outfit, which sent the message he was here on rather serious personal business. Her fists clenched as she fought the urge to do something he very likely recognized as a chancla throw. "Glad to see me?!" she gripped her dress trying to remain calm as her rage turned to a rather dark chuckle. "I know I had to leave to help with Tsenlan and you were likely busy with your duties. Not a word, you did not even check in once?!" she sighed and turned to fully face him. "Puddin, things are not good." she released her hold on her dress moving her arms to rest folded under her chest. The look on her face changed to a very confused visage that caused her head to tilt just a touch in warning of imminent sass.
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Kaiko Park

Alastair paused and tipped his head to one side. "At the agreed time, right on the dot." He said with a smile. He could tell from the tone to her words she was holding back. He too was doing his best to not get too emotional. "I have no words to excuse me not getting in touch sooner. I tried, I truly did." He said as he lowered his head. When he looked up he showed her a data pad. On it was unsent drafts, all 315 of them, the most recent being the day before. Meaning he had made a letter three times a day for the past three months. "I'd go to send them but I just wasn't happy with them. How does one put into words the feelings of the heart?" He paused once more, sizing her up before making his next move. He could tell she was gearing up to lay into him for his lack of communications. He took a step forward and without warning took her into an embrace. Her flowing hair brushing against his face, his grip holding her tight. "Aye, things are not good darling, but they are getting better. I'm home."
Kaiko Park

Aelya tilted her head to the side almost as if a switch flipped inside her. This clearly was not the man who showed such courage and bravery months ago. Then he had absolutely no issue telling her how he felt and backing that up with action. Perhaps she had made a mistake in stepping outside of her kind, a habit that not usually betrayed her in such a manner. Her eyebrow raised as she peeked at a data pad full of unsent messages. Slowly she raised her cold visage to peer into eyes she once held dear. "The same way you so easily did that day and the days after. Seems I have so clearly been mistaken letting myself think that this," she paused to gesture at herself and the life growing quieter within. "was anywhere in my future." she slipped her hand in her pocket to the pouch with the nireth herb mixture popping a rather large pinch betwixt her somber lips.

The limbs of her form froze when he went to hug her causing the tip of her nose to wrinkle in disdain. Certainly she had made missteps that day as they all did. How could she have made herself so vulnerable to a stranger? One thing was certain in her mind as the life in her womb ceased, never again would she allow herself to feel for anyone. These dreams were not meant for a woman like her, this picket fence farce meant for dainty little princesses would do nothing for Tsenlan. "Darling? Home?" she broke herself from his grip with a slight groan as her body felt the effects of death within. Serenity washed over her face, her composure regained. "Things are better now, speaking of home mine is not here. There never was a home for me with you and I was stupid to let myself believe such." She received notification from one of her assistants that the package containing Alastair's jacket and pen had arrived at their destination. "You will find that your pen and jacket have been returned to your ship. Now as we have nothing left that binds us together, I will be returning to where I belong." In an almost ethereal manner she turned from him and left towards Saleloria. Hopefully there was still some chacelle, because after her world had been turned on its head she would need it.
Kaiko Park
The warm home coming quickly turned into something he had hoped to avoid. He knew things would be tough but did not expect things to go this route so soon. Though he was not shocked by this either. He had seen many around him try and have a happy life but the call of the Empress was absolute. "I wish I could say you are mistaken, that we could have been different. But that would be a lie." He did not resist when she broke the hug. He was curious what she had just put into her mouth but thought now was not the time to pry too much.

Alastair just stood and listened to her. Once more he was broken hearted and only had himself to blame for it. For he allowed the mission to take priority over her. He choice to save many but at the sacrifice of the one. "Thank you. I wish things could have been different. You are a wonderful person and have no doubt you will bring much joy to others." A mute look was glued to his face. He was not about to give anything away. This was his cross to bare. He watched as she turned and walked away. For a moment he lifted his arm, thinking to chase after her. He then pulled back his arm. He knew this would only repeat, for the mission always came first. The best he could do is let her go, a final act of unconditional love.

He gave a solute, turned and walked out of the park. He wasn't more than five steps outside the park and he took a drop kick to the back of the legs. He was thrusted too the ground, rolled over and pulled his side arm. Standing tall over him, her raven wings spread full, as if death had arrived, she spoke. "You have some nerve to raise a weapon against your own mother." Seraphina Belmont said in a cold stern voice. "I could say the same about beating your child." He said as he stood, once more getting knocked to the ground. The firm hand of Seraphina planted firmly across his face. "For one of the brightest in the clan, I seen you do more dumb things than Star Army." She said in a scolding voice. Instead of trying to stand, Alastair sat cross legged on the ground. "You meet a wonderful person, one I'd be glad to call a daughter and instead I watch my child suck the teat of the empress like it is the fucking sap from the tree of life. I have told you that, nothing but suffering awaits you." Alastair let out a sigh, brushing off his jacket and spoke in a low voice. "How many times do we have to go through this mother. I am making a difference in my own way. I saved more lives than I can count." "Good for you being the knight in shining armor. Here, let me roll out the red carpet and get the trumpets to play for you." She said in a mocking voice. Alastair finally stood and looked her squarely in the face. "I do not need to explain myself. These are important missions which I ensure are executed flawlessly." He said stomping his foot on the ground. "We both know I do not care how good you think you are, to me you are still the same boy. One with too big of a heart and brainless." She couldn't help but giggle a little. They both stood looking at each other like it was a Mexican standoff. He looked at her, eyes filled with sorrow. "I really did mess up huh mom." Alastair's voice broke as he spoke. Seraphina spread her wing wide, Alastair walked in beside her. Her wing closed in around him. "Come on Ala, let's go get you some ice cream." She said to him. "Yeah and looks like it is beginning to rain." He said to her as they walked away under the shining sun.
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